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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon. We're still waiting for the rehab hospital to arrange transport for DH. I hope I didn't jinx things by checking out of the hotel. Our only mostly black cat crossed the Rainbow Bridge about 18 years ago at age 18. Younger DD who wasnher servant, said when Friskie quit purring, it was time to help her cross the bridge. That sweet cat purred almost constantly. I'm not much of a story teller, but I do enjoy a good story. I salute the US Navy. I think the many people earse the line between genius and insanity. We'll pass on the meal (not fond of rice in soup), drink and wine. @dfish Debbie, it soinds like you have everything under control. I'm glad the move in date and the delivery date from the movers worked out so well. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sending postive thoughts for good news or at least at least a simple solution at tomorrow's cardiologist visit. @ottahand7 I hope your DB's surgery fixed the problems and that hethas a quick and pain free recovery. @cruzn single You seem to be making the best of your non BHB cruise. Enjoy West Point tomorrow. @kazu Jacqui, I'm very sorry your DBIL had a problem with afib, and I hope he gets the all clear to go on the cruise. Safe travels tomorrow. I hope the check-in for the flights is resolved. @bennybear What a gorgeous picture. @Vict0riann Ann, thank you sharing you pictures. I also enjoy seeing other's pictures. @HAL4NOW i remember you telling us about this, but it's always good to be reminded about scams to watch out for when traveling. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, that is such good news that Linda is home. I hope she son tinues to recover quickly with her daughter's help, and that being home without her DH isn't too hard on her. @rafinmd Roy, thank you for sharing your picturesn from Hue. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for your good wishes. The pictures of your birthday dinner looked like you had a great time. @Rowsby Glad you had such a good stay in Honolulu, and I've enjoyed all your pictures. Safe travels home tomorrow. @JazzyV Vanessa, it's good you got both shots, but I'm surprised they did both in one arm. My pharmacist refused to do both in one arm. We found out about an hour ago that the rehab hospital was unable to arrange transport so we're here another night. They'll try again in the morning. At least, the hotel had a room for tonight just not my old room, not that I needed all that space. One good thing, this room is cheaper. 😉 Lenda
  2. On October 26, 2018, Coral Princess docked in Chan May, Vietnam. This was the port for tours to either Danang or Hue. Out tour was to Hue, the ancient imperial capital, with stops at the Imperial Palace, a Pagoda, a ride on the Perfume River and a visit to six of seven royal tombs. On the drive from the port to Hue Crossing the Perfime River The Citadel which encloses the grounds of the Imperial City, seat of the Ngguyen Dyanasty. Hue was the capital of Vietnam from 1802 until 1945. The gate we exited the Citadel Nearby was the inevitable display of military materiel left behind. The display also included a MIG. The next stop was the Then Mu Pagoda. Buddhist monks live in this pagoda which was built in 1601. Next we took a dragon boat ride on the Perfume River to reach a resort for lunch, and then returned to our buses by dragon boat. A couple of street scenes. There seven important royal tombs in Hue. One is one the Citadel side of the river and the other six are in an area on the other side of the river. We visited those tombs. I have pictures of three tombs and the area. The tombs are lined up in a row. To reach the tombs, you climb up one, down the other side, and repeat with each tomb. There is also was walkway around the tombs. We climbed two, and then just wandered around the area until it was time to return to the buses. We enjoyed our three days in Vietnam, and I'd go back if given the opportunity. Lenda
  3. Again this morning DH had a fever. With all tests being negative, the doctor determined the fever was a rare side effect of one or more meds. DH is off them and the fever broke. The hospital cleared him and the rehab will take him, but waiting to see when they can arrange transportation. I have 30 minutes to checkout of the hotel or pay for a night I might not need. The drain is out and both incisions look for good. I won't share those pictures. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for checking on the pictures for me. @grapau27 🎂 🎉 HAPPY 66TH BIRTHDAY, GRAHAM! 🥂 🍾 I hope you have a wonderful birthday dinner with your two lovely ladies, Pauline and Sarah. Lenda
  4. A very quick good morning from central Texas where it is 47F. I got 8 1/2 hours sleep last night, so I'm running a little late this morning. I won't know the plan for the day until I get to the hospital. That is also when I'll have time to read the Fleet/Daily. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for reposting my pictures for me. We have been to today's port and took a tour to Hue.. i would appreciate if you could find them because I'm pretty sure they were posted previously. The port for Danang and Hue is Chan May so it might be listed under that name. I did a quick check and couldn't find them, so maybe my memory is not right. Lenda
  5. Yes, it was owned by HAL when we sailed on Wind Song in 1995. HAL sold Wind Star sometime in the early 2000s. Peter Harris was captain of Volendam in 2002 for the APEC cruise. He transferred to Wind Star shortly after that. I learned many years later that he stay with WS when the company was sold.
  6. Roy, I agree about sailing in the Winf Star cruises. We've only done one, but it was magical. It helped that our cruise on Wind Song was around French Polynesia. One day, the Captain let any passenger who wanted to steer the ship. This was done on the open deck using one of the two large wheels. Of course, the Captain was right there to grab the wheel if necessary. Comparing notes with Tim Roberts when we were on the Prinsendam in 2016, we determined he was a young deck officer when we were on the Wind Song. Vanessa, the transfer tomorrow will depend on wether or not he has a fever overnight. It's down now. Also, he does not have a UTI. So I guess it's the old standby -- fever of an unknown origin. Also, the physical therapists got him up and walking some this afternoon, and he's been sitting in a chair for a couple of hours. It took some tough love on the nurses part when he was ready to go back to bed before he is supposed to. Lenda
  7. Dixie, before you get the shots, check out the CDC information on yellow fever shots. Try www.cdc.gov > yellow fever It that doesn't work just Google yellow fever shots, and the CDC site should be at tbe top. CDC now says just one shot in a lifetime is all you need. You could try showing that information to your doctor, and it might convince him to give you the waiver. It's worth a try to avoid the shot. BTW, we had them twice and did not have a reaction. Good luck. Lenda
  8. Terry, I really hope it's just a very minor issue. Will keep both of you in my thoughts. Lenda
  9. Once we had a vet who always wanted to tell me that 99 times out of a 100 this or that bad thing won't happen. I finally had to ask him to quit saying that since we always seemed to be number 100. It seems to still hold true for us. When I got to the hospital, I learned that DH had developed a fever over night, and it still has not broken. The nurses are giving him Tylenol and another drug to try to lower the fever. They also have the a/c turned down and all but one sheet off of him in an attempt to disapate his body heat. As the nurse says, it's miserable for him, but good for lowering his temperature. The hospitalist was by to check him and said his lungs did not sound bad, and that yesterday's chest x-ray looked clear. The incisions look good too. Dr. Allen ordered a covid test and a flu test in an abundance of caution. At least, Dr. Allen didn't seem too concerned. The nurses have left messages with the surgeon's office and the rehab facility doctor to see what they want to do about the transfer today. Even though the rehab facility is a hospital, they may want to wait a day or two, but that's just speculation on my part. So now, it's hurry up and wait. If it's a no go today, I hope I can get my room at the hotel back. The one good thing was DH ate all his breakfast again today. I'm sorry your brother is having so much pain, and I hope things improve for him soon. If it's any consolation to either of you, we had a dear friend who developed an infection after her hip replacement. They cleared up the infection and did another hip replacement. She had no more problems. Joy, that doesn't make sense having to go to all the different VA clinics instead of just one. I hope all the assessments have good results. Bruce, I'm very happy you are enjoying your cruise and all that food. Carol, hope the PT evaluation shows good results. I also hope your doctor lets you get the booster. I got one political text this week from a candidate I cannot support. I don't watch TV much because of the political ads. What is annoying is all the poliitical ads that show up on my tablet when I am playing games. At least, I keep the sound off. Kazu, when DH is tranferred, I will be heading home. I don't want to spend the night in Waco. We're about an hour from the rehab facility. However, we found out the transfer is definitely off for today. They want to get his temperature down and hopefully find the cause. They have ruled out the flu and covid. When possible, they plan to test for a UTI. If that's negative, the fever of an unknown origin is a possibility. I did a quick trip back to the hotel and was able to get my room back. I also have it reserved for tomorrow just in case. I will check with the hospital before I check out tomorrow. I know they don't have anything for the weekend. Right now, this is such a good place to come, and it is so caring. ❤️ There are no words to express how much everyone's support and caring mean to me. Lenda
  10. An early good morning from a cold (for us) central Texas. It's 45F now, but will reach the low 70s this afternoon, and I didn't realize it was going to be this cold at night so I didn't bring a warm jacket. I woke up at 5 this morning, but that's not as bad as it sounds sincenI was asleep by 10 last night. It willbe a busy day with DH being moved to the rehab hospital. I'm very glad they are arranging transort for him. I'll just follow along. Once he's settled and I know what will be happening, I think I'll head home. It will be a tiring day for DH, and I'm guessing they will start their evaluations today. Another good group of days to celebrate. It's been years and years since I made my mincemeat mix up bars at Christmas. I'll definitely celebrate my horseless carriage since it's getting be around this week. The deployed deserve being honored. Like all the other quotes by Albert Einstein, today's is a good one. The Thai tacos look good, and if I make them it will be with flour tortillas which are easier to work with than corn tortillas. We'll pass on the drink, but we were intorduced to the wine on the Elegant Explorer. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for taking care of posting my pictures. @seagarsmoker A belated HAPPY 16TH ANNIVERSARY to you and your lovely bride. @smitty34877 Terry, yes the support from this wonderful group is indeed a beautiful thing. It means so much to know so many have our backs. It's time to get moving and brave the cold. Lenda
  11. Got a call just before 7 pm from the rehab hospital, and the doctor approved DH for admittance. Since it was so late, they'll arrange transport tomorrow morning, maybe as early as 9 am. They also let the hospital know, and they went ahead and changed the bandages from both surgeries and pulled the drain. DH called me and also said they gave him a muscle relaxer plus some other things, so he was groggy. I'm glad it's a hospital that specializes in rehab. There's still a long way to go, but how long depends on how hard DH works. Got some other good news. Our neighbor checked the ceiling yesterday and today after the rain. He saw no sign of leakage. Fingers crossed 🤞 they got the leak fixed. I want at least one more good rain before declaring it fixed. The ceiling repair can wait until DH is better. Besides, I'm not looking forward to having my kitchen torn up, but will manage. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon. Things are better today. DH has feeling back in his legs. The doctor said that getting the pressure off the nerve was all that was needed for that. Moving him to a rehab hospital soon is in the works. I just talked to someone there to answer some questions. She will check with one of the doctors and let us know when he'll be transferred. The rehab facility is about an hour from our house in an area of Waco we know. Then the real work will begin. After so much time of little activity and the surgeries, he needs to build up his strength and become independent again. Once that happens, he will come home. Needless to say, I'm in a better place now. However, this afternoon after a busy morning, I was tired. I just relaxed, read the Daily and caught up on the news. Again, thank you all for your support and good wishes. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I know I won't have access to my computer tomorrow, so I would appreciate you're posting my port pictures if there are any. @rafinmd Roy, you are correct about the yellow fever shots. According to the CDC there as been an effective vaccine for more than 80 years. They have determined a person only needs to get the vaccine once. Of course that was after we'd had two. Lenda
  13. A quick good morning from central Texas before I get to going. I need to run to W-M to get a glasses case for DH, since the one I had set aside to bring never got packed. If I thought howling at the moon would help, I'd be out there doing a coyote imitation. I salute international artists, but not punk. I know it was just chance, but today's quote seems made for me just now. After the past two weeks and yesterday, I'm feeling drained both mentally and physically. While there were many comments I wanted to make yesterday and probably for some days to come, I just didn't have the mental energy. Please know I will have time to read the Fleet/Daily but posting may be another issue. However, I will celebrate all those who are celebrating and support all who need our support. We were in Ashdod overnight in 2017 on Prinsendam, and I posted pictures of our stay on April 29, 2021. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, since copying and pasting is difficult on my tablet (the pictures don't tranfer), could you find my posts of pictures of the port of the day and repost them for me while I don't have access to my computer. BTW, please feel free to correct any mistakes. 😁 I did manage to get some sleep but kept waking up often. I guess there's too much on my mind. Maybe tonight will be better. Again, and I sound like a broken record, thank all of you for your concern, good wishes and support. They are more help than you know. Lenda
  14. Saw the doctor moremthan an hour ago. The surgery went well, but he will need intensive inpatient rehab of 1 to 6 months. Waiting for him to get back from recovery. Once he's settled, I'll head to the hotel. Just can't take sleeping in the recliner. The rain finally got here. Right now, all I can do is thank everyone for their good wishes and support. Lenda
  15. @Seasick Sailor 🎉 💞 HAPPY 31ST ANNIVERSARY, JOY AND ALLEN! 🥂 🍾 @Overhead Fred 🎂 🎈 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FRED! 🥂 🍾 Lenda
  16. There really isn't much to report. The EMTs got DH in the car and we were headed to the hospital by 10:30 am. I'm not sure how it happened, but they torqued DH's fancy rollator so much one back leg is bent about 45 degrees, and a metal connecting bar is broken. The bar can be replaced, but I'm not sure if the leg can be repaired or if it will be too weak to support any weight. But that's for another day. We were a little early, but by the time they got DH out of the car, we were late. They sent a maintenance person to help him, and he had to get a nurse to do the heavy lifting. After we were back in pre-op, they had all sorts of things to do, and it was 2:15 or later when they took him to the OR. According to Dr. Z, the recovery will be long and he will be in a care facility. This was all said before they took him back. I'm in his room now, waiting for the doctor to come by when the surgery is over. The only good things today were DD and DSIL helping this morning before they headed back to Austin, and it didn't rain hard on the way here. Another good piece of good news, I just got a call from our PCP's office with the results of my routine blood test almost a month ago. All the numbers were back in the normal range. Lenda
  17. Good morning from a gloomy, wet central Texas. This will be quick since it's getting close to time to call 911 to get the EMTs to get DH in the car. I'll read the Daily and do a more detailed post while I'm waiting for the surgery to finish and DH to get out of recovery. I do want to thank everyone who wished both of us well today. It means a lot. This is what I posted on July3, 2021 about our day in Darwin. Darwin was a port on our 2002 Volendam Asia Pacific Explorer Cruise. We were there on October 30, and the hot, humid season had not started then. We did not look at the town, but as per our usual port day, we rented a car and explored the surrounding area. Giant termite mounds were along the highway. DH, who is 6'1" stood next to it, and it towered over his head. Our first stop was a nature/animal preserve, that could have been in one of the national parks near Darwin. These are some of the local residents. On the way back to Darwin, we detoured to take a river cruise to see the jumping crocodiles. I'll repost the picture of the croc. Our final stop that day was the Mindil Beach Sunset Market. It was the last night of the market until the next April. There were all types of crafts, clothing, food, and even didgeridoos for sale. As we walked around, we sampled kangaroo (which isn't bad, but does not taste like chicken) and crocodile, which tastes somewhat like alligator. DH bought a didgeridoo, which the vendor promised he'd ship to our house in Texas, since we couldn't haul it back on the plane. DH's comment when we left, was that we may have wasted our money. When we walked in the house after the cruise, the didgeridoo was on the couch. Let's just say, he can make a noise with it. A few scenes of the sunset market. Mindil Beach A local band to entertain the shoppers. Another local group to enjoy as we reboarded the Volendam. At dinner that night, kangaroo was on the menu. No one wanted to order it, but after we told them we'd tasted it at the market, the table decided to order one kangaroo dinner and share it between the six of us. The cruise was during the time the LA port locked the longshoremen out, so the Volendam could not get the containers of food that were sitting on the LA dock shipped to the various ports. The HD, F&B manager, and executive chef went shopping in most of our ports around Asia and Australia. We had good, and interesting things show up on the menu. We heard that our food did not go to waste, but went to the Veendam. Upon our arrival in LA the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, the longshoremen were working, but were protesting the lockout by unloading the ship one piece of luggage at a time by hand. We could not get off the ship until well after 1 pm., so the executive chef and the Lido cooks quickly fixed a modified lunch for everyone. Needless to say, just about all the passengers missed their flights. We did get out that day, as the ticket agent at LAX did not want extra passengers the next day. Oh. the adventures of travelling are not for the faint of heart, but do make travelling interesting. Lenda
  18. Good morning from central Texas where it looks like we'll get some much needed rain. I managed to get some sleep but not as much as I'd hoped. We stayed up late watching the Astros win the ALCS game. Even though we live closer to DFW where the Rangers play, we've been Astros fans ever since we lived north of Houston and neighbors gave us tickets to a game. That was in the late 1980s when Nolan Ryan was their star pitcher, and my favorite philosopher, Yogi Berra was a coach. Roy, thank you so much. We're on central time. Thank you. Graham, thank you and Pauline. The support from all the Dailyites is so amazing and very much appreciated. Lenda
  19. Thank you, Susan. Thank you so much, Joy. I'll try to update all about the surgery, which should begin around 1 pm. Lenda
  20. Thank you Melisa for taking the time from your care giving to wish us well. Lenda
  21. Good evening after a long day. Tomorrow will start early so DH can have the second shower withnthe antibiotic soap before DDand DSIL leave about 8. We are so lucky they could be here to help the last few days. Annie, thank you for supporting the idea of long term PT. The surgeons staff now realizes this should have happen after the first procedure. I'm going to try to get some rest and catch up on some neglected chores. It actually felt good to mow the yard yesterday. Thank you, Sharon, for the good wishes. . Thank you, Vanessa. Welcome home. It's always hard to come to grips with fact one's parents are growing old. I hope you can get your nephew to accept the facts. I'm glad you are testing negative and that your DW is feeling better. Thank you. Thank you. Your kind words mean a lot to me. Thank you, Charlene. Ii wish we were with you in Bora Bora and Raitea. Lenda
  22. @kazu Jacqui, our condolences to you and your friend on the loss of her brother. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for your good wishes for tomorrow. After the events of the past week, DH will have in patient PT, then go to a long term facility for more PT and to rebuild his strength. The surgeon wants him to be able to function fully before coming home. Lenda
  23. Good morning from windy and partly sunny central Texas. It looks like this will be our last day in the 80sF until after November 1. Sometimes the old saying about being careful what you ask for can come back to bite you. They changed the time for DH's surgery so we did not have to drive in the dark and the rain. I like not having to leave until mid morning, but now the rain is starting between 9 and 10 am here, but not until about the time we get to hospital will it really start in Mexia. At least, it won't be dark. And knowing Texas weather, the rain could start even later or miss us completely. DH and I both had two MILs, our mothers and our step mothers. I just hope SDIL and younger DD's SO think I a good MIL. I try not to interfere with how they live their lives, but to be there if needed. I'll celebrate the scientific mole, but not the little critters. The talk shows today are not as good as those in the past, which makes me sound old. I like the J.R.R. Tolkien quote. We like quesadilla, but I find it easier to make fajitas. We'll pass on the drink. I have not tried a white pinot noir, but since I like the red pinot noirs, I'd like to sample a glass of today's wine. We have not been to Sharm el Sheikh, but have sailed close to the port on the way to the Suez Canal. @msmayor I'm glad you had a good time with your DD, DSIL and little Lana. I hope they have a safe trip back home today. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, it was nice the dads could get Ren and the other player to the game with the bonus of visiting your DD. @dfish Debbie, I don't envy you packing for the move. We did that for our last two moves. It's the stuff you need until the last minute that is a challenge. @kochleffel I'm sorry you were ill and missed Fran's funeral. That does not sound like any funeral I've attended. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope you don't suffer the same fate of power outages as those south of you. Lenda
  24. Good afternoon. The yard was mowed, trimmed, etc. in record time. While it is dry and some of our Bermuda grass did not survive the hot dry summer, there is some green left. The best is all the tall seed stems from the weedy grass have been cut down. To all who commented about having DD and DSIL, it has been wonderfiul, and a big help. DSIL was available to help DH while I was working in the yard. Both of them have helped with cooking and doing the dishes. The bonus, we've had rime to visit too. Welcome home to all the Dailyites disembarking the NS today. @grapau27 Welcome home. A cruise on Pauline’s mam's favorite shi0 was a great way to honor her memory. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm happy you are settling into the apartment. I hope the contractor and adjustor can reach an agreement on the settlement, and that it's in your favor. @luvteaching Karen, I hope your DH continues to have good days in rehab. @marshhawk Annie, quitting smoking is difficult, but I know you and DH will be successful. @ottahand7 It was good you had a good visit with your brother, and that he is in good spirits. @Overhead Fred Very glad you made it home safely with the bad conditions. @dish Debbie, you must be very excited that two weeks from today you'll be moving into your new home. Lenda
  25. Good morning from a sunny and windy central Texas. It's going to be in the mid 80sF today and tomorrow. Monday will be in the 70sF with 100% chance of rain, so we may leave a little earlier to make sure we get to the hospital by noon. The only thing planned for today is to mow the yard. With DD and DSIL here, I can be outside without worrying, and I need to do something physical. If DH needs me and not the "kids", they can come get me. I hope I can make a difference today. Several of our neighbors have helped us recently. Fossils are interesting, and I enjoy most nuts. I just hope I'm not considered a fossil or a nut. 😁 I like the Abraham Lincoln quote. The meal and the wine sound good. I'll pass on the drink. We have not been to Hammerfest. @StLouisCruisers Ssndi, thank you for the pictures. Time to get to work on the yard. Lenda
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