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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Thanks. Took some meds and will go to bed early. Watched Christmas Eve Mass on TV rather than going to Church. Don’t want to make it worse or get anyone else sick. Terri
  2. Thank you. I don’t know if I have RSV. I had a vaccination for that. i don’t know if it is related to the PMR. Just that I feel lousy. Glad it isn’t Covid. Terri
  3. Thanks Graham. That meme would make anyone feel better. Terri
  4. Thanks Jacqui. The Covid Test was negative. Thank God. We will sleep in separate bedrooms tonight and hope for the best. Terri
  5. I took a Covid Test this afternoon. It is negative. That was my first thought and I did it right away because I did not want DH to get sick too. He is sleeping in the spare bedroom tonight anyway just to be safe. Thanks. Terri
  6. Hello everyone, Merry Christmas Eve. I am sorry for not posting earlier. I have a bad sore throat and it is affecting my ears and having a hard time swallowing. Also seem to have a stomach bug. Not the greatest way to start Christmas. Hope everyone is having a great day. God Bless, Terri
  7. i am so sorry to hear this Sandi. Thank God she is okay. Hope they catch the guy. Terri
  8. Thank you Lorraine for your sage advice. We are taking one day at a time. Since DH is not very computer savvy and does not even know that the report is available, I have chosen not to share that info with him. I think it is better that he does not know. Terri
  9. Thank you Debbie for your kind supportive words. It’s just what I am trying to do right now. Terri
  10. Good morning all, Not much to write at present. Thanks to all who contribute and keep this thread going. We’re going to have a quick breakfast and make our way over to Hilton Head to the Fresh Market to pick up our Christmas Dinner and a few other goodies that are hard to find in other places. Then it will probably be a quiet day. Thank you all for all the supportive messages yesterday. I slept a little bit better last night. Taking one day at a time. Love to all, Terri
  11. Jacqui, sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace. Terri
  12. Good morning. Happy Friday. Thank you to @kazu Jacqui for the daily and for stepping up to fill in for Rich. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and celebration list. I hope you get some relief from your leg pain. Thank you to the F&B ladies—Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for your dedication in making sure that we are fed and hydrated each day. I must confess, I will pass on the meal and probably the drink. I have been to Montepulciano and while I may not have had the exact wine in today’s Daily, all their wines are wonderful. I have been to Ketchikan but my photos are not on this Ipad. I was fairly good in Math but did not pursue it. Set my sights on learning Spanish and becoming fluent in it. My neighbor brought us some homemade cookies the other day. We were grateful for them. They were delicious. I did not sleep well last night. Too much on my mind. We were encouraged to set up a Patient Portal with the Neurology Office. DH does not use it, nor does he know how. So it is up to me. The results of the Mini Mental Exam done the first day were uploaded and that was okay, I guess. Be got 26 out of 30 correct. Yesterday the results of the MRI were uploaded, and this girl is trying to make sense of the report. From what I can see there is a cause of concern. I did not share any of it with him. However, all I could think of, is how am I going to handle all this by myself as things get worse. Now I should probably wait until we see the Doctor, but that is not until Jan. 11. I really think they should wait to upload these results until the Doc can explain what is going on rather than leaving people to their own devices and wonder and fear the worse. I shed a lot of tears last night As you all know I have no family or support system. Today i will get the house in order. Tomorrow we will go to Fresh Market and pick up our order for Christmas Day. That is the best decision we made for dinner. We will have enough for leftovers during the week. That will give me a break. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  13. @richwmn Enjoy every minute of every day. I’m so jealous. Terri
  14. Bon Voyage Rich. I will be happy to follow along. Terri
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