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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. I’ve now ordered these 3 separate times, a 3-pack for the two of us, and sell have been received as said. den
  2. @mahdnc, you shouldn’t speak for all other posters….I think many don’t see Celebrity is ‘at fault’. @Bo1953 doesn’t appear to; I don’t think so and from the gist of most posts, I’d few do. Cruse Lines cancel itineraries - mine was 2 weeks prior and the Viking forum explained how it wasn’t Viking’s fault or responsibility; Cruise Lines modify itineraries During a cruise; Cruise Line modify passengers’ reservations, ie SRs, and notify their TA which then could very well overlook it and doesn’t contact the passenger…..the Cruise Line Does Not contact the passenger directly in Many Cases when a TA is involved. So yes, possible Celebrity messed up and didn't inform them of the change; but Just as possible they informed the TA who didnt catch it. Especially considering many who we call TAs are really just Booking Agents and do squat after getting the booking. Enough. You do notice the OP hasn’t come back at all. Just a rant to then think Celebrity will give them more because they are complaining and getting all of us up in arms? Den
  3. @wrk2cruise, I understand but since COVID has returned at a higher rate, I’d assume the ship needed to expand the available COVID SRs. And the term ‘beat up’ is very telling. Enough. Too bad the OP didnt take the time it took to come over here to CC and vent to make the call to the special number given them which obviously wouldn’t have a 2hr wait. Just a Vent and understood….but taken a bit too far. Den
  4. No need to check my cabin “often”, I have a Professional TA. This reminds me of a fun story…..yes, another Sea Story!: Stepped down to the Guest Relations area to get a newsletter and there was a woman at the desk Yelling at the purser “I know You cant do anything about this because You arent Anyone….Do you Know Who I Am!?!?! I demand to speak to someone who can actually do something!!” The purser made a call and directed The Woman over to a phone at the end of the desk. The Woman picked it up Yelled “Yes?” Into it and listened for a short time before going through the same tirade, “Do you Know who I Am!!…..I see well I demand to speak to someone who has some authority instead of an underling……I see, when can I speak to the Capt!?!”. It didnt end well…..for Whoever She Thought She Was. Berating someone in public always works well……I highly recommend it especially doing it to the last person who is handling your food. Years ago on a Navy ship, I had a senior officer dress me down in front of my men and stomp out. Later, he came to me privately to apologize. I told him I understood but a public reprimand cant be ‘fixed’ by a private apology. He didn’t go any further and it reflected on him. You notice the OP didnt say they would try to fix it once on board, but that they would “Beat up” on the staff……apparently more interested in that than getting a fix….beyond the OBC already offered and accepted. Den Den
  5. I have them all the time…..isnt a virgin cocktail one that you are the first to ‘sip from’??? den
  6. I have to ask….how do you accumulate ‘Virgin Points’? Do you get them for turning down ‘certain offers’?? Den
  7. The OP is asking about TA’s On A Cruise Ship, Not one on a Navy ship!!! And no, we didnt get Spam, but they put Lima Beans with Everything they served! I wanted to do a bombing raid on the Navy Lima Bean Farm!!! And don’t forget about going on water hours after leaving the sight of land. den
  8. Fully understand gaining 25hrs westbound gaining an hr and 23hrs eastbound, losing time. But to me the gain/loss gets ‘lost’ in sleeping in and lazing around and so on. Not only Not a big deal to me, non-existent. I like westbound mainly because I like going early and enjoying some time in Europe prior, or even a Euro B2B, adding a cruise prior. Did a week in Cornwall prior; an East Med cruise prior; 3-4 days in various ports such as Amsterdam and so on. Can do that after a east TA, but I guess I get itchy to get home After cruises. Just me. den
  9. Yup, you have two great choices. The comments about the Reflection are right on, but one big plus for the Connie, is the Spa Pool. An inside warm water pool. that has a lot of water action and pipes at the corners to stand under and get a good blast on your shoulders and upper back. And the best is on the sides are submerged pipes that from a lounge to lay on and bubbles come up. Fantastic. My favorite pool afloat. we get SRs just below it so we can zip up in the morning and enjoy. Den
  10. And at my age, it will last longer than the first day of the cruise, so…. den
  11. Exactly. I’ll look at the Daily the night prior, now go through the App!, and pick out all kinds of fun things……then sleep late and miss the early ones. Meet a nice couple and talk with them through the later day things, then just sit and relax and miss the rest……Oh well, they all sounds soooo interesting, but not enough to get me motivated! OK, I do shoot for the Behind the Podium talks……shoot for but have missed the target a few times! den
  12. It only ‘pays’ to book a hotel if you want a place to sleep/rest/shower after traveling. As in most cities, there isn’t much to do after 2-3am. And if you have an early terminal time, consider changing it an early afternoon and ask your hotel to allow you to stay there a bit past normal checkout…..most allow it. Ive asked the night prior and always have had an OK if it was staying till 1-2ish pm. Tough flight. den
  13. OK @LMaxwell/OP, have you been properly admonished and are now fully ashamed….didnt put it in all caps because reading comprehension of the CC rules is something I can actually do….. Most all fully understood this was just an interesting subject to bat around a bit and you, in the title, made it quite clear this was extremely hypothetical and something you may not agree with. Similar to other threads, many, that suggest what we all know wont/cant be done: ”I Hate the Edge IVs and they all need to be changed to regular Balconies!!” Or ”I want access to the Casino and Shops throughtout the Cruise. Keep them Open in Port!!” Or ”I know X only makes one announcement per day, but I just Hate any reference to anything being sold listed in the Daily’s or the App. Stop that!” Or you fill In the blank den
  14. My wife makes jewelry and I make Kumihimo braid/beading and she has a ‘company’. We join in and have organized craft groups usually on TA’s. And have helped others work. At No Time does my wife (and therefore me, her only employee!) ever mention how to buy anything from us or how to contact us after the cruise to buy anything. Its all just part of a crafting group, or just on our own and someone joins us and asks us about what we are doing. We and everyone else are on vacation and it is Unethical, almost in All Cases against the rules of wherever we are, and not something we’d do anyway even if somehow we could get away with it. Den
  15. I love the IV views….from the inside And from the outside. den
  16. Wow ‘They’, the OP, did not suggest Celebrity become adult only, they asked what CC readers think about the idea, and even in the title strongly infers the OP doesn’t think its a great idea and even had ‘is it even possible?’. Ashamed?? Again…..Wow. den
  17. I’ve booked a Summit cruise from the Caribbean that goes up to Cape Liberty NJ and has 4 consecutive at sea days….and it visit the ABC islands Ive never tried. So for me this is a mini-TA! And will take full advantage of at seas. Nothing I enjoy more than standing and looking at that sharp, clear sea horizon……..and I’ll get my fill of that! den
  18. Jeans are fine, but if its a Caribbean cruise, jeans are pretty heavy for daytime use. I take lighter pants that are OK most nights and slacks for Chic. Just me. Den
  19. I forgot another Most Important! Use the Do Not Disturb when sleeping in. The steward will identify your morning ‘habits’ on when you usually leave, but good to have no interruptions when sleeping in…..and dont forget this is a great chance to try SR breakfasts especially if you have a balcony! den
  20. ??? What ‘never happen’/happened? And which poster should be ashamed??? Ive done some dumb posts and even apologized….but ‘shame’?? den
  21. We’ve done 3 TA’s and another this Oct. What do I suggest on how to enjoy one: 1. Join the Roll Call. Most RC’s for standard itineraries are sharing general info and setting up private tours. On a TA, they set up much more social events such as game, craft, book group get togethers, and other things. On our TA, we are setting up a chocolate tasting and wine sip social 2. Consider fleeting up (Navy term!) to a Suite of some type. Never done it till this upcoming. So many at sea that would like to try it….first time for any cruise. 3. Plan on attending the Beyond the Podium talks usually every at sea day in the mornings, 10 or 11am….not too early! Great interest. Had the US ambassador to Russia; writers/producers/actors talk on Broadway and Hollywood Inside stuff; nature and science stuff. 4. Just a great time! We’ve done cruises that had little interest in the port (Nassau….) and focused on enjoying the ship experience, but a TA is Perfect for this. Edit: 5. Oh and the Biggest: with an Eastbound TA that (usually) doesnt have a port until it crosses the Atlantic, Get To The Port Early! And not “early in the morning” but at least the day prior if not a 2nd day prior and enjoy the area a bit…..if you missed departure, You miss the cruise. Not options. Enjoy! den
  22. Had us and our kids/grandkids on a Solstice Alaska cruise out of Seattle and all 8 of us tested one after another. Had iPads and iPhones and used the Navica App. Worked just fine with each of us. I was registered and did mine, and then selected another person to be tested and it set it up for the next one. We used two systems in two different rooms and all went well. den
  23. Also, I’ve heard and seen it on mine, the non-refundable OBC is used up first, then the refundable, so if any is left, it would be the OBCR. Den
  24. I stick with Scoop Chips. You can cheat and get much more ‘chip value’. But someone said a chip was $1……thats expensive even for a scoop type!! den
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