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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. They took it back and the worst part is they will be on an AI cruise!! den
  2. Kind of how I handle airline tickets. I have them digitally downloaded onto the iPhone wallet, but carried a paper copy. Just In Case. den
  3. As mentioned prior, you (may) see two OBC designations: RF OBC - Refundable and NR OBC - Nonrefundable. And they mean what they are titled. If you booked an excursion or a special restaurant prior to the cruise online, and then cancel on board, it is moved over to your On Board Account as OBCR since its your money. NF OBC is (usually) used first for On Board charges and then RF OBC so there’s a chance your OBC leftovers go to your CC. And great idea of how to use your OBC via gratuities. Didn’t know you could draw as cash and then provide. Nice. Have a good chunk of OBC for our upcoming Oct cruise; I booked some excursions but made a mistake and put it on my CC. I realized I could use my OBC, so I went back, canceled the tours and rebooked and paid using OBC. Worked just fine. Den
  4. A different App issue was many of us complaining that when using Texts onboard, we weren’t getting notifications when getting one. I went to my iPhone Settings and Notifications and turned them on for the Celebrity App and got pop ups when i got a text from my wife and kids. Worked fine. My Oct ‘22 cruise shows ‘Still working on Fun’ indication so waiting to get close to start check in. All works OK for me once they open up. All my cruises show up. I had to add one cruise using the Reservation number earlier this week on website when I booked a new cruise last week, and its there on the App. den
  5. There’s been numerous posts about staff not properly responding to smoking complaints. My experience is the opposite. But I was able to identify the specific SR and security took immediate action. The idiot stepped out and leaned over his balcony smoking. I smelled it, saw him, took a photo and called, and within 20min they were there. He denied but a bit hard when I showed the staff a photo of him standing there with his cig when they reported to me. I’ve fought ship fires. Thy killed me shipmates than combat. Just picture yourself in a hotel that is locked up and no getting out and a fire breaks out. Den
  6. We all enjoy differing things. I had a private group tour set up in St Petersburg. Yes, wanted to see the Czarist palaces and the Hermitage, but also wanted to see other history. This is the site of major Revolutionary actions, one of the most devastating WWII battles/sieges, and history beyond the Czars. We visited palace after palace of Russian attempt to copy French and other Euro culture; a quick stop in a subway; and the Hermitage. But there is only so much gold and redesigned Amber and tasteless ornateness I can take. And as I stated once before and caused Huge reactions, the Hermitage has some of the most beautiful and famous art pieces, but most of the museum presentations were what I’d call 1950’s displays of lines and lines of poorly described, poorly presented artifacts. When we got off the ship, we were told to debark Right before the time to start tours so as not to congregate. Don’t make eye contact with the security people and don’t congregate in groups more than 4 or 5. Highly knowledgable, cold, efficient guide who wouldn’t answer questions beyond the set pieces. When shopping we were followed as if we were there to steal. Cold stares replaced by a pasted on grin when spoke to. Yes, a 2-day tourist; a big city. But No Way of wandering on your own even in a set place (except Hermitage - 1hr on our own after touring). All controlled. I once spoke to a family group and the guide immediately stepped in and the family group nodded and stepped away. Beautiful city full of beautiful art and history beyond the Czars and I’m sure those that have gone there more, and have connections and more flexibility disagree, but I’d much rather spend time in pretty much Any other place. My very biased limited opinion, based on one 2-day experience I’ll not repeat even if reopened. Den
  7. Without St Petersburg, we are looking doing the Baltic/Scandinavian itinerary again. Did St Petersburg and for us, once was more than enough. They’ve added some interesting Swedish ports, overnights in Stockholm and Copenhagen which we’d love. Tallinn was fantastic as was the sail in into Stockholm. den
  8. The point is, you’ve provided the documentation required, so as suggested, get the booster and your card will be updated and checked when you check in to board. Enjoy.
  9. i always make mistakes talking pricing. Meant $900 deposit for both.
  10. @superduper123, we booked early last week while onboard a cruise and got the 60% off for 2nd passenger, and AI was included. This was an April ‘23 cruise. If you are booking on your own using the website, it will show you if it includes the AI. If the itinerary includes AI, the sale doesn’t impact AI inclusion. Just check it as you pick. For us, we do use a TA and had the reservation moved to them and they were able to rebook using a Group discount which gave us further savings. And yes, there are plus/minus of that. Booking on board only cost $100pp deposit. To use the TA group booking, had to use the $500pp deposit. We don’t worry about deposits that much since dont make changes a lot. Good luck, and just double check with the itinerary you pick that it includes AI. Den
  11. @OttawaJohn, just got off the Solstice on our Alaska cruise and had a Great time! The only thing I’ll say is, we didn’t need to coats we brought! Just layering. Fantastic cruise. Enjoy! den
  12. We are asked Not to lay clothes out on the Veranda/Balcony or the chairs out there. So best to use the lines you bring in the BRs. There are 2 hooks to hang items in the shower but not a full line. Remember walking off the ship in Bahamas and the Capt was on the dock checking his lines with a few other officers. He looked up at the stern and there were clothes hanging on the chairs. He turned to his assistant and told him to find out the SR and to Get Them Removed from the balcony. Not a happy man. Fun to watch. Den
  13. Yes it was. I tested positive 10days prior to testing negative 2 days prior. When checking on board and reporting via the Celebrity medical form as required, I was asked to step over to talk with the medical group which checked me with temp and more questions, and was allowed to board. So no problem with boarding although testing positive close to the cruise. It was tight, I had my family with 4 SRs set up and was afraid I’d not be going, but all worked out. And all worked out properly reporting my positive testing within 10 days and not just showing my monitored negative results done just prior. Den
  14. Just got off the Solstice Alaska Cruise and a great portion of Oceanview was self-serve. They had gloves in various areas for those that wished to use them. Theater was mask-required, but few had them on. More started wearing them near the end of the cruise. All staff was masked. Den
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