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Everything posted by zap99

  1. Rockies were indeed spectacular, but we saw more eagles in Alaska. Both will do.
  2. In fairness to some of the companies, if they are in a quality assurance scheme with 3rd party accreditation, a requirement of the standard is continuous improvement. The cheap way of measuring that is a customer survey.
  3. That was our retirement present to ourselves. Calgary to Vancouver staying at Fairmont hotels, Rocky mountaineer, Alaska Cruise. Majestic scenery. No silly tourist stuff for us...oh no.
  4. They could hang up great big cotton sheets. The wind would catch in the sheets and pull the ships along . I doubt that would catch on.
  5. I bet you thought your friendly seagull had come home.🤣
  6. We stayed at Jasper park lodge. Brilliant, also on our way to Van conversion(stupid computer, I typed Vancouver) to join a Celebrity cruise. Look what turned up outside our room.
  7. Sometimes you come across ..." I'm off. I'll never post on here again "..2 pages later...guess what.🤣
  8. Don't worry. IoW hasn't changed much in the last 30 or so years. Some parts need to as they are looking a bit ...neglected.
  9. Please tell us when you post it. We are on Anthem in September.
  10. Well Vamps, your Children are perfect...smiling, or asleep.🤣
  11. You dog frightened him all the way down to Weymouth.
  12. We didn't have any problems. I am on Android and DW is apple. I think Mr Punch must be Microsoft as....oh no he wasn't. 🤣
  13. Seems that a couple of decent days and we are all off to the beach. We have been lucky with the weather at Weymouth, so will stop off at Swanage on the way home tomorrow. Normally they have punch and Judy.....all together now....oh yes they do.🤣
  14. We popped into Prezzo at Weymouth for lunch. I took a picture of the starter, but we just ate the main and pudding. Very yummy. Especially as DW used her tastecard and we got the meal half price.
  15. Most years we have a couple of Spanish holidays. At the kids clubs they often have the " Music man " It's mildly amusing watching the German kids running around with outstretched arms to the dambusters bit. No offense meant,or taken.. Predictive thinks kids dance to hamburgers, but not Dambusters. 🤣
  16. In years to come you will ask your lovely little girls " what didn't you like.? Nothing it was all great." We did cool runnings, but can't remember what's the lunch was like. Great review Vamps.
  17. One of my Scottish ancestors was hung, drawn and quartered by the English. Fair doos. He was very rude about the King.
  18. In that Weymouth now. Rain's stopped. Sun will be out now until Saturday.
  19. But surely in our united Kingdom we work for the good of all of our fellow United Kingdomers.🤣
  20. Funny how some of the home nations and principalities enjoy seeing England lose. I wonder if it's because they're teams are rubbish.??🤣
  21. Did a Spanish bloke do well at tennis? Didn't watch any of it. How did the Welsh do?.
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