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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. A very good morning from a cold (39F) central Texas. I got a little more sleep last night. DH and older DD played clarinet in their high school bands. DD stilly plays in the Austin Civic Wind Ensemble. Tolerance is needed now more than ever. I have more buttons than I'll ever use, but I hesitate to call it a collection. They are just buttons that came with clothes or with other sewing accessories. I guess I should do something with them. The Anais Nin quote is interesting and true in many cases. We'll pass on the meal (kale), drink and wine. @MISTER 67I'm glad the infection is gone, and I hope you will be allowed to golf again in two weeks. @atexsix It was good to see you posting Bruno, but I'm sorry the news wasn't better. DD is lucky to have your as his caregiver, but remember to take care of yourself too. I know it is hard to find time for yourself, but I'm learning how necessary it is. Christmas Island, Kiribati, was the port of the day on May 12, 2021. I don't have a link to @richwmn Riches post, but to mine. This is what I posted on May 12, 2021. FYI, there are two Christmas Islands, and today's port is the one in the Pacific very close to the equator. The other is in the Indian Ocean and is under the authority of Australia. On trivia questions, it is the one in the Indian Ocean they are asking about as Christmas Island is it's only name. We've been to Kiritimati (Christmas Island) Kiribati at least three times. This is a tender port, with the ships anchoring in the lagoon. It is very shallow in places, and the tender drivers have to be extremely careful. However, that was not enough as one tender ran aground, and it took a while to get it refloated. Fortunately, we were not on that tender. The first time there was in 1997, so no pictures from that stop. I'll see if DH has videos of the sunset that day since it as the best sunset we've ever seen. The water was glassy and you could see the clouds looking like they were rising from below the curvature of the earth. They were not thick clouds and we were able to see the sun set and IIRC the green flash. Christmas Island is a fairly undeveloped island. These pictures are from our 2007 b2b Hawaii-Tahiti-Hawaii cruise on Pacific Princess. As we left the dock the pre-school class was there to serenade us. The local "tour bus" we picked up at the dock for a tour of the island. Notice the "sturdy step" to help get in the truck. In 1997, they had a old school bus donated by the state of Hawaii as their tour bus, complete with a view of the road as you passed over it. 😀 At the other end of the road is the Captain Cool Hotel, the only one on the island. It offers air conditioned rooms and non-air conditioned rooms. Fishermen would fly in for a week's fishing trip. It was a week long trip, since the only flight was a weekly one from Hawaii, as of 2007. The beach at the hotel. Where some of the islanders live Back from our tour, some of the adults put on a show for us. They even had an Internet Cafe, with very slow speeds. The shopping for the tourists Add the shopping for the locals, but of course, they would take our money too. Looking down the beach from the dock If you ever see an itinerary with Christmas Island, it is well worth a visit. Lenda
  2. You're correct. He seems to be lasting longer before the BP drops. At least this is so for the first time each day. At 1 pm, it happened sooner. The BP situation is improving, but slowly. When it gets very low, its hard for him to think and hus eyes don't focus correctly. We're just happy with any improvement no matter how small. It will take time for things to get back to normal. Lenda
  3. Good evening. Today just got even better. At the first afternoon therapy, after a couple of BP checks, DH walked from his room to almost the midtle of the gym before he got tired, his BP started dropping and he sat back down in the wheelchair. Hena measured the distance at 158 feet. He was definitely walking better than he has since before his first surgery. I think there will some not as good days amid the dood days. BUT, he's definitely headed in the right direction. Lenda
  4. Debbie, I understand what you're saying. The regional hospital near our town gives good care, but now uses doctors from a hospital group based (I think) in Maine. Because of that, our PCP who has an independent practice, no longer has privileges at the hospital. Fortunately, the PCP's practice is thriving. He also is more interesed in treating his patients, and then worrying about the money. We're definitely keeping him. Lenda
  5. When I got to the rehab hospital, DH had just finished a therapy session. I mer Hena, the occupational therapist who was all smiles. She said he'd made it through the hour without his blood pressure dropping. DH even requested going to the gym to try walking. He was still sitting in the wheelchair for another 15 minutes before the BP dropped. They finished changing the sheets and got him back in bed. After a BP check they did an ekg. About an hour later one of the doctors came in to see him, after the weekly evaluation of his progress. She was encouraged that he is beginning to make progress, and said they will keep working on the BP problem. It sounds like they won't be sending to the hospital. I probably won't ever meet his "regular" doctor. He visits sometime between 7 am and shortly after 8 am. Visiting hours don't start until 8 am which is hard for me to get here that early. It will take time, but he is slowly heading in the right direction. After meeting one of the doctors, I feel he is in the right place. Lenda
  6. Thank you, Graham. Broome is not a large town, at least it wasn't in 2002. However, it is a lovely town and the people are very friendly. Lenda
  7. A very early good morning from central Texas. It was 39F when I checked a few minutes ago and windy. It was another morning when I woke up early and could not get back to sleep. I decided to get some things out of the way before heading to Waco a little later. Recycling is very important, and I would love to be able to recycle here and in Quartzsite. It was possible for a few years, but recycling is no longer available in either place. The companies handling the recycling began charging too much or would not let civilians drop off the recycling. Bundt cakes are nice. I have been trying to clean our the refrigerator before things got really nasty. A very interesting quote by Marilyn Monroe. I believe there was more to her than met the eye, but she chose to show a different side. She was a very complicated and troubled person. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would love to try the wine, but someone else would have to buy it. We were lucky to visit Broome in 2002 on the Asian Pacific Explorer Cruise (APEC) on Volendam. Broome was not on the original itinerary, but was substituted for Bali after the nightclub bombing. @Lady Hudson Katherine, that is good news that your DH had the stitches removed yesterday and is on the mend. @MISTER 67 I hope all goes well at the doctor visit and the infection has cleared up. @cunnorl Charlene, I'm glad the cruise is going well, even with itinerary changes. I think you will enjoy Broome. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, except for the fluctuating BP, DH is doing well. He is doing his best at therapy in spite of as he put it "his BP being all over the map". It was done in his room yesterday afternoon for safety, and his BP was checked every five minutes or so. @Cat in my lap I love our Mannheim Steamroller Christmas album. Enjoy the concert. We thoroughly enjoyed our day in Broome. Since we'd been to Bali two years before, we were not as disappointed to miss it as many others were. We went into town and rented a car to explore the area. Later, we stopped at the airport to see about a sightseeing flight. All the ones booked by the ship had finished, and the pilot gave us a good price (below the ship's price if we promised to to tell). The airport Broome is on a peninsula and there are many beaches Cable Beach We stopped at this restaurant on Cable Beach for a cold beer. Cable Beach was named in honor of the telegraph cable that was laid between Broome and Java in 1889. Scenes from our flight. Some of the pictures taken out the window are not as clear as I would have liked. The Volendam at the end of a very long pier The runway Broome Lenda
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. Dh actually has a set in Quartzsite and one at the house here. He got both on Amazon. His problem now is sitting up and having his BP drop extremely low. Yesterday, the PT was in his room for safety, and the therapist had him doing leg and foot exercises while monitoring his BP every five minutes. Lenda
  9. Melisa, I feel the same way about all the wonderful and supportive people who frequent the Daily. Lenda
  10. Debbie, I can't help wondering what happened to two things. 1) Do no harm and 2) putting the patient first over the doctor's ego. I think they don't realize how much stress and worry the place on patients and their families when they place their egos ahead of everything. I guess you can tell my opimism from Saturday has turned to frustration. Lenda
  11. Jane, that sounds like things are under control. We also carry a small pharmacy with us when we cruise. I know you and your friend will have a great cruise. Lenda
  12. To answer your question, no. Cobh is the port for Cork which is a few more miles inland and a big city. Cobh is a smaller town. Lenda
  13. DH did do the 3 pm PT, but the therapist came to his room. She said he was concerned he might not make it to the gym and back. There were a lot of foot and leg exercises and she checked his BP about every five minutes. He said it was all over the map. He told her that he thought the stationary bicycle would be a big help, but she didn't want to get him on it and have him fall off. Big helpful me, suggested that the she use the belt they put around him to strap him to the bicycle. 🤣 At least, he did get some therapy, which is better than none. Debbie, I think you may be correct. Unfortunately, in hospital hierarchy, cardiologist trumps radiologist, even if the latter is correct. It is very concerning, and we think the team at rehab is trying to figure it out. DH is going to mention the doctor who wanted to keep him to the rehab doctor tomorrow. It couldn't hurt. Thanks for giving us the idea to mention it. We have been to Cobh at least three times. The first was in 2003 on Rotterdam VI. We did a tour to Blarney Castle, where DH kissed the Blarney Stone, but I decided to skip it. I have enough Blarney without inviting more. 😉 Once back in Cobh, we took the local bus to Kinsale and then walked around Cork on the way back. The next year, we were there on Noordam III and surprise, rented a car. We drove to Kinsale and then to a golf course two business associates had played. Our last visit was in 2016 on Prinsendam. That day we rented a car and drove to Waterford and toured their glass making demonstration. Then we drove to the Jameson's Distillery, where we toured the old distillery and the new modern one. Kinsale A market, but I don't remember if it was Kinsale or Cork Cobh port train station. Roche's Point lighthouse The golf course, but I have no idea which one or exactly where it is. Waterford Jameson Lenda
  14. Good afternoon from a cold and rainy central Texas. Today, I was going to stay home and catch up on many things since it was going to be raining. About 7:30 DH called, and said the lens had popped out of the glasses frame. He needed my to bring him the two spare pairs at home, and didn't think he could wait until tomorrow. One of the nursing techs got the lens popped back in. I was just going to drop the glasses and the repair kit for the glasses off and head home, when the therapist came in for OT. Today it was a shower, so while he was in the shower, I gave him a much needed haircut. The last one was in early October. They are giving him a pain pill and a muscle relaxer, which is helping with the leg pain. We're pretty sure it is the nerves coming back, but it will take some time. They still haven't figured out what is causing his BP to drop drastically after he sits up for 15 to 30 minutes. They are not giving him any of the blood pressure meds, and it is till happening. It got extremely low, but then began coming back up before they got him back in bed this morning. This is what they sent him to the hospital for last week. However, once they found the blood clot and got that problem solved, they sent him back to rehab. Not only is the BP drop concerning, it is interfering with his being able to have much PT. He just texted that he is going to try the 3 pm PT. Even a little PT is better than none. Now, I'm playing catchup with all I wanted and needed to do today. I'll get some of it done, but housecleaning will have to wait. With just me here, and being gone several nights and most days, it just needs a light cleaning. With two wonderful daughters, I will celebrate Girls Day and Children's Day. DH can celebrate pickle day. Today's quote is just weird. I like mac and cheese, and bacon added sounds nice, just please hold the sweet potatoes. I'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice. We have been to Cobh several times, and I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes. Terry, I'm sorry you are not in the best shape and I hope things improve for you. I also hope the new aide works out well. Thanks for the good wishes. We know we've got a long road ahead. Sandi, thank you for the good wishes for DH. BTW, I added a little more info about Naki Attaman to yesterday's late post. Ann, another great meme. Sounds like Texas weather at times. MISTER67, I hope the infection has cleared up and you get a smaller bandage tomorrow. BTW, be glad it is also not the middle fingers. 🤣 Melissa, I'm sorry your travels have caused you DH some confusion. I like your attitude about making the best of things and adding to your bucket list. Annie, sorry the new job doesn't pay what you expected. Thanks for the hug, Annie. They all help. Linda, tell your son congratulations on the award winning chili. Terri I'm sorry your Polymyalgia Rheumatica flared up. I hope your do not need the Prednisone for long. Good luck with the packing. I hope your neighbor improves, and sending positive thoughts for her and her DH. Susan, it's almost always the animals who are nice, but not some people. Good luck. Vanessa, I'm sorry you are having so many tummy issues and and neuropathy. I hope the doctors can sort things out quickly. Take care. Annie, I hope Irving's blood tests give the vet some answers and the problem is not too bad, and can be solved quickly. Nancy, I hope your DB can get some relief from the rash and the pain, and that he can be in the best place for that. Lenda PS. It looks like we were on the road to Quartzsite last year when Cobh was the port of the day. So I did not post any pictures. If I have time later, I'll look for some.
  15. Today was not a great day for DH, but we see the reason as a positive sign of progress and healing. About 11 last night, the leg that has been numb since the first surgery began to hurt, and not just a little bit. It kept him awake all night, and Tylenol didn’t ease the pain any. The doctor, who comes in on weekends, spent more than an hour examining DH and talking to him. He prescribed a powerful pain killer and a muscle relaxer. They worked but made him sleepy. The doctor thought it was a sign of the nerves finally beginning to work again. It will take time for the pain to lessen, and DH will have to work through the pain. While not pleasant, it's a step in the right direction. I came home early so DH could sleep. It was cool and windy, but the sun made it bearable outside. I took advantage of the cooler than normal, but pleasant weather to mow the yard. Our warm weather and recent rains greened up the grass and made it grow. I needed to do something physical and the yard needed attention. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, so barring any unforeseen things, I'm staying home and catching up on things around here. Vanessa, I hope you can find out what is causing your stomach issues. I hope the timeline helps pinpoint the cause. Sandi, thanks. It was weird finding out the school connectuon. We had a friend who was the Event Manager on Prisendam, and we would try to have dinner together every so often. She would invite us to join her and a guest entertainer. In this case, we asked her to invite Naki to join us. He is a very nice man, and easy to talk to. During the conversation, he asked where we were from. When we said Texas, he mentioned he was familar with Texas, especially Big Spring and Abilene. When I mentioned I grew up in Abilene, he surprised me by asking which high school I graduated from. Before I finished saying the name, he was saying it. Talk about a shock. Great food amd a great family. Roy, another instance of it being a small world. @StLouisCruisers Sandi and Dennis, along with DH and myself were in Rio on Ruby Princess on your last day there on Maasdam. We looked out on Maasdam from our aft balcony. Lenda
  16. Good morning from sunny but cold central Texas. It was 30F when I woke up this morning, at at least yesterday's wind is gone. It is now 44F in Waco. Last night's UT v TCU game ended the way we expected. However, it was a good game, and UT held TCU to 17 points while scoring 10 points. All three days are interesting. I guess hugging DH counts as hug a muscian since he was in the band in high school. Papusa sounds like something I might try. I remember in junior high, we would celebrate Sadie Hawkins Day, and the girls would ask the boys out. I really like the Mark Twain quote. As a journalist, I was taught if you could use one word or ten wors, use just one. Yes, I know I don't always follow that rule on here. 😁 I would like to try the stuffing biscuits, and the wine. The drink is a maybe. We were in Recife in 1999 on Noordam III, but our pictures are non digital. We rented a car and toured Recife and Olinda. We enjoyed our day there. @cat shepard Ann, I loved the two submarines racing. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I found out one of our favorite entertainers will be on Volendam from Ft. Lauderdale to Manaus. Naki Attaman is a wonderful pianist who has two great shows that are not to be missed. If you get a chance to talk to him, please tell him Lenda from Abilene said hello. Even though Naki is from Turkiye, we graduated from the same high school in Abilene, but in different years. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm sorry your DB now has a rash from the medicine for his infection. I hope they can solve the rash problem and get the infection cleared up soon. Lenda
  17. Good afternoon from a cold, windy and sunny central Texas. It was 36F when I got up this morning. At least, the sun is out. When I got to rehab this morning DH had been to therapy. He is doing a lot better and is more alert. He was able to get out of bed without much assistance. They are still trying to figure out what is happening with his BP. It drops drastically when he is sitting up. Once he is back in bed, it goes back up. His appetite is back, and he ate his entire lunch except for the roll. All in all, I'm very happy with his progress. We realized it had been a long time since we've had a French dip. We both got our pneumonia vaccine shots last year. And who doesn't like happy hour. The quote today is a strange one. The meal sounds interesting as do the drink and the wine. We have not been to Fukuoka. Tony, @sailingdutchy thanks for your pictures. @rafinmd Roy, congratulations on reaching 5 Star status. Our condolences on the passing of Firefighter Andy. @mamaofami Enjoy your warm weather. That is good news your friends in Florida are safe. @Mr. Boston Congratulations on your nephew's engagement. @cunnorl According to a news report I saw, the ship with the Covid cases is the Majestic Princess. There are 800 passengers out of 4,000 passengers who tested positive. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, we're sending HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to your DS. Your DD's ornaments are lovely. @lindaler I have also noticed how much happier you seem to be after the move. Hope your chili wins. @dfish Debbie, I hope you get the pest control mess straightened out. There are just some businesses who won't acknowledge when a customer wants to end the business relationship. @Crazy For Cats 🎂 🎁 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAKE! 🥂 🍾 It's about time for me to head back home. I want to be home and have things organized in time to watch the Texas v TCU game. Of course, I'm pulling for the Longhorns 🤘, but the Horned Frogs are ranked #4. Lenda
  18. Carol, I couldn't use any reaction to this post. While you intended what this post is referring to as tongue-in-cheek, after the week we've been through, it hit a very raw nerve with me. If DH had not been in that particular hospital, the outcome because of the blood clot could have been drastically different. At best, DH could have had permanent damage to his heart and lungs. I know for a fact they were using a picture of the clot as a teaching tool on rounds the next day. Lenda
  19. Carol, they used a new method to remove the blood clot. I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but the blood clot was huge, going from the artery from the heart into both lungs. It was so big that waiting for it to deslove was not an option since it would take months. They went in through a vein in his groin and using a new method they were able to remove the vast majority if not all of the blood clot. Friom what we understand DH was the fifth person to undergo this procedure. It is so new,there were at least three or four representatives of the company which developed this new method of removing a blood clot from the lungs. We were very fortunate that another problem sent DH to the right hodlital at the right time, otherwise I'm not sure what would have happened in the long run. At the least, according to a doctor, he would have had problems with his heart and pulomary hypertension. As large as the clot was, we were extremely lucky he survuved and has a good chance of regaining a normal life. It will take time, but ar least we have the time now. Yes, there were differing views about keeping DH longer, but without being in the right hospital at the right time, I hate to think what the outcome would gave been. I'm very glad he was sent to the right place at the right time. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon from a very wet central Texas. Naturally, it was pouring when the van came to transfer DH back to rehab. Fortunately, there was a portico at both the hospital and rehab. David, the person who does the transfers, even drove me to my car so I did not have to walk in the rain. I will say, the people here are very nice. DH's blood pressure dropped too low again just after his getting into his room. It scared and upset me a lot since that was what sent him to the hospital. I did get a chance to talk with a nurse supervisor who really listened. She recommended we tell the doctor the history of why DH's BP needs to be higher than most people's BP. That will have to be up to DH since the doctor comes too early for me, usually before visiting hours. This morning, the hospitalist who wanted to keep DH in the hospital, suggested that since the problem occurs in the morning, he try taking the meds at night. When the pharmacist came by to discuss his meds, she agreed to that change. Now, that the dust has settled so to speak, the transfer was probably not as bad as it seemed yesterday. I'm just very grateful they sent him to the hospital where they found the blood clot. The procedure used to remove the clot is still experimental, and they had reps from the company that makes the equipment used in the room during the procedure. DH thinks he was the fifth person to have it done. Now, it's time for him to buckle down and rebuild his strength and regain the ground he lost so he can come home. He still has a long road ahead of him. Again, thank all of you for your support during all of this. @smitty34877 Terry, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your grandkids. Looking back, I think there was a lot of miscommunication between the doctors and between the hospital and the rehab which caused a lot of needless stress and worry. @AncientWanderer I did get some rest. I don't think the confusion was between the shifts but between two doctor who didn't agree and between the two facilities. @Seasick Sailor Joy, our condolences to your friend on the loss of her mother. With all the changes for your cruise, just remember the saying "Ship happens", and watch how you say it. 🤣 @NextOne Edi, you were so lucky they found the AFib when they did. I'm glad you are feeling fine and are on the right meds. Good luck with the cataract surgery. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, I hope you feel better soon. @Cruising-along Carolyn, thank you for your kind words. Enjoy the day with the grandsons. @St Pete Cruiser We were in Manaus in 2006, and the bridge had not been built. @rafinmd Roy, a belated BON VOYAGE. I had to smile and laugh at your description of the hospital. It was perfect. Thank you for the pictures of the Opera House. I think I posted one from there, but my pictures were not that good due to the lighting. @JazzyV Vanessa, thank you for what you said about the confusion at the hospital. I think the bigger the hospital is the more things get muddled. Thank you too for the birthday wishes for my DM. @grapau27 Graham, thank you too for honoring her birthday. Thank you for your kind words about my pictures. Today, is turning out to be a better day. It could not have gotten much worse than yesterday. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope the antibiotics clear up your DB's infection and he can is able to go home soon. I also hope they get the bedsores cleared up. @CHIEFWINEMAKER Welcome to the Fleet/Daily. We're a very friendly and caring group, and we hope you'll join us often. @HAL Sailer Melisa, I'm glad Nicole spared your place from further damage. It looks like the rain has finally slowed down and DH is napping. I will probably head home soon, before the afternoon rush. Lenda
  21. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for posting what I wrote last year. I did post four pictures the next day. In the meantime I found some pictures on the tablet and will try posting them, but without much commentary. The meeting of the waters. The murky water is the Amazon, and the clear is the Rio Negra. Our firsr view of Manaus One of the passenger boats that travel the Amazon The little boats we transferred to for the ride through the jungle. Houses in the jungle Pictures from our tour of the city Manaus at night Our last day we got another samll boat with another couple to go out in the jungle again. A cayman hidding in the vegetation We stopped at one house and they brought out their pets. The sloth was soft, but I didn't pet the snake, DH did. Once back in town, we walked down to the market on the riverfront. This shows the river levels for many years. It was at the head of the dock. Lenda
  22. Good morning from central Texas. We're supposed to get heavy rains and a cold front stzrting in a few hours. I guess I'll be driving home in the rain and wind this afternoon. Just got a text from DH. No doctor visit th8s morning, but the nurse said discharge papers have not been signed. I guess we're still on the roller-coaster from yesterday. As soon as I finish this, it will be time to get dressed, ger some breakfast and head back to the hospital and DH's tiny room. It's about 1/3 the size of the ICU room, which was their largest one. Happy Veterans Day to all our veterans here. My grandfather was in the Navy in WWI and both our fathers were in the Army in WWII. For me toady has an9ther special meaning. It would have been my mother's 111 birthday. She was born 11/11/11. I'll salute the other three days, especially education. Another interesting Oscar Wilde quote. I like trout but probably not with a the bean sauce. I'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine. We spent 2 1/2 days in Manaus in 2006. Then, if you could walk around town but I'm not sure about now. Wtook a city tour and two tours through the nungle by boat. Sandi @StLouisCruisers would you please repost my pictures? I better stop now, and get moving. The doctor saw DH he'll leave soon. Lenda
  23. The support and understanding I'm receiving has brought tears to my eyes. It means more to me than you can ever imagine. That is what makes this thread so special. Thank you, Rich, @richwmn for giving us such an place, and thank you all for making it so special. ♥️ i still have not read more than the last page. I tried last night, but I fell asleep before I got through the first page. Surprisingly, I slept better than I expected. I guess being worn out helps. I could have slept in DH's room, but neither of us would have slept well. Thank you, Annie. The kittens are adoravle. Charlene, I really don't know since I was on the way to the car to head home when he stopped by DH's room. All I know is the little DH told me. Atm he time we were just so reliefed he would be staying for a few more days as they tried to figure things out. I guess we figured we'd learn more today. Just don't get me started on the medical profession who doesn't listen to patients and their families who know what is happening better than they do. We've seen two exceptions, our PCP and his staff, and the hospitalist in Mexia. It's interesting that they are Osteopaths and not MDs. I guess theyn see people with a problem not a problem which happens to be attached to a body. Thank you so much Graham for the awesome hug. Unfortunately, he won't be in the perfect place much longer since he is being transferred back to rehab today. And I've probably missed the doctor already. We'll just have to see what happens next. I guess the worst part is feel8ng helpless and that no matter how often you tell them something, you are ignored. Lenda
  24. Thank you, Susan. It seems in the medical hierarchy, specialists win over hospitalists who see the patients more. Just wish I had cardbordeaux in hand too. Lenda
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