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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. In London a while ago, I asked for ice and the waiter promptly came back with one-1-One ice cube and dropped it into my glass and gave me a nice smile indicating he was proud of meeting my request…..I of course thanked him. Decided it was best to quit that habit! Got to keep my liver from being damaged from that ice stuff and drink my Gin and Tonic properly!! Den
  2. Edit: already answered a few times. Enjoy a nice glass on your SR. Just what we do. den
  3. I love to wear a bow tie so I can saunter up to the bar, and as I order my Martini, shaken not stirred, I pull my bow tie loose. And as I give it my Best British I’m-so-cool look, my wife looks over rolls her eyes and says, ‘No You are Not James Bond!’. I’m afraid I have more in common with Peter Sellers…oh well. I once bought a Filipino Wedding shirt to wear more formally…..loved it. Den
  4. You have to wear a helmet with horns for that Cruise Line!….and yes, I know actual Vikings didn’t wear horned helmets. But so what den
  5. I’m taking my ‘regular’ non-proctored tests and the eMed proctored to Rome/Civitavecchia. Plus a few backups. And will test at the hotel. Did this for Seattle. I know this is a hassle, but many of us, especially on TA’s that many times have a bit more of us with experience cruising, have done this not only for cruising. I watch the Celebrity website as @canderson listed. I dont go looking at Facebook, or the Italy ‘rules’ or even here for what should be done. Too many bad gouges put out. I joked on one thread that Celebrity makes changes to that just to get us going to the cruise website and then looking at cruises…..and signing up for more! Den
  6. So its OK to make stops in another country’s ports, but not locally……why cruise if someone thinks port calls ‘ruin’ where they call. And yes, well aware of the ‘size’ of Vineyard area which I think is visited just a bit already. I guess we all just need to cruise back and forth to Cozumel. Den
  7. I guess that’s where we will disagree. We set ours nice and cool and it’s pretty much that temp when we wake up. And that’s pretty much on all the ships We’ve been on. den
  8. All the above posts are Wrong!! Celebrity Does deliver water to the SR....you go into the BR, turn on the faucet and Celebrity 'delivers' water to the SR! The ship water is just fine. We bring our bottles and fill them there. We have the Steward bring a pitcher of ice and water, another 'water delivery to the SR'! I remember posts saying how they felt the ship water had salt in it and made them gain weight......I'm afraid the weight gain had nothing to do with ship water, and was due to the 7-8 meals a day and the 3-4 drinks a day! But who knows. Ship water is purer than many bottled. den
  9. OP, none of what you were told is true. No idea who on your Roll Call is posting that. eMed is alive and well. There is No info on it shutting down. And as stated, there are many itineraries and other Cruise Line itineraries requiring proctored testing. Here is the Celebrity tab that shows you want is required for TA's and TP's, and your specific cruise is listed: Transatlantic Travel Requirements (celebritycruises.com) Keep an eye on This tab and ignore the "I just read on the internet that Sydney has collapsed into the Sea and our cruise is now going to Midway Island!!" Den
  10. Agree with @lifeisrealygood. Although Ive put in more of our wash-wear pants and shirts/blouses, never have had any issues. Once when a blouse was missing, the steward got the description, and a short time later, it was returned. No damaged stuff and when we had it ready early, it came back the next day more than a few times. Use it most cruises. Den
  11. I assume this post means the steward changed the in-room thermostat higher, which some had done during the day when we are out and about, but all we had to do is reset it where we wanted. I havent been on the Infinity for a while, but Every SR on Every Celebrity ship Ive been on has its own thermostat. If a Steward did that in the evening, which makes no sense, tell the steward to leave it alone. We need good cool SRs to sleep and have always been able to set our temperature nice and low. Den
  12. On a B2B, I had a number of larger items for the 30 items, so I used two bags and the steward said that was fine.Filled out one slip for the 2 and he kept them together. Really dont want or expect my steward picking up 30 items left on the bed to have to do that. Den
  13. My ‘bet’ is if the two B2B’s are a week long (9N’s or less) that there is no testing for the 2nd as there isnt for the 1st, but if the 2nd is longer which requires testing, that would require B2B testing also. Just an assumption. Den
  14. As to COVID Testing: Back-to-Back-Sailings Testing for back-to-back sailings is not required for all sailings. Guests will be notified onboard if testing is required and will be provided testing at no cost if needed. This back-to-back testing policy applies to any combination of sailings on any ships within the Royal Caribbean Group which includes Celebrity Cruises, Royal Caribbean International and SilverSea. Guests joining from other cruise lines not in the Royal Carribean Group family must follow all of our testing requirements in order to board our ships. Den
  15. You will be ‘checked-in’ on board and given a new pass and your previous on board charges (and OBC) will be closed. You’ll leave the ship, being in a US port, to go through customs and then can go off as if this is another port of call. You’ll be given a card/paper that identifies you as a B2B and you will just go through terminal security and go right back on board. No going through the Celebrity check-in and so on. Den
  16. If you dont care how much it costs to upgrade, why not just do it now? den
  17. I enjoy the ‘feel’ of a smallish SR….kind of what you’d expect on a ship. I enjoy the full ship experience, and not interested in a Ship Within A Ship Retreat section to keep me isolated from the rest. Understand that is what others may want, but me, I want to enjoy the full ship venue. I enjoy all 3 of the Celebrity Classes and what they have to offer. Ive never found any of the cruises crowded or noisy because of others….musics Yep, but not ‘us’. I dont need the Retreat because of SR size or to be isolated from the rest of the ship. I’m trying a Suite on a TA because of the extended sea days, and want to just see what the Luminae is like, and the Retreat Lounge experience. I miss the Elite Happy Hour when it was held in the Sky Observation Lounge when you could meet and talk with others who are a bit more experienced cruisers and in most cases overall enjoy the Celebrity venue. Much less chance of running into the whining and complaining. During my earlier cruise experience I stepped into a hot tub and turned to the guy next to me and exclaimed how wonderful all of this was….he started on how he hated it, was here because his wife insisted on it and all he wanted to do was be back with his buddies golfing. I nodded, got up and moved to another hot tub! And listened to the others exclaim how happy they were being there. So enough of my ‘concern’ of Never Going Back…..Ive already booked standard SRs for the following cruises and will do just fine….I hope!!! den
  18. Agree. Although open seating, never had an issue unless walked in a bit late on a very popular show. Den
  19. You can also pay for access through the whole cruise. Den
  20. You should be able to check in now or very close. Mine said 45 days prior but it opened a day or so earlier. I have a cruise departing 24 Oct and checked in 3-4 days ago. Just open your Celebrity App and mine did give me a date of when it opened when I selected ‘Check-in’. den
  21. Agree. Personally, I think the varying opinions on which ship has better service and better dining is mainly due to individual biases, tastes, and what each expect from staff. Ive seen more than a few specific service-related complaints that I would not even notice. One posted complained about the staff because his steward couldn’t get him an extra umbrella at a rainy port and complained at the Help Desk. The staff woman gave him her personal one and asked him to return it to the desk. He ‘forgot’ and left it in the room, but still complained in a post And on the Ship evaluation. Classy. Den Den
  22. If you book an excursion or specialty restaurant prior to the cruise, you either pay via CC then or use any OBC you have been awarded. If you cancel prior to the cruise (forget how much prior to the departure date), you are reimbursed to your CC or OBC, whatever you used. Once on board, if you cancel more than 24hrs prior, you are reimbursed onto your OBC as reimbursable (R-OBC). If within 24hrs of the ‘event’, you lose it. Celebrity tour desk offered to try to sell my canceled tour to another who may sign up the day prior, but it didnt occur. Den
  23. On this TA and looking forward to the Azores. Booked a tour through local tour team and should be fun. Enjoyed Bermuda on previous cruises, but glad doing Azores. den
  24. Loved the Malaga stop. Signed up for the Alhambra in Grenada. It is one of the more interesting tours Ive done. Beautiful bus drive to it; great tour of Alhambra with the mix of Catholic and Islamic architecture and art. Just fantastic. It was the ship tour and Not one of those 500+ showing up at the site. Well done. I’m on the Edge and just signed up for a private 1/2 day tour in the Azores. Den
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