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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. We had a Butler from the Philippines on a cruise two years ago.
  2. Good morning to all. Thank you to Jacqui for filling in for Rich. We all appreciate your generosity in taking the time to do this. Thank you also to Vanessa for the cares list. Thank you for taking me off the list. So far I am doing okay. Hopefully there are no more flares. Maybe being on a better schedule of weaning off the meds may work. We will see. I sure hope that you get some relief from your leg pain in the most non-invasive way possible. Thank you to Ann, Dixie and Debbie in the F&B department. The days are interesting. Happy that we are solstice day and now can look forward to longer days and eventually see Spring. This has been a very cold December here in the Low Country. This morning it is 36 degrees. Last year we were still wearing shorts at this time of the year. When I think back to last year and realize that we were in the middle of cleaning up from our awful flood, I realize that we have a lot to be thankful for. We are certainly grateful to be back in our home. Blue Christmas is always hard. We find it hard that we now find ourselves alone. After years spending holidays with family it is now sad to realize they are gone. Last year we took a cruise during Christmas and found that helped some. I am not going to go into Humbug Day. Try to stay away from that. I have not been to the destination. Well, I finished all the Christmas Cards that need to be mailed. They will go out in today’s mail. I know they will not reach their destinations until after Christmas, but that is the best I could do. I will distribute the neighborhood cards on Saturday. Today I have manicure appointment. Other from that, I will try to get some other things done around the house. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  3. Well, DH had his cognitive test today. As expected, I was not permitted to accompany him in the room so I have no idea what transpired in there. He said there were mostly yes and no answers to the questions. What the questions were, I will never know. Or at least not now. Now the waiting game. The appointment is January 11. We will see what the Doc tells us then. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying a lot. Also trying not to lose my patience. Terri
  4. Good morning, If I don’t post now, I never will today. Another busy day for us. Full of fun!!!!!! DH going for his cognative Test at noon. Then we see the Neurologist on January 11. On another note, I was notified from the Mayo Clinic that there was an earlier appointment for my Dermatology procedure. So instead of Feb. 27, I will now have it done on January 9. I will be glad to get that done with. After Jim’s exam today, I hope to finish writing Christmas Cards. i know at this point they will not get to their destinations until after Christmas, but that is the best I can do this year. I am still hurting, but not as bad. I guess the increased Prednisone dosage is doing its job. Today I start lowering the dosage again. Then we will see what happens. Will speak with the Doc next week. He is on vacation this week. Prayers for everyone, especially those on the cares list. @richwmn Safe travels. @kazu Thanks for taking over for Rich. Have a good day everyone, God Bless, Terri
  5. Good morning, I realized that I never posted yesterday so trying to catch up. Just read all the posts. Jim had his MRI on Monday and has the disk to bring to the Neurologisst on Jan 11. Today he has to go for a Cognitive Exam. Yesterday was a busy day and I never realized that I didn’t post. Hope everyone had a good day. Terri
  6. Good morning to all Dailyites. I realize that I never got to post yesterday. Today I am up bright and early. Yesterday was a busy day and while I tried to get here, it just didn’t happen. I am posting now because this afternoon, again, we have a busy time. Jim is having an MRI on his brain. Then he will have a cognitive test on Wednesday. We will see the Neurologist again on January 11. So maybe we will have some answers soon. In the meantime, we are proceeding along as usual. Thank you Rich for the Daily and to Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration list. I hope you manage to get some relief soon. @ottahand7 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The Days are interesting. I don’t bake cookies, I don’t have a twin, and am not sure about how to appreciate a Flake! Interesting quote by Jimi Hendrix. As for the F&B department, thanks in advance to the ladies who run that department. I think I will take a pass on the food, and drink and maybe the wine. I have not been to Brest France. I feel so behind the eight ball. I have not written any Christmas Cards. I have a very busy week and don’t know if I will ever get to them. Part of all this is dealing with PMR and also with DH and his situation. I will try the best I can to get them out. Even if they arrive after Christmas. That’s all I have folks. Have a great day. God Bless, Terri
  7. I am so sorry to hear that. I know how serious that is. Jim had to have surgery for that while we were in Rome and missed a cruise because of it. Condolences to Pauline’s and her friend. Terri
  8. Good morning, Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Ann, Dixie and Debbie for your contributions. Thank you to Sandy and @cunnorl for the lovely photos of Sydney. A place I hope to visit someday. Today promises to be very rainy. It hasn’t started yet and I plan to get to the supermarket before it does, I am hoping for a peaceful day after my crazy day yesterday. Thank you Graham for the explanation of Reconciliation Day. However, it is always good to reconcile with anyone where there has been a falling out. I like anything covered in Chocolate, but don’t have any stupid toys. If I have it, it’s not stupid. i am in total agreement with the quote. Have not been to Sydney. Not too much to say today. Hope everyone has a great Saturday. God Bless, Terri
  9. Thanks Jacqui. He was a very sweet man. We spent many happy times with them at our timeshare in Barbados. Terri
  10. Good evening my friends. This has been one of the wierdest days of recent times. Every time I tried to post my phone rang or some other thing happened. It was always with something I had to deal with. I have not been able to get anything done. As usual I have not read the posts. I started out fine this morning. Then the phone rang, Then the phone rang again, and again, and again and again, etc, etc, etc. i don’t remember the phone ringing that much in one day as today. So what is going on? First to remind us of Jim’s MRI on Monday. Okay. I can deal with that. Then I had to change Jim’s Dentist appointment on March 12 because we cannot be in two places at one time. My appointment at the Mayo with the Rheumatologist takes precedence. The Dentist’s office was very cooperative so we are good to go. Then I got a call from the Dematologist confirming what I already know. He told me that i needed to have further treatment on both legs to have the areas of concern removed. Someone will call me from scheduling. Okay! So then scheduling called to set up the treatment days. They had a canellation. Do I want it? Sure, except it is the same day that Jim has to be at his Cognitive Exam. No can do. So the next available is Feb. 27. Okay. I will be there on Feb. 26 so I will stay another day. Well, they changed the appt. For the 26 to the 27th so that I don’t have to stay two days. (Are you bored yet?). Then I have to call the hotel and change the reservation dates. Arghhhhh! Somebody who doesn’t know me and wants to charge me the full price. So I have to explain he whole thing. Then there is more and more. i just could not keep up. There are days that the phone never rings. Today it could not stop. The last thing that really made me sad was that my friend who lives in England lost her husband last night. It was expected, but never easy. We only saw each other once a year when we had a timeshare in Barbados, however became very good friends. I am very sad and would love to go to the funeral but cannot leave Jim and cannot take him. So I am between a rock and a hard place. Maybe in the Spring we will both go to visit her. She is in a bad way. She lost her brother in September and how her husband. Been trying to do things all day and got nothing done. So that is where I am. Hope you all had a better day than I did. God Bless, Terri
  11. @Niagarawine my condolences on the passing of your DFIL. Terri
  12. Good morning to all, Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. To Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration Lists and also for including me on the cares list. Thank you to Debbie, Ann and Dixie in the Food and Beverage Department. Like the collection of Days. Every day should be a Good Day. Energy Conservation is very important. I love roasted chestnuts, though I have not had them in ages. It brings back memories of holidays of my youth with big family gatherings. Sadly all those people are no longer with us and the Holiday Celebrations are now down to just DH and myself. I will give a pass on the meal and probably on the drink as well. Might try the wine. My Baltic cruise stopped in Visby. Sadly it was raining so hard that we did not get off the ship that day. If I remember, it is a tender port and that made the decision all the more firm to stay on board. Today I have to drive Jim to the Dentist and then we will stop at the butcher and supermarket to pick up the few things we need. Don’t need much after spending a fortune in Costco yesterday. That was unbelievable. I won’t have to go there for a while. Thank you all for the worlds of support in regard to my and DH health issues. @StLouisCruisers my condolences on the loss of your cousin. Sorry I did not post yesterday. @Sharon in AZ Happy anniversary @JazzyV I hope you start to feel better. Today i am still suffering from a headache and joint pains. Have to get in touch with my PCP and let him know. So the increased Prednisone is not kicking in yet. Hopefully soon. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless. Terri
  13. Good evening. We are home safe and sound. We made a stop at Costco and Total Wine in Jacksonville before we got on our way. We finally got home about 3:45 this afternoon. We had to stop and pick up some milk, bread, OJ and some prescriptions. Just did not want to go out again. We had leftovers from our two nights of eating out so we ate one of those dinners. It was great that I did not have to cook. I am tired. I did get the results of the leg biopsies. Both lesions on each leg are squamous cell carcinoma. I just was able to pull up the results on the patient portal at 5 pm this evening. No phone call, no nothing. This is not what I expect from the Mayo Clinic. It takes 2 1/2 hours for us to get there. I have always felt that the care I received there was excellent, but I must say that this time i was disillusioned. In Dermatology i was seen by a Resident who made the wrong call and said that the lesions were not concerning. However, I insisted on biopsies. The supervising doctor did not dispute my request. i was right in my request. i will call tomorrow to find out the next steps. However, someone should have called me. My headache is somewhat better but not all gone. i have to get in touch with my Primary Doc tomorrow to report on the increased dosage of Prednisone. For those of you who are not familiar with PMR, if it is not controlled, it can lead to Temporal Arteritis (Giant Cell Arteritis). This is serious and can lead to stroke or blindness. I don’t want either. So controlling this thing is of utmost importance to me. Sorry for dumping on you all, but I really have no one else. Right now it is better that I leave Jim out of this. Tomorrow he has a dentist appointment and then on Monday he has an MRI of the brain. It is a very busy time for us medically. i have not yet read the posts. Will do so tomorrow. It is time for bed. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  14. i agree with you. My PCP agrees with you. Unfortunately the schedulers can’t be moved. My PCP told me that he will call one of the Rheumatologists and try to fit me in earlier. Here’s hoping. Terri
  15. Well, my friends I will have to wait until March 12 to see a Rheumatologist. I am on a wait list for an earlier appointment. I will see my PCP again on Feb. 26. I am on an increased dosage of prednisone in hopes that my pains and fatigue will abate. One thing of concern iis the chronic headaches. If they are not relieved, i will need to have temporal artery biopsy to see if i have temporal arteritis. This is not fun. I am so disheartened that this has gotten worse. I can’t believe I have to wait so long to see a Rheumatologist. Anyway, that is where I am. Mammogram was normal. Thank God. More tomorrow. God Bless everyone. Terri
  16. Good morning. Just checking in before my first appointment. Not really happy with the blood test results yesterday. Will see the doctor this afternoon to discuss the next steps. Have mammogram this morning and then PCP this pm. Going home tomorrow. Will post more later. Terri
  17. Hello everyone, It has been a very busy day for me and I have not had an opportunity to post. I will try to read the posts tonight. I had biopsies on the back of both legs on the calves. So I will have to wait and see what they show. The blood work for the PMR was not encouraging. The numbers were higher than August. In August the inflammation amount was 9. Now it is 13.8. This probably means a referral to the Rheumatologist. It probably explains the fatigue and headaches. I see the PCP tomorrow afternoon. Maybe there will be more answers then. I am very tired. We had dinner with my cousin tonight at a very nice Italian restaurant in Ponte Vedra. We celebrated her new house. She closes tomorrow. I will post more tomorrow. I am exhausted. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  18. Greetings from Jacksonville. I haven’t read the posts yet. Just to say that we had a very safe trip with very little rain. Right now it is pouring. We got here before the rain. Had dinner at the hotel. Nothing to write about. Hope everyone had a great Sunday. First appointment is a 9:45 tomorrow. God Bless, Terri
  19. Thanks Vanessa, I have no idea where to look at this point. Some day when i am looking for something else, they will appear. Thanks for the good wishes for traveling. Terri
  20. It’s the weekend. They always do updates on the weekend. Terri
  21. Thank you Graham. Hope you are feeling better as well. Terri
  22. Good Saturday morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting collection of days. It reminds me that I have to get started on the Christmas Cards. As for Lost and Found, I am still looking for things since we had our flood. There are things that just disappeared and are nowhere to be found. I really do not believe the workers took them because they are really of little value to anyone but us. It is just so frustrating. I agree that Genocide must be prevented. Thank you to @JazzyV Vanessa for the lists. Prayers for all. Thank you to Ann, Dixie and Debbie in the Food and Beverage Department for keeping us fed and hydrated. Your efforts are greatly appreciated everyday. I have not been to Funchal. We were supposed to stop there on the transatlantic cruise I had to cancel this past October. Maybe we will get there some day. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Graham @grapau27 for posting photos. Today my cleaning lady comes. I am not sure I will see her again until after the New Year since she comes every two weeks. The next time would be Dec. 23 and I suspect that she will tell me today that she won’t be coming that day. We will see what happens. We are off to Jacksonville tomorrow. I have appointments at the Mayo Clinic on Monday and Tuesday. I have an area of concern on my right leg and will see the Dematologist about that. Also scheduled for Mamogram and Bone Density and blood work. Then I see my PCP on Tuesday afternoon regarding the Polymyalgia Rheumatica. We will see if the dosage is reduced or not. I hope so. A lot depends on what the blood work shows. Not much else to report today. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
  23. Good morning everyone, Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration List. I am amazed at your thoroughness. Thank you for including DH on it, but it is not necessary. I will report after January 11 when we have some results. The fatigue is improving. I do hope your leg pain is getting under control. @Sharon in AZ hope you are doing well with your cataract surgery. @marshhawk hope your DH is doing better @ottahand7 I hope your DF John gets over the shingles quickly. They can be so painful. @smitty34877 you are always in my prayers as is Tana and your whole family. @rafinmd good luck at the doctor today. As for the days. Well, today is my day. i love crosswords. When I am doing a crossword, I am in a different world. I just leave everything else aside. It is my escape. I am quite good at solving them. DH is always amazed at me. I always consider him smarter than I am, and he is just baffled by them. He just can’t figure out how I can solve them so well. As for Blue Collar Day, most of my ancestors were blue collar workers. And who doesn’t enjoy a Brownie! Interesting and funny quote by Robin Williams. I will pass on the meal, but I know DH will be happy with a Manhattan—I’m just not sure of the PB flavor whiskey. We will see about the wine. I have been to Rhodes, but not sure if I can come up with the photos. Thank you for the prayers yesterday. I was a little taken aback by the Neurologist yesterday when he offered a diagnosis without any testing. We were a bit disheartened, but we will wait until the testing (MRI and Cognitive) to get a definitive diagnosis. We see the doc again on January 11. Meanwhile the MD has suggested that DH does not drive. Jim was not happy about that. So there we are. Cheers to all who are celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless. Terri
  24. We're back from the Neurologist with no definitive diagnosis. A lot of speculation on MD's part, which did not make me happy. Anyway, DH has to have a cognitive exam and an MRI of the brain. We have a follow up appointment with the Neurologist on Jan. 11. We will see where this goes. I will reserve judgment until then. Thank you all for your prayers. Terri
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