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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. Currently on the US Celebrity site, I checked the info for Italy and it does state non-proctored/monitored tests are allowed 2 days prior for vaccinated. Make sure that the ‘Beginning on September 5th, 2022’ area is selected. It is very clear. For vaccianated. 2 days. For unvaccinated 1 day. quote: “A negative test result from any commercially available test, including self-tests, will be accepted. Tests do not have to be monitored or proctored. Test results may be presented as a printout, screenshot or photo of the test result or the actual test.” den
  2. Agree it sounds as its a Group Rate the TA has. My TA has done that a number of times with a significant change. But a couple of questions to make sure it is apples-apples: - Does this include all costs including taxes, port fees…this is the final price. - what does the TA have as included withholding a deposit beyond Celebrity. Some may charge you for cancelling that goes beyond the cruise line. Give those a check. I once booked with an online company that had a name Very close to the Cruise Line, and I thought I was booking with the Line. When I had to cancel just a month or so after and it was a year away, they kept my deposit.worked it through my chargecard company and insurance. Den
  3. Because of the strong US Dollar and the weak Canadian Dollar, the US number ‘5’ is equivalent to the Canadian ‘8’. den
  4. No, Formal Night for many of us was an ‘excuse’ to dress up and have a bit of fun, unlike normal going out’s. But enjoy the Chic nights. I’ll wear a sports jacket and sometimes a bow tie, other times, just shirt and slacks. Heck, sometimes do it on any old night. Den
  5. I realize its tough understanding the requirement for a non-monitored test with the obvious ‘work arounds’ for those who’d take it, but I think the ‘help sell kits’ doesn't track for a company that if they dropped it all, would make a ton from those who would jump on board. More than a few aren't cruising because they don't want to put funds into a cruise, flights, hotels and so on for a case that cold end up being canceled due to Covid. As I think I posted earlier, so many threads on this subject, we’d are doing a TA out of Rome and it appears we can do a non-monitored test prior….with take a monitored just to be covered since currently stopping in Bermuda. So who knows….at least mid-Aug. Den
  6. well, At least the Celebrity customers who are on hold and get dropped calls can feel its not just Celebrity…… den
  7. Would help if knew the ship you are on but generally, the SRs are open when passengers arrive to the extent you can go to yours and drop off your carry ons. In the two cases we experienced the SRs were open for full use at around 1pm. specialty restaurants aren’t open for lunch but the Sushi On Five which is a ala carte pay by dish is usually open. If you are in a Concierge SR they have lunch in a MDR. Not sure about Aqua or Retreat Suite. I haven’t seen the uporder fee for steaks or lobsters on any Celebrity ship MDR. As for AI, I for drinks, I think it is $9 and I got martinis. Not a special gin or vodka. We get to the theater shows about 15min or less in most cases. edit: I see @Northern Aurora beat me to this. I think we agree on most. den
  8. Sorry, you are exactly right and I was off base on that one. Just get too wrapped up when we get into this…I can’t be seen with a wrinkle. Enough. I get too cheeky at times. I stepped away from CC for a while when I realized I was responding with too much jerk. Den
  9. I’m sure thats all an easy fix. How about just following a few simple requests of what not to smuggle on….concentrate on sneaking booze. den
  10. In other words, if its a 2-prong device, even if you plug it into a surge-protection connection, it doesnt get the benefit. And as Ive added to most similar threads, 21yrs in the Navy and 6 major sea deployments, Ive lost more shipmates due to ship fires than combat or any other mishap. Just picture yourself in a locked building you cant get out of that catches fire…..and the crew fighting the fire is the only thing between ‘it’ and you. So for most of us, thats enough of understanding to Not bring on surge-protectors and other banned items….no matter how much you hate wrinkles in your outfits and want more outlet plug-ins. There’s other choices. Den
  11. I know they have stairs, and may have ladders, but I always use stairs. Go for the inside Solarium Pool. Very warm salt-water with lots of action. Tubes at the corners to stand under and get good work on shoulder and back. And the best is the pipes on the sides form ‘lounges’ you lay on in the water and bubbles come up and massage you! We get a SR underneath it, deck 8 or 9 and zip up every morning! Best pool afloat for me. de
  12. Makes no sense. This is a tech error for sure. Get hold of them, or move it over to a TA and let them handle it…no wait for you. Edit: did you mean you booked with CruseCritic? If so, call them. den
  13. I enjoyed my Princess cruises (3), but Celebrity is my ‘go-to’ Line of choice. Comparing: 1. Dining. Found both nice and good quality. thought Celebrity a bit above in the MDR’s, especially the Edge-Class 4 MDRs. Only dined in a specialty once a cruise or so and liked them, but only as something special. Cant really comment on Princess specialty. Celebirty has a much better Oceanview buffet, much better setup and more variety. 2. SRs. For standard Veranda SRs, I found the Celebrity to be much better. The 3 different Princess ships’ SRs were smaller, no couch or coffee table to have another couple over so we’d upgrade to a mini-Suite on Princess which also had a much bigger veranda, but definitely higher cost. the showers on standard Princess SRs were also Very small, and I’m not a big guy. 3. Common areas. I think Celebrity is much better designed and handles the crowds much better. Many Princess areas were always packed, more noisy. the theaters on my Princess ships were smaller and we had to get there an hr or so prior to a popular show to get seats together. On Celebrity, not the case…..in most cases. 4. Service. Both have excellent service and attentive staff. Celebrity may have a bit of an edge, but not much. 5. What about Princess pluses after all that? I enjoyed the coffee cards that allowed us to ‘share’; I loved the International sandwich snack place, forgot its real name, for great light meals. Again, enjoyed Princess, but I’m biased. Den
  14. Its kind of nice that Each of us can vacation as we wish: plugged, unplugged, semi-plugged……Inside, Suite…..Huge Party Ship, luxury, moderate….. I had ‘friends’ (quotes for a reason) who knew we are cruisers told us how they went to one location for an extended time and then laughed at all ‘those people’ getting off a ship and spending a few hrs and thinking they have actually ‘been there’…..I asked them if they remember we cruise a lot…..it got quiet. Den
  15. Not sure what the Addendum was suppose to even mean. ‘Technically’ means that’s what it is…….it Is a surge protector which is prohibited. And they are’nt prohibiting it just for fun or whatever. There are many non-surge protection devices. Use the correct one and don’t recommend a surge protector just because it was missed and got brought on board…..in error. den
  16. In reference to the non-theater, lounge music groups, there is no real difference in any of the Celebrity Class ships that we’ve ever noticed. the only ‘difference’ I notice is with the S-Class ships, when they have a full and in the atrium area with the open area above it up to the higher decks, the music does come strongly through to all those areas. But if it bothers us, there are many other spots to locate for games and socialization. Other than that….pick the itinerary, pricing and yes, other amenities of each ship. we are on the Edge out of Rome 24 Oct. Good stops in a few ports havent been to. Den
  17. For those that insist they cant find any reference to the Greek Govt requiring cruise passengers to be tested, go ahead and just show up without a test and demand boarding because your internet searches didnt provide ‘proof’ that you would accept…..Then post back to us the results. A conversation I overheard at a store: Clerk: “Sorry, but your 50% off Offer expired 2 months ago” Customer: “I demand to use it and show me your company’s written rule that I cant use it!” Clerk: “It very clearly states it is only good until….that was 2 months ago.” Customer: “The warehouse store that has funny smells throughout accepts expired offers and even ones from other stores!” Clerk: “Then I suggest you go there and get that item.” Customer: “they dont carry it!!!” Clerk: “Exactly” Enough. As @RichYak stated, it irrelevant whether you accept it or not. den
  18. I believe your cruise from Rome (Civitavecchia) i western Med ports and right now, depending on your vaccination status, you are required to test within 2 days and the test does not have to be a monitored test. If your cruise had a Greek port, a monitored test is required, but not true for your itineary. Im cruising the Edge on a TA when you pull back into Rome. here is the Celebrity website info for Italy: Sailing Testing Requirements: All guests ages 2 and older must present a negative COVID-19 test result to board their sailing. A negative test result from any commercially available test, including self-tests, will be accepted. Tests do not have to be monitored or proctored. Test results may be presented as a printout, screenshot or photo of the test result or the actual test. Pre-Arrival/Embarkation Covid-19 Test Vaccinated Guests: Must test negative for COVID-19 within 2 days prior to sailing. Unvaccinated Guests: Must test negative for COVID-19 within 1 day of sailing. Den
  19. Love the E-Class Because it differs from the other Celebrity Classes And other Lines. Enjoy it a great deal. Especially the wraparound walkway in Eden that goes around the stern. And the great 4 MDRs. but love (seem to be overusing that word) each Celebrity Class for their uniqueness. So no trouble going from Solstice to Apex to Summit…..and back again! den
  20. Good to know @Penguins that helps.
  21. Not sure what the issue is. If someone believes cruising is ‘very very expensive’ then Id think they’d like the various discounted options. And Ive had no issues seeing the discounts. And if there are ‘issues’ then use a TA who may very well have even better access to discounts, and can provide clearer info if confused by it all. And unless I’m looking for a cruise with some specific Line, I usually delete any emails of things Im not specifically interested in; I dont see a ‘good deal’ and then decide to cruise, I pick my timeframe then search the Itinerary/Line then look for the discounts. OK, sometimes I pick an itinerary and go from there….. But in my current status, I dont see cruising as ‘very very expensive’. I find it more competitive than pretty much any other option…..and is what Im looking for now. Den
  22. Dropping Vaccination-only, many itineraries only require a non-monitored test, no tests for shorter cruises…..”same protocols in place essentially”? OK. Den
  23. A great cruise and a Great Roll Call. Lots of other things to do being added. thats one reason I love TA’s…active Roll Calls that set up meetings for games, craft, book readings, cabin crawls, socials and of course the private tours organizing……great way to meet others. Done on other itineraries, but TA’s allow much more interactions. Den
  24. I root for two teams: The BelovedDodgers and Any team that is playing the HatedYankees! And thank you @Host Anne that would be Great!! I’ll be waiting. And appreciate the reminder to all of us. I should have used the Report, but it has got soooo tiring on threads being hijacked into That Subject. I see its taken care of. Den
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