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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. I know my post(s) sound as if I do It Right…but we all step into those situations. I once booked with what I thought was the actual river cruise line and when I canceled, it turned out it was a very closely named booking site that charged me the whole deposit to cancel. Had to go with insurance then with my chargecard and so on. A real hassle. That’s why I also stay away from websites unless it a major one, and even then…..booked a hotel via a major on line site and when I got there, they moved me to a ‘similar’ hotel that happened to Not be close by at all. When I complained, the hotel told me to ‘check with who I booked with’….in other words, you didnt book with us and You are not really our customer and are lower priority. I now find a hotel I like, and when possible, book directly unless the costs are much higher, which doesnt happen that much. den
  2. Funny how people think it’s important to follow ‘local customs’ until it costs them a few bucks! den
  3. Ahhh yes, judging and Not judging! Personally, I Never Judge….well except when I’m driving along very nicely and come up on some guy in the left lane barely going the speed limit. I pass them and glare (internally of course just in case they are armed!) and think, “that old geezer needs to get off the road!”…then shortly I’m driving along very nicely and some guy goes shooting by me and I think, “that guy is an idiot speed-demon!” So except for those cases, and maybe a few 100 others, I Never Judge anyone….well, unless I’m in the MDR and I see some guy who is dressed less well than I am and I scoff at that Slob. Then see a guy wearing a much nicer outfit than I am and I scoff at that Show Off. Den
  4. Changing a cruise, whether its to a cruise 1 day difference or a year difference doesn’t matter, its a change and you end up losing the $100 from a non-refundable deposit. What caught me was the additional cost the TA is charging the OP to cancel and make the change. Wow. Ive used my TA for years and Never was charged for a flat out cancelation or moving over to another cruise….ouch. Id reconsider that TA. And I dont mean to rub it in to the poor OP, but My TA just handled a cancelation of a cruise I had set up in 2023 and booked one in 2024….and they not only didn’t charge me for their effort, they got Celebrity to not take the $100 each from the deposit for the rebook And got them to keep my OBC I’d got for booking the original cruise while onboard an earlier cruise. Nice. den
  5. Best guess it the service will be the same or a bit of a cut above ‘normal’ Celebrity service, which in my view is outstanding. Although a ‘new crew’, in many cases, cruise lines move experienced staff over to new ships in a high percentage. But staffing, as we see in so many local venues can be less than what is set for a while, but I would expect Celebrity will have excellent service on their newest ship, as they’ve done in the past (been on a few ‘new ships’) and experienced just recently on Celebrity cruises. Den
  6. I’ve been on a few Celebrity cruises and somehow came off the cruise with a ‘few pennies’ left. That is part of our personal decision-making of what we pay out for. If someone decides a few bucks increase in gratuities is somehow not legit, dont book, cancel, whatever. I got called out for making a joke about the complaints about candy bar prices, so i Won’t crack a joke here. If X decides to increase gratuities, or specialty dining, or SRs or tours or candy bars or whatever…..make your call….and take a look at all the other costs that have risen in the vacation business, and everywhere else. Den
  7. Both great. We Love the E-Class which is Beyond, but yup more expensive. Equinox is one of our favorites….so….. And both call one of our favorite ports, St Kitts. Did the cooking class there and had fresh swordfish prepared. Fantastic. And interesting tour. den
  8. We’d dine in the MDR; skip desert and had no problem making the early show, usually dined at 6ish. Would Then get desert at El Bacio! den
  9. I’m even more acute; my hair is also being pushed out of my nose!! Dr said it was advanced A.G.E. And there was No Cure…except No Know What!! Den
  10. Isn’t it lovely….we use to see all the posts about how to sneak booze and wine on, now we get posts on how to sneak Covid on. Just lovely. So glad ‘we’ are helping all those who couldn’t figure it out themselves. Den
  11. Yup. Same as when we filled out the medical info prior to the Pandemic asking us about symptoms about Norovirus. Considering how many got that lovely thing, that didnt work too well……oh well. Den
  12. “Hold On!! That’s an ear hair, Not a nose a hair in the middle of the test!!”…..”I don’t understand!! den
  13. One of the best ways of Not being confused by the testing requirements is to focus on the Requirements for Your cruise, Your itinerary and not get wrapped up in what is required for some other itinerary you arent doing. As Ive posted prior - no idea if it’s in this thread or another Very Similar thread - but I’ll just watch what is required for my cruises and I’ll watch what Celebrity posts for those. And realize some wording gets confusing, but in a day or so, it gets cleaned up and is more consistent. And yes, some are about to head out and I have a bit more time, heck 2 months!, and there’s a good chance I’ll take a proctored/monitored type test And my standard self-test…..just in case. And I Won’t worry about $25 for a test. Just pretend you spent it on a test you need instead of 2 candy bars onboard!!! Den
  14. Here is what the Celebrity website says for Bermuda testing and it dropped any reference to testing on board if the ship takes longer than 4 days. I’d ‘assume’ it wasnt just removed in error…..but since I dont have to worry about that, the ship does on how they’d run that, it is just something we can kick around. Celebrity: Sailing Testing Requirements All guests ages 2 and older must present a digital or physical copy of a supervised, negative COVID-19 test result at check-in to board their sailing, whether a pre-arrival test (for vaccinated) or test administered at the terminal (for unvaccinated). Up-to-Date* Guests and Fully Vaccinated** but not Up-to-Date Guests: Must present a negative antigen test result taken within 2 days prior to sailing. Pre-arrival testing must be completed by an authorized provider at your own expense. Unvaccinated Guests: Must present a negative PCR COVID-19 test result taken within 3 days prior to sailing. Pre-arrival testing must be completed by an authorized provider at your own expense. Unvaccinated guests will also be tested at the Terminal prior to Embarkation, with the cost of this test covered by Celebrity. PCR and antigen test may not be taken on the same day. Debark/Re-Entry No Debark testing is required.
  15. I realize there are confusing info being provided via the Bermuda site, but I’ll stick with the Celebrity site updated 22 Aug which now shows a monitored test is required, as was previously for so many cruises prior to Boarding the cruise ship. And the biggie for those of us taking TA’s is the 4 day or longer prior to arrival in Bermuda has been dropped. So right now for those of us on TA’s we now arent going to be tested while on board prior to actual Bermuda arrival, but need to take a monitored test prior to boarding, which has required before. And yes, this is a Major plus doing away with the onboard testing. And yes, read the Bermuda site. But again, since I’m Boarding a Celebrity ship, I’ll stick with Their requirements and track that. Den
  16. When I cruised while working, I had a special email address that I gave my assistant (and family/special friends) who would forward me Important info I’d require while cruising, especially meetings and travel required close to my return. That way, I didnt have to slog through all the non-important stuff and limit what I had to open. But most of my emails I had for work were words-only so most of the time I had good access. No monster attachements. That is a general statement of Wi-Fi work use on Celebrity ships. Den
  17. One rationale for Greece requiring testing is the Greece has a mainland, but especially for cruisers, it is a group of islands where prior testing and vaccinations will limit the exposure from ‘us’ bringing it there. Yes, there are other routes and so on of infection spreading, but limiting those with COVID amongst 3K passengers would have an impact. Just a thought from someone who really doesn’t know much about communicable diseases. Den
  18. I always have a few marbles in my pocket just to be ready!! den
  19. That shows how much I used the toppings!! den
  20. I’m not going to quote anyone, but yes obviously each of us can make decisions for ourselves on how we want to live…..but the issue with communicable diseases and our Pandemic is yourInfect Others. If it just impacted ourselves, got it, but It Doesn’t. Enough. We can all sit and post on what Celebrity, Bermuda, Greece should do, but personally, I’ll just keep tracking what needs to be done for my specific cruises and itineraries and follow it….since I dont have any other choice except cancel or not book. Ive now booked more cruises than Ive ever have so I guess I can live with the present and wait for what will change. Den
  21. Not a great exchange rate. Kind of the same as airport and many exchanges and Cambios and such in various ports. I guess Celebrity isnt in the banking business.. Yup, we use our charge cards that dont carry extra fees or transfer to US$ for purchase and Debit card at ATMs when cash is needed. Usually have our local bank send is $100 or $200 worth prior for cash as needed early on. Was doing a Bucharest to Budapest river cruise and got Romanian Leu’s….then cnx due to the Pandemic and havent run into anyone going there yet! Oh well. Only kid on the block with Leu’s! Den
  22. I do and I’ll be prepared to show up and get tested. Not that big of a deal. And one of the Main reasons Bermuda doesnt follow so many other locations is being an Island, it is able to control a bit better how communicable diseases are brought in….and yes, other islands have opened up, but not our call or how a country wants to expose their communities. And yes, dont know…or care….how Bermuda handles other ways of entry. den
  23. Interesting seeing a person scooping M&M bowl clean - my ‘observation’ was the toppings bowls were behind the class and the server provided them when you pointed and asked…..guess they put them out for that to happen, but didnt see that on any cruise, including the 2 since reopening. I guess I’m not that observant….or care. Den
  24. I agree with the views that for us on a TA since we will have to be tested prior to arrival in Bermuda that I’d rather not go. But I have been on two cruises that stopped there and really enjoy it. Very different from most of the islands we visit and would miss touring it. but with that said, with the current requirements I’d opt to miss it. Since the Edge goes on to FLL, I’d rather just have another sea day. The obvious replacement is Nassau.now That is a port Id rather not make…..except I might get a spa massage discount they give for booking one in port since I don’t go ashore there. Den
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