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Everything posted by luvteaching

  1. Good morning , Our sunny skies have turned to clouds but no rain so that's good. Yesterday afternoon DS came over and mowed the lawn, filled the hummingbird feeders, loaded the recycling in the car for me, cleared off a shelf in the bedroom closet so now I have some sorting to do and he called his grandmother so a successful afternoon. It was great to have some time with him one-on-one. I've finished up my puppy dog sitting and the Vancouver Canucks won last night. Today is the pool for two water aerobics classes and then stopping at the incinerator where the closest recycling station is (we don't have curbside recycling being out in the hinterlands). Have a lovely Monday! Karen
  2. Happy Mother's Day! It's another pretty mornin with blue skies and sunshine. I've walked over to feed the neighbor dog and let her out for the day. I had a nice afternoon yesterday with my DS and DDIL and friends and family. I was at their friend's house and we celebrated his Mom's birthday. It came out in conversation that her birthday was May 8th - same as DD DH! She turned 68. There was lots of good food, nice conversation and it was very enjoyable to sit on a lounge chair and enjoy the sun. Today is a stay-at-home day. Lots of texts keeping my phone busy. DS will be over later to do the "son-do" jobs - mowing the lawn, filling hummingbird feeders and a few other tasks. I'll enjoy the time with him. To all who celebrate today have a wonderful day and allow yourself to be spoiled! 3 weeks today I board the Majestic Princess and I'm looking forward to a solo cruise and getting away to see Alaska - again! Karen
  3. Good morning, It's another gorgeous day in my neck of the woods. I've taken care of the neighbor dog so she's set for the day and I'm heading out to meet up with DS and DDIL at one of their friends' houses. I have directions and been promised good food so we'll see how it goes! We have another day in the mid-70's and we hit 80 yesterday. I didn't see the Northern Lights - just too tired but I'll watch again for them tonight. I'm working at getting the clothes closet changed over to the summer clothes and it's time to pack up DD DH's clothes so have to get my mind around that. No plans for Mothers Day yet but hoping DS and DDIL come over and get lawns mowed, filled hummingbird feeders and maybe help with clothes. I don't like to bug them too much so we'll see how it goes. 3 weeks tomorrow I sail on Majestic Princess for a week by myself on a cruise ship. I'm really looking forward to it! Karen
  4. Good morning, We're having a lovely day today with a projected high of 71. I can handle that. The long range forecast doesn't have any rain in it so this could be a sign that Spring is really here. Thank you, again, for all the kind thoughts yesterday. I did well and though I of course miss DD DH tons I was able to get through the day and carry on. Now the last "First" will be June 27th which was the day he passed. Today is staying home. I'm looking after the dog next door and have already walked over, fed her breakfast and let her out for the day. That added 1000 steps to my pedometer since I went the long way. I am going to make a lemon pound cake to take to the widows support group potluck tomorrow and probably a batch of chocolate chip cookies. It's time to move the Spring clothes over to the closet so hope to make a dent in that task. Moscato was DD DH's favorite but I'm more of a Riesling fan. I found the Moscato a tad too sweet. Happy Thursday! Karen
  5. Good evening, Thanks for all the good wishes today. They worked! Not much in the way of tears and I even got a new picture of the great-granddaughters texted to me! I've toasted DD DH with a glass of wine (Riesling) and will have a special dessert for him in a bit. I appreciate all the good thoughts and thank you! Karen
  6. Good morning, We have sunshine and that's all I see in the forecast for at least a week! Highs in the mid-high 70's by the weekend. Thanks for all the good thoughts on DD DH's heavenly birthday today. It's the first one so we'll see how I do. So far so good. He loved his hummingbirds so I'll wear my hummingbird socks and earrings in his honor today and have some salmon with the brown sugar glaze for dinner. His fave was meatloaf but not mine so we'll go with his second favorite. So far I'm doing fine and I hope it stays that way. It's also our great-granddaughter's first birthday so keeping that at the forefront of my thoughts. Off to the pool, a few errands, and I'm looking after the puppy dog, Bella, next door until Sunday. Plenty to keep me busy. Karen
  7. Good morning, It's overcast but the sun is trying to shine through. We didn't get the hail that @Cruising-along mentioned yesterday but we did get some rain. Now there's no rain in the forecast until next week sometime. I can handle that! Today is a day to stay home. I have several things I'd like to get done - unless a good book calls my name! I've been working on some banking items. Next up is wrapping some birthday gifts for the "greats" so they are ready to go. Our youngest great granddaughter (Ivy) is 1 tomorrow and I'll focus on that as it's also DD DH's 84th birthday. Our great-niece is 7 on the 20th and then the other great granddaughter is 4 on June 15th. Wrapping will keep me busy. There's always clothes to put away and I'm going to start tackling packing up DD DH's clothes - a little at a time probably. All is good and I enjoy the time at home. Tomorrow is the pool for two water aerobics classes. The pool is my happy place. Also starting to get prepared for the first cruise. It's on Majestic Princess on June 2-9. This is one I'm going solo on which I'm looking forward to. Karen
  8. GOod afternoon everyone, It's a soggy day here but we have had some sun breaks. That's ok. I did the pool this morning and the first class only had 11 of us where we are usually closer to 20. By the time we got to the strength training with the buoys there were only 6 of us in the pool! The arthritis class had 10 so that's good for us. I stopped at a couple of places on the way home and now the washer is going to get the bathing suit and towel done and I'm trying to get a few things done around here. Nothing else too exciting. @kazu Thanks for starting us and I hope your foot responds well to the antibiotics @JazzyV Yikes on BFF! I'll see if I have any bubblewrap around for your both. Karen
  9. Good morning, The day is starting out overcast but never fear - rain is coming! We have a couple of soggy days forecasted but highs in the mid-high 70's by the weekend so that's life in the Pacific Northwest. Welcome home @kazu. Enjoy a day cuddling with Ivan. Congrats to Morgan @StLouisCruisers! Today is a stay-at-home day and I'm hoping to get the closet changed over to the Spring and Summer clothes. Since it's Cinco de Mayo I may have a chicken burrito for dinner. I got some nice ones at the big box store and they heat up very nicely in the air fryer. I coat them with a bit of olive oil and wrap them in foil. They are filled with chicken and quite tasty. This week is busy with the pool and the widows support group potluck on Friday. Wednesday is my day I'll see how I'm doing on as it's DD DH's birthday (he'd have been 84) and more importantly our great granddaughter's 1st birthday (her name is Ivy). Have a lovely and relaxing Sunday. Karen
  10. @YVRteacher I ordered the school teacher book today. Am looking forward to reading it. The first book in the Sue Henry series is "Murder on the Iditarod". If we were closer I'd loan them to you as I have them all. I'll check out the Rainy Retreat books in Juneau when I'm there in June. Karen
  11. @kazu and Deb - have a safe trip home! I'll look forward to reading your wrap-up of the cruise. Karen
  12. Good morning from a grey overcast Pacific Northwest. That's ok - the rain is supposed to hold off until tomorrow and by mid-week we're in the mid to upper 70's. I'm taking that as a hint to get out the Spring/Summer clothes and change over the closet. I need to start packing DD DH's clothes and get them ready to donate. Just haven't done it yet for no good reason other than procrastination. Wednesday, the 8th, would have been his 84th birthday and last year our great-granddaughter was born on his birthday so I'll concentrate on that. Yesterday was the pool and errands as well as getting a few things done around here. I have a month until my first of 4 Alaska cruises. This one is by myself on Majestic Princess. I want to get my dining booked and then I can relax. Today will be a stop at a friend's Open House (she's a realtor and we get a visit in) and calling my Mom who will be thrilled the Vancouver Canucks won last night. I'm still working on getting my desk cleaned off and other lovely fun things. Have a good Saturday and enjoy the weekend! Karen
  13. @YVRteacher Have you read the Sue Henry Alaska mystery series? It's a set I really enjoyed. I love how you are showing bookstores! Where were the ones in Juneau? I know there's one by Hanger on the Wharf but hadn't found any others. Thank you! Karen
  14. @ger_77 Yay!!! What wonderful news. I tend to cry easily so I tell people I was born with my bladder behind my eyes. Maurice had a great comeback. Karen
  15. Good afternoon, As @Cruising-along mentioned we're having a lovely day here with sun and nice temperatures. Tomorrow is to be a repeat and somewhat warmer and then back to rain. Yesterday was busy with 2 water aerobics classes in the morning and then I met a friend at Panera for lunch. We taught together and it was nice to catch up. Today has been laundry and getting some walking in. My goal is my craft room/office/mess and I promised myself I wouldn't start a new jigsaw puzzle until I got it more organized. Notice I said "more" and not "totally". I'm also gearing up for graduation. I have up to 24 former students graduating this year so need to track them down and double-check on their status. I'll be on the Majestic Princess on graduation day. I send all my former students I can connect with a card and a $5.00 Starbucks gift card. Next year will be my last class. We were a small rural school and I have kids graduating this year, and next, who I taught their parents and siblings as well. No to the drink and meal, maybe on the wine on a BHB. Have a lovely rest of the day! Karen
  16. It's unusual to see HAL at the Franklin dock - they're usually at the first 2. I'll be waving from a HAL ship on July 9 and Sept. 9th. On both cruises I'm taking friends who have never been to Alaska or on a cruise ship before. This could be interesting! Karen
  17. @rafinmd. Regarding the map. I'm on Safari and have it on "satellite view". I can zoom in and out just fine and it refreshes. Karen PS: I'm also on a MAC.
  18. Good afternoon, It's a cloudy/sunny/windy day - typical for the Pacific Northwest! I'm finally home. Today was two water aerobics classes and then I did the banking since tomorrow is payday and I'm within minutes of the bank. That saves a trip to town tomorrow which takes about 25 minutes. I got home and my wonderful DS had been here. My new office chair was put together, he'd filled the hummingbird feeders and brought in a package that came in the mail. I missed seeing him and having a visit but it's ok. He's gone back to school this quarter (first time) and told me today he has 1035 in his Communication Class! As an adult ADHD with a tendency to not be focused and organized he's learning time management and how to make things work. Yay!!! Now to put the new chair in place and I want to get some cleaning done in my craft room - particularly my desk as I know there's an Amazon gift card on there somewhere! Karen
  19. Just checked the webcam and it's a nice day in Juneau with clouds and sun. Let's hope it holds for the travelers.
  20. Good morning, It's a soggy start to the day and the weather forecast calls for more rain. That's ok - nowhere to go today and I can get things done here. I have a craft room and desk that really need some attention and I can find lots of cleaning to take care of. Yesterday I ran to town (about a 20 minute drive on back roads with little traffic) and put a card in the mail and then got rid of all the expired meds at the drug take-back day. What a relief to have that taken care of. DD DH had so many meds he was on and I had quite a stockpile of them as well as old over-the-counter ones that it was rather cleansing to have them all out of the cupboard and out of the house. Now I'll get that cupboard wiped out and maybe do some rearranging. DS just informed me that he'll be over tomorrow instead of today, which is fine. I have a few "son do" jobs that he claims I can no longer do on my own. I'll gladly give up the lawn mowing (although it will be too wet for him to do it tomorrow) but I can do a few other things. I have a new office chair that I would like him to put together for me but I may try and do it myself today. Have a lovely and relaxing Sunday, Karen
  21. Good morning, It's a grey breezy and soon to be wet day here in the Pacific Northwest. A good weekend to get things done here at home. I had problems yesterday getting on CC but not this morning so fingers crossed it keeps working. Today I'm heading out to get rid of medications. I have 5 grocery bags of DD DH's old meds and over-the-counter expired medications. I'm going to our local City Hall where they have a drug take-back day from 10;00 - 2:00. After clearing out the cupboards and going through everything I have more cupboard space! Since nature abhors a vacuum I'm sure it will fill up in the near future. Karen
  22. @marshhawk. Me too! I was on Safari and am on a Mac. I switched to Chrome and it's working. Karen
  23. Good evening, I had to switch browsers to get on CC this evening. Weird. All I get is a white screen on Safari. @Quartzsite Cruiser Here's the chocolate snickerdoodle recipe. I get about 2 dozen cookies off of this one but they aren't that big. Oven at 350 for 9 minutes 3/4 c sugar 1/4 cup margarine (or butter) 1/2 tsp vanilla 1 egg 1 1/8 cup flour 1/2 tsp cream of tartar 1/4 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 cup cocoa. I put it all in the Kitchenaid mixer and let the mixer do it's magic. Then I refrigerate the dough for at least 4 hours and even to the next day. I use a scoop to get the cookies on the cookie sheet. I make them into balls and dip then into a cinnamon sugar mixture and then bake. They come out a bit puffy with a cracked top. Karen
  24. Good morning, @kazu so glad you are having a good trip and I really enjoyed seeing all the photos and reading about your trip to Boston. I've been debating about the filet with lobster dumplings for my next Pinnacle Grill dinner in July. Tell me more please! Have a wonderful trip! Karen
  25. Good morning, It's a rather dreary day here but rain isn't in the forecast. Never fear it's back with a vengeance tomorrow. Happy Birthday @dfish! Safe travels and enjoy your day. Today is some errands in town and I'm going to try a new water aerobics class. I'm taking a hiatus from PT so this will add a 3rd day of pool time which my body will enjoy. I also have to stop and top off the gas tank and get a few groceries. Nothing too exciting. I got the chocolate snickerdoodles made yesterday and that was the highlight of my day. Happy Friday! Karen
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