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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon from a wet central Texas. We had some rain this morning with more expected this afternoon into tomorrow. It started raining just as I left to pick up something DH needed from W-M 22 miles away. Although it rained most of the way, it had stopped by the time I got there. The heavy rain didn't start until I was bavk in the car, but fortunately, it slowed down when I got back on the highway. It can rain all it wants to until about noon tomorrow when I leave for a dentist appointment, just a routine cleaning. Add me to the list that thinks dictionary day and learn a word day are made for each other. Google is my new dictionary. For cats global cat day is celebrated 365 times a year. The quote is one I can totally agree with. It's been years since we've had flank steak, but it is good. We'll pass on the drink. I would try the wine especially since someone said chocolate twice. 😉 🍷 We have not been to Christchurch or Lyttelton. Christchurch is on the bucket list. @MISTER 67 I'm sorry your water heater was fried during Ian, and I hope you can get a new one quickly. @cat shepard Ann, I liked the meme, but I also thought we're on drugs, just not the illegal ones. @Cruzin Terri Terri, make the most of your last day, and safe travels tomorrow. The hotel looks gorgeous in the sunshine. @rafinmd Roy, thanks for including DH on the care list. Just one small thing, it's onIy his right leg that is numb. The numbness in the left one cleared up after the surgery. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm happy the visit with the work colleague went well. It's good the teen got to play, and that he had family there cheering him and the team. @StLouisCruisers Sandy, I'm keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 since out letter carrier, except the Saturday sub, gets our mail delivered by mid morning. And the Quartzsite PO has a new postmaster, so things are looking better there. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope your flights are straightened out soon and you are still in business class. @dfish Debbie, enjoy the Bay of Fundy, a truly amazing place. @St Pete Cruiser That is too bad Sabine has left the company. My guess is she got tired of waiting for her captaincy. Thank for checking on her for @rafinmd Roy. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry your legs bothered you last night. Thank you for the pictures. Lenda
  2. The longest post season game was 18 innings in 2005 between the Braves and the Astros. The longest game was 26 innings on May 1, 1920. It was between the Brooklyn Robins and the Boston Braves, and took 8 hours 6 minutes. The info is thanks to Google. Lenda
  3. On our last Prinsendam cruise in 2017, we had dinner with our friend the Event Manager and one of the guest entertainers. For several years, he was the resident pianist when she was Royal Viking Sun, and would do two shows a week. He told us that the enrire area where the dining rooms, Ocean Bar and Pinnacle Grill were was all one dining room. It was big enough that there was only one seating at dinner. He added that the showroom started as more of lounge with nightly entertainment. People didn't all face the stage, and they would talk during performances. It was interesting to hear about the differences between how the cruise lines configured the ship. Yes, she was our favorite ship.
  4. Ann, I remember seeing the picture of @kazu Jacqui lighting Patrick's torch. We took a snorkeling tour in Bora Bora where we also were with the sting rays. They would swim up our legs with their underside skimming our legs. It was a neat experience after the first time one skimmed our legs. Mary Kay, I'm so very sorry your stepson was diagnosed with two different cancers. I am sending positive thoughts that both surgeries and any further treatments take care of the cancers, and that he makes a full recovery. Yeah for booking the Hudson River cruise and that you'll be sailing with friends. I know you will have a wonderful time. Tetti, lazy sounds like a good way to spend your time in the penthouse. I hope tomorrow is just as relaxing a day. Thanks for the beautiful sunset picture. Lenda
  5. The look on Patrick's face with his eyes rolled toward you DW make the picture. Lenda
  6. If your over night, then that makes a difference. But we were not advised to get the medicine when we were in Manaus for two nights. Princess did suggest a long sleeved shirt when outside. BUT, it was too dang hot and humid for long sleeves. Lenda
  7. This is what I posted on November 30, 2021, but without pictures. I'll add some pictures at the end. We have been to Bora Bora 7 times, on Windstar, Princess and HAL. The first time in 1996 on Windstar, we did a tour with Patrick which we booked on the ship. He was just starting his tour business, and did not have a private motu or boat, but we enjoyed the tour. Somehow, I wound up riding shotgun, and at one point, he asked to to steer the Land Rover Defender while he did something. 😱 Talk about nervous on that narrow road, but no one was harmed. Patrick took us up to his place in the hills where he grew bananas among other things. It started raining just as we arrived, and he was one umbrella 🌂 short. He quickly cut a banana leaf for me to use. We also went up to the WWII guns and Bloody Mary's. It was a fun day. The next day, the ship had a beach day complete with cookout and snorkeling on a motu. That was a great way to spend my birthday. In 2016 while on Prinsendam, we realized that Tim Roberts was a deck officer on that cruise, and had a nice chat about the cruise and the Wind Song. These pictures were taken from our curses once we had a digital camera. In 2002, we were there on Volendam as part of the 64 day APEC cruise. We have been there in 2004 on Tahitian Princess Cook Island and Tahiti cruses, and b2b on Pacific Princess in 2007 from Honolulu. Sailing into the lagoon. One of the hotels with over the water bungalows. The village of Vaitape Some of the pictures from our various drives around the island. A nice beach Since we had a rental car, we could visit the hotel next to the beach where the shuttle dropped ship passengers. The passengers weren't allowed in the hotel. The pier across from Bloody Mary's Looking from Bloody Mary's toward the pier The sink for washing your hands in the lady's room at Bloody Mary's, which was basically open air except the stalls. You pulled the ring to get the water flowing. In 2007, we did a ship tour in an submarine that took us along the outer side of the lagoon wall. We saw a lot of fish and sharks, but the pictures through the thick glass are not the best. This is the inside of the submarine and the captain as we headed back to shore. The WWII gun emplacement. The guns were never fired in anger. An interesting story about James Michener at the end of the war. It seems the GI stationed on Bora Bora did not want to leave the island when the war ended. Michener was sent to the island to persuade them to leave. That assignment was the inspiration for his Tales of the South Pacific which lead to the musical South Pacific. The Volendam in the lagoon in 2002. Thank you to all who posted their pictures of Bora Bora. Lenda
  8. Good morning from sunny, windy central Texas. This may be our next to last "summer" day with highs in the 80sF. It will be in the 80s tomorrow, but we have a high percentage chance of rain tomorrow through Monday, 🤞 Here's hoping that happens as we really need rain. It will also be a chance to see if the roof repairs last month worked. 🤞 It is also a busy day in our community with our annual garage sale. A lot of strange cars going by the house. While I type this, I will have one eye on the Texas v Iowa State game. GO HORNS! 🤘 HOOKEM! So please ignore and forgive any typos. 😉 An update on DH. He is doing a little better everyday, with ups and downs and some days better than others. It will be a slow process as bones and nerves heal, and the real healing will begin after the second surgery. We appreciate all the good wishes for his recovery. BTW, last night I got 7 1/2 hours of sleep. Sweetest Day is a good goal, but I'm afraid I sometimes fall short. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for reminding me that it was Texas' own LBJ who instituted White Cane Day. We don't see as many white canes these days, but there is one couple who we've met on several BHBs where the wife uses a white cane. Pugs are cute, but I also would not have one. I'm a dachshund gal. I could not agree more with the C. S. Lewis quote. I value my friends highly. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We've been to Bora Bora seven times beginning in 1995. It is our favorite place with Alaska running a close second. Talk about opposites! @cat shepard Ann, I'm sorry your friends in Ft. Myers lost so much, but I'm glad they were not there during the storm. I hope they don't have too much hassle with FEMA and the insurance company. @Seasick Sailor Joy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEK! Have a great time with your sister, and I hope her shoulder has healed well. @smitty34877 Terry, I really hope seeing an old friend helps lift Tana's sprits. @lindaler Linda, the art walk looks like fun, except for the crowds. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you have your car back and that you stood up for yourself over the charges. I think women do have to be more aware to keep from being taking advantage of. When older DD was in college, she needed work on the Mustang she'd inherited from me. The shop people did not think that was the problem DH mentioned. DD left and came back with the official shop manual which and showed the the relevant page. The problem was fixed. @summer slope Dixie, and @StLouisCruisers Sandi, Several years ago when we got our yellow fever shots at the county health department before a cruise to west Africa, I asked about malaria pills. The nurse asked if we'd be on land after dark. When I said no, she said we would not need them. I thought you might like to know what we were told, to help you decide about getting the pills. BTW, when I got DH's meds Wednesday, I asked if they used the GoodRX price, and was told no. I was told they always check similar discounters and they found one that was a lower price. Now, that is good customer service. The only time we've had to wait a day or two for a prescription, is when it is one they don't normally carry. @marshhawk Annie, YEAH! for a day off and two days off from dog walking. @Heartgrove Jack, thanks for the new pictures of Lily. She is growing but still really cute and sweet. I hope the walk through went well. @Cruzin Terri Terri, sorry about the a/c issues, but wow on the penthouse. I hope they helped you move. Lenda
  9. Kathi, I'm sorry you tested positive, and I hope you continue to remain symptom free and test negative on the 20th.
  10. A late good morning or an early good afternoon after a somewhat busy morning. I woke up at 3:45 this morning and could not get back to sleep, so about 5 I got up and read for a while. It was a chilly 53F this morning, but should be inching to the lower 80s this afternoon with a good south wind. I like eggs, bald can be liberating for men, but Dessert Day is the one I'll be celebrating today. I like the Mark Twain quote. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. @aliaschief Bruce, the FB meme is very true. @msmayor Good for you on talking a mental health day. @marshhawk Annie, that was great that you could get the two museums connected. Enjoy your concert. @Rowsby That is a great picture of the ships, especially the BHB. @JazzyV Vanessa, that's good news the optometrist is redoing your new glasses at no cost. Good luck with the GI doctor this afternoon. @kochleffel Fran will be in my thoughts as she nears the end of her life. I hope she is not in pain and can have a peaceful end of life. @dish Debbie, I'm sorry about the Bossche Bol. We split on in the Dutch Cafe on Koningsdam, and I was a little disappointed too. It was so cold, the dough was tough and hard to cut, and could have used more filling. It was not nearly as good as the small ones they used to serve on Dutch Night in the MDR. A quick update on DH is that he's doing well but his right leg, which was fairly numb before the surgery is completely numb now. That makes it fairly impossible to move the leg and walking more challenging. Yesterday walking to his chair he did good, but after sitting 2 1/2 hours, getting back to bed was not as easy. Lesson learned is don't sit that long for now. We've done a little research about this and he talked to the nurse in the doctor's office today. Anesthesia can cause numbness, plus the nerve that controls the right leg is moved around during the procedure which irritates the nerve. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for the numbness to go away. Hopefully, after the second procedure, the pressure from the spinal stenosis will be gone and things will slowly begin to clear up. In the meantime, we're muddling along as best we can. it is just a long, slow healing process, and both of us are short on patience. We've been to Ensenada at least six times, with our most recent two stops last March on Koningsdam. Our first time there in 2012 on Golden Princess, we did not get off the ship, because or tablemates told us it was not worth seeing. Beginning with our Veendam stop in 2014, we have gone into town all but one or two stops. Last March I went in the day we were there all day, but the next time we stayed on the ship. In 2014, because Veendam could not stop in Lahaina due to rough seas, Captain Peter Bos, headed to Ensenada with arrival timed for an afternoon and evening there. Since we had more daytime in port, we took a tour of the town and to La Bufadora, the blow hole. Our first stop was an old hotel or maybe it was an old night club that has been restored and has become the civic center. Centro Social, Civico, y Cultural, Riviera de Ensenada La Bufadora The shopping gauntlet getting to and from the blow hole The shopping street in Ensenada on a couple of visits This year, instead of the shuttle dropping us off near the middle of the shopping street, the shuttle stopped at an old building that is being restored near the far end of the main street. The area looked a little dodgy when we left the building so I attached myself to a group of people until we got to the main street. The plaza in the building at the shuttle drop off In March 2012, the sealions were gathered on the rocks near the ship and boy were they "talking". Another time, they were swimming near the ship, so they were quieter. This year, we were at a different dock in the same complex where we have always docked. The building was closed except for going through security. The grounds around the building were nice. Lenda
  11. The late afternoon report has some good news. DH walkedi to the livingroom and has been sitting in his chair for 2+ hours. I hope it's helped his morale as much as it has mine. To make things easy, we had a light "tv" supper and a cookie we brought home from the hospital. He's now back in bed for the night. Terri, I'm glad you had a great day and could spend time at the beach. I hope that continues for the remainder of your stay. I think DH's recovery will be slow compared to our neighbor, who was not in as bad a shape to begin with. The one to two year delay due to covid did not make things easier. On our cruises since restart, we have erred on the side of caution when it came to wearing our masks, although not we weren't fanatic about it. We knew there was covid on the ship, but we stayed safe. While all of us would love to see a picture of Lana, we don't want you to do anything her parents wouldn't like. Your evening chats and storytime sound like a lovely ritual. I also wonder when will all the shootings end. The world seems to ne going mad. Lenda
  12. I'm glad the dentist got the cacity and crown both taken care of. If it's just a matter of gluing the crown back in place, it's not a big job. Annie, your story about the bell brought back a memory from my childhood. After my mother was diagnosed with MS, it became apparent that she needed a hosptial bed, so my father started sleepimg in another room. They got her a bell to ring when she needed him. The first time she rang it was at 2 am. Daddy said his first thought was " Who's ringing that damn bell at this time of night?" Surprisingly, I always slept through the bell. Lenda
  13. This morning started out as a busy morning, but now I am catching up on the Fleet/Daily and some computer work. This afternoon, I plan to spend reading, if possible. DH is doing alright, but he is sleeping a lot. He managed to sleep some in the hospital, but it's not really a place conducive for sleep, especially during the day. One of the side effects of the anesthesia and the procedure is numbness in his right leg. Evidently, the nerve controlling that leg is moved around quite a bit during the procedure. It takes 4 or so days to return to normal. While walking would be good for him, until he can really use that leg and feel where his foot is, it is safer for both of us for him to rest. While he is still not in pain, he was beginning to feel some slight discomfort. In order to get ahead of any pain rather than trying to get it under control, he took two of the prescriptions, both of which make him sleepy. We both managed to get some sleep last night, but while I was tired, I really wasn't sleepy. I guess my mind is still in overdrive. I will wish the US Navy a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My grandfather was in the Navy in WWI, and I have his Navy ring which he wore everyday. I guess I'm skeptical about some things, but DH is our main skeptic. The other two days are interesting, but I know DH would not celebrate wearing a suit -- EVER! That was an advantage of having his own company, he could wear what he wanted, usually very, very casual unless he was at a plant or making a presentation. Albert Camus mush have had me in mind with the quote of the day. I much prefer warm weather, but not the triple digits we had this year. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. @msmayor Welcome back! We missed you, and are glad you and your family, especially you dear granddaughter, Lana, are all fine. @smitty34877 Terry, actually, DH will have an x-ray and appointment with the surgeon every two months for a year. It takes about 10 months for the bone to be fully healed and fused. It turns out less invasive is not minimally invasive. DH has a 2-3 inch incision, and the next one will be bigger. It's necessary because of the machine that drills the holes in the bone and places the zip ties. @marshhawk I hope they can fix the cavity and reglue the crown at the same appointment. @ottahand7 Thank you for your pictures of Malaga. @Seasick Sailor Joy, it mush have been word of mouth that had the ladies showing up on the wrong day. At least, you all made lemonade out of the error. I once showed up for a meeting when the hostess was ill. They forgot to call to tell me she was sick. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for another picture of cute Miss Ellie. Also, thanks for your pictures of Malaga. @aliaschief Thanks for the picture of the Maasdam in her new role. That was the one S class ship we did not sail on. @Heartgrove Jack, please don't feel guilty you are missing your brothers Mas. You were there with him to say goodbye when he was aware and could know how you felt. @JazzyV Vanessa, enjoy your birthday present to yourself and your new roof. @Overhead Fred Thank you for your pictures. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm sorry the news about your cousin is so sad. I'm glad you and Pat got to visit with her last April when you were on Koningsdam. It sounds like she lived a very full life, which is worth celebrating. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, thanks for the picture of the Daily group. @Crazy For Cats Congratulations on the upsell of the corner balcony. @grapau27 Thanks for you nice comments on my pictures. Lenda
  14. A late good morning from windy central Texas. I'm going to repost my pictures of Malaga before I begin commenting on the Daily. This is just in case I get side tracked again. 😉 We have been to Malaga three times. In 2016 and 2017, we were on the Prinsendam, and in 2019, the Veedam stopped there on her way to Boston. On our first visit, we took the Ho-Ho with a stop at the Castle of Gibralfaro. The Elegant Explorer from the fortress On our other two visits, we took the shuttle from the ship to town and walked around. This is the view from the shuttle dropoff. We visited Picasso museum and birth place. Evidently we were'nt allowed to take pictures in the latter. The outside of the museum and the central courtyard. The Roman Theater and the Alcazaba from street level In 2019, we found the elevator which took us to the top of the Alcazaba Malaga from the Alcazaba A nice beach After our Ho-Ho tour in 2016, we walked around town. We were there during Fashion Week, but did not see any of the shows. Different sections of the seats were reserved for various designers, some of who's names I recognized. In 2017 and 2019, there were festivals in town, along with band concerts and more informal performances. Lenda
  15. Well, it didn't take me that long to finish reading the rest of the Daily. Annie, this is a small regional hospital in a small Texas town. They really take care of the patients and one family member. It's about an hour and 15 minutes from us, but that is where the surgeon whose office is Waco operates. The second surgery uses a new machine to put the zip ties in to stabilize the vertebrae. This was the only hospital willing to buy the machine for the new surgery technique. I think they saw it as a way to get more patients and income. There were plenty of empty rooms too. Not only do they let the spouse stay in the room, meals are provided. At lunch and supper we each got two big, fresh chocolate chip cookies (which is a choice on the menu), except today I got canned peaches. We could only eat one cookie each at a meal, so I brought the rest home. Their food was good too, and you could order small meals or full hot meals. There scrambled eggs this morning were really good, and I think they used real eggs, not the liquid stuff and cooked them to order. Their sandwiches were simple but very good. Basically, the food was prepared fresh and was not institutional. It sure beats driving to Dallas. Right now, DH does not have any pain, but has meds for moderate pain and severe pain, plus a muscle relaxer and an antibiotic. It's enough to last through the second procedure and recovery. Interestingly, while there are internal stiches, the incision is closed with four tiny zipties. I even got a picture of them, but won't share since it might gross some people out. BTW, I don't like having the same left overs several days in a row. With casseroles, I divide the leftovers into enough for individual portions and freeze them to be reheated later. Sure is nice for quick meals in a hurry for several nights. Thanks for the link to the cookbook. Your orchids are beautiful. Jacqui, thanks for the link tomthe groups FB page. Lenda
  16. It's now 11:40 and we're still waiting. I suspect it will be after lunch before we get discharged. Aftern busy morning, we're both mainly resting. ER nurses deserve special recognition, but I'll also salute all nurses. My great grandfather had a farm, and it has been passed down in the family, but the land is now rented to two brothers who run calves in the summer on part of the land and grow corn on more of the land. For many years, I collected cookbooks. I found I used only a few recipes from each book, so over the past 20 years, I've put them on the computer and printed cookbooks to keep in Texas and Arizona. Once the used bookstore reopened last year, I took most of the cookbooks there. I still have several favorites, plus my mother's recipe cards. I like the quote of the day. The meal and wine sound good, but we'll pass on the drink. We were scheduled to stop in Saint Pierre and Mieuelon in 2019 on Veendam. It was too rough with bad weather for us to tender. The weather was so bad, I couldn't get a picture from the ship. @kazu Jacqui, how nice of your neighbor to loan you her car. @HAL Sailer Melisa, I'm sorry your DSIL's cancer has spread. I hope the treatment will halt or at least slow the spread. It is good you and DH can visit next week. @kplady Thanks forvthe pictures. This post was interrupted by a whirlwind, or at least what seemed like a whirlwind. About 12:15 to 12:30 things started moving fast. Fortunately, we finished lunch, but I just had to stop writing without a second to post what had been written. To tell you how quickly things happened, I didn't even have time to finish my chocolate chip cookie until later. First the physical therapist came in and cleared DH, then the nurse changed the dressing followed by getting DH dressed. Some where in all that, the nurse went over all then instructions and gave us the prescriptions we needed filled. The nurse and I then took everything out to the car. While I loaded the car and moved the car, the nurse got DH. We were heading out the parking lot at 1 pm. We dropped off the prescriptions and were home before three. After getting him settled in bed and unloading the car, I headed back to pick up the meds. This was after making DH promise to not move from the bed. Even when I got back there was a lot to unpack and put away in addition to taking care of DH. Boy don't I wish I could have taken one of the wonderful nurses home with us for a few days. In my opinion ALL nurses rock! DH is asleep and I'm relaxing. Now, back to our interrupted post. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope the GI doc can get to the cause of the tummy issues. Now, I can catch up on the afternoon posts. Lenda
  17. Good morning. The plan is to release DH today. Discharge is usually about noon, so we are waiting to see what happens. We both slept better last night than we expected. I was sleeping in the recliner which lays almost flat. It's not the most comfortable but that didn't seem to matter last night. DH is doing better today and has walked twice. With everything they have been giving him, so far he is not in pain. I hope the prescriptions they are giving him work as well. Now, I'll go back and read the Fleet/Daily. Lenda
  18. One last update. The physicsl therapists got DH up for a walk in the hall. There will be another walk in the morning. We're pretty much winding things down for the day. @kochleffel I'm sorry the appliance gremlins foumd your washer. Hope you can get a new one and find a time to meet the installers. @kazu Jacqui, just wow. They should find a way for you to get a loaner since it was their goof. I'm glad there will not be charging you. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for fhe news about Angels Lansbury. I enjoyed Murder She Wrote, too. Lenda
  19. Just a quick update. They brought DH to the room about 10:40. It might have been soon, but the other patient in recovery needed more attention, so they could not let one nurse leave until the patient was stable. DH said most of the time he spent talking with the nurses. He is more alert now, and we just finished lunch. They even fed me. We each had a chef's salad and for dessert they brought warm chocolate chip cookies 🍪, two each. We split one, and I ate part of another. We still have that part and two more for snacks. It's nice the hospital has alternatives to the standard meals, and you can pick a main, vegetable, etc. for a hot meal. Vanessa, i hope your two appointments Friday will go well, and I hope the stomach issues can be solved easily. The neurosurgeon at UT Southwestern thought there was a good chance these two surgeries could solve the NPH issue. He said it was not a serious probpem yet or life threatening. Since theese procedure have a good possibility to sol e the NPH, he wanted to give the back surgery a try before trying brain surgery which has a bigger risk, if necessary, we can go back to UT Southwestern. This was the preliminary procedure to take out the disc material and put a polymer wedge between the vertebrae. The next one will clean out the bone spurs then put in the zip ties. That is when we'll start to see some real results. @RedneckBob We've been able to swim with stingrays several times and even had them swim up out legs. That was an awesome experience. Lenda
  20. Thought I'd comment on the rest of the Fleet/Daily while I'm waiting for them to bring DH from recovery. The hospital has good internet which is good since cell service in the room is iffy. As a girl who has two DDs, I will certainly celebrate girl child day, including Miss Camilla and Miss Elliott Rose. Leslie Gore came to my mind when I saw Its My Party. Ada Lovelace deserves a day, since she was ahead of her time. I like today’s quote. We'll pass on the meal, drink, and wine. We visited Half Moon Cay in pre-digital times. In 2017, Prinsendam was to visit HMC but the wind was too high for to anchor and tender. The only pictures I have of HMC are from the Prinsendam. With her azipods Nieuw Amsterdam was able to stay that day. @MISTER 67 Welcome back. Good to know everything has been restored. I'm sorry the people in the next condo buipding have lost their homes. @kazu Jacqui, I hope they and fix your car quickly and not expensively, and that the estate problem is finally solved. If it wasn't solved correctly the first time, hopefully, they won't charge you. Take your frustrations out on the yard work, the relax with plenty of cardbordeaux. @summer slope Dixie, I'm happy you are feeling better. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the picture of Ellie with her adoring grandma. @marshhawk Annie, it must be very frustrating for you and Barbara to not know what is really happening with your friend Shari. I hope the doctors can find what is wrong with Shari, and she is well soon. I hope you hear from the sister soon with an update. @ottahand7 Thanks for the update on Frank. What an amazing recovery. He must be a truely amazing man. @HAL Sailer Melisa, thanks for sharing the picture of the restaurant feeding the linemen. It's good to see people supporting and thanking them for their work after Ian. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry things are so rocky right now. I can see where breathing issues could cause anxiety and start a vicious circle. I'm glad your DD has a calming effect on Tana. Hope all goes well for your DH at the doctor's appointment. @kochleffel Thanks for sharing the information on the Abraham Path Walk. @TiogaCruiser Thank you for the good wishes. @grapau27 Thank you, Graham. Lenda
  21. @Heartgrove Our condolences on the passing of your brother. While it was not unexpected it's still hard. May your memories of all the good times bring you comfort. Lenda
  22. Good morning. The surgeon came by about 40 minutes ago, and said the surgery went well. He was able to remove a good portion of the disc and put a good size spacer between the dics. Once DH was awake, he would go to recovery for about an hour. DH will go home tomorrow with rhe final procedure on the 24th. Surgery was scheduled for 7 am, but the doctor didn’t get to the hospital until after 7. One person mentioned that he's always late. Thank you all for the well wishes which are much appreciated. @marshhawk Annie, I loved the meme. Lenda
  23. Thank you all for your prayers and support. It really does mean a great deal to me. Lenda
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