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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. I have a travel question. I was reading the requirements to enter Italy, and it said I must have 10,000 euros to enter. And I must leave with 10,000 euros (am I going to make money in 5 days in Rome?) Do you all travel with that kind of money-my main problem is, I dont have that kind of money. Comes up to over 11 thousand dollars. Am I reading something wrong?
  2. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! We did not wake up for a donut run this morning. Decided that bacon and eggs (wakey wakey eggs and bakey) were just fine.for watching the F3 qualifying this morning. That and as I usually dont work on Fridays, but have to today to make up hours, (not so much for them, but for my paycheck) i had better work. I will have the oven on this morning, but not the rest of the day. I am going to make Blueberry cornbread. Another way to sneak a healthy food into DH's diet. Yesterday after therapy I stopped at the store, and bought an angel food cake. and strawberries and whipped cream. Dessert after lunch was a mock strawberry shortcake. He thinks i'm giving him treats, I'm giving him fruit.... grated some dark chocolate on cherries last night. Yum....(the chocolate was my left over easter bunny) Most people have a cheese drawer, I have a chocolate drawer with a little cheese in it. And for me, it's dark chocolate, I read it was healthy... Well, off to get organized, for those of you traveling today, be safe, for those of you cruising, have fun, and for those of you melting (the rest of us) stay cool and hydrated. @smitty34877We use the air, but we also use fans. It seems to help both of us (we both have COPD) and it feels like we are getting more air to breathe. Plus the sound is soothing. @ger_77Have a great Friday dinner-thought of you when I saw this
  3. Buffalo Soldiers were United States Army regiments formed during the 19th century to serve on the American frontier that primarily comprised African Americans. On September 21, 1866, the 10th Cavalry Regiment was formed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The nickname "Buffalo Soldiers" was purportedly given to the regiment by Native Americans who fought against them in the American Indian Wars, and the term eventually became synonymous with all of the African American U.S. Army regiments established in 1866, including the 9th Cavalry Regiment, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 24th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Regiment and 38th Infantry Regiment.[1] Although several African-American Union Army regiments were raised during the American Civil War (referred to collectively as the United States Colored Troops), "Buffalo Soldiers" were established by the United States Congress as the first peacetime all-black regiments in the U.S. Army.[2] The regiments were racially segregated, as the U.S. military would not desegregate until 1948. On September 6, 2005, Mark Matthews, the last surviving Buffalo Soldier, died aged 111. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.[3]
  4. @tupper10Chuck's primary doc and oncologist are with Emory. The cancer group he went to was Winship (Emory's cancer center). They are one of the few Health care systems that have proton radiation therapy, and because they are affiliated with the university have access to all sorts of new chemo treatments. That said, I am also going to try to change his eating habits around to more fish and plant based foods. going to find a list of 10 best foods to fight cancer (i hope one of them is not Kale) and see if his way of living can be improved (without food poisoning) Every little bit helps right?
  5. @dobiemomPlease let us know how your new recipe for BLT pasta goes. Anything that includes B-would be one of my favorite meals. Well off to get ready for therapy. I would rather stay here with you all, but to get better, I must go....
  6. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Another day to wake up and shine...or glow...or just sweat. I do admire you all who live in the southwest with your heat...and you sent it east, how kind... Just kidding, we have our own heat in the south, it's called hot and humid. This is mold country. I am letting DH sleep this morning. His brain needs time away from yesterday. I doubt very much that he would choose the surgery over chemo or immunotherapy. I dont have house plants, I did in college and when I lived by myself, but the cats really like them, to eat, and to knock over. So no walking of plants today, no on the stilts, and to bagpipes. I love the sound of bagpipes, outdoors, and very far away, the sound flowing over hills..... Today is going to be a normal day, therapy, shopping and work. I hope. And then the pre race F1 shows this evening, after work. Maybe a donut run tomorrow, and then work. In an effort to keep DH from getting too down, we are going to see A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Atlanta Shakespeare Tavern on Saturday night. However the theatre is right across from the hospital. And we use their parking. Atlanta Shakespeare is the oldest Shakespeare theatre in the country. You get there, and go through a cafeteria line of English Pub food, eat your dinner, and then they clear your plates, and the play begins. Intermission is the time to get your dessert, with coffee and they finish the play while you are eating dessert. It is a lovely evening, and I hope that DH enjoys it.
  7. As I thought, today was not a good day....we left the house at 8 this morning, and got back at 7 tonight. It appears that the cancer is now in his mouth. He met with a surgeon who wants to rebuild his whole face, he met with a radiologist, who thinks that radiology for a second time is the most dangerous course to take , and an oncologist who is suggesting immunotherapy- infusions., and right now besides me, he has no one to talk to. And of course he has the eye infection. They will allow the surgery on the left eye, as that is the only working eye, they do not want the right eye messed with at all. Messing with the scar tissue, may exasperate the existing cancer. @dfishI'm glad you enjoyed your seafood boil, but when we had it on the New Amsterdam we did not. They said Dungeness crab (as we were in Alaska) and we got crab legs that were so over boiled, they bounced. We did get loads of shrimp, and they were over cooked too. So good for You! @Cruzin TerriWelcome home! @kazuSending you hugs today. Its too early for bed, but I'm beat, therapy tomorrow at 9 a.m., just to get to work with a therapist I like. Well, at least it's not at 8 a.m......
  8. @summer slope I dont drink anymore, but shouldn't this drink be blue?
  9. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! While I slept well during the hours I slept, it is still early for me. We got home yesterday at 4, too many patients at the eye clinic, and very few doctors. The waiting room was full, and the rooms were all full, so once DH had to initial "eye" test, we were moved back to a full waiting room. The doc got him on an antibiotic eye drop, and a gooey cream to put on his eyes while he slept. So when we left we stopped at the Krogers pharmacy to get the meds, there was a short wait, so we stocked up on junk food, picked up the meds, got home, I put the first batch of drops in his eyes, and then got on the phones to work, and it turns out there were computer issues, so I didn't work. We had dinner at waffle house, where my burger was so bad, that I couldnt eat it. DH had pork chops, not on the menu but they have them. He was a happy camper. And then we went to the symphony. It was enjoyable, and the singer Libby Whittemore was a great singer.. Well, we are up, we have to shower and get downtown to his MRI and meeting with the doctors., Since he cant eat before the MRI (contrast) even though he is in charge of the alarm, I'm letting him continue to sleep.
  10. @dfish I have these in my front garden! Love them DH does not, he asked the yard guys to pull them up, I stopped them and they put the bulbs down, so now I have more! Yay! Since they bloom the week before the 4th, I call them my firecracker flowers.
  11. @seagarsmokerWhere is this picture from? City, island ???
  12. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Therapy at 10 (regardless of their email) get food, get DH to eye appointment, then get home to work, then grab a Waffle House dinner, and go to the final concert of the Dekalb county Symphony. Tonight is a POPS concert, not classical. The DSO sent me an email that if we were not going to use the tickets to return them, as the concert is sold out. While DH has to be up early tomorrow morning for his MRIs I think that going tonight would perhaps keep his mind off tomorrow's meeting with the doctors. I had to tell my neighbor that I couldn't walk the dog today and tomorrow, so she is coming home early, and had an appointment tomorrow, so she will be home, and that takes some stress off me. Life is stressful enough, but i feel very guilty when I cannot walk the dog. It's not the dogs fault that her mom wont work from home. (when she can) Have a wonderful day, and thanks for the Singapore pictures. @StLouisCruisers I think that I see part of the F1 race track in your pictures.
  13. My favorite drive thru is Burger King, I love having tomato lettuce onion, mayo ketchup, heck they can leave the burger off. I think DH's is Chic Fil A. He loves their frosted coffees. I have a question, I think I made a major mistake. I ordered the Roma cab to pick us up in Rome at 8 a.m. to take us to the port. But our ship does not leave until 7, I was thinking we would get there around 10/10:30, no tour included. Will I be sitting on my butt for hours on end looking at a ship? It's not Holland, but did I give myself too much time? I wont know boarding time starts until early October. And when you do a back to back do you ever just stay on and chill, or do you go explore I dont see excursions for the town.Only going back to Rome. @rafinmdI think you have a most excellent idea, and wish you luck with it. DH wont do VA. Penny has found Vet Buds and she wants to take him to a meeting, find out how he can get better benefits.
  14. My therapy is written down in my calendar to start at 10 tomorrow, and I just got an email that it is at 9, and when I called back, I got an answering machine. It's always been at 10. But in the midst of all of that, DH 's eye infection is back, so I had to make an emergency appointment for him, which is at 1, so he will go to therapy with me, then grab a quick lunch and then off to the docs tomorrow. His Wednesday (as I am the driver and spouse, and general question person, so me too) is a morning full of MRI's and meeting with doctors. When you get older and become the memory to the other half of your life, every doctors appointment becomes part of the Me too movement. @kazu we worry when you dont show up for a day or two.I hope you find a better happier place soon. off to work hugs to all. i have to make up some hours that I won't be able to work tomorrow.
  15. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Except for work, this is the only day of the week, that doesnt have therapy or a doctors appointment. It almost feels like a day off. Ha! @mamaofamiPrayers for you and Sam. I am so sorry that he got injured, and I hope things look better SOON! and that they brain bleeds can be stopped. The fans are all on, but this morning I turned them up a notch. Air is not moving outside, and it's too cool (not) for the air conditioner to come on. I have not been to Tasmania, but I do have a cat named Taz. DH slept all afternoon yesterday. He is looking very pale, and is still sleeping this morning. Since he does not go to work until 4 I told him I would let him sleep, but when he does wake up I am going to get him to start doing some exercises his heart doc wants him to do. He is looking far too pale.
  16. @grapau27Thank you for the Father David today. When I watch, DH does too. We discuss later. Love todays! @lobsternight Tell your healing nephew, that this accident is what happened to Fernando Alonzo,( the F1 race driver) last year, and this year he has been on the podium 7 times! And to get feeling better soon.
  17. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I got up, watched the F1 pre-race, the race, and now the post race talk is on, I feel that I can get out of the sofa and just listen. No real plans for today, I guess watch the final episode of Doctor Blake, and see if any other race may be on today. My parents made sure we could swim, and we did belong to a swim club (lets be honest, it was a pond) and while my mom would take us when we were little in the morning for swim lessons, she was not a water or sun fan, and would take us home for lunch, then when Dad got home, he would take us back and we would play in the water from 6:30 to 7:30. I used to be a strong swimmer, and I loved diving, but my parents decided to save some bucks, when I went away to summer school and Mom cancelled the membership. I miss washing away the dust of the day. I think we have had cowboy day before, I think I told you, that one of my grandfather's many jobs was as a cowboy, his camp mate was a young James Cagney. @cruising sisterNo news is no news, but if you hear anything about Baby Murphy, let us know. Prayers are with her and your whole family. I had a donut for breakfast-it's called a sunflower, it's huge, a cinnamon, sugar and dough that is created in the shape of a sunflower. I pull the petals off, and dunk them in my coffee. Thing is, they are way too bid, so I ate the top petals, and DH ate the rest, along with his own. @StLouisCruisersSandi, before I forget, DH said that it took him almost two hours going through TSA to get to Arkansas, just giving a warning! @Cruzin TerriYou're health is sounding just like mine when I got off the ship, you might want to do a covid test. I hope you feel better soon! Have a wonderful day everyone, I'm in search of what I can create for lunch.
  18. I've got prayers going out to each and everyone of you! Prayers of thanks for those of you who have taken in an animal in need of a home, prayers for those who are ill, and prayers for my friends here, who have gone through losses recently of both family, loved ones, and friends. My current campaign has a group text. All day long today people were posting pictures of their dogs. I asked if there were any cat people in the group, and this were the responses- Loved their Musical. Cat are anti social, and so are their owners. So, I guess that was a no. I am a lone cat lady in a sea of puppy people. Growing up we always had funa tish sandwiches on Friday and my mom was great at cooking enough so that we always had over lefts (which really isn't a spoonerism).
  19. While on the Thursday Donut run, I saw a flyer for a play at the place that I worked for 15 years. I called them today to see if they still offered Veterans tickets, courtesy of Arthur Blank the owner of Home Depot. I was told yes. so DH and I got tickets at the Hertz stage, Alliance theatre for August 27. You usually have to do that a week in advance, but the gentleman who called me back, was one of my old co workers. Then, I thought, well I want to go do more, so I called the Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta, and got tickets for next weekend for a Midsummer Night's Dream. One of my favorite Shakespeare stories. We have tickets on Tuesday for our County's symphony, which we became patrons of last year, this is their final concert for the season, and they start back up in September. So two concerts, and two theatrical productions And I renewed the next season with our symphony. We got culture, DH said, and I said, yes, in the yogurt in the fridge....
  20. @Cruzin TerriWe arrive in Rome on the 13th of October, board on the 18th, cruising Greece, Turkey and Italy and then stay on the ship for the trip home. We get into Tampa on Nov 12. The first part is port intensive, the second part is sea intensive.
  21. @Cruzin Terri I couldn't like your post, with all the injuries involved. I read the other day that you were going to be in Ponta Delgada ? in November. Do you know what date? We will be there on 11/3. Would be nice if we were both there on the same day, we could meet up a world away. We will be in Madiera on 11/1. @kazuI was thinking Ivan's tummy might not like the meds. I hope that he is doing better after this weekend. And I think my pictures of the tourist shops might have been in Whitehorse. It's been a while since we were there. The therapist today was overworked! One therapist, no front desk employee, the phones dont work, and neither did their internet, so I could not schedule my second appointment for next week. There I was the little old lady in pain, and my two companions in torture was a dancer getting ready for auditions and a 12 year old kid, who is atrophying due to lack of exercise. The therapist threw me out after 30 minutes. Can't wait to see Sidney again on Tuesday. DH and I had lunch at our favorite Greek restaurant yesterday. In the booth behind me were 4 middle aged and aging women...they were all talking about their recent cruises, and the cruises they had coming up. They were not cruising together. One was from AZ, one from NY, and the other two, I have no idea, but they did not have that Southern sound in their voices. I really wanted to turn around and ask them if they were on Cruise Critic. I of course couldn't, 1) because I am physically unable to just turn around, and 2) DH would have told me to mind my own business...LOL
  22. We were in Skagway in 2016 with our traveling friend, Dan, who decided to climb over a glacier in a rain/sleet/snow storm. DH and I headed up to Carcross in a nice warm little bus. Heading up into the mountains- The gold of autumn- The worlds smallest desert Town, (tourist shopping area) of Carcross very friendly folks, and they stamped our passports...the only stamp that we got in those and it was our anniversary that day 9/9. The blue umbrella was a gift from one of my bosses, I had it for years, and finally lost it on a rainy day in one of my dr's offices. and the snow started on our way down from the mountains We were very sorry not to get back to Skagway on this last cruise, but we do want to go back again.
  23. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! My apologies for sounding like a brat yesterday. I do have a dark side. We had a storm last night, pitch black by 6:15, my co worker who lives in Buckhead (north of me) got the storm first and was texting to the work group, she posted a visual weather map, and we were in solid red, but while she lost power, we got weird wind, and very little rain. More expected this evening. Perhaps a bit bigger storm. @RMLincoln Your statement "All we can do is all we can do, and that’s enough! " Was the name of the book by A L Williams which was published at the time that I was working for his company. It is a great life and work philosophy. Friday is my non work day, it's a Formula 1 weekend, I have therapy this morning with another new therapist, and my back got messed up yesterday doing some exercises incorrectly. @dfish and @Norseh2oand @Crazy For Cats and @NextOne Have wonderful cruises-all of you! @JazzyVPlease take off the Catmando family issues, as I think all families have their moments, and we don't need special prayers for that. We just have to accept and move on. Thank you. DH did get his appointment for the Proton Radiation therapist on 7/31-DH will accept all prayers for a cure to his cancer. Hugs to you all! Have a wonderful day!
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