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Everything posted by Denny01

  1. Reason to wear Shorts in MDR: earlier: MDR ‘too hot for pants’ now: MDR ‘just a fancy cafeteria’ Got it. Good reasons……too bad neither is true, but that really doesn’t matter.. Den
  2. I assume the OP, @jamacka, is on the same June ‘23 Apex cruse we are. There is an active Roll Call for our cruise where we are discussing hotels and so on. We’ve done Amsterdam a few times. Yes, staying in a hotel right near the terminal is good especially if you are going to just fly in the day prior and spend one night. But if you are going to stay a few days (we are planning for 3 or 4 nights), then you might consider other options. we are staying in a hotel near the Rijksmuseum and Van Goth museum at the park. Still pretty close to all kinds of stuff including the ship. The city trams are Very easy to use and so on. So consider that too. Come on over for more discussions by those on your cruise. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2816080-june-6-2023-apex-12n-iceland-ireland/page/2/ Den
  3. Don’t you realize the whole point isnt being comfortable during dinner, its looking proper! OK, enough. I think I’ve run my course of silliness. Den
  4. If its minus the coat, what are you placing over the chair…..your shorts?!?! I’m a literalist…..I love to read books. den
  5. I’m Not flexible…..the Blazer Has to be part of it!!! den
  6. OK, if we are going to continue on dress codes and what to wear, lets drop this whole “I wanna wear shorts everywhere” stuff and look at True dress code/rule transgressions!! 1 - A guy wears a tuxedo…..OK, thats nice, but he puts the cummerbund on UpSideDown!!! The folds are down instead of Up! Beyond Tacky and indicates he wears one very 10 years or so!!! 2 - A Bow Tie is added to a nice shirt…..nice. I love bow ties (well, I need to watch YouTube every once in a while to remind myself how to tie the thing!). But its a perfect bow tie which means, and I cant believe I’m typing this, Its a pre-tied!..or even worse a clip-on….A Clip-On!!! I have to control myself from going over and grabbing the darn (yeah, Im trying to follow the CC rules) thing off his neck! 3 - A nice tie is added……good idea. But he then loosens it and unbuttons the shirt neck button…..What does he think he is?? A Private Eye out of the 40’s hanging a filterless smoke out of his mouth??? Close it all up….and Please, Please make sure its the proper Private School Colors! I mean, what’s the point of wearing one unless you are subtly letting everyone know Where Your Matriculated (thank god for spellcheck!). 4 - And back to Shorts. If you insist on wearing shorts to dinner…Dinner!….because the MDR is too hot…….OK, I did meet a couple from Utqiagvik (Barrow) Alaska who sweated when it got about 38deg, so I understand. But at least make it Proper shorts, ie Bermuda Shorts worn with a blazer and loafers. So Yes, I’m ready to compromise and accept those who wish to wear such! Den
  7. Don’t know if this is ‘policy’, but I just finished a Solstice Alaska cruise. I had light symptoms and tested positive exactly 10 days prior. After a few days, no high temp (went to 100) and no real feeling bad except tired, Isolated as I kept tested positive. Was approaching us flying to Seattle 3 days prior. Dr told me I wasn’t contagious and could travel. Flew meeting all our family in Seattle. Tested positive a bit, then the day prior to departure tested negative. took the monitored test and was negative. Filled out Celebrity health questionnaire and was truthful on it that I had tested positive within 10 days. When I got to the check in, a medical person asked me questions, took my temp, decided not to test me again since it was so close to when I did it the eve prior. OK’d me and got aboard. All worked OK. Don’t know if that is how its done to all, but I was allowed to cruise. It would have been disaster. We’d set up 4 SRs for kids and grandkids and us, and I was envisioning watching my family sail away! But decided not to play the ‘just lie a bit’ on the health form and it all worked out. Den
  8. We are treated as ‘True Royalty’ on Celebrity!!! den
  9. We had 11:30 on our Solstice Alaska cruise. Got there at 1115ish and there were no lines outside and went in showing our Pass. Got in a short line and was aboard in 20min. that was for standard SRs. Went to our SRs and dropped off luggage and off we went. An RCL ship, huge one, was next to our pier and the line going into their check-in ran all the way outside the building and the length of that ship. Beyond ugh. I know some complain about X’s check in times, but I think that was one of the major differences. All very quick. No bubbly waiting for us but that was fine. Den
  10. I understand the reaction, but in truth, most of the posts and reactions are to the “I’m wearing what I want and will be in shorts” posts here. And the post above yours about how ‘pretentious’ some are who do dress up beyond shorts and t-shirts. I enjoy dressing a bit. I dont spend time looking around to see what others are wearing and just enjoy our time. My son-in-law wore work-out type pants a shirt and windbreaker. He felt fine in that and I wasn’t bothered or whatever. I just hoped he was comfortable with me in my blazer and Bow Tie…..love those now that I can tie them!! But here, its just reactions to the silly excuses you get. Way back, when coat and tie were ‘required’, I remember a post from a ‘gentleman’ that he had to wear that at work and he refused to do it and would dine at the buffet, even though his wife asked him to dress up a bit. My reaction was: “So you wear a coat/tie to work when you are paid to, but won’t wear one for your wife. Got it.” Kind of the stuff you read here. enough. These things never get better, just go downhill till the monitors lock it. Den
  11. It’s Not hot in the MDR, or inside the ship, or out on deck I’d say 98% of the time when the ship is underway. And good light ‘pants’ are what many wear. Try another excuse…..such as I’ll just wear what I want which is a better reason instead of such silliness. Den
  12. I made that mistake. I booked 3 and didn’t realize I hadn’t selected OBC and it went to my CC. I realized it and went back and canceled the tours. then rebooked and used the OBC. It showed up on my CC as canceled very quickly. the OBC option is below the Charge section. Den
  13. Well That opens the door to a whole fun list of what others ‘see fit’. And isn’t it interesting we are always talking about us men and our inability to put on a pair of pants and wear some collared shirt. Silly. Den
  14. You can do it on line. Go to the Celebrity website, log in and select your cruise. And it has a list of excursions and various packages including upgrading the drink package. If you have OBC, you can select that and use your future OBC instead of charging it on your CC. den
  15. I bet the OP was referring to a Very Long shirt that went well below his “You Know What’”….that would be quite acceptable. You just jumped to a very sick conclusion which says more to your state of mind then the poor OP!! ….well, he would need a shoes also, so you are partly right. Den den
  16. I agree that Celebrity may very well change the TA itineraries, but I just hope it isn’t the obvious Nassau addition for those going to FLL. One reason i picked the Edge TA was Bermuda. So will just wait it out. I find it a bit curious that some are concerned with being tested 2 days prior to Bermuda because they might test positive and be isolated. This infers they aren’t concerned with having COVID and spreading/infecting others, but of being ‘caught’ and isolated. Interesting. And I realize this will open up the whole “I’ll not tell them if I’m sick because how terrible they would treat us” posts. Better to infect others than hazard the chance of being isolated. den
  17. We LOVE al Bacio! And just as a quick note, we stayed with the AI drinks and didn’t go with a ‘better’ package and it only cost us a bit more when ordering such favorites such as the Aspen….added $1.50 to our OBC for that. Well worth it. Den
  18. I love al Bacio, but when a full band is on the deck below, it get very noisy. Not as bad as against the railings, but…. den
  19. Yes, bags of light gloves at entry. Was there for all meals. And Id think that was common there and if you don’t see them, ask a sever since they are wearing them all the time and Ive seen them changing behind the counters. Den
  20. Id suggest the World Class Bar on Deck 5, or the two outside stern bars, one aft of the Oceanview and the other the Sunset bar deck 15. Den
  21. Just got back from our Alaska cruise and yes, majority of the buffet was self-serve. We, as most, used the Oceanview for breakfast and lunch. did dinner there one night when we got back from a late tour, andour family went to there prior to a late tour (In Victoria); we dined in a specialty restaurant. I realize that as soon as a thread starts about buffets, we get the ‘you can’t believe what I saw there’….all of them I’m sure true, but realize this subject emphasizes that. I don’t spend time watching others but our cruise, all seemed quite acceptable manners. they have gloves to wear as you serve. You have picked a venue in which lots of people are congregated, touching every surface you touch; pressing every button you press; all that. You are in an environment with potentially a few thousand others. Protect yourself and be more ‘aware’ but we who are cruising right now understand we are more at risk. Den
  22. This is one of the things I enjoy about Celebrity. their ‘special’ dress night isnt. Slacks and collared shirt is just fine. What you, OP, described is perfect. I did love your ‘at 57’ what you dont have in your wardrobe is a home run on my side. I dont look around at what others are wearing to judge, just to enjoy, and assume adult men are able to put on slacks (or pants that pass as such) and a collared shirt for 1 or 2 evenings. And there are alternative dining for those that wont. Just so the OP knows, yes there are some who dress up more, but they do that not to show off (well, no idea what is other’s minds really) or are ‘looking’ at others, but because they enjoy dressing up more than slacks/shirt. I’m one of them. I’ll add a blazer and I add a bow tie to get that ‘look’, not from others, but from my wife. One cruise, I two gentlemen walked in with tuxedoes that were Home Runs! Talioring and colors were fantastic, they were just fantastic. That evening I was wearing slacks and long sleeve shirt and just admired their look and didnt feel funny at all. Loved it. So just enjoy. Dress to meet what I’d describe as a minimum wear going to a nice restaurant. Den
  23. Our two times were 1100 also. For the cruise on Apex in Nov, we initially had a 4pm time and that was right after it opened up with was odd, then i went back a week later and early times were avail. I think that had more to do with it being new with the App. Our July Solstice cruise had 1100 available when times we opened up. Den
  24. @Sox Fan Cruiser, could be your TA is a Yankee Fan! I root for two teams: The Beloved Dodgers, and any team playing the Hated Yankees!! den
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