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Everything posted by safarigal

  1. The bear has Queen Anne on his left hind paw 🙂
  2. I have the bear! Let me know the best way to get him to you 😀
  3. We are in PG and have only peeked into QG so can't give a good comparison, but the PG dining room is lovely, no banquette and loads of tables for 2 along the windows. We are so happy! The Grills deck, as others have said, is lovely. We have been getting bar service from the nearby Cabana Bar, which we love. I haven't seen fruit on sticks or anything like that, and no one has been by to give us ice cream, but we haven't really had any hot days in the past 10 days. There is ice water. The specialty restaurants tend to be booked up, but we were able to get into them at the times we wanted booking them the day after boarding. We would have booked in advance before we boarded but we want to use OBC, Sir Samuels doesn't have much atmosphere, but I am biased, I love the QV Verandah. The food is good. No complaints. We were at the sushi restaurant last night - fabulous food. We chose a la carte items, but they do also have a set menu ($65 each). We haven't been to the other 2.
  4. My hubby has just pointed out that I have got things wrong. As it so happens when we have been walking clockwise around the deck the runners and joggers have been going anti clockwise which is why we can see them coming. However, the sign says that people using the promenade deck to exercise (hang on, aren't we all) should go clockwise. So maybe the runners have just chosen to go anti clockwise and were not directed to do so. Anyway, we have not had any issues when we have been out for a stroll, and I haven't heard of any problems, so hopefully it is safe to go our for an evening stroll.
  5. Although the promenade deck is narrow in places there is still room for people to pass. I have not heard of any crashes or incidents. Interestingly enough, they request that runners and joggers go in a different direction to folks out for a promenade. People out for a stroll go in the usual direction, and the runners in the opposite. At first I thought this was odd, but then it made sense. You can see the joggers and runners heading towards you and take cover if necessary,
  6. I can buy one for you if they are still available - let me know if you still need one and then we can work out the logistics 🙂
  7. I may have missed them, but so far I haven't seen computers for guest use. There are 2 nice looking desks in the library, but no computers on them.
  8. Alas it happens - "computer glitch".
  9. You are spot on! This has become our "go to" bar. It's lovely and away from the crowds - hopefully we can keep it our Cruise Critic secret. The only issue is that it closes at 6:00 PM. We went there for a refill during yesterday's sail away (which was quite disappointing) and they were closing. Way too early!
  10. I booked 3 back to backs, all in the same stateroom. Somehow the brilliant Cunard system moved us to another stateroom in the same grade for the middle voyage. I wouldn't have minded if it had been an upgrade, but it's the same PG2, just on another deck. Grrrrr!
  11. I am not sure how accurate this is, but I talked to an officer on board and he said that Queen Anne had requested that 30% of staff came from each ship ie 90% of staff would be from the other Queens. The other Queens didn't agree to this, and so they settled on 20% from each ship. You can tell the difference in who is new and who is not - in our first stateroom the prosecco was in a wine bucket, but there was no napkin or plate under the ice bucket, so there was water from condensation all over the table, we had to move to another stateroom yesterday, and lo and behold the ice bucket was on a plate, and there was a napkin. Small issue, but an example of the difference between new and seasoned staff.
  12. We have just done the maiden, and feel that the majority of issues we experienced on our voyage should be sorted out for our next one. It will be interesting to see how different the next 2 weeks will be. One issue that may be permanent is the lifts. They seem to be woefully inadequate and there are long waits for a lift and they are often crowded. There is also this annoying voice that lets you know if the lift you are in is going up or down. Welcome on board, it will be interesting to see what your thoughts on Queen Anne are 🙂
  13. Most of the food is free, but there is a charge for certain items.
  14. Thank goodness we won't be disembarking tomorrow - I am not ready to leave this ship just yet! I won't be updating my blog daily for the next 2 weeks, but I will continue with sporadic posts. After a very shaky start things are running much more smoothly, and she is in good shape to greet new guests, but I will be sad to see those who are leaving tomorrow go 🙂
  15. You are not hallucinating! I know the steam is fake, but I like it. Queen Anne's whistle can't compare to QE2 or QM2, but I think it is far superior to QV and QE. I would post my video of the whistle sound, but I can't access YouTube with the basic internet package so it will have to wait :(.
  16. Although there is no controlled access to the grills terrace, one doesn't feel that there is an excess of interlopers wandering through the area. On QM2 there are always people going through the grills terrace while going up and down the stairs and this didn't detract from the enjoyment of being there. The terrace is lovely and has plenty of shade. It is a great place to listen to the whistle.
  17. We sat in the back row, but my friend was still invited to join in. It was before the show when the actors walked around the room talking to the guests. No pressure at all, and she had a good time participating. The show is not spectacular, but it was fun and we really enjoyed it 🙂
  18. I must admit I was a bit confused to begin with - and then it all made sense. The blue points to to blue lifts at the front, the rust to the rust lifts midships, and the red to the aft lifts. Actually not a bad idea at all. However, how is everyone doing with the lift lady informing you that your lift is going up or down? I do miss the deck sixxxxxx on QM2.
  19. Interestingly enough, I was quite excited when we entered our stateroom on Queen Anne, and saw an ice bucket with a bottle in it. Yay, the Pol Acker is there! But no, it was a bottle of Cunard Prosecco instead. It was very nice, but lacked that familiar rust taste.
  20. Alas I never sailed on Queen Mary, I have only stayed on her in Long Beach. However, I have sailed on the other Queens, and very much look forward to boarding Queen Anne on May 3rd!
  21. Queen Mary 2 has become our ferry of choice! Cheaper than BA, and much more fun 🙂
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