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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Glad you are in your new home. I know you want internet access, but don't worry about us. We won't go hungry. Lenda
  2. Good afternoon from a cool and breezy central Texas. At least the sun is out. Today and tomorrow are days that DH does not have PT. We visited a while, and then he was ready for a nap. I had some things I wanted to look at, so I let him nap and went shopping. I did find one thing I wanted, and it was a Black Friday deal today only. That is usually not the story of my shopping. Safe travels tomorrow and have a great cruise. BON VOYAGE! Terry, I would never have thought to call the EMTs to help get DH in and out of the car, if our neighbor hadn't been doing that for help with her husband. We live in the country and our town is about 2000 people. There are not a lot of options. I knew with the EMTs, they could move DH without hurting him or causing problems with his back. Besides, some of our county taxes help pay for their service. Hope you have a great cruise on the NA. BON VOYAGE! I'm glad you have the move behind you. We've packed ourselves for our last two moves, but I'm not sure about what I'd do now. Our last move was 23 years ago. Enjoy your new house. I'm glad the ER could drain the abscess. I hope the antibiotic and the hand doctor can help. Sorry you will have to miss playing golf for a couple of weeks. Terri, it must be nice to finally be able to work on plans for your house. It sounds like the bathroom will be a huge improvement. Hope your power is back on by now. Glad the fire is finally history. Lenda
  3. In 2017 on the Prinsendam for 106 days, we visited Invergordon twice. The first time was on August 7 when we rented a car and headed to Loch Ness. Unfortunately, Nessie did not make an appearance that day. These pictures are of Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle, which is in ruins. I walked down to the ruins while DH stayed at the visitors center and enjoyed the view. I have some pictures of the ruins, but there are more people than ruins in the pictures. From Loch Ness, we drove to Cawdor Castle. We walked up to the entrance of the castle, but decided we did not want to go through the building because of all the stairs. Instead, I wandered through the gardens. The outside of Cawdor Castle, and yes, that is a working drawbridge. A few pictures of the gardens for the Garden Club and others who enjoy looking at flowers. We then drove through Inverness and toured the Ord Distillery, but I could not find any really good pictures of the town or distillery. North Sea off shore oil rigs parked in the bay as we sailed that day. We were back in Invergordon on September 12. This time in our rental car, we headed east and north to explore the area. Our first stop was Dunrobin Castle. We just took a picture of the castle from the car park, and decided to skip the tour. The rest of the pictures are scenes along the road and of the various towns we visited. We drove through and walked around Tain, Dornoch and Alness, but I don't remember which pictures are from which town. They were all picturesque as was the countryside. Lenda
  4. Good morning from a chilly central Texas. It was 45F when I woke up about 6:30 am. We also have a strong north wind. It was nice not waking up sometime between 3:30 and 4:30 and not being able to get back to sleep. I will definitely celebrate football day by watching the Texas Longhorns play Kansas State tonight. GO HORNS! 🤘 HOOKEM! 🤘 It's going to an interesting evening since the game starts at 6 pm and the World Series starts at 7 pm. I foresee a lot of channel flipping back and forth. It's been a long time since we've had Chinese take out or eat in. My mother was a redhead with beautiful naturally curly auburn hair. I disagree with the last part of the Oscar Wilde quote. I firmly believe women want to be understood and loved. The meal sounds good, but we'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have visited Invergordon twice on Prinsendam in 2017. I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the embarkation went well today. I know with all your family, CC friends and the great crew, you will be treated royally. Enjoy your cruise, and I hope your foot is better every day. @rafinmd Roy, I hope the rest of your train trip goes well. Just a minor note, it's @ottahand7 Nancy's brother who is in rehab how. @smitty34877 Terry, it does sound like a busy day yesterday for both households. I'm glad the cardiologist was pleased with your DH's recovery, and I hope cardiac rehab helps. Your family is so lucky to have a neighbor help when Tana needs to go out. I hope her doctor visit went well and there were not new surprises. I hope the shot helps with your hip pain. They certainly worked for DH for his sciatica for several years. 🎈 🛳️ BON VOYAGE TO ALL THE DAILYITES EMBARKING OOSTERDAM TODAY! 🥂 🍾 Lenda
  5. @Kurtybee123 I hope you did not have any problems from the severe weather this aftermoon. Looking at the weather map on the news, it looked like the areas north and east of Dallas were getting some really bad weather. @dfish Debbie, I'm happy you arrived in Midland safeely. i hope tomorrow goes as smoothly as today. Enjoy your new home. Lenda'
  6. Glad to get some good news about the fire. Hope things continue to look good. How are you and DW doing? Lenda
  7. Nancy, maybe it's because of our situation, that I can relate to what you're going through with your brother. I'm trying not to get cutoff from the rest of the world, especially now that it's pretty much up to DH and the therapists right now. Lenda
  8. We're about 11 miles west of Hiilsboro or about 45 miles north of Waco. Fortunately for us, the worst of the bad weather was about 11 miles east of Hillsboro. We're about 2 hours or so north of you. I hope most of the bad weather missed you. Lenda
  9. We always knew there was a chance there was another problem besides some bad screws in the metal roof. The nature of this roof is the water can enter one place and run across and down in another. It will get fixed eventually by trial and error. Now is just not the time to take on the added mess of opening the ceiling and having the kitchen torn up for who knows how long. We've lived with this for several years, with different people working on it, and still not finding the cause. This contractor seems like the best bet to get it fixed someday. Lenda
  10. Carol, I'm glad the cortisone shot worked. Everything here seems to be all right. It was an interesting 30 minutes or so with some of the hardest rain I've seen, and as you know, Texas gets a lot of hard, driving rain. There was thunder and lightning along with the wind and rain. We had one minor power blip that lasted a second or two, but that was it. One weird thing was the wind was strong enough to lift the door to the power cord compartment of the motorhome fully open. It was open enough for the power cord to be out, and that door is not all that light. The sun is out now with some clouds and or course the wind. The future cast radar shows that the storm will hit Dallas and the northern suburbs between 5 and 6 pm. Hope you and your family remain safe. The worst of the storm with the potential for a tornado was east of us on the other side of I35 and moving northeast. The rain also tested our roof repair, and it failed the test. Not only did the ceiling get wet, but water dripped on the countertop and the floor. Unfortunately, the next step is to open the ceiling to determine where the water is coming from. Right now, with all that is going on it will just have to wait a few months. It looks like some of the windows and part of the siding that was exposed to the rain are now clean. One less job for me to have to do. 🤣 Lenda
  11. Good afternoon. DH and I had a long text conversation, then he got tired of texting and called. He said the morning PT was good but very tiring. I could see why since he walked 4 times as much as he has ever done in rehab. He only has 30 minutes of PT or OT this afternoon. He might also be tired since he stayed up to watch the Astros win last night. He's usually been asleep much earlier. So far, we've gotten about 1/10 inch of rain and not really bad winds or hard rain. We are still under a tornado watch with a chance of severe storms between 2:30 and 5 pm. The storms could also have hail, so I'm glad I moved the car to a neighbors port. Right now, I'm enjoying my daily ration of chocolate in celebration of Candy Day. Jacqui, I'm sorry your DBIL and niece will be flying home tomorrow morning instead of boarding the ship with you. Thank you, Graham. Ann, it is good that Vickie's DH is aware of her passing. It must be very hard for him. On the other hand, how nice that a lady could give Vicki's shelties a home after losing her sheltie. It was very nice of the Sheltie Rescue of California to pay all the vet bills for the rest of their lives. We've see several examples of people going above and beyond the last few days. Jake, Jasper is a very handsome cat. Karen, that is good news that your DH is making progress. Slow but steady seems to be the order of the day with PT. I agree that his stubbornness may be helping him with the PT. Vanessa, I'm glad that third injection in your knee is behind you, and I hope it helps. Storms since you picture of the jetty were taken have taken a toll on the jetty and the light tower. This was what we saw on December 1, 2021 as we sailed from Mazatlán . Nancy, that is good news that your DB is walking better and was able to be transferred to rehab. I am sending positive thoughts that the infection clears up quickly, so that his pain lessens. Lenda
  12. Here are some more pictures from our stops in Mazatlán. Most were taken on December 1, 2021, when we did a short tour in one of the open air vehicles. We'll start our tour with the blue line that leads passengers to the Old Town. I didn't walk it, but may the next time we're there. There are many statues around town and along the waterfront. These are just a few. A nice playground and water park across from the statue above. Even though it was December 1, the decorations for Día de los Muertos were still up in the main plaza. The traffic along the coast road, and the divers. My timing was off when the diver made is move. BTW, you could not pay me enough to make that dive. A nice neighborhood heading to the coast road. Looking out from the overlook. With the Carnival Panorama and NCL Bliss in port with us, the port area and town were sure crowded. This place we passed looked interesting with food, books and beer. Too bad the books are probably all in Spanish. Town as seen from the upper deck of Koningsdam. The sun was setting as we sailed. Lenda
  13. Joy, if Allen can manage to get in and out of an airport type bus, the Hollywood Tour on Kauai is wonderful. They may even have an assessible bus. We booked them independently in 2007, but cruise lines are also selling the tour. Lenda
  14. Thanks for the pictures of Montserrat. When we were there, it was raining and the visibility was poor. The sun sure improves it. Add me to the list of those who are glad you decided to go on the cruise instead of flying home. Besides your DSs and DBILs, you'll have all the wonderful CC members to help. The biggest help will be the wonderful crew who are the best.
  15. Good morning from a cloudy, windy central Texas. The forecast is still for heavy rains, high winds and possible tornados in some areas. The only change is the time for the rain to start and to stop keeps moving back. It is still in the time frame I usually go to Waco and back home, and I don't want to take any chances driving in the heavy rain. Instead, I'm taking advantage of a day at home to do laundry. At least, it is easier than house cleaning.🤣 You know I'll celebrate candy day with my favorite dark chocolate and dark chocolate with almonds. I do limit myself to four small pieces a day most days, but some need more chocolate. 😉 Community service is good, and when the DDs were in school, I always volunteered at their schools. Since they left for college, we've traveled too much for me to be a reliable volunteer. I try to use common sense, but it seems common sense is less common now days. The quote is interesting, and I imagine many people try to follow it with their excuses. I'll pass on the meal. I like some fish, but some used in the meal are not my favorites. The drink looks refreshing, and the wine sounds interesting. @MISTER 67 That is good news you finally got the antibiotic, and I hope it works quickly to cure the infection. @rafinmd Roy, I know you are already on your way, but safe travels on the train, and have a nice time in Florida before your Eurodam cruise. @aliaschief I wish our weather was good enough to a ride in our convertible with the top down. Enjoy your ride and lunch. Thank you for your pictures. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I'm sorry you had to cancel your cruises, but it is understandable. I hope the oral surgery for your DH goes well and he heals quickly. @cat shepard Ann, loved the meme, and it was me to a T. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for your pictures and the picture of your DD's tree. @GTVCRUISER Thank you for your pictures. We might head to Stone Island the next time we're in Mazatlán. @HAL Sailer Melisa, that is good is good news your DSIL is home and is comfortable. I wish your DH was better able to understand the situation. With all that is going on, remember to take care of yourself too. @dfish Debbie, I'll be thinking of you today and tomorrow. I hope everything with the move goes smoothly. We have been to Mazatlán seven times, but when I posted my pictures on August 13, 2021, we'd only been there once on Ruby Princess in 2016. On our b2b2b2b cruises on Koningsdam last fall and last spring, we were their six more times. Some days we got off the ship and walked around the port area after taking the shuttle to the port building. Other days, we just stay on the ship. I'll repost my pictures from our 2016 stop and look for different ones from the Koningsdam cruises. We have been to Mazatlan once in 2016 on the Ruby Princess. I am going to post my pictures, then go back an read the Daily. Sorry if my pictures of the market are close to the ones @StLouisCruisers Sandi posted. All my pictures of the church are like Sandi's. In the morning, we took one of the little open air vehicles that were outside the port for a tour of the city and the Golden Zone. In the afternoon, we took another one into the old town and walked around. Our first stop that morning was a viewpoint over looking the bay and the town. A little further along the road The drive along the Golden Zone, the modern tourist area. We preferred the main downtown area. The market This is what happens when you feed the pigeons. A pretty gazebo in the middle of the park in the main square The area around the port Lenda
  16. Good evening. It's been a long day, and I hope I make it through the World Series game. We've got a storm comimg in tonight or tomorrow morning. It could be severe or nothing. The forecast is that iffy. Just in case, i'm staying home tomorrow. I don't like driving in the rain. Instead, I'll do laundry and catch up on computer work. @HAL Sailer Melissa, i'm so sorry about your DSIL's latest medical complication. I hope the doctors can get it resolved. She is in my thoughts. @marshhawk i'm glad you and DH are visiting his DM while her memory is still somewhat there.. @ottahand7 Nancy, i hope your DB can get the help he needs either in the hospital or in rehab. @JazzyV Vanessa, we were on Golden Princess the first part of February in 2004. I think we boarded on January 31. DD and DSIL were married on Monday, February 2. @kochleffel That is good news that you could save money on the washer and dryer. @1ANGELCAT i'm sorry you were denied help with the medicine you need. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad you called in help, and are now ready to go tomorrow once the truck is loaded. The adventure and new chapter in your life begins. @aliaschief Bruce, Sue was very lucky they found her iPad and are sending to her. That helps restore my faith in our fellow man. Lenda
  17. Good morning from a gloomy, windy central Texas. It was a little foggy earlier and I hope it is all gone before I head to Waco to see DH. I've been on the phone twice with the surgeon's office about DH's post opt visit next Tuesday. The rehab hospital is coordinating with the doctor's office to get DH there, but the office wanted some x-ray results before hand. That was the one x-ray I don't have a disc for, so now the doctor's office is contacting the hospital for the x-ray results. I'm just glad the case manager is handling all that is involved with the visit. The first two days will be celebrated, but I am not a fan of stout. When we toured the Guinness brewery, I tasted DH's glass of Guinness, handed it back and used my token for a Coke. 😄 I like the quote, and I hope all my reading has kept me from being wicked. The rigatoni sounds good, but not the chickpeas or the kale. Instead, I'll take @rafinmd Roy's alternative minus the pineapple. I'll pass on the drink, and have my key lime fix in the form of a pie. The wine sounds intriguing, but someone else would have to buy a bottle for me. @dfish Debbie, it sounds like you'll be more than ready for the movers tomorrow. Don't worry about the recipes. Like @cat shepard Ann said, we won't starve during your move. Sending positive thoughts your way for a smooth and timely move. Glad you could give some of the unneeded furniture and things away. @MISTER 67 Just WOW and YIKES! 😱 on the prescription mix up, just when you really needed it. Hope you got it straightened out early this morning. @Rowsby Sue, thank you for your wonderful pictures of Hawaii. It was the ray of sunshine I needed here. It's heavily overcast, and we're expecting storms and high winds tonight and tomorrow. @Sharon in AZ Safe travels to you and Craig. BON VOYAGE! 🛳️ @Cruzin Terri Terri, it seems things are really moving now. I have my fingers crossed 🤞 there are no more snags, and that you will be back in your house in January. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope your DB's transfer to rehab goes smoothly, and that they can help him improve, and can take care of the bedsores. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope your DH is continuing to recover from his procedure. @lindaler I hope you can get the new glasses straightened out and get a new pair. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank your for your St. Thomas pictures. We have been to St. Thomas many times beginning in 1987 on our first cruise. It was on the Costa Daphne, and we arrived at the ship in San Juan on Saturday, and our luggage arrived on the ship on Monday in Martinique. We were still hooked on cruising. We have only been to St. Thomas once since we got digital cameras. That was in 2004 on the Golden Princess, on our older DD and DSIL wedding cruise. They were married by the captain on a sea day. That is the easy way to have a wedding. We spent the day with DD and DSIL looking for the perfect sapphire for DD. And she found the one she wanted at a reasonable price. I don't have too many pictures from our day in St. Thomas. The first two are from the ship. This one is from the shuttle into town. The moon over St. Thomas Lenda
  18. Jacqui, I was pleased to read that your foot can bear a little weight . My guess, if you don't overdo, and it sounds like you won't, it will get better every day. I have been enjoying seeing your pictures, especially those of Sagrada Familia. Our one visit there was in September 2001, and there were not many tourist then. The progress in the last 21 years is amazing. Whenever we've been back to Barcelona, the crowds have been more than we wanted to brave to revisit the church. This is what the sanctuary looked like in 2001. @ger_77 Gerry and @0106 Tina, good to see that you arrived safely and are enjoying Barcelona. Lenda
  19. Terri, I glad to hear that things are finally moving in the right direction, and the adjuster came back with a more reasonable estimate. I'm sorry his father had a masssive heart attack and hope he is recovering. Still, someone at the insurance company should have let you and your contractor know what the situation was. Lenda
  20. I may have said this before. I just love autocorrect -- NOT! DH texted me to bring him some dental floss tomorrow, only autocorrect changed it to bring him some "demo falls". 🤣 More progress this afternoon. Part of the therapy is preparing DH to go home. Today, the therapist had me come along to watch and to amswer some questions about the car I'll use when the time comes. They have a mock up of a car to practice getting in and out. DH had no problems with that. They even had a "driver" at the wheel, a dressed skeleton. My home work was to measure how high off the ground the car seats are. While DH has come a long way in less than a week, there are still areas where he needs a lot of help. My guess is they will begin working on those areas once he is more stable standing and walking. Carol, I hope the cortisone shot does the trick. It is good news, but as you know there are a lot of different areas to cover before a patient is released. Lenda
  21. Ann, believe me, it took me a few days on Koningsdam before I couod reliably find my way around the ship. 🤣 Lenda
  22. I remember when my father puchased cemetery plots for him and my mother without telling her. She didn't want to think about it or talk about it. Well, his mother let the cat out of the bag when she said she and my grandfather had purchased plots next to theirs. With foresight, he even purchased two extra plots, one for me and one for my future husband. That was more than 60 years ago. I'm not sure if we'll use them or if the DDs will wind up selling them. Hopefully, that decision is years away. Lenda
  23. Jacqui, I'm so glad you picked the hotel you did. You are getting such wonderful care and TLC. Your story restored my faith in people who go beyond the expected if given a chance.
  24. Right now I'm in DH's room while he is at therapy. He sat up on his own, and then stood up with the walker. The new twist was once the therapist started pulling his pants up, he was able to stand on his own weight and get them up up the rest of the way and fastened. Then, he moved to the wheelchair and sat down. He couldn't do that a few days ago. Nancy, I'm so sorry your DB is having such a rough time, but it's good he has stabilized. Sending positive thoughts that he improves and that he will be able to go home, but hope like DH he gets some PT first. Graham, two lovely women, not to mention the lovely Pauline. You are a very lucky man. I hope your appointment goes well, and the doctor can give you something for the infection. What was a gloomy, foggy day has now cleared with a few clouds and a lot of sun. Lenda
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