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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. And to add another chapter to my story, DH fell down tonight. He hurt his already sore neck and bruised both knees. Thank God no broken bones. God forbid we would ever turn on a light so that we could see where we are going! I’m tired. Terri
  2. i am just checking in. Sorry I am so late. DH had a doctor’s appointment today and after going over all that transpired in the last two weeks, it was determined that his medication needed to be increased. DH was amenable to that. He has seemed pretty good for the last few days. We are trying to book a short cruise just to get away, but not having very much luck. Looking at one that may work. TA will let us know tomorrow. I think it would be good and DH was the one to suggest it. Hope everyone had a good day. i will read all the posts tomorrow. I had very little sleep last night and hope I do better tonight. Prayers for everyone. Terri
  3. We have an appointment with the Doc on Thursday afternoon, Thank God. Thank you all for your support. Terri
  4. I’m trying not to go that route unless all else fails. i don’t think he will go there, but would go tot he doctor. Terri
  5. Well, I called the Doctor’s office and the first appointment is at the end of November. I told them that this was not acceptable. She is seeing if the Doc can fit him in and I am waiting for a phone call for an answer. Here’s hoping. Terri
  6. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. And thanks to Vanessa @JazzyVfor the Cares and Celebration List. I hope you are feeling better. Thank you for keeping me and DH on the list. Things are still not right here. DH is still struggling and I am going to make a doctor’s appointment today to see what is going on. Thank you to the Food and Beverage Department @cat shepard Ann, for your wine expertise, Dixie @summer slope Dixie for your wealth of knowledge on libations. And, of course, Debbie @dfish for your extensive encyclopedia of recipes. I can’t wait to see what Hamburger with macaroni soup is. I like the quote. I have been to Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, and it was not a good experience. It was the only time that we were afraid of missing the ship. We took a taxi to the town of Ste. Anne. The driver was supposed to come back for us and never did. We asked shopkeepers to call a taxi for us and they refused to do so. Finally a local lady offered to drive us back to the ship for quite a bit of money. Having no other choice, we paid her. Needless to say, if we ever go back to that port, we will stay on the ship. No need for a repeat performance. Prayers for all those on the Cares list. Cheers to those celebrating. @grapau27Graham, thank you for the explanation of Diwali. @kazu Welcome home. @aliaschief Bon Voyage! @Seasick Sailor Happy Anniversary. I hope everyone has a good day. God Bless. Terri
  7. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all your work on this Daily. And a big thank you to all of you for the support you have given me over the past week or so. DH is having some sort of problem and I am not sure what it is. He is finding it hard to do much and it just seemed that it was going to be too difficult to do this extensive trip. He was getting too anxious and it was only making matters worse. Finally after getting him to calm down a bit and talking it through, we decided that it was better to cancel. We will lose some money but it is better than the alternative. Fortunately, the hotels were not to be charged until we stayed there, so we cancelled in sufficient time and the airfare was refundable. RomeCabs accepted our cancellation as did a number of tours we booked. The cruise was purchased at a sale price and that is about what we will lose unless we can get the doctor to write something. We will see. So that is where we are. He seems calmer already now that the decision has been made. Again, thank you all for your continued support and prayers. God Bless, Terri
  8. Thank you all for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers. We will get through this. It is just unfortunate that things happened the way they did. God Bless you all. Terri
  9. Well, it is with heavy heart and great disappointment that we have decided to cancel our trip. Thank you for all your support and prayers. I will post when I am able to do so. Terri
  10. Good morning, Hope everyone is doing well. I am still dealing with issues and not sure what is going on. @JazzyV you have mail! Please remove me from the cares list. We leave on Tuesday. Maybe. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  11. @JazzyVThank you for your prayers. I was hoping for a better day but it was not to be. i hope you are doing better. Didn’t mean to leave you out this morning. I try to include everyone and someone always slips by. Terri
  12. Good morning. I figured I had better post now while I am the only one who is awake. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all you do to keep this thread going. Thank you to all of you for your prayers while we are going through some difficulties. We are working out DH’s situation and hopefully today will be better. Prayers for the people in Israel, and Ukraine. Prayers for Baby Murphy and may she continue to improve. Prayers also for @StLouisCruisers friend Scott, @mamaofami’ DH Sam, @57redbird’s DH and @HAL Sailer’s DH, and @CrabbyPatti’s DFIL. I hope I have not missed anyone. Prayers for everyone on this thread, whether you need them or not. I am almost packed. My problem is not being really sure what the weather will be like in Venice, Florence and Rome prior to the cruise. I am packing some long sleeve shirts, sweaters, slacks and a jacket. Hoping that layering will work. Today I have some errands to run and then try to get the packing finished. Then I expect to spend the weekend getting finances in order and the house straightened up. We get picked up on Tuesday for our flights. We have decided to fly out of Savannah rather than Jacksonville this time. So far it seems that it will work out. We are on Delta to Atlanta, then Air France to Paris and to Venice. Glad we only have to fly one way. Again thank you all for your support and prayers. They really help. God Bless, Terri
  13. @GeorgiaPeach51 thank you for updating us. I am glad Oceania was able offer FCC to your satisfaction. I think that it is a good business practice on their end and certainly a goodwill gesture. I hope they extend it to anyone who wishes it who is on this cruise. Best of luck to you. Terri
  14. Good evening to all, I am so sorry for not posting regularly. i will try harder. These days have been hard ones while we are trying to get ready for our trip. Things are somewhat better, but not great. Just trying to keep it all together. i really feel like the whole world is on my shoulders right now. I think you get the picture. I am mostly packed. However, DH has not started! What can I say. Anyway, on a better note, I want Debbie @dfish to know that I cooked the balsamic honey pork chops tonight. i used the first recipe and it was delicious. Thank you for that. i thank all of you for keeping us in your prayers. I appreciate it very much. DH is having a hard time these days and it is not easy. That is all I can say right now. God bless all of you. Terri
  15. To get back to the OP’s original topic. Oceania is within its rights to change the cruise ports. They certainly cannot go to Israel, and who would expect them to do so. As for FCC. That would be a good will gesture and a good business decision, but they are under no obligation to do so. They are in the business of providing cruises and they are fulfilling their obligation. That cruise will sail. If the OP is not happy with the change in itinerary, no one is forcing her to board the ship. Sometimes we have to take our losses. Terri
  16. i have been reading this thread with much interest. Croooser, i agree with you regarding the Chase Sapphire insurance. We used to buy insurance as well until I had a chat with the folks at Chase and realized we were duplicating coverage. We also pick up GeoBlue for DH. My insurance covers me fully out of the US so I don’t need it. We find this is sufficient. We had friends (RIP) that used Chase insurance exclusively and at the end of thire days had to cancel some cruises and Chase paid with very little problems.. Terri
  17. Thank you all for your prayers. I am hesitant to give more info right now, the reason being that I have been contacted by some CC members that are local in my area. I really do not want anyone to know what is going on. I will tell you this. We are not physically ill and we will probably be going on our trip next week. However, there are some challenges we are trying to face and dealing with them. Today things are a bit better. Yesterday the floor guy was back and had the audacity to give me another bill. With all the other stuff going on, I am now trying to fight this as well. He made the mess and charged me for that and is now asking for money to fix his mess. That did not help with all the other stuff I am having to deal with. More later. God love you all. Terri
  18. Thank you all for your prayers. I will try to post more tomorrow. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  19. Please keep us in your prayers. We are having some challenging days. Terri
  20. This thread really got hijacked! I am still interested in in getting back to the original topic. Why is did Oceania decide that I could either have OCAPP or the PP Grats as a Silver member rather than SBC instead of OCAPP. No one really has an answer. TA is trying to find out. FF says it is on his invoice, yet another says it was removed onboard the ship, Is it still available? Terri
  21. Jan, Can you weigh in whether O is still giving $250 in SBC in lieu of OCAPP when one is Silver or above and gratuities are paid by Oceania. There are too many different answers here. Thanks, Terri
  22. FF, My TA did not just fall off the turnip truck. She has been around for quite a while. While she no longer is connected with an agency that is part of the Connoisseurs Club, she knows her way around. i guess it was just the luck of the draw. She is going to call back and hopefully speak to someone else. However, after reading @willidc's experience, I don't hold out much hope. It may get put on the invoice only to be rejected once on board. We will see what happens. Just as an aside, the $250 was applied to our account for our Baltic Cruise in June/July. There was no question about it. So, if there was a change, i am still trying to find out when it happened. Terri
  23. A quick Good morning before the day gets the better of me like yesterday. I will go back and read the posts. Thank you to Rich et al for the Daily and Fleet Report as well as the lists and recipes @mamaofami I am sorry for all your troubles and prayers for Sam and you. @StLouisCruisers Happy Anniversary to your Daughter @rafinmd Welcome Home Lots of things on the agenda today. I will try to post again later. God Bless, Terri
  24. I have been to Corfu a few times and can add some different photos. We had a driver the last time we were there by the name of Spiros. He was great. He took us to a little place to have lunch and prepared it himself for us. Bread, tomatoes, feta cheese and wine. It was delicious.
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