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Everything posted by leaveitallbehind

  1. Good catch and you are correct. My mistake. It is Elite+. Thanks for correcting me.
  2. Elites get a 15% discount at the specialty restaurants. When the Celebrity website is back up (currently down for planned maintenance) go to the Captains Club tab and open the tier benefits sub tab. Very simple to find. Not sure what you mean by calling in to get it, but it will be applied when you book the restaurants with your CC number. This can be booked by the planner - as with wifi.
  3. ...but there is no hardwired port to connect to in the staterooms, if that is what @Algoron is asking. All internet access is wireless.
  4. Understood, deck 11, but which side was the question. I mistakenly thought portside but apparently per @Coralc I am incorrect and it is starboard.
  5. ...as the Celebrity app for its on board functions operates on the ship's wifi, which is a free service.
  6. ....unless you cancel the current booking (with whatever penalties may apply) and rebook as a new booking at the full new booking fare. That would likely not be a prudent move.
  7. According you your reservation attachment it appears you have a Balcony GTY (XB), which is an OV balcony. If it was a neighborhood balcony it would say as such. You can upgrade your booked stateroom category to a new category once final payment is made, however you have to pay the difference between what you paid to the full amount of the new category (or current booked category higher subcategory) at the time you make the upgrade.
  8. No it was RCCL. And it surprised us as well. But we were about a mile off the pier when a small boat came rapidly along side from the docks adjacent to the pier, and as it approached the ship slowed and crew from the open gangway assisted the couple onto the ship. I believe the port agent must have called to tell the Captain that a boat would be approaching because the crew seemed ready when they arrived. To add, a guy next to us on the upper deck was leaning over to watch this unfold when his sunglasses fell off his head and landed in the boat. The guy picked them up and after he got on board found his way up to where we were to return them. That is how we learned that they were drinking at a bar and lost track of the time. Apparently they paid the small boat owner to take them out to the ship. I know it sounds unbelievable but I can't - and wouldn't - make this stuff up! I also have a video of it somewhere on a memory stick.
  9. Thanks for correcting me. Most ships in our experience have been port side.
  10. That is one option. You can go without reservations and would just wait for an available table.
  11. I can't say for certain as we have not been on Serenade in years, but in most of our RCCL cruise experience smoking has been on the port side. In fact I can't recall any specific ship when it wasn't. Hopefully someone can confirm for you.
  12. Well that's a whole other story if they leave their phone on board while they are off the ship. No way I would ever do that. Your phone could become your lifeline on shore.
  13. We have seen several pier runners and others who were left behind. But there is no way of knowing that they were late due to an independent excursion. We saw a young woman in a bathing suit pushing a stroller with a young child run down the pier in Bermuda as her NCL ship was pulling away from the pier. Who knows what caused her to be late? Maybe just lost track of time at the local beach at the Dockyard. And, no, the ship did not come back. Another couple missed our ship in Cozumel and were brought out to us about a mile from the pier in a small boat and were able to board then. Turned out they were at a bar nearby and lost track of the time while drinking. So you never know the reasons and can't always assume it was due to an independent excursion.
  14. Always take the port agent phone number with you.
  15. Correct in that it is in place of the MDR. Just want to be sure the OP realizes that you are not required to eat there. You can go to any other restaurant on board if you want. And if desired, the MDR menu items can be ordered in Blu also.
  16. If you booked a neighborhood balcony GTY (XN) then that is what will be issued. Very unlikely they would upgrade to an OV (XB) as that is a different category. GTY's are assigned to subcategories within the booked category and not upgraded to different categories. Also your stateroom can be assigned at anytime from booking to day of sailing. Although in our experience that has typically occurred from 30 days to the week prior. If, once assigned, you are not happy with the location contact whomever you booked through and they can move you to another preferred location within the assigned subcategory based on availability. We have done that a couple of times.
  17. I cannot comment on Viator as we have never used them, preferring to book direct with the operator. And each travel region of the world is a little different with decisions on ship based versus independent tours. That being said, we haven't used a ship based tour in 30 years as we prefer to do things on our own or with local tour operators. Far less costly and in our experience, the local operators are well versed in ship arrival and departure times and have never placed us in a position of concern. I realize anything can happen, but we enjoy smaller personal experiences versus larger group, often bus based tours. Others may contradict this, but this is just our experience.
  18. As mentioned, what used to be referred to as formal night has been for a number of years chic nights. Formal dress suggestions are a thing of the past, although by choice there are people who dress formally. Most in our experience do not and while most maintain a dressy casual, there is no expectation of formal dress. Personal choice and wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
  19. You can take whatever you prefer. The cruise line has no regulations regarding this and if it is packed in a suitcase neither will the airlines. But bringing common OTC medications is wise as they are very expensive in most ports of call and very limited in what will be sold on board.
  20. You are preaching to the choir. But I believe things will be better this year. Please?
  21. I am not familiar with the specifics of the MSC issue and frankly don't care as I am not attempting to vilify the vloggers or defend the cruise line specific to this instance. As I've clearly said in my responses, I am simply addressing my feelings on vloggers actions in general as it would relate to myself and other passengers, and my support of any cruise line who would restrict or regulate that. I am not going to get further into the weeds of this specific instance. I wasn't there and don't know all the complete circumstances. As a result I, at least, am not qualified to comment on what transpired in this instance. Nor is passing any judgement my point. I am simply stating my position in general regarding this type of on board activity.
  22. I also never said ban - I said restrict. For instance, limiting their filming time to early morning, or late evening, or on port days when the passenger load would be lowest so as not to infringe on their privacy. Not filming where large groups are involved or venues where numerous passengers would be present. Seeking permission from any passenger who may be filmed to be certain they would be OK with an internet presence. Etc. In other words IMO they should be limited to activates and times when they would be the least intrusive with other passengers. Their point as I understand it is to show the venues and provide a pictorial representation of the ship. This IMO does not require random passenger involvement. And certainly never mine.
  23. Sure they can, as long as they are vacationing and don't stick their cameras in my face. Different points altogether and not IMO the point of this thread.
  24. ...and we are two 28 inch plus one 20 inch carry on total. Different strokes.
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