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Everything posted by sjb317

  1. Hi Lois! We are leaving Sept 19 (in 8 days😳) for a cruise up into Canada. This cruise was originally booked for 2020, moved to 2021 and then again to 2022. Really didn’t think it would be a go, I kept putting off even thinking about it, so we have no plans beyond flights to Boston and hotel and I did not reserve those until August. I guess we will just wing it and see what happens! The good news is I spent yesterday going through my closet and found a pair of black pants that I have not worn since pre-pandemic, they still fit!! Also, jeans still fit, haven’t worn those since our trip to VA in early March. I am hoping to come home to an almost done kitchen😂 Sherri🙂
  2. Big change weather wise! Good luck with the bathroom renovation, we have two to do after the kitchen is finished but I am thinking we may do it ourself! Sherri🙂
  3. This is our 4th kitchen renovation, 2nd professional one. Current one is the biggest change which is why we felt we should go with pros. I have found myself thinking we could have done this ourselves and probably been farther along! I said after our last one that I would never do one again but here we are, this is; however, definitely the last time! Sherri🙂
  4. Good morning to all! Melody, that is a great picture of Queen Elizabeth! She certainly lived an amazing life and was great queen for the UK. Cruise critic has been very strange for me the last few days. I could read comments but not send, and I discovered this after typing a long post and hitting submit. The post disappeared but did not post. Very irritating!😂 Kitchen project is still dragging along. Counter tops have been ordered and could possibly be here next week but I am not holding my breath. Our designer called yesterday to let us know the construction supervisor “had to be let go” so he will be bringing the new guy on Monday to introduce us and get him up to speed on our project. So, maybe, things will really get up to speed! Sharon, after reading about how you got your mom to move, I would almost consider setting a small kitchen fire if it would get my dad out of his house.😂 It’s great that your mom is happy in her new home with friends and activities. That would be so good for my dad but he is a stubborn, old man who won’t discuss it. Amazing that all of you are having more heat than we are here on the Space Coast. Our warmest temps for the past week have only gotten in the high 80’s and it has seemed almost pleasant at times. We had a great thunderstorm late afternoon yesterday with gorgeous streaks of lightening out over the ocean. I love to watch storms like that! I hope you all start getting some cooler temps! Here’s hoping this post makes it! Sherri🙂
  5. I am right there with you, Melody! I think I look ok in capris ( people might disagree😂) but due to years of running, several surgeries and arthritis, I only wear shorts when I walk on the beach. Too hot in FL summers for long pants, so capris it is! Dresses have to be middle of the knee at the shortest for me to feel comfortable. Sherri🙂
  6. Just returned from Indy yesterday, lots of catching up to do! It was nice to be in Indiana, temps were in the mid 80’s for the most part but dropped down in the 60’s at night. I was able to open the bedroom windows at night which I loved. When we lived in Indiana we rarely used the air conditioner and I miss having fresh air! My dad was happy to see me but I see big changes in him, he has started aging rapidly. He has always been quite active but is definitely slowing down. He has lived alone since my mom passed away in 2020 and I think that is accelerating his decline. He is very stubborn about not moving even though he admits an independent/assisted living facility would be great for him. He says he is going to die in that house and I think he is probably right. Nice to read about everyone’s trips, it is really great that we are all getting out and about! Loved all of your pictures, Kat, especially the Supreme Court finger, made me laugh! Lois, have a safe trip home after your cruise! Sounds like you have enjoyed it! Christy, enjoy your trip! And, Melody, positive energy being sent your way from the beach! Cynthia, we will be in Rome in October, 2023 so I will be paying close attention to any restaurant, hotel, etc. information you post! Sharon, sounds like you enjoyed granddaughter time! When will you be getting together again? As it stands now, we won’t be seeing ours again until December, so I am trying to figure out how to squeeze in a short trip before then. And Lululemon, welcome! Sherri🙂
  7. Our official checkin times have been between 11 and 1230, but we have gotten there early and have gone right in, no lines, corrals, etc. On the ship within 15 min. Very fast. Now the port in Tampa was a different story. They were very strict about checkin times and had the lines set up according to time. Sherri🙂
  8. We’ve cruised out of Canaveral 5 times, last one was Independence in early June. We were surprised to find them not strict at all, no one ever looked at our checkin time and we walked right in on all of them. There was only one line going into the terminal, no “cattle gates” and no signs with checkin times on all of our cruises. And we were anywhere from 50 min to 30 min early on each cruise. Sherri🙂
  9. Good morning to all. Woke up to major lightning this morning from an off shore storm. Really beautiful! As usual, I am catching up with everyone’s posts this morning so here goes: Kat, lovely pictures as usual! I love the market pictures! And what a great summer you have had! I also agree with Melody, your girls trip sounds like the perfect vacation! Lois, have a great trip! We did an Alaskan cruise way back in 2014, it was the last cruise of the season and rained the entire time! But we still hiked and biked and enjoyed it. Beautiful scenery. Sharon, have wonderful time with your granddaughter. She is at such a fun age, I am sure she is keeping you busy! Christie, enjoy your trip to London and TA. Cynthia, the Trader Joe’s salad looks really good. We may have to find the TJs in Orlando next time we are over there. Melody, any trips coming up? Did you finish your big landscaping project? I am flying up to Indianapolis at the end of next week to spend a few days with my dad. He will be 88 in September, and I can tell he is aging rapidly so I really need to spend some time with him. And it will be nice to take a break from our construction zone.😂 Hope you all have a great weekend! Sherri🙂
  10. We enjoy both Royal and Celebrity and I find that we are kind of alternating between them. I’ve always thought Celebrity ships are more elegant than Royal but Royal is definitely more of a fun, party like vibe. We recently sailed on Apex and I was completely blown away by the beauty of that ship. Entertainment was some of the best I’ve seen on any ship and that includes Oasis class. Food wise, I think Celebrity’s included venues win over Royals but in comparing specialty restaurants, I prefer Royals. We also like the Martini Bars and World class Bars on Celebrity, plus I think Celebrity ships offer more varied wines than Royal. Service is pretty equal on both lines. As far as price, if you always purchase a drink package and WiFi on Royal, add the cost of those plus daily gratuity charges to your Royal price and I think you will frequently find the cost for Royal versus Celebrity AI is not to far apart. Sherri🙂
  11. In 60+ cruises we have never been charged a corkage fee and 12 of those cruises have been since August. One time years ago, the waiter looked at our bottle of wine and asked if I knew there was supposed to be a corkage fee and I replied yes , I am aware of that. He did not mention it again and did not charge us.😂 Sherri🙂
  12. We are sailing on Viking’s Magni from Budapest to Amsterdam in October. Planning to spend a few days in Budapest which I am excited about. Good news about the kitchen, they should be able to start installing cabinets late next week! OOTD: Gym clothes! Sherri🙂
  13. It was open for breakfast on our Allure cruises in April and May. Sherri🙂
  14. Lois, I am so sorry to read about your health problems, hopefully, the meds will give this ulcer a chance to heal and you will have no more problems! . My area of “expertise” in nursing was maternal child, we did quite a few iron infusions for patients who experienced a significant drop in hemoglobin due to blood loss. I’m surprised you were not having any symptoms of anemia as you must have had a large drop to qualify for an iron infusion. Sounds like you and your doctors are on top of everything! Sharon, thanks for the info, we will look into this. Call us crazy, but we decided to change our cruise from July, 2023 to October, 2022😳. Saved a substantial amount and got a better cabin. This was my husband’s idea so I told him if we switched, he would have do all the planning as I am busy with designers, builders, etc. Kitchen is still moving slower than I would like but we do have drywall now! Sherri🙂
  15. We decided upon reaching 340 points to give Celebrity a try and really liked it. So now, we go back and forth between the two lines, also doing a river cruise in October. Neither one of us is interested in getting to pinnacle. Sherri🙂
  16. Thanks, Melody! The framers showed up today and are finished. Electrician is next but he “probably “ won’t be here until Thursday, maybe Friday. Then it has to be inspected by the city, their inspector will “probably” be here on Monday, assuming electrician has his part done. Then drywall, then cabinets can be hung. We had to pay for the cabinets and materials back in February, then 50% of the labor when materials were delivered. We found when we redid the kitchen in our previous home people would not show up for appointments or to work which is why I wanted to use professionals this time. Not sure it is working any faster!😂 Sherri🙂
  17. Sharon, thanks for the info, I would like the name of the tour guide if possible. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner but it has been a crazy few weeks. The kitchen is not going well, very slow and we discovered a few issues during demolition that meant a change in design so working on that. We are living surrounded by boxes of cabinets! Kat, beautiful pictures! I am really enjoying your postings, especially the food pics! Looks like you are having an amazing journey. The Wildman is coming tomorrow with his dad for a week but It should be easier this time as both Dad and Grandpa can entertain him. Should be fun if the construction guys decide to show up.😂 Sherri🙂
  18. Well. . . looking at the 11 cruises we’ve done since August, it seems like in terms of food at least, they have gotten progressively worse as passenger numbers have gotten progressively higher. And it’s not just Royal, I have noticed the same thing on our Celebrity cruises. Three of our cruises were on Allure, the food in September was fabulous, April had some misses but mostly hits and May had more misses than hits. I am hopeful that things will improve as supply chain issues decrease and staffing shortages get better but, we shall see. Sherri🙂
  19. The only time we ever go is if it is in the Aqua theater or a skating exhibition in Studio B. And we try to sit where we can escape before the presentations start. Sherri🙂
  20. Not a fan of MDR for breakfast (too slow), we much prefer WJ or Solarium Bistro if on Oasis class. The best omelets on the ship are the made to order in WJ! The only time we ever go to MDR for breakfast is the last morning and only to avoid the madness that is WJ on that day. Sherri🙂
  21. They had it in on our 6 day cruise in early May but I think, only one performance. Sherri🙂
  22. You are assuming correctly! Yet the WJ has very good carved turkey, much better than the MDR. Sherri🙂
  23. I like Cats, have seen it twice in off Broadway productions and twice on Oasis. I do think it gets slow at times. Royal’s production is excellent, better than one of the off Broadway productions I attended. Having said that, I have never thought Cats seemed right on a cruise ship. It is kind of depressing, I can never get through it without getting teary eyed, throw in a glass of wine and I am sobbing.😂. I am on a cruise to relax and have fun, not contemplate the meaning of life. Entertainment on a cruise ship should be fun! Sherri🙂
  24. I had to use my birth certificate and DL in early May as my passport was in the process of being renewed. I assumed it would slow down checkin but found it did not. I took our wedding license as a “bridging” document and no one asked to see any such document. I also thought it would be a slower process getting off the ship but that, too, turned out to be easy. My husband went through the passport line to do the facial recognition, I had to present my docs to a real agent, there was no line. The agent seemed really bored and barely looked at my docs and I was done before my husband.😂 Sherri🙂
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