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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Thanks, Roy. I agree. Why ignore the patient and his spouse who know the situation better than any doctor could. Lenda
  2. I doubt we'll see the hospitalist again. The transfer will probably be no later than 10 am. We've found doctors who work at hospitals have to defer to the specialists unless the can find a valid reason to ignore them. Lenda
  3. Good evening. I still have not had a chance to read the Daily. This was one of those days I hope is never repeated. Just after my last post, while I was on the way to the car, the hospitalist told DH they wanted to keep him a few more days. They felt there were other problems and wanted to see what they could find. He called me and we were both relieved since we felt he wasn't ready to return to rehab. I headed home feeling a lot better. About 30 minutes after I got home, DH called and said he was just told he was being transferred to rehab in 30 minutes. The cardiologist said he was fit to return to rehab, and there were no more tests to be done. I spent at least 45 minutes calling anyone I could who I thought could help stop the transfer, while DH talked to people at the hospital. Rehab agreed to wait until tomorrow to give the hospital time to reevaluate. After I finished my calls, I quickly packed a bag and headed back to Waco. By the tiime I got to the hospital, DH told me he was being transferred tomorrow. And, they were transferring him to a regular room for the night. I'm beyond angry. I'm just glad I decided to get a hotel room for the night. I'm exhausted physically and emotionally. I'm so upset that DH was denied a chance to find out what else is going on. Please forgive the rant, but I don't know how else to explain what is happening.
  4. When I got to the hospital, they were doing a PT evaluation. They'd had DH up walking with a walker, and he was sitting in a chair for a while. He is ready to be transferred back to rehab, but they don't have a room for him. Hopefully, it will happen tomorrow. Since there's not much for me to do here while he sleeps, I think I'll head home and take care of the yard work before our temperature's drop by 20 degrees tomorrow. It will probably be late when I finally get to read the Daily. Hope all of you in Florida remain safe and suffer no damage to your homes. Lenda
  5. Good morning from central Texas where it is still dark. This will be quick, and then I'll read the Fleet/Daily later. Just got a text from DH. The doctor was in early, before 6:40. DH may be transferred back to rehab today. So I need to get to Waco early. We have been to Cartagena many times, but I only have pictures from our last three visits, in 2009 and 2015 on Statendam, and 2014 on Veendam. The pictures are from all three visits. We normally got a taxi to the clock tower in the old town. We'd walk around and then get a taxi to Boca Grande. I don't have any digital pictures of Boca Grande though. The gate at the clock tower. Street scenes from 20090and 2015 One of the many churches The shopping area out side the walled town that were cells in a previous time. In 2014, we decided to just stay in the port area. We walked through their aviary. The port building This interesting Navy ship was docked opposite from the Veendam in 2014. There were no markings on her at all. Now, I better get ready to head to Waco. Lenda
  6. I came home late this afternoon when it became obvious that DH would not be moved to a regular room today. I think they need to find an isolation room because of the positive flu test. He said he doesn’t feel like he has the flu and he hasn't had a fever or aches and pains, just some congestion. After running a couple of errands tomorrow morning I'll head back to Waco and the hospital. I'm not sure where I'll find him, but I know he'll be in good hands. Lenda
  7. Jacqui, I also had tears in my eyes reading about Jose’s burial at sea. Both you and HAL made it a lovely and touching tribute to the love of your life.
  8. No news on the transfer to a regulaar room. The positive test for flu may be slowing getting a room. Even though PPE isn't required, he is still consodered to be in isolation. I'm supposed to wear a mask when I'm in his room. I do cheat and pull it down when I'm not close to him. This room is bigger than most hospital rooms, and it has an separate entry room if PPE is required. Starting over is just my guess, and I hope I'm wrong. Because one leg was numb and he was afriad of falling between the first and second surgeries, DH spent too much time in bed. That and now this incident has taken a toll on him, so he still has a long road ahead of him. I'm like you, I have no patience with being sick. Most of the time I'll get up and get dressed even if I just sit and read. Staying in bed just makes me feel worst, at least mentally. Terry, I'm happy you could get the cortisone injection sooner rather than later. Lenda
  9. Good morning from foggy central Texas. I slept well last night, just stayed up too late watching election results and reading. DH is doing better and his oxygen levels are up even more. The doctor is ready to transfer him to a regular room, but so far there are no rooms available. So we're just waiting for now. Everyone who saw pictures of the blood clot were impressed with the size. I mentioned to the nurse we always do things the hard way. She suggested that maybe we should stop that. 🤣 The last art museum we visited was the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo. I'll also ceelebrate world freedom and Carl Sagan. As usual the Marilyn Monroe quote was interesting. We'll pass on the meal since I'm not a fan of pumpkin. The drink looks interesting, and the wine sounds nice but pricey. We have not been to today’s port. I look foward to seeing any pictures. I hope everyone in Nicole's path stay safe and have no or ninimal damage. @HAL Sailer Melisa, I hope you and your DH have a safe drive today, and find the damage to your family's place is not too bad. @rafinmd Roy, stay safe today, and I hope you can board Eurodam tomorrow. @MISTER 67 That is some bandage. I hope ypu get a smaller one at the next visit. @ottahand7 Nancy, I and still sending positive thoughts that your DB's doctors can get the infection under contol and that he recovers completely. @Crazy For Cats Beautiful flowers. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad the unpacking is progressing well. I wish we could barrel through the rest of the recovery. DH still has a few days of being flat on his back due to yesterday's procedure. I think the rehab therapy may have to start over insteadmof picking up where it left off. @grapau27 Graham, that fish looks good, and so do the Christmas trees. I do agree that it seems a little early. We usually put the tree and decorations up the Friday after Thanksgiving. @marshhawk Annie, I'm happy you both enjoyed the symphony last night. @Ellencruise Welcome to the Fleet/Daily. We hope to see you here in the future. @HAL4NOW Thanks for reminding us of the commercials we can look forward to now that the election is over. 🤣 Lenda
  10. Good evening. Sorry I'm late gettimg back here. There were a few things to take care of earlier. The good news is DH came through the procedure with flying colors. They didn't come for him until a little after 3 pm. I got to go with him to the room where they do the angiograms. Then I was taken to the waiting room. One of the nice nurses came out part way through the procedure to tell me everything was going well and they had removed a lot of the clot, but they still had about 30 more minutes work to finish. Once everything was finished, one of the doctors came to tell me they removed most of the clot down into the lungs, and that DH was stable and his oxygen levels were already up. Since DH was not sedated, they took him right back to his room. On the way back to ICU, the nurse showed me a picture of the clot, and it was huge. Boy was I glad the nurses knew the way. Those back corriders are a maze. He may be moved from ICU to the stepdown unit tomorrow. His oxygen levels are back up and his color is better. It turns out the procedure to go in through a vein in the groin and remove the clot from the pulmonary artery is still experimental, but it was exactly what DH needed. When I left to go to the hotel, they were giving him IV fluids and a blood thinner. I think we'll both sleep better tonight. Again, thank all of you for your prayers, good wishes and support. It means a lot to have so many people supporting us. Lenda
  11. I'm very sorry your DB is still having problems with the infection. I hope they can get it under contol and cleared up quickly. Good news he has lost some weight. Lenda
  12. Graham, they gave him blood thinners and low dose asprin last night to help prevent more clots. From the cardiologist's description this morning, by the time the body could get rid of the clot there would be damage to the heart and the lungs. They don't expect to be able to get all the clot, but enough to prevent permanent damage. Unfortunately, he can't take asprin for prolong periods. Lenda
  13. I've finally made it through the Daily. Before I could get to the Daily, I made a quick trip to the rehab hospital to collect DH's things. Right now, we're just waiting for them to get him for the procedure. They weren't sure of the exact time this morning. I woke up a couple of times last night and looked at the moon. I saw the beginning of the eclipse and the blood moon afterwards. I voted early last week, and mailed DH's ballot for him. No question that I won't miss the political ads, phone calls and texts. I will definitely celebrate radiology since that is how they found the blood clots. They found them in time to prevent damage, but they had to be there for a while before being found. I'm not a coffee drinker, but DH will have a Cappuccino occasionally. I like the quote even if it is long. 😀 I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for posting my pictures today. We both appreciate all the prayers and good wishes for DH today. I'm not going to try to list everyone, in case I forgot someone. @4966and556 Welcome to your new cat. I wish you all many happy years together. @MISTER 67 I'm glad the hand doctor could fix your finger yesterday. Sending positive thoughts for a quick and painless healing. Hope you can go on your cruise. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I'm glad your DH is somewhat comfortable after the oral surgery, and I hope he heals quickly. I hope you can go on your cruise too. @NextOne That is good news your bronchitis has cleared up. Good luck on the pre-op exam and your cataract surgery. @marshhawk Annie, I'm sorry you have lost so many friends recently. It does make one reevaluate things. @dfish Debbie, I'm sorry your DB tested positive. I hope it's a mild case. @durangoscots Susan, it sounds like you have some hard decisions to make, but I'm sure you will make the one that's right for you. @Cruising-along That is a lot of damage to your neighbor's house. I hope she can get it fixed soon, but it looks like a lot of work needs to be done. Just read your last post. That is good news about the insurance company's quick action. @luvteaching Karen, I hope your DH's congestion clears up quickly, and that he can get the boot off soon. II'll be thinking of everyone in Nicole's path. I hope there is nimimal destruction and flooding. Everyone please stay safe. Lenda
  14. Good morning from central Texas. There have been some serious complications with DH. The rehab hospiital had been trying to lower his blood pressure and at times got it too low. Yesterday, they became concerned he might have had a heart attack, so they sent two blood samples to a local hospital. One or more enzymes were slightly elevated. They transferred him to the hospital yesterday afternoon. Tests revealed he had the flu, but that was not the problem. They found blood clots in the pulmonary artery and going into arteries in both lungs. He is in ICU and stable. However, the cardiologist determined they need to go in and try to remove as much of the biggest clot as possible. This will happen sometime between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and will take 1 to 3 hours. He will be here for several days,and then, hopefully be readmitted to the rehab hospital. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, would you please repost any of my pictures for a while? Lenda
  15. One last post before I start catching up on computer work. These are the pictures from our Koningsdam cruises last fall and last spring. I talked with one local about the change from the small fishing village we first saw in 1995 to the busy resort village with all the shops and restaurants. He said he missed the old, small fishing village.. That one had a lot of charm. Even though others have posted pictures of Los Arcos and Lovers Beach, I couldn't resist adding mine. On our first visit to Cabo in 1995, we took a small boat out to circle Los Arcos. It was fairly rough on the bay side and even rougher on the Pacific side. DH wanted to walk on Lovers Beach. I wisely decided to say on the boat. DH had a hard time getting back in the boat, and I'm not sure I would have made in back in. On November 16, 2021, I met @dobiemom on shore for a drink. We had a good time getting to know each other better. Because of the Daily, we already felt like we knew each other. A new port building in the harbor to the right as the tender heads to the dock. In March there were a lot of pelicans in the harbor. There was also this big fella, who I think is a sealion. He would only move when they were launching the wave runners, then would swim right back to the ramp. A view of the new waterfront area The rest of the pictures are from the main street and some of the back streets, which were the main areas when we first visited Cabo. At least, the Giggling Marlin is still there, while the Hard Rock Cafe, Planet Hollywood, and Carlos and Charlies are all gone. I still miss Carlos and Charlies. Cabo Wabo complex Lenda
  16. Good morning again. The fog has lifted and the sun is trying to come out. However, the forecast is still calling for thunderstorms this afternoon. So it's not a good time to be on the highway. I will go in earlier tomorrow to be there for the team evaluation of DH's progress, and then to go with him to the two week post op visit with the surgeon. Fortunately the people at rehab are arranging transportation to and from the doctor's office. We are also aware of cancer. My DFIL battled non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for 25 years, but it was the affects of the chemo therapy that finally caused his death. My step-mother survive breast cancer. and my maternal grandfather died of throat cancer due to smoking many years before I was born. I've had one basal cell cancer removed from my face and several pre-cancerous lesions frozen off, while DH had several pre-cancerous spots surgically removed this summer. We've seen bears up close in the wild, but I never considered hugging one, and there are no stuffed ones to hug either. I used Retinol for a few years, but either it or the soap I needed to use caused an allergic reaction. An interesting quote by Friedrich Nietzsche. I like chili and cornbread, but I'm not sure about combining them in one dish. Growing up, we would have Frito pie on cold winter nights. It was canned chili, Fritos, chopped onions mixed together, topped with grated cheese and heated in the oven. I'll pass on the drink, but would love to try the wine. As you saw above, we've been to Cabo San Lucas many times. We were also their four times last fall and twice last spring on Koningsdam. I'll post some pictures from those visits. @grapau27 Graham, I'm sorry a hip replacement is in your future. I hope the shots work and you can wait a while for the surgery. We've had several neighbors who had the surgery, one even had both hips replaced at the same time. All are doing well. @Crazy For Cats Jake, hope tonight's Tamarind dinner is as good as last night's. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry you are also facing hip replacement surgery. I hope the injections will help you for quite a while. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope your back problems don't lead to back surgery. If it does, I strongly suggest you look into the surgery that doesn't involve using metal screws and rods. The one DH had is less invasive and has good results. DH's problem is not with the surgery, but with nerve damage from waiting too long due to Covid to have the surgery. It is just taking time for the nerves to heal. We've had two neighbors who had the same surgery by the same surgeon, and thy are doing well. It's the Karma MIS system that is fairly new. In fact, I learned that DH's surgeon is redoing previous surgeries that used the screws and rods. DH's problem was with L4 and L5, which is the easiest to repair. I just wanted you to know there are other options than the traditional back surgery. Also, our condolences to your neighbor's family and friends on his passing. I'm glad Linda is improving. @Cruising-along Carolyn, I hope your can adjust to PST time soon. It looks like the HOA may need to be more aggressive in getting those trees removed. @Lady Hudson Katherine, your DH will be in my thoughts today for his oral surgery. I'm sending positive thoughts that it will go smoothly and his recovery will be smooth and healing as quickly as possible. Dr. Lenda would prescribe ice cream and milk shakes as comfort food. 🤣 @cruzn single Mary Kay, I'm sorry your friend tested positive, but I'm very happy you were negative. Sorry you got a cold. I'm glad your stepson is beginning to recover from his adrenal gland surgery, and is able to get out some. I hope he can stay positive, as that can be a big help in recovery. Lenda
  17. I also posted these pictures from 2016 about our tour to Todo Santos. It's a nice little town and easy to reach from Cabo. In 2016 on the Ruby Princess, we actually stopped twice in Cabo since we were doing b2b2bs. The first time, we were in port from 7am to 2pm, and we took a tour to Todo Santos. We'd always wanted to see the town, and even started to drive there once when we rented a car in Cabo. Back then the road was a narrow, two lane highway, so we made it about halfway before turning back because we did not want to miss the ship. By 2015, the road was a very new, very nice four lane highway, so it did not take as long to get to Todo Santos. The highway runs from Cabo to La Paz where it connects with Highway 1 back to the US. They run tours from Cabo and La Paz to Todo Santos. I thought I'd add some pictures of Todo Santos, a very clean town, at least the part we saw. It is one I'd recommend visiting if you have a chance. IIFC, this is their museum, but I don't have pictures inside. A few street scenes as we walked from the museum to the hotel where we had lunch. The theater-cinema The bandstand in the plaza The local church, which was as unadorned inside as outside. I thought it was a lovely church. Which brings us to the hotel, where we had a very early lunch that was delicious. The hotel was not the one in the Eagles song "Hotel California". Looking down the street in front of the hotel. Back on the ship as we headed toward San Pedro, a picture of the houses facing the Pacific Ocean on the other side of the hill behind Cabo. We drove through the area when it was first being developed. It has really grown. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a foggy, damp, dreary central Texas. We are supposed to have thunderstorms this afternoon. Since the weather is bad and the roads are wet, I'm staying home to day and catching up on some computer chores. I'm late this morning, but I did get at least 7 1/2 hours sleep last night. Still need more of those kind of nights. After I woke up, I just lazed around catching up on the news. I also had to take care of a canceled order from the hardware store. The website said they had it in stock, but later I found it had to come from the warehouse. It turns out, the national chain had discontinued the item. However, when I called our local store, I learned for $10 more, I could get the exact same thing in black. This time the store is ordering it, and I should be able to pick it up Wednesday. I've only read part of the Daily, but I'm going to repost my pictures of Cabo San Lucas from May 14, 2021, and then finish reading the Daily. We have been to Cabo San Lucas many times, but most were before digital cameras and before Cabo changed from a sleepy, little fishing village that had cruise ships stop occasionally. The first time we were there was 1995, and difference in the town between then and our last time is unbelievable. The big tender pier was not there, nor were most of the shops surrounding the harbor. The last time we were there was in 2016 on the Ruby Princess. These are the only digital pictures I have. We stopped there in 2014 on the Veendam, but evidently, I did not take any pictures. Looking at town from the ship. The harbor Cabo Wabo, one of the few places that were there in 1995, but it is a lot bigger now. Two more from the late 1990s and early 2000s. Senior Frog was at a different location as late as 2001. Walking back to the tender pier Lenda
  19. Debbie, we probably wouldn't wasre away, but I'm very happy you are back to make sure we have enough wonderful meals to chose from to keep us, maybe not fat (hopefully), but well fed ans sassy. 😉 Lenda
  20. Debbie, that is good news you are connect to the world. I seriously doubt any of us will waste away. 🤣 Lenda
  21. Good afternoon. I left Waco early so DH could nap. Not only did he stay up to watch the WS and the celebrations, he found one or two movies to watch afterwards. So he was up a lot later than normal. Our weather is so nice in the afternoons, I thought I'd mow the yard when I got home. That plan fell through when I realized I didn't have time to charge the batteries for the mower and trimmer and still have time to finish the yard work before sunset at 5:35. Instead I opted to sit outside and read. Haven't had much chance to do so the last month or two. With all the rain the last couple of weeks our grass has greened up and the weeds are growing. They'll keep for a few more days. Vanessa, if I didn't set a timer, the clock might never have gotten the correct time. 😁 Thank you for sharing your recipe. I like potato soup, but don't make it. This might inspire me to give it a try. Linda, I'm glad there was no damage to your roof. Hope the possum was only stunned, if that us what caused the noise. Sharon, I hope you and Craig have safe flights. Thanks for the pictures. Debbie, how nice to be able to see family without a long drive. I still think we were on a cruise together, but it wasn't the two you mentioned. We didn't board Prinsendam in 2017 unril August 4. In 2018, we were on Zaandam in Alaska and Coral Princess circling the north Pacific. Annie, our condolences to you and Chuck along with all of Shari's friends. She was too young too die. I'm glad her dog has a new furever home. Will you be going to Shari's service? Susan, the time change is so hard on our fur babies. I still have a couple of clocks to change. I didn't realize until this afternoon that the phones for the landline needed the time changed. They are old enough they don't do it automatically. Lenda
  22. It seems it didn't matter which 9 am DH was scheduled for PT, since the information about PT was wrong. The clocks here are finally on the correct time. I just need to adjust the clocks in the cars. DH asked me to pick up a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit for him on my way here. I'm guessing the time change affected whoever put it together because they forgot the egg! At least, DH got the bacon, cheese and biscuit. 😁 Sandi, we appreciate your good wishes for a speedy recovery. Because of the pressure from the spinal stenosis the nerves in his lower back and legs need to heal. That will take time, but they are already working better. If we time it right getting to and leaving AZ we don't need to adjust the clocks in Texas. Since Quartzsite is so close to California, we have to remember if AZ time is an hour earlier or the same time as CA time. Even though it gets darker earlier in the winter, I would prefer staying on standard time year round. Terry, what Sandi @StLouisCruisers decribed is what I do too. I tried once highlighting my post on this tablet. The text appeared when I pasted it, but the pictures didn't transfer. I'm glad Sandi was able to post your pictures. When I saw the picture of you and DH, I wondered if we've been on a cruise together. You both looked very familiar. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I really like the small towns in Iceland. Carolyn, I'm glad you had a great cruise and made it home safely. We've also have had luggage delivered later when it missed our flight. How awful for your neighbor to have the tree fall on her house. I hope the HOA or someone can get the tree service to pay all or part of the repairs. I hope you and DH stay well. Vanessa, I have a German cuckoo clock, and I took the easy way out since the time was going back. I stopped the pendulum and set a timer for one hour. When I restarted the pendulum, the clock was on the correct time. It saved having to move the hands through 11 hours. Lenda
  23. Good morning from sunny, windy and chilly central Texas. I was 53F when I check the thermometer a few minutes ago. It's supposed to be in the low 80s this afternoon. With end of Daylight Savings time I liked seeing the sun come up earlier, but I will not be happy when the sun sets earlier. At least, in a little more than six weeks, the days will begin getting longer. Last night, I changed all but two of the clocks that needed changing. One is a special clock that it is better that I don't mess with. The other is a binary clock that I'm not sure how to change, so it's also best left alone. I just learned that Ladies Learning Code Day is a Canadian day started as an advocacy day for ladies and youth to learn code, as in technology code. I will also salute the ladies who learned to break the German codes during WWII both here and in the UK. Older DD played saxophone in the high school jazz band. Saxophones have such a unique sound and can covey so many emotions. The quote seems a little intense and weird to me. The potato leek soups sounds good, and the wine might be one I'd like to try. I'll pass on the drink. We have been to Iceland several times, but not to today's port. @dfish Debbie, I hope you and your sister are enjoying your new house. Take your time unpacking the boxes as you figure out where things will go. @cat shepard Ann, I loved the snowplow meme and will forward it to younger DD since she spent two years in St. Paul getting her masters degree. @rafinmd Roy, I hope you have a nice visit with your niece before boarding the Eurodam on 11/9. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I hope you and your DH have a wonderful cruise on the NA. 🛳️ BON VOYAGE! 🥂 🍾 @Cat in my lap Enjoy your visit with DH's brothers and SILs. @HAL4NOW I hope you get your power back on soon, and that the rain doesn't cause problems with the area of the fire. Good luck tracing the water leak into the breaker panel. The breaker should be easy to replace. Now it's time to get ready and head to Waco. DH texted he will have PT at 9 am, but is not sure which 9 am. They rehab facility had not changed the clocks when he texted this morning. Lenda
  24. Annie, we've rooted for various teams depending on where we lived. We lived in north Jersey during the time of the miracle Mets, and rooted for them. My mother was a die hard Brooklyn Dodgers fan and might have disowned me if I rooted for the Yankees. Later, we lived in southeast PA and followed the Phillies. However, living in the Houston area for 14 years, we became Astros fans, and even moving near the DFW area in 1999 didn't change that. I'm glad you made it home safely even if the flight was bumpy. Lenda
  25. It is a good night. UT won 34 to 27, and Astros win the World Series. Lenda
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