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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning. Not much time this morning to post, but just want to check in. We are having breakfast and then getting ready to head off to the Neurologist. Please say a prayer that all goes well. I’m a bit nervous and Jim cannot understand why he is going. I’ll try to write more later Terri
  2. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. And to Ann and Dixie in the beverage department. @JazzyV Vanessa, thank you for including me in the cares list. The fatigue continues. I just can’t seem to shake it. Prayers for everyone on the list needing prayers. Thank you in advance to Debbie for the recipe. I will wait to see it. Interesting days. I do like Gazpacho and wish i could have some. Just don’t have the energy to make some. Or to make anything right now. I respect the work done by Miners. We don’t have Mitten Trees down here where I live because it never gets that cold. i like the quote. I have yet to read all the Dailies from the days I missed. I will catch up if I can stay awake. Tomorrow, Jim has an appointment with the Neurologist. We will see where we go from there. I have appointments at the Mayo Clinic next week for a number of tests related to my PMR. Also have a Dermatology appt. For two areas of concern. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday. I hope to finish my unpacking. God Bless, Terri
  3. Good evening. This is my third attempt at posting today. The first time was at breakfast until I realized that if i continued doing so, I would be late for my hair appointment. Then at the hair appointment I proceeded to read all the 53 posts. By the time I finished it was time for the next step. So I never got to post. So here I am, finally. So I decided to post before I read all the posts, lest I get pulled away again. So here is what is going on. I have suffered from a terrible fatigue since getting home from the cruise. I was the sole driver from Miami. We stopped in Miami but it was still a long drive. I slept 12 hours both on Saturday and Sunday nights. Last night I slept 8 1/2 hours. Still tired. Took 2 Covid tests and both negative. So now I am beginning to think that it is the PmR acting up. So what else is coming up? On Thursday, Jim has an appointment with the Neurologist. Maybe we can find out what is going on with him. Why we had to cancel Italy and the TA cruise, He slept a lot on the last cruise but was better than at home. He wants to go to Italy in the Spring but I am reluctant to book it before we see the Neurologist and see what is going on. I don’t want another heartbreak. Next week I have a bunch of appointments at the Mayo Clinic for my PMR, Two days of testing. So that is where I am at right now. Hope every one had a great day. God Bless, Terri
  4. Good morning to all the Dailyites. I have neither forgotten nor abandoned you all. As it turned out my Ipad decided to die and it took Herculean efforts to revive it and charge it up again. So here I am. I have days of reading to catch up on and it will not all be done today. Just wanted to let you all know that I am alive and kicking. It is 63 degrees here in Bluffton and sunny. Prayers for all-especially for @seagarsmoker as you go for you job interview. I have a nail appointment in one hour so I have to get moving. Will write more when I get back. Love and prayers to all. Terri
  5. thanks Lenda. Tomorrow will be another long day. About 5-6 hours of driving. I will post when I get home if I can. Or else on Monday, i did not post due to some internet issues other stuff going on, I will give a summary as soon as I get an opportunity. Terri
  6. Greetings everyone from Titusville Florida. Thank you all for the welcome home wishes. I am sorry for not keeping up with the daily while on the cruise. I promise to read all the posts and try to get back on track. We had a good time, although it was a time to rest and recoup. I will write more after we get home tomorrow. Long drive today with a big delay due to an accident. Car overturned on the Florida turnpike. Met some friends and it made the cruise very enjoyable. A lesson I learned is never book the last stateroom on a cruise. More later. Thanks again for all your welcome home wishes. God Bless Terri
  7. Good morning to all from a rainy Gustavia, St. Barth’s and a very Happy Thanksgiving to all. We hope the weather clears up so we can go ashore later. I am very grateful for all my friends here on the Daily. There are many days that I turn to you all for support. I wish you all a very happy day with family and friends. God Bless, Terri
  8. Good afternoon from the lovely Oceania Vista. This is the newest ship that just went into service in May of this year and she is a beauty. We booked at the last minute after cancelling our Italy trip and TA so we did not get the best of staterooms. We are way forward and feel every bump. We are also used to a larger cabin so it is a bit tight for us. But hey, we are on a cruise—not too much to complain about. Sorry i haven’t posted. Just things going on. To recap: On Sunday we decided to leave our car at the Hotel—Marriott Biscayne Bay. It is the same price as parking at the the port and with eight ships in port (all mega ships) we felt we would be better off with an UBER than driving ourselves. Well, this turned out to be partially right. We had the UBER driver from hell. The access to our Terminal was blocked by a train and he did not want to wait because he had to go to work. He stopped his car, unloaded our luggage and just dumped us on the side of the road on the opposite side of the port—all the while screaming at us. Like it was our fault that the train was there. We finally got a taxi to take us to our terminal. When we finally got to the terminal, so did about 400 other cruisers and the line was out the door. Priority was non-existent. You just waited your turn, As I said, our stateroom is way forward. The only thing in front of us is a big suite. We feel every bump and jolt. Not making for very good sleeping at night. On Monday our port was to be Great Stirrup Cay—Norwegian’s Private Island. After arriving, it was determined that the waters were too rough and winds too high to allow for tendering. So the call was cancelled. So we would have a Sea Day and head to our next port of call, San Juan, Puerto Rico. While I would have questioned this, I did notice that the two Royal Caribbean Ships we also leaving Coco Cay about the same time. So I guess the decision was spot on. While we were heading toward San Juan, we had a medical emergency and had to make an unscheduled stop in Nassau, Bahamas to disembark the patient. You should have heard the complaints when the casino had to shut down. After leaving Nassau, about 15 minutes later we had to turn around and go back to disembark another person due to a medical emergency. Now we are racing like crazy to get to San Juan on time for a noon arrival tomorrow (Wednesday) Now for the good stuff. The food has been wonderful. We ate in the dining room the first night. Jim had Beef Bourguignon. And I had Cavatelli with fresh clams in a Pinot Grigio and garlic sauce. Both were delicious. Last night we ate in the new specialty restaurant called Ember. Jim had a Beef Tenderloin and I had Sea Bass. Again the food was outstanding. We are meeting many crew members from our past voyages who remember us. That is always a nice touch. And to finish off the night, I WON $1200 IN THE CASINO AT THE SLOT MACHINE. I could not believe it. That was on a 60 cent bet. You can be sure that it is safely stowed in the safe. Today is our meet and greet in one of the Bars on the ship at 1:30 pm. So I need to get ready. The person running it is hosting a cocktail party. She is very generous. Will try to post more often. I have not yet read the posts. Internet is slow when everyone is on the ship. Will try to post again late. Take care, happy Tuesday and God Bless, Terri
  9. Thank you all for the Bon Voyage wishes. i hope I did not miss anyone to thank. if I did it was not intentional. I will post tomorrow with some stories of our adventures and hopefully a few photos. Right now I am tired and it is bedtime. Good Night and God Bless, Terri
  10. Thank you Thank you Graham Thank you for the good wishes Vanessa. Terri
  11. Thank you Maureen. Hope all is going well in your new digs. Terri
  12. Good Sunday Morning to all. Just a quick hello as we start to get ready. We have lots of things to do before we go to the port today. Got to shower, put last minute things in the luggage and God knows what else. Will post later when I have time. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for the good wishes. Terri
  13. Good afternoon from an overcast Miami. We were going to go on a sightseeing boat ride but the weather changed our minds, Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for all the information on this thread and keeping us up to date. I am not a big fan of Apple Cider but will have a bit. I am, however, a big fan of Mickey Mouse. Have been to Disneyworld many times. I was never a Princess. Never will be. The quote is interesting and thank you to @0106 for the explanation. I will pass on the food and drink for today. I have not been to the Quebec. We have a trip planned for next summer, God willing. Prayers for those on the cares list. @JazzyV I hope you start to get some relief from that leg pain. @lazey1 prayers that you start to feel better @marshhawk Annie, I hope your pulmonary issues begin to resolve. Prayers for everyone here and their loved ones who are ill and suffering. @Cruise Suzy BON VOYAGE! @smitty34877 So happy you are going to visit DS and taking some time for yourself. The best thing you can do for yourself right now. @RMLincoln Glad you are in your new digs. Hope it doesn’t take you too long to get settled. @Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels back to Arizona in that new Motorhome. Prayers for Baby Murphy as she continues to hold her own. @seagarsmokerHope you find some employment that you are happy with in the near future. We are spending a quiet day. Jim seems more tired than I expected. I am kind of tired myself after doing all the driving for two days. So we will wait for another time for the boat ride,. Just chilling out today. Will be happy to board the ship tomorrow. Prayers for everyone and God Bless, Terri
  14. Greetings from Miami, The drive was not too bad. A few sprinkles here and there but nothing terrible. The worst part is the last part. We are staying at the Marriott Biscayne and were upgraded to a suite. Beautiful view of the port and beautiful room.
  15. Good morning from Titusville, where it is still raining and it promises thunder strikes as well. Oh happy driving! I did manage to read all of yesterday’s posts last night and glad I did. @kazu Jacqui, what a lovely tribute to Jose. I am sure he is smile down from heaven. @StLouisCruisers here is another vote for RomeCabs. I am a big fan of theirs. Have used them both for transfers and for tours. They are punctual, clean cars and very good drivers who speak English. Can’t say enough good things about them. @JazzyV Vanessa, I do hope you find some relief for your pain. @marshhawk Annie, I am so sorry you are not well and it impacted your long-awaited cruise. I hope you get to see the doctor and get some help. @seagarsmoker I am so sorry to hear of your job loss. I hope you can find something comparable soon. Prayers for you. @grapau27 Graham, nice to have you back with us and hope your phone problems are over. Now for today, Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for this thread. The Hemingway quote is interesting. Not sure if I agree with it. I will have to skip on the F&B offerings since we are traveling and get what we can get. Prayers for all on the Cares list and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Last night we went to a lovely restaurant in Titusville. It is called Vine and Olive. It you ever find yourself in that area, it is worth a visit. It serves Mediterranean Fodd, mostly Italian, but with a different flair. Very good with an interesting menu. Right now i have to bid adieu since I have to shower and get ready for breakfast. I am on the hotel’s schedule and not my own. Will write more after I get to Miami. Pray that we have a dry trip today. God Bless, Terri
  16. Good evening to all from a very wet Titusville, Florida. To those who don’t know where it is, it is near Cape Canaveral. We had heavy rain for most of the trip down. Instead of leaving at 9 am as planned, we never got out of the house until 10:30 am. We arrived here at 3:30 pm. Only stopped in Jacksonville to pick up our wine at Total Wine. No Lunch. We are safe, but tired. Went to dinner. Now we are in our hotel room and I wanted to post prior to reading the last three days’ threads. I hope everyone is good. Prayers for all. Tomorrow promises for more rain. We will probably leave here about 11 am for our drive to Miami, which should take about 3 hours. Prayers for all. Now to the business of reading all those posts. God Bless. Terri
  17. Hello everyone. This is short and sweet. Today has been a crazy day. I cannot even begin to recount all the things that happened today. Mostly good, some strange. Anyway, i am just sitting down to rest before I finish the last minute packing. We’re leaving @ 9 am tomorrow and driving to Titusville, Florida. Stay overnight and then Miami for two nights. Anyway, I have not read any posts and will do so tomorrow night when I have time. Then I will catch up. Sorry for not being around. Jim’s knee is doing better, but still swollen. Not as bad. Will try to post tomorrow. Prayers for all. God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning to all. I never got to post yesterday. The day just got past me. I just had a lot to do and never found my way here. I have today and tomorrow to wrap things up here before we leave on Thursday morning for our drive to Miami. Jim’s knee is getting better. The swelling is a lot less. I have to help him pack today. This is the first time that he seems to be having some difficulty with that . I also have an appointment so not sure I will get back here later. Prayers for everyone. God Bless, Terri
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