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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. I need to know some very important information: 1. How many pillows a) started on dad's bed and b) remain on dad's bed? 2. How many mistakes are in today's Freestyle Daily? 3. How much do you DESERVE this break? (Spoiler: I already know the answer to this one)
  2. Last time we were in Ketchikan we discovered a new gin distillery which was very cool! They have free samples, great cocktails, and you can see the huge distillery operation they have going on! www.Unchartedak.com
  3. This is what I will be doing when I finally find my old, rich guy. Sadly, I currently keep winding up with poor, young dudes....#fail
  4. You forgot: 15. Treat dad to a luxurious heated lounger in the thermal suite and delight in his joy at how comfortable they are. ps I have a secret. But I can’t tell you. All will be revealed in due course (I hope. I’ve lost all faith in relying on people to do their job this week so who knows) Shhhhhh
  5. I feel like VV could really capitalise on West Coast Summer sailings by NOT offering Alaska - it would be so great to have options for Hawaii and Coastals that are not just beginning and end of season repositioning cruises....
  6. Same - I'm not convinced Alaska is the right itinerary for Virgin but Hawaii, Pacific Coast, and Mexico would be awesome!
  7. I saw that this morning and legit cannot contain my excitement. If VV come to Westcoast I will be sailing constantly. Lol.
  8. I have never related more to anything in my life. I swear dad and I are twinsies. I, too, was raised in that healthy British mindset of having to clear your plate (I'm sure you're noticed when we've brunched). I also have no issue applying that philosophy to a large beer...🤣
  9. Am I ever ready for this! Can't wait for dad to get away from it all...I feel him! Take the 12 luggage tags and covertly put them on other people's bags - let's see what you end up with! As an aside, in my mind (which isn't 100% sharp right now) you were leaving tomorrow. That's not even possible, since I know you are coming to Carmen next week...but...that's my mind!
  10. We also use Highroller By Shugg - never had any issues with them and have them booked for our August sailing!
  11. I may or may not (spoiler - I did) have booked on RCI Harmony of the Seas for August. This was the teen's choice of ship - I'm already overwhelmed just thinking about it. I haven't sailed RC in over 15 years, so there are lots of things that are new for me. Stay tuned for shenanigans - I will be doing a live!
  12. Oh my goodness! Thank you for this - I tried to figure out if it was a hotel as well but obviously wasn't smart enough. My teens would get such a kick out of it!
  13. That’s the apple pie in the local. Both my kids love it but I’m a more traditional apple pie gal - I need more pastry and less apple!
  14. You, my friend, have gifts waiting! Fresh from the Bliss - currently in my fridge. Starfish tea!!!!
  15. While DS and I were more than happy to sit through the 3D showing of Guardians of the Galaxy in the theatre, I was also bummed about the comedy acts on Bliss doing the same jokes both sets. Like the EXACT same jokes. They weren't funny the first time, so what makes them think they will be better the second? Well, to be fair, DS howled like a 12 year old boy at them, despite watching them twice...
  16. He wasn't pleased with the tv channel choice...lol. Although he did watch at least 3 movies in the 5 days, so it couldn't have been that bad! He had a blast - and I still reign supreme at air hockey, so all is well!
  17. 2019 was my Haven year, so that was my fave...but 2022 was good, too.
  18. DS asked if there was anything I would change or if there was anything I had complaints about. Honestly, there was nothing! Well, maybe not partying quite so hard so I could enjoy the last day, but I really can’t blame NCL for that. I do have some observations, though: - every bathroom seemed to have at least one (usually more) blocked toilet. Plus, constantly out of toilet paper and paper towels. Maybe I was just unlucky. - the ice machine at the buffet seemed to be temporarily out of service the whole time. - I dislike that the District Brewhouse is now adult only. My teens loved chilling in there playing games with me. No longer allowed. - A few times, cruise staff running more adult centred games would comment/suggest kids be dropped at Splash Academy. The problem was, it was at capacity (hence the kids swarming every public area). - Several times I checked the daily for specific opening/closing times but then they ended up being wrong - I found this sailing a vast improvement on the same sailing last year (though it seems many wouldn’t agree). I had a blast!
  19. So yesterday was kind of a chill today - I drank a grand total of one beer and was in bed at 9:30! Even DS commented that I usually savour every last second and close the ship on the last night. I just didn’t have it in me after two days of hard partying. I guess this is getting old for you! This morning I got up at 7:30am, grabbed some food at the buffet and brought it back to the room. DS and I ate, packed the last of our stuff, and left the room right at 8:30am - Stewart was just coming knocking to kick us out but I beat her to the punch! We were off the ship by 8:45am and in my house by 9am! I put in a full work day and now I’m in the process of unpacking and finding the next cruise to book!
  20. Family friendly comedy - sadly the jokes were all the same as the last show. DS still laughed just as hard! I wanted to grab some duty free from the store, which was listed as opening at 6pm. I swung by at 6:45pm but all closed still. Instead I went to the room to pack, then went back to the store at 7:30pm. Still closed. One of the staff told me they were opening at 8pm. I guess we will see!
  21. Hit up The Local for food. It was packed so we got a pager for our 30 minute wait. It ended up being 15 minutes only. There were many empty tables but I guess not enough staff. Once again, folks were yelling at the poor hostess about having to wait. It was definitely a little chaotic but the staff were hustling and doing their best. Our drinks didn’t come until we were done eating and then I never got a glass for the Aqua Panna…but not the end of the world by any means.
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