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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for all you do to keep this thread going. Interesting Days to celebrate. We remember all those who have gone before us, especially, my mom, and Jim’s parents and brother. The man in this house is not going to make dinner, I am not ready to prepare my epitaph. Hope I have a few more years. i like the quote. That is the way to live your life. I have not been to the port. As for the meal, Curry and I do not get along, so that is not even a consideration. Long Island Iced Tea would set me on my ear. No way can I put that much alcohol in my system at one time. The wine sounds nice. Kudos to Indonesia for achieving their independence. Today i am tackling a few chores around the house and then trying to pack for the cruise. My cleaning lady promises to find time for us before we leave so that the house will be nice and clean when we return. Jim’s knee is quite swollen and he is limping. I am a bit concerned. He does not want to go to an urgent care. i guess he knows how he feels. I also think that if it were broken, he would not be able to walk at all. It is quite black and blue. i am sleeping better the last few nights and am happy about that. Hope it keeps up. Prayers for all on the Cares List. @Sharon in AZ my condolences on the passing of your Aunt. @JazzyV hope you are getting some relief from your pain. @grapau27 you are in my thoughts today. @smitty34877 my thoughts are with you as you prepare for Lou’s last party. So thankful you have help. @kochleffeland @Vict0riann my prayers for al great cruise and good weather and no more missed ports. @mamaofami I hope Sam continues to improve. @aliaschief thanks for taking us along on your cruise. It makes think that SB may be in our future. Cheers for all those celebrating. If I missed anyone in the last few days, I’m sorry. I am still trying to catch up. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  2. Good morning to all the Dailyites and Happy Halloween. It is going to be another picture-perfect day here. I was under the weather yesterday with some sort of digestive ailment, Thankfully it only lasted about 24 hours. Seems to be over and I feel a lot better. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting days. I don’t think I’ll carve a pumpkin. As for psychic powers, not sure I have any. Girl Scout Founder, Juliette Lowe is a Savannah native and I have visited her home on one of our tours of Savannah. Don’t think i have any photos. i really like the quote. I also would like to take a spin on it and say that “I would rather than be happy than right” at times. Meaning it is Bette to keep quiet. I think I will skip the meal. Tofu is not my thing. The drink is too strong, but I will try the wine. I have not been to St. Peter Port but thank you for the photos. It looks like a very pretty place. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyVfor the Cares and Celebration List. You do such a wonderful job in keeping up with all of us. Hope you are feeling better and the pain is getting under control. Prayers for all on the list. Continued prayers for Baby Murphy that she holds her own and gets to go home to her loving parents, who have been through so much. Prayers for @smitty34877 for all you are going through and devotion to Tana. Hope she is doing better. Also prayers for @cruising sister ‘s DB as he goes through his surgery for amputation of is toe. Also for @lazey1 and @Nickelpenny for relief of their health problems. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. @aliaschief Your cruise on SB seems amazing. Something to think about. @kazu Glad another cruise is in your future. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for the lovely photos. @mamaofamiso glad that Sam is home and hope he continues to improve. And I have some good news. At the risk of jinxing something good, I am reporting that Jim and I are taking a Caribbean Cruise on November 19 for 12 days on the Oceania Vista—the brand new ship. We were able to snag the last stateroom, which must have been a cancellation. It is not the worst room on the ship, Not the best either, but we’ll make do. Jim really felt so bad about what happened that he wanted to do something to make the situation better. We will be on the ship for Thanksgiving. Since the dining reservations for specialty restaurants are virtually non-existent, someone on the roll call invited us to join them. I think that was really nice. Also, we know some people who are on the cruise and are happy about it. We are leaving on Nov. 16 and driving to Miami. Staying in mid Florida the first night and then two nights in Miami prior to the cruise. I am really excited to get a break. And Jim seems happy too. Please pray we are able to make this happen. I hope everyone has a great day and a happy Halloween. God Bless, Terri
  3. Thank you. I appreciate your kind remarks. Terri
  4. Because i did not book any part of the cruise with he Chase Card. A stupid mistake in retrospect. I was trying to use the Chase Card for other parts of the trip—we were spending 3 weeks in Italy prior to the cruise. Also we both have medical coverage with our Health Insurance so we’re not worried about that. I know better for the next time. Terri
  5. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for getting us started this morning and thank you to Vanessa to making sure all our cares and celebrations are attended to. Thank you to the F&B Department—Ann, Dixie and Debbie for keeping us hydrated and nourished, and to Graham for attending to our spiritual needs. I hope I covered everyone. I am so overjoyed that Baby Murphy is doing better. While I have not mentioned all of you who need prayers by name in recent posts, you all are in my daily prayers. This past week has been a roller coaster for us, but life has calmed down quite a bit. A few good things have happened and I will share them in good time. In the meanwhile we are getting ready for Mass. God Bless, Terri
  6. If you read the conditions carefully (as I originally did not) it only requires that transportation by common carrier be paid with the card. There is no requirement that the lodging be paid with the card or even private transportation such as car service or taxi. The transportation can be different for each sector of round trip travel. In my case had I paid for the plane fare with AMEX as well as the cruise, I would have been covered up to $10,000 Even though the amount of the trip exceeded the coverage amount. Terri
  7. i am just checking in before I turn in for the night. It was a busier day than I expected. DH is doing better and we are spending these days quietly. I appreciate all the support we are receiving from all of you. More tomorrow. God Bless and Good night. Terri
  8. Thaks. I really think this would have worked had I been aware of the rules. I just was not paying attention when I booked the airfare. The funny thing is, I had enough AMEX points to pay for the airfare as well. I would have been fully covered. I am not going to fight with them when it is in black and white what the rules are. I learned a hard lesson and wanted others to be aware to make sure they don't make the same mistake I did. Terri
  9. For me, I did not want to transfer miles because Chase does not have an agreement with American and if I transferred to BA I would have to go through Heathrow. Not exactly what I wanted to do. The price was right on AirFrance and with 1.5 redemption rate I was able to get refundable tickets at a very good price. When we were unable to go, All my Chase points were redeposited back into my account. i lost nothing on the airfare. If I had transferred the points to an airline, I would be stuck with those miles, whether or not I was able to use them later. I felt I had more flexibility the way I did it. Not sorry with the choice I made. Terri
  10. I used Chase Travel Services and paid for the tickets using points. The points were actually worth 1.5 times the points. We were to fly on Air France to Venice. While I did not have enough to transfer the miles, I thought we got a good deal for the price on business class tickets. As it is, the points were returned to my account and I will be able to use them in the future. My husband is doing better and we will try to do this trip in the Spring without the transatlantic cruise. Thank you for asking. Glad my posts were helpful. Terri
  11. Tupper10, You are not understanding that a round trip must be paid by AMEX. Since I used Chase Points, irrespective of the fact that they were returned to my credit card, the cruise constituted a One-way fare and, therefore, not eligible for reimbursement. I am not wasting my time trying to pursue this. Terri
  12. No it is not. At least part of the booking has to be paid by the Sapphire Reserve to be covered. I just read all the terms. Terri
  13. We have nightlights. he just doesn't think we need to turn them on. i usually do so. I just hadn't done it yet. i am so frustrated. Terri
  14. She said you would be able to use miles but the taxes and fees would need to be paid with you AMEX CARD. I used Chase points for my plane ticket. Miles would be okay as long as they are airline miles, not points from another credit card. Terri
  15. I asked that question. She said that you would have to pay any taxes/fees with the AMEX card. Hope that helps. Terri
  16. An Expensive Lesson Learned. I feel that you are all my friends and therefore should share with you what happened when I tried to claim insurance reimbursement from AMEX through my Platinum Card. Hope this helps anyone who has a Plantinum Card and plans to rely on it for trip insurance. i posted this both on the insurance forum and the Oceania Forum. Here goes: Let me start by saying that I am not blaming AMEX. i did not do due diligence by reading and understanding all the terms and conditions of the insurance so I blame no one but myself. This post is only so that anyone else who may be thinking of using the insurance provided by the AMEX Platinum Card understand when and how they may be able to get reimbursed. Here is my story: We were planning a trip to Italy and then a cruise from Rome back to Miami. We booked our airfare with Chase Points and paid for our cruise with the AMEX Platinum Card. The cruise was under $10,000 so I figured that in the event we had to cancel for a covered reason, we were insured. Well, two days before we were to leave for Italy, my husband became ill and we were unable to go. My airline tickets to Italy (purchased using Chase Points) were fully refundable. So that was refunded and the points re deposited in my Chase Ultimate Rewards account. I had opted to pay for the hotel stays at the time we stayed rather than the early, non-refundable rate. So I canceled in time. The only money we stood to lose was the cruise fare. So I felt we had a shot at getting that back with AMEX. So I called them to file a clam. Not so easy. What I failed to notice was that AMEX says that a Covered Trip is a period of round trip travel 1) to one or more destinations other than an Eligible Traveler’s city of residence at the time of departure where 2) the period of round-trip trave ends when the Eligible Traveler returns by Common Carrier to the city of departure: 3) the trip does not exceed 365 days away from the the Eligible Travelers city of residence and 4) The Eligible Traveler charges the full amount of the cost of the the transportation by Common Carrier(s) to your Eligible Card. The period of round trip may consist of round trip, one-way, or combinations of round trip, one-way tickets with Common Carriers. So the very first question, after verifying my identity, was how did I pay for the tickets to get to Italy. As soon as I told her I used the Chase Ultimate Rewards, she let me know the terms and conditions of the insurance and immediately went on to inform me that my claim was most likely to be declined due to the fact that I did not pay for all my transportation by common carrier with the Platinum Card. It was a lesson for me and I share it with you so that you do not make the same mistake I did. Please don’t flame me for not reading the T&C’s. i already know I made a mistake. I write this as a helpful hint for others who may be thinking of doing likewise. Terri
  17. I posted this on the Insurance Forum and think it is worth posting here as well, since I was to take an Oceania Sirena Cruise from Rome to Miami. Let me start by saying that I am not blaming AMEX. i did not do due diligence by reading and understanding all the terms and conditions of the insurance so I blame no one but myself. This post is only so that anyone else who may be thinking of using the insurance provided by the AMEX Platinum Card understand when and how they may be able to get reimbursed. Here is my story: We were planning a trip to Italy and then a cruise from Rome back to Miami. We booked our airfare with Chase Points and paid for our cruise with the AMEX Platinum Card. The cruise was under $10,000 so I figured that in the event we had to cancel for a covered reason, we were insured. Well, two days before we were to leave for Italy, my husband became ill and we were unable to go. My airline tickets to Italy (purchased using Chase Points) were fully refundable. So that was refunded and the points re deposited in my Chase Ultimate Rewards account. I had opted to pay for the hotel stays at the time we stayed rather than the early, non-refundable rate. So I canceled in time. The only money we stood to lose was the cruise fare. So I felt we had a shot at getting that back with AMEX. So I called them to file a clam. Not so easy. What I failed to notice was that AMEX says that a Covered Trip is a period of round trip travel 1) to one or more destinations other than an Eligible Traveler’s city of residence at the time of departure where 2) the period of round-trip trave ends when the Eligible Traveler returns by Common Carrier to the city of departure: 3) the trip does not exceed 365 days away from the the Eligible Travelers city of residence and 4) The Eligible Traveler charges the full amount of the cost of the the transportation by Common Carrier(s) to your Eligible Card. The period of round trip may consist of round trip, one-way, or combinations of round trip, one-way tickets with Common Carriers. So the very first question, after verifying my identity, was how did I pay for the tickets to get to Italy. As soon as I told her I used the Chase Ultimate Rewards, she let me know the terms and conditions of the insurance and immediately went on to inform me that my claim was most likely to be declined due to the fact that I did not pay for all my transportation by common carrier with the Platinum Card. It was a lesson for me and I share it with you so that you do not make the same mistake I did. Please don’t flame me for not reading the T&C’s. i already know I made a mistake. I write this as a helpful hint for others who may be thinking of doing likewise. Terri
  18. He is doing better, but it was the right decision not to go. My parting words to the lady from AMEX was that I know to use my Chase Insurance the next time. Thanks. Terri.
  19. Let me start by saying that I am not blaming AMEX. i did not do due diligence by reading and understanding all the terms and conditions of the insurance so I blame no one but myself. This post is only so that anyone else who may be thinking of using the insurance provided by the AMEX Platinum Card understand when and how they may be able to get reimbursed. Here is my story: We were planning a trip to Italy and then a cruise from Rome back to Miami. We booked our airfare with Chase Points and paid for our cruise with the AMEX Platinum Card. The cruise was under $10,000 so I figured that in the event we had to cancel for a covered reason, we were insured. Well, two days before we were to leave for Italy, my husband became ill and we were unable to go. My airline tickets to Italy (purchased using Chase Points) were fully refundable. So that was refunded and the points re deposited in my Chase Ultimate Rewards account. I had opted to pay for the hotel stays at the time we stayed rather than the early, non-refundable rate. So I canceled in time. The only money we stood to lose was the cruise fare. So I felt we had a shot at getting that back with AMEX. So I called them to file a clam. Not so easy. What I failed to notice was that AMEX says that a Covered Trip is a period of round trip travel 1) to one or more destinations other than an Eligible Traveler’s city of residence at the time of departure where 2) the period of round-trip trave ends when the Eligible Traveler returns by Common Carrier to the city of departure: 3) the trip does not exceed 365 days away from the the Eligible Travelers city of residence and 4) The Eligible Traveler charges the full amount of the cost of the the transportation by Common Carrier(s) to your Eligible Card. The period of round trip may consist of round trip, one-way, or combinations of round trip, one-way tickets with Common Carriers. So the very first question, after verifying my identity, was how did I pay for the tickets to get to Italy. As soon as I told her I used the Chase Ultimate Rewards, she let me know the terms and conditions of the insurance and immediately went on to inform me that my claim was most likely to be declined due to the fact that I did not pay for all my transportation by common carrier with the Platinum Card. It was a lesson for me and I share it with you so that you do not make the same mistake I did. Please don’t flame me for not reading the T&C’s. i already know I made a mistake. I write this as a helpful hint for others who may be thinking of doing likewise. Terri
  20. Good morning to all the Dailyites. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily. I love the quote. It is really funny. I think I will pass on the meal. The drink and wine sound fine. I have been to Callao/Lima. It was the stepping stone to taking the plane to Cusco and on to Manchu Picchu. Today we are hoping for a quiet day. I have not yet wakened DH. He had a nasty fall last night—and it is all his fault. He did not turn on lights and then tripped over an area rug. I just do not understand. I am sure he is going to be sore this morning. No broken bones but two bruised knees and a bruised ego. Thankfully it is not worse than that. This morning the phone rang at 8 am. I am usually awake before then, but not this morning. It was the eye doctor’s office to tell me that my contact lenses are in and to come pick them up. Was it necessary to tell me this at 8 am? Prayers for all on the cares list. @JazzyV i hope you are feeling bette @mamaofami I hope Sam continues to improve and there are no more hospital stays; Prayers always for Baby Murphy and her parents. and for all others on the Cares list Cheers to those celebrating. @grapau27 a. Very Happy Birthday to you. I am having a hard time with the blue bubbles so I am going to stop. Hope everyone has a great day. God Bless, Terri
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