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Everything posted by zap99

  1. Not funny. Imagine floating around in the Atlantic..in the dark... No whistle Gromit !!.
  2. As I said to Tony the driver before his first flight. Flying is not something to worry about Tony. Now crashing, that's something worth worrying about.
  3. That's my stomach. Did I wheelie eat all that rubbish. Wow, only put on 3 lbs .
  4. My car tells me when the seat belt isn't fastened. They could have a warning ' If the plane crashed and you weren't wearing your seat belt, you will be in big ,big trouble '.
  5. Stuff the crowns with newspaper to tighten them up, or push them down hard if too tight. They are only worn once in a blue moon.😉
  6. Same here.....adopt the brace position...... charter flight seats ?.....not a chance.
  7. We only did that to grumpy, old folk. Not many targets on a cruise ship are there ?....🤣
  8. DW's birthday is mid February. Some of the stuff we said " not buying that this year " may last a few more weeks.
  9. Plenty of Christmas still in our fridge and food cupboard.
  10. I remember a photo of a popular musician dangling his young Child over a hotel balcony to show the paparazzi. Wonder what happened to him ?🤣
  11. We played knock down ginger when we were younger. DW was quite good at it. I was a few years older, but caught her eventually. It was quite a popular children's game in London as the houses are quite close together. I imagine less so in the country. Could be fun on cruise ships.
  12. I think kids on cruises are no problem. No problem at all. Us adults are the problem. Perhaps if we all ran around playing pirate games rather than taking photos of the bathroom tiles we would all have a jolly good time.🤣
  13. We forgot to record the Kings broadcast. Oh well ! It'll be on again next year.
  14. We were out yesterday . No Faff. All the faff has been saved up for today. Turkey, roast veg, roast potatoes, Christmas pud. Full panic mode. What happened to boxing day.🤔🤐
  15. Strangely, nobody has said either are going anywhere. They may well be with us for years yet. They OP started this, but the OP has now left the building.
  16. We tend to avoid school holidays. Not necessarily to avoid kids, but the prices are a bit lower.
  17. Lunch out for us. We had a break from all the faff this year, but still have more food than morrisons. Zaps Christmas quiz. Which pic is the Britannia Glasshouse and which is Miller and Carter.
  18. Can you imagine one of the big ships as adult only. Full of grumpy folk tut-tutting about the good old days. 🤣
  19. Good news for Freddie and all of the CC forum members. The Norad Santa tracker goes live within the hour. He's loading up and will soon be on his way. DW and me wish everybody a safe and peaceful Christmas🧑‍🎄🎅🍰
  20. All done. We went down to Morrisons about 11.30am. Shelves well stocked up, got everything on the list + a bit more, all the checkouts we manned. In and out quicker than normal. House is now full up with food. Out to dinner Sunday, out to lunch on Monday. Panic mode.....how will we eat all that ?🤣
  21. When we review the list in the morning we can add a bag of Chicken nuggets. Just in case.
  22. Sorry Sue, but I now have this image of an 11 year old boy.....Mummy is that you ? Where have you been?.🤣
  23. Fillet steak on the hot lava rock is IMHO a brilliant idea. If you are worried about it spitting ,ask for a bib. When you have cooked it to your liking, take it off the rock.
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