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Everything posted by WisCruiser2

  1. We kept the $100pp OBC with our booking, I think it depends if re-faring or having to cancel and re-book?
  2. As cr8iv1 said, it will depend if it's "for new bookings only," in which case you can cancel and re-book (if your deposit is refundable) or just a price reduction that can be re-fared. I did this a few months ago when I noticed our February sailing showed a reduced price. I first tried emailing my Princess rep (had booked this one directly) and when I didn't hear back from her for a day or two, called the Customer Service number and the person I talked to was able to re-fare it for me, saved over $250pp. It can pay to keep checking the cruise prices!
  3. I guess we've never had enough OBC to not use up Rick's MOBC! The couple times we have had quite a bit, we treated ourselves to the ship tour and Ultimate Balcony Dinner 🙂
  4. I can never understand this - are you saying if the condition/diagnosis was determined MORE than 60 days before paying for the insurance, you are out of luck if it causes one to cancel the trip, but if LESS than 60 days before, they will cover a cancellation? But if we have "cancel for any reason" it will be covered (with FCC, not a refund)? Thanks.
  5. Unless it's really a serious issue it seems like most complaints in the Reviews are what we refer to as "first-world problems."
  6. Nope, still can't see the Excursions on the app, using my Android phone. Just the one I already have reserved. Nothing happens when I tap or hold the "View Excursions" bar for the other ports.
  7. I posted about this on Friday. This reply, while a cumbersome workaround, did seem to work (haven't looked at the website today). https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2960791-another-website-fail/?do=findComment&comment=66018926
  8. You may already have this info (I read on another thread that this is your first cruise) but you will get a "Patter" or have it available on your Medallion app that lists the activities for the next day, including information about the port times and any time restrictions. We are hoping to be on this cruise in mid-October, starting in QC, so I am guessing our extra day will be like any other port day, you can come and go and you please until the "all aboard" time.
  9. Next to the Neptune Oyster (or a couple doors down) is Pauli's, a "hole in the wall" local place with WONDERFUL lobster rolls, both cold and hot! We were there in May, and the hot was $29, I think, but cheaper than the one on the menu at Neptune. You can sit at a counter or get it to go, and walk a block to the Rose Kennedy Greenway for an al fresco lunch.
  10. Just came across this thread. Thanks, GTJ, for the maps!
  11. So if we are booked with a TA, they need to send them to Princess to apply to OBC? Haven't done this before, thanks.
  12. Glad it wasn't just me! Hope we'll run into you and Ruth on another cruise someday 😊
  13. The issue I had was not with booking but seeing what is available for each port.
  14. It did, thank you! (I was otherwise occupied the past couple of hours, so was just able to try it). That seems a rather cumbersome way to access them, especially as there are no instructions on the page 😒
  15. I'm still not sure which "initial link" you are referring to - the Excursions link in my Travel Summary, or...?
  16. Are you seeing ALL the available excursions for ALL the ports? I still am taken to "Excursion Reservations" and can only see the one I've signed up for. Otherwise, it's like lx200gps said... Ok, if I just go to Find a Cruise and find that sailing, I am able to see the Excursions for the ports. Just not from my Travel Summary, then, I guess.
  17. I've tried to look at available excursions for both my October and February cruises, on the app and with Chrome. When I click on the Excursions icon in my Travel Summary, it takes me to "Excursion Reservations" with no way to access available excursions for the ports. When I look at the Itinerary, and click on the port name, it does the same thing. Anyone else having this issue?
  18. Didn't you have to give Princess your credit card number for the deposit and final payment? If so, they already have it, and, if I remember correctly, you just confirm that it's the card you'll be using.
  19. Swell, just what I need, a light going on in the room every time my husband gets up to use the bathroom! 😒
  20. We have sailed on Caribbean three times since 2013 (last time in 2017) It's not my favorite ship in that class, primarily because Crooner's (the piano bar), which we like to spend part of our evenings in if the piano player is good, is in a terrible spot. But that doesn't keep us from cruising on her again, as we hope to in October for 12 days, if the itinerary is what we want. I see that it was refurbished in 2019, don't know that I'll notice any changes from six years ago 😉 A lot of the complaints I read about seem to be "first-world problems..."
  21. While we have been on and enjoy the Caribbean and that class ship, as well as the Royal class ones, I did like the smaller, more intimate feeling of the Coral. There are plenty of open deck areas for glacier and scenery viewing. It had about the same number of passengers as the old Sun Princess, I think. I haven't been on the Sapphire, but have seen good reviews about it. If you haven't yet read any blogs by Pescado Amarillo (pescadoamarillo.blogspot.com), she just completed a back to back Alaskan cruise on the Sapphire - great reading!
  22. I know others will chime in with their experiences and preferences, so I'll start off with mine. We did our first Alaska cruisetour in 2002, on the old Sun Princess. Started in Fairbanks (overnight), took the train in the morning to the Denali Lodge for one night, train in the afternoon to Talkeetna and the McKinley Lodge for two nights, then to the ship for the southbound itinerary. Our second time was in 2018 on the Coral Princess (my recommendation) and we did the Beyond the Beaten Path land tour, which started in Anchorage with an overnight there. There were two long bus days, but lots of beautiful scenery, and we chose this one especially for the Copper River Lodge, which we loved! We only did the train on this one from Denali to Talkeetna. The first time we went in mid-August and the second one was late May-early June. I agree with your preference to do the land portion first. We did not do "meals included" on the land tour, that way we were not locked in to specific meals, and in Fairbanks (2-night stay) had dinner at two local restaurants. Whatever you choose, I hope you have a wonderful time!
  23. We love the Caribe balcony rooms because of the larger balcony and always book them on that class ship! We usually go with aft as the fare is lower, but midship is a good location.
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