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Adventures ahead

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Everything posted by Adventures ahead

  1. Correct. Thanks for the postscript to clarify for android users.
  2. Apparently so, haven't tried it yet. You would not want to take your phone off airplane mode or you'd be paying for international data.
  3. The exception is 'texting' using 'iMessage'. With cellular data turned off iMessage still works whenever you connect to Wi-Fi. To send iMessages when not on wifi, your phone would use cellular data.
  4. Thanks! Great information. Would seldom use it (because DH & I are mostly together) but great if there is urgency.
  5. This information may be helpful for some and, perhaps, not for others who have accessibility issues. In our case, my husband can walk un-aided, just not long distances or quickly, and we're not keen to get on crowded buses. So, taxis would be great for us. We're just wanting a ride to the older part of town. from avidcruiser.com "for cruise passengers": "... The Port Authority usually has hostesses at the cruise terminal in charge of the taxis and to answer questions from the passengers, according to Marie Guegan, in the communications department for the Port Atlantique La Rochelle. " BTW, it also stated that the city centre is 6km from where the ship's dock at "... Môle descale, a berth with ample shuttle service to La Rochelle's popular attractions." Regarding a ship's shuttle (accessibility unknown), I read elsewhere, "...Celebrity charges €10 per person". Can't speak to what other cruise lines may offer. Apparently, there's a possibility that the Port Authority may also run a free shuttle, not always communicated by cruise lines that sell their own shuttle tickets.
  6. PandaBear62, glad you're having fun. While everything may not be perfect, a positive attitude goes a long way to enjoying any vacation. Thanks so much for taking the time to post! Much appreciated! Apologies for digressing a bit... (hey, I'm Canadian so expect me to apologize, eh? : ) lol edspec, glad you had a lovely cruise! Although we've encountered a very few rude, 'entitled' passengers, most are regular folks who understand and accept that a vacation isn't like home and roll with whatever happens, their glass always half full. There are a lot of wonderfully kind people in the world and many are found on cruise ships! Maybe the CC name should change to "Cruise Comments"! The name of this board does this board no favours either. "Critic" has the bad connotation of a negative form of analysis... finding faults. (I think a name change was discussed years ago and didn't fly.) Many of us value this board for upbeat posters' helpful information. For me, the rest is entertainment.
  7. We love a pillow-top mattress. I'm more curious about the pillows. Hope DH can get a foam-type one, feathers being a no-no for both of us. He swears by the bamboo pillow he uses at home (and has head of the bed elevated couple of inches) but his pillow won't make the cut in our carry on! lol... don't even think about it! haha! Apparently, suites get a pillow 'menu'. May need to make a special request.
  8. Thanks! In case they're available on our sailing, we'll avoid watching some of these between now and when we cruise.
  9. You can ask for 'no starch' for shirts. If you roll items and/or use dry cleaning bags as suggested, no pressing needed. I might need to touch up a few things in the laundry room while my husband has his first nap. 🙃
  10. Thanks. We can download to our iPad and maybe mirror to the tv. Mind you, DH likes re-runs! Ugh lol
  11. Sailing from Southampton in a couple of weeks. In case I missed it, what's playing? Will probably end up watching them in our cabin.
  12. Thanks for this wonderful 'live blog'! Heartwarming to see your family travelling together. Memories made! Priceless! Lol, I'm a planner like you. If I have three chunks of time in a day (morning, afternoon and night: ) , I'll fill all three... even if one is 'rest'! OTOH, can be spontaneous and switch gears when needed. I joke that I can rest at home for free. We're sailing from Southampton on the Enchanted in a couple of weeks. Interesting how the conflicting information provided to passengers regarding mask wearing (second letter further down post #109) panned out. If Princess is serious about 'an abundance of caution', it may be a good idea not to provide mixed messaging. Regardless, I don't expect crew to enforce it and it sounds like the virus wasn't an overwhelming issue on your sailing. Yay! It's just good to hear that some passengers decided to go with the 'mandatory' request (first letter) or might have done so anyway. We'll be wearing ours. We haven't had covid 'yet' and would prefer not to get it on our cruise. After all, none of us knows what the future holds and if we'll get to cruise again. Meanwhile, we accept the risk, hope for kindness and a bit of luck! Your photos are outstanding! What phone or app might you be using? Following... : )
  13. Awesome that you're having such a great time! Brings back a lot of memories. I'm also amazed that you've taken so many tours (on buses... back seats, yes) and have managed not to get covid! Good for you guys!
  14. Hi Ali! Hope you got your passports! : ) Drop me a line.
  15. For the past week, I can’t look at future cruises. Shouldn’t need to do anything special! Princess needs to fix this.
  16. I read that muster drills are virtual on the tv with a physical follow-up check-in/reporting to someone that you've watched it. Has that changed?
  17. OMG! So glad we decided on carry on in two weeks' time! Didn't book EzAir this time either. Direct flight for us, Halifax to Heathrow. Of course, flight will have originated somewhere else, most likely Toronto, so our departure from Halifax could could still be delayed. There's a reason why my name is 'Adventrues Ahead', though I didn't have this in mind at the time! Wishing everyone good luck!
  18. Thanks for sharing. Sorry this happened. Note to self: - Avoid Caribbean Princess - If need arises, park myself at Guest Services until a Supervisor can authorize a new cabin! Hope you're able to plan a new celebratory trip!
  19. Princess Cruises offers a couple of airport transfers FROM Southampton via Windsor TO Heathrow if flying after 4 or 5pm.
  20. We fly Aug 3, return Aug 13. I'd only use the phone if we got stuck and felt it was an 'emergency'. If I used it only twice (for a 2-day roam-like-home charge with Bell), sounds like it would be about the same price as getting a travel SIM card. Of course, that's the problem with emergencies... you never know when one will arise and how urgent it may be. Otherwise, email on wifi will be adequate communication for this particular cruise. The package is activated on my cell phone from a previous trip so it's already there if I need it. We're Elite on Princess (don't know if that made a difference) and was able to use a 'courtesy' phone at Guest Services. I contacted a tour operator once when the meeting time got messed up. Thanks again, everyone, for your replies. I did pick up some tips, especially the new way that Bell counts your 24-hr activation to 11:59pm and in what time zone.
  21. Thank you. Do you know where it's shipped from? Is there a SIM card you can buy (locally) in Canada before you travel? Probably at Heathrow upon arrival; however, arrive late evening and kiosks may be closed?
  22. We used new SIM cards for extended stays in Mexico and Australia. Unsure about a SIM card that would work in multiple countries… UK and Guernsey, France and Spain for 10 days total?
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