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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @Cruzin TerriI am the driver for long distance and two lanes, and highways, because DH lost the vision in his right eye, and lost peripheral vision, and he has major blind spots. I too stress out when doing Highway driving. You have had a lot happen over the last few months. I'm thinking that another cruise for you is exactly what you need. Enjoy, Bon Voyage, hope it's stress free!
  2. @Seasick SailorWhen I was in boarding school back in the EARLY 70's, actually it was a finishing school, but I got thrown out before I was finished, any way, I was on a school bus, in the back being my usual goofy self, I was laughing while reaching up, and ducked down, but my muscles forgot to move with my bones, and I ripped the muscles on my right side, The school thought my pain was my appendix, and since it was a foreign school and I was not fluent in the language, I never could get them to understand, that the pain was in the muscles. After about 3 weeks, the pain went away, sort of, but there was lump in my side. When I got back to the states, ,my doctor asked me what happened, I told him and he said, well we can fix that lump. How I asked, he said simply re rip the muscles and tape your body for about 6 weeks. I guess fortunately I gained enough weight that the lump no long shows. I hope that all you got was a bone bruise and not something broken. I know that hurts, but when it comes to ribs, unless it's stabbed something internally, they will try to mobilize it, by using tape or wrap. I have been worried about you, as you, like so many here are quite stoic, and think of self last. I hope you get a good report.
  3. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! My computer is swapping 41 degrees and Sunny with the freezing thermometer picture saying feels colder. It is sunny. Prayers for all of our friends who need them. Prayers also included for all in Turkey and Syria affected by the huge earthquake. My super happy moments recently have been being with you at the dailyies, and Britbox updating the new Seasons of Vera and Death in Paradise. My memories of Bruges from visiting several times in the very early '60's was overdosing on Chocolate, and the beautiful lace.
  4. @tupper10I am so sorry about your back, but then you wouldn't be there for your son. God does work in mysterious ways. Why some of those mysteries have to be so painful is beyond me, but i'm only a human.
  5. Fawn was let off the porch today, I put some flea meds on her, which I hope helps with what ailed her, and she took off like a bat out of, well you know. And then realized that she really didn't want to go too far, and she had been sitting out with me in the sun, until the sun went away...at which point it got cold, and I went on to the heated porch, and swept the floor, a lot of feathers were involved. She also wanted to be with Mr. Bubbles, so I am hoping that both will return to the porch tonight. One thing about my job, is that when I move from campaign to campaign, I usually get a different manager. Last year, I got Lisa, a wonderful woman, in her 50's working on her doctorate in Hospital Management. There were two employees, and a manager. Very few hours, so I also went to work for Mike to make up other hours. My coworker was a woman who I had worked with in the old days of our actually having an office to go to. She never was very friendly to anyone, so I didn't take it to heart, but Lisa was a motherly type and she would post us pictures of food, and we would have conversations about Lisa adopting and feeding us. After several months of daily rapport, we did become friends, she lives in the Atlanta area, but I have no idea where, close to me I think. I left Lisa when AZ opera ended our campaign, and got hours with another manager, and stayed with Mike (who has promised me a job with him as long as he heads up campaigns) Lisa has been mentioning to me that she thinks we will get AZ opera back, so yesterday I got a call from her, and it wasn't about a job, it was about my coworker, she was in the hospital in ICU. Apparently she had Lisa marked in her phone, as boss. And they were looking for next of kin. She suggested that since Fern loved the Jackie Lawson cards, that I send her one. I did. Didnt hear back, didn't expect to, but then later in my shift,, Lisa called me back, she got a call from Fern's sister. Fern is in a coma. She had fallen, and that is the only information they would give the sister. But the sister knew that Fern had a cat, and she didn't know her sisters address,she wanted it to get there and take care of the cat. This is something to think about when our whole lives have become automated, one we are human, and that means that things happen to us, and two, please know the address of your kin folk, don't let them be a number to push on a phone. Please keep Fern in your prayers today. I do not know how she fell, where she fell, or if she just passed out, and hurt her head...and while Roy had the nurse who knew nothing, Fern's nurse wouldn't tell her sister anything about her condition, where she was found, who found her....And because this was employee info, I was not to let anyone know about her condition. Fern was an employee to them, but she was my friend, and I am very glad that Lisa called.
  6. @bennybearI am sorry to read that your aunt passed away. Prayers being sent your way. When you are ready, tell us about the peach pie.
  7. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I'm surprised we have not heard from @grapau27with a Father David post. I hope all is well with the Graham, Pauline and Sarah family. I wouldnt mind showering with a friend, if they could give my itchy winter skin on my back a good scrub....but it would have to be a big shower.....Yes, I have dumped my share of jerks. My dad told me once, that I will never find a trout in a barrel of pickled herrings, but it took me a long time to learn that. and I think that some of my old flames were glad I dumped them, so they didnt have to dump me. Like @4966and556my first hubby was a super Jerk, the second husband had some good moments, but his addiction problems were too much for me, that and he believed the world was going to end, and to arm himself to the gills so that what he had, no one could take....If the rest of the world was gone, I didnt want to be the only one on earth with him... and the beau after him, was a jerk, in so many ways, but he had mental health issues, that I was too blind to see when we started dating, so my dad was right. In regards to the weather people, where else can you keep a job, and be wrong 50% of the time? @cat shepardI was very sad to read about your nephew. Turning the corner, getting straight, and then lose the battle is very sad, prayers to you and your family. @ottahand7I am thinking that perhaps some crew members might have had to move to give up those cabins, or they leave them empty to cover any unknown disaster. @dobiemomBon Voyage! @Seasick SailorIf your ribs or side are still hurting, please get them checked out. There is nothing so sad, as not being able to laugh, because you are in pain. @rafinmdSorry the sleep last night wasnt' better. I hope though that you are feeling better a little more each day. @dfishYou have taught me to love my veggies by roasting them. I used to hate Brussel sprouts, and then I went to a dinner, at a friends mother in law, who roasted the sprouts, and they were good! Then I had them at Red Lobster, and yes they drizzle some wonderful sauce on them, but they were fantastic, and then I tried to duplicate it, and that was a disaster, I will try one of the recipes you posted. @smitty34877I am glad to read that your hip is doing well. Tell those puppies to behave, and all will be well. We went out for dinner at our favorite Vietnamese Restaurant last night after work - during our work hours, we drink coffee, last night with dinner we had Vietnamese Iced coffee, DH and I were up until 2:30....
  8. @RedneckBobIf you hadn't said that, I would have, but I was trying not to. I think @Copper10-8should have notified the Farm and Grain Report.
  9. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! My computer weather has been amusing me this morning. I sat down at the computer. First it said the temperature is 28. Then it said...Feels colder. I kept waiting for feels colder than what. Then it showed a freezing and shivering thermometer. Then it went back to 28 and sunny. An article this morning on the google chorme news Arctic blast could trigger a rare weather phenomenon: Frost quakes Kathryn Prociv Fri, February 3, 2023 at 2:43 PM EST When artic air blasts through the Northeast and New England this weekend, it could cause a rare weather phenomenon called frost quakes. Frost quakes, also known as ice quakes or cryoseisms, are seismic events caused by a sudden fracturing or cracking action in frozen ground, soil or rock that is saturated with water or ice. If the cracking is big enough, the process can cause a shaking motion and a loud boom. For this reason, they are often mistaken for minor earthquakes. Frost quakes occur when very cold air interacts with soil that is saturated after recent rain or snow has seeped into the ground.
  10. When DH didn't want to eat, or was nauseous from the chemo, we found ice cream worked like a charm. He was losing a lot of weight, and guess what he finally feels that he needs to gain some back. And what does he want? ice cream...but not for breakfast. darn. Ok now that the youngins have gone to bed, this is my memory of SF. Not on a cruise, was on a college class bus tour of the American Southwest. I went to a Presbyterian college, and in each town, we were supposed to be "adopted" by members of that church, brought into their homes 2 or 3 of us to a home, and learn about the city, the culture of the city, the people, and most of all we were supposed to be studying the American Indian. The art, the people, etc. We got into Sante Fe, our first stop, and the members of the church refused to take in the students, as some of them were Muslim. So we all spent 5 nights sleeping on the basement floor of the church. I do cringe when a lot of people say they are Christian. Our second stop was Carlsbad NM, and the families took us in, and I really wish I had been a more open to learn person, because I scoffed at the square dance, I scoffed at the cowboy outfits, I was an unfit person. We left Carlsbad and went to Scottdale AZ, and again, we were split up and spent our time with families. It was fun, our family let us spend our time just wandering around, they had nothing special planned for us, they told us to take a hike, which we did and loved it. Then we went into California. First stop, San Diego, it was nice, but they did not have enough bedrooms or beds for us, so I got to sleep on the pool table. It was no better than the floor in Sante Fe. In Los Angeles, our adopted family (well the dad) asked us what we wanted to do, I said go to the Tonight show, and my "sister" wanted to go to Capistrano, We did both, he even tried to climb the walls in the middle of the night to get us in. Thing was, he also expected us to "put out" because he had been so nice, and we didn't and he was very glad that we didn't talk with the wife, and he was happy to drive us back to the bus pick up, and then there was San Francisco. The first thing we saw from the back of the bus, while the bus driver was trying to park, was someone get stabbed. Now we dont want to be in this city. Our "Dad" picked up my "sister" and I and took us to dinner and said that his wife was out of town for the weekend, they had gotten the weekends confused. After dinner he took us to see a musical, The Smell of the Crowd, the Roar of the Grease Paint. But as the weekend unraveled, it turned out that there was no wife, he was a cross dresser, he was dealing with illegal birds, and he was a drug dealer. He was not a member of the Presbyterian church, he had seen the ad to "adopt" from a friend, and signed up. He had no food in the house, but a jar of money, and we took some change and got a cheap breakfast, and I called my best friend from high schools mother and asked for help. She picked us up and suggested that we stay with her, and then I asked how her son was, and she went ballistic! She never wanted her son to have anything to do with me, as it might ruin his promising violin career, so we didn't go with her. Crazy is crazy, and we figured our host was less crazy than she was. In fact he didn't show up at all that second night,. We got together with friends and wandered around town, and they all wanted to tour Alcatraz. I had run out of funds in Sante Fe, so I chose not to have one of them pay for me, and said I would stay near the pier and people watch. I was approached by a man, who said he wanted to kill me, and he meant it, he had a very large knife, and I got up and started running up the stairs towards a building, and the security guards came out saw the knife, tackled him and had him arrested. I went down to the area where the boat would come back and tried to calm myself. My friends came back all happy and bubbling and I didnt say anything. And "Dad" didnt show up the third night either. We were young and stupid, and we should have called the police, because those birds that he was hiding in the basement probably starved to death. We packed up and left after grabbing enough change to get breakfast and met up with the bus again. We had two more stops, one in Reno, where again, they "adopted" us, but were not members of the church, nice folk, they were watching Roots on the TV, and then our final stop was Salt Lake City. Again because we had Muslims traveling with us, we could not find anyone who wanted to host "kids" but the Mormon Tabernacle gave us use of the kitchen that night and we all had veggie spaghetti. I think we slept on the kitchen floor, and then the next day we boarded the bus for St. Paul again. I'm thinking by that time, we were all smelling a little ripe. I have no fond memories of SF. But in hindsight, I learned alot. Sorry this story was so long. I have never been in a big rush to get back to CA.
  11. @rafinmdGreat to see that you and your pastor sat down with a plan for your care. AS @dfish said yesterday, if you want to walk, create a walk within your own 4 walls. Stay inside and out of that cold air this weekend. You touch so many people here on the CC site, I am sure that you touch other people who are physically close enough to be on site and care for you at home. Don't be afraid to tell people what you need, or what you want. Take care, enjoy the blessings that God has given you right now to take care of the right now.
  12. @HAL SailerI am sorry that your DSIL (who seemed to be the glue that held that side of the family together) has passed away. I know you all expected it after her last bad turn, but as you and others have said, it is still hard. She was the memory in the family, when your DH didn't remember. I know you will miss her. Today seems to be a day when things are not going well for so many of our loved ones. Prayers for Sarah and Tana. We just got back from the vets, and it doesn't look good for Neko. The antibiotics and steroids brought down the swelling near the tooth, but the growth on her lip and behind the tooth has not gone down. She has lost more weight, and she appears to be much needier with attention. (not wanting to be alone). We were told again that we could run the test for cancer, she will have to sedate her, and take a biopsy, or we can try again with another round of antibiotics and steroids, and see if that makes any difference, either way we will have to think about having her put down. She is 17 years old, which brings us to Irving, my little honey bear, the other 17 year old that has does have dementia, thinks he is a tiger, screams if you dont feed him from your plate, and has been losing weight like crazy, but eats like a machine. Hugs to you all, stay warm! If you can, and celebrate wear a second sweater on top of yesterdays sweater day.
  13. Happy Friday Morning Dailyites! For my friends in the north east, and Canada, and West of us, please stay in and warm today! Just north of @StLouisCruisers, it's 38 degrees. Still cloudy, I can no longer hear rain. @ottahand7 What an adventure you are having on this cruise, thank you for the pictures, and telling us about the weather, wind and water, and your very good Captain. We are up early because we have to take Neko back to the vets for her follow up. Ever since her big adventure to the vets, she has been happily exploring the den, and hall and kitchen again. She hasn't been out of the office, for more than a year. We think that she snapped out of her fear of the world after we took her to get gas and smokes at Quik Trip. Usually a trip to the vets is there and back, but we had errands to run, so she got an extra ride. Thing is, Irving moved onto her bench seat (where I sit and work) and she feels displaced. But happy about it.
  14. If I take a tender to shore on Santorini, what are those buildings before you go up the hill?
  15. Thanks for the info, I think I will rethink a beach day. 10 days on this cruise, and 15 days after, it will be nice to be in sea water for a day. I have been procrastinating walking the dog, but with the heavier rain about to start in an hour, I must move. Then come home and create (note not fix or prepare, it's create lunch).
  16. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The computer just north of Sandi, says 44 degrees, and a message that "Rain to Stop". I am sure that in a few hours the computer will say "Heavy rain expected". We are not getting the cold that the rest of the country is getting, but we are getting the WET! I'm not sure if anyone mentioned General Beauregard, the Georgian Groundhog. He said that winter is over. He lies, and we really haven't had our winter here yet. We have had cold, but not a real winter. We usually get winter here after February 11th. Most snow falls are in March, well that is the history since I have lived here (since 79). We are having problems with the campaigns, and the phone companies, but that is being worked on, so not much to report from here about work. My BFF emailed this morning that the May HAL cruise is now paid for! Excursions are booked, I need to send him a check for the gratuities, and I do think that he got more than he bargained for when he decided to be in control of booking this cruise, he may never cruise again. Face it, the more we cruise with one company the easier it gets, but when you try a new company, we basically have to teach yourself. So, from the bottom of my heart I thank you all for the information that you have taught me, and you are golden angels! in my life. Santorini is on our October cruise. I am going to assume that mid October might be too cold to go swimming? And we have nothing planned for that stop. I have a thousand errands again to run this morning, have a great day, take care of yourselves, and I hope that @rafinmd posts, or notifies someone about his morning soon.
  17. @rafinmdI hope that you have people that are checking up on you now that you are home, like you said, you are weak and tired. Please make sure that one of your fire men friends check up on you twice a day. @kazuI did not have pins, I have screws that are very permanent. No cast, Had splint after the fourth day. Cast was put on for me not to move. That was easy. My body was in freeze zone, but I think I lost 4 weeks of my life by being on pain meds.... By the way, when my arm is in the sun, the screws heat up, talk about weird! And this winter dampness, really makes the arm hurt, so I hope your final outcome works out well for you. Even though right now, you are not seeing an end in sight. Does any one else ever feel like they are so close to tears, but you just keep on grinning and bearing it? Just wonder if I'm normal or not. DH was in a terrible mood because he lost a piece of paper, yes he resolved the situation, but he kept on being mad because he lost the paper. I did not lose the paper, but I got the brunt of that anger all afternoon. Plus my last hour on one campaign, I had to train him. This did not make for a very happy day. BUT I did get one laugh, not sure what the guy was thinking when he filled out his address, because when he got to city-he put in White/Caucasian. I couldn't stop laughing. I called my boss, and when I told him he couldn't either. I guess the man forgot what he was doing in the middle of ordering tickets.
  18. Rabbit, rabbit , White Rabbit! Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! @StLouisCruisers thank you for picking up the work from Roy, who picked it up from Rich. Great job! And what a difference 30 or so miles make. When I sat down at the computer it was 48.degrees. Feral Fawn is still in the porch, Mr. Bubbles was sleeping on the chair outside the porch, and Uggles (son of Bubbles) arrived hungry. Some body (cat, dog, hawk or owl) apparently got the better of Uggles, and for once he was scratched up and hungrier than feisty, so no fighting this morning, very calm, very nice. I had no idea that Spunky Old Broads started at the age of 50. This makes me want to celebrate the years from when I turned 50 until now. 50 to me seems young, so I guess thats when we start training for spunky. I have it down pat now. And Spunky makes us younger. For all of you going through a rough time, whether it be health, weather, or feeling under the weather, a hug is being sent your way. And for all who are celebrating cruises, adventures and happy moments and memories-
  19. So much stuff going on today! I made a major mistake today, I was sent a song from my boss (he needs a vacation to a warm tropical island) it was Christopher Cross's Sailing. I wanted to hear the whole song, I love it, so I took the phone out on the porch with Fawn, and turns out she hates music, She started hissing, and hiding, and I turned it off. Oh the glare I got! Darn music critic. I had a sale today, 1500.00 but I owed the person a service fee back, and could not for the life of me figure out how to make that work. I owed it to her because she bought two different series, and no one has shown me how to do that, and because it is a timed screen, I didn't have enough time to wait on the phone for someone in CA to walk me through it. I hope after all my juggling of funds that she gets her money back. I hear that Texas is going to send it's bad weather east, and we are supposed to get some COLD weather this weekend. We named our house Beach house, we live no where near a beach, but we love the beach, so the art in our house is based on water/ocean, and then we named the rooms, as if we were rich and important...LOL. The back bathroom is Beach, the den is safe Harbor, the living room, is the Coast and tidal flats.. The guest room is pine forest, you get the idea. Our bedroom is the mermaid room. My bathroom is the Shells....Its either my art, or things we have picked up while traveling. I just need the sound of the ocean 24/7, and I will be happy.
  20. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 55 and cloudy. Cloudy=fog lifting. Feral Fawn is still on the porch. Her ear does not look as bad, and I went out yesterday and spent an hour giving her belly rubs and love. We also figured out how to give 1/3 of a baby aspirin in cream to her. But by last night, she was shaking her head again, she still is not eating, and she has only used the litter box 3 times in 5 days. So something, still not right. Mr. Bubbles is back in the car port. Soft bed, and no dogs going after him. Chuck put a lock and hasp on the house next door. So hopefully no more break ins. He said as far as a crime, breaking in, with no real theft of anything just looks weird. But we have never been in that house before so we would not know if something of value was stolen. Yesterday when i went and picked up their mail there was a small package for the wife. I thought that was weird because why would you order something while you are out of the country and wont be back for another month? I spend every moment of my life it seems planning my next vacation. @NodakboilerWelcome to the daily! The nicest place on CC. One of our favorite restaurants does a spicy shrimp corn chowder. I make a great corn chowder. I do like clam chowder. @grapau27I too think you are on a cruise. Or someplace vacationing. The food porn has been wonderful.
  21. Years ago I changed my phone number because of harassing calls. The number they gave me had belonged to a Madam of the night, and when people asked about my girls? I said they all had 4 legs and were covered with fur. I got calls for three nights straight asking about my girls. I called and got my number changed again. Roy, please take care of yourself. And if you can figure out how to cough up a glob tonight on that nasty nurse,..... There was so much going on today, and of course by the time I got off work, and sent my reports, I cant remember any of what I just read. I just know I love you all.
  22. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! The computer currently says 48 and cloudy. When I sat down to read it said 53 and cloudy, I wonder where the thermometer is in this thing. It is cloudy. The weather for central Georgia is rain all week , until Friday, when the sky is supposed to clear up and then drop below freezing. @rafinmdI would definitely talk to the doctor, and get his opinion. Your nurse last night is a real downer. If you need to stay in the hospital to get your oxygen level back up, and your low sodium back up, and to get the pneumonia gone then good. But as every one here knows your are very involved with the active living life style, he doesnt know that. I like the Dylan quote, because I believe we all have the choice of being reborn, by travel, education and being involved with the human race. It's when we sit, give up, and don't dream of a future anymore. So, I try to stay busy being born. @StLouisCruisersThank you for taking on all of these Daily events, I know that I dont have the computer knowledge to offer, so I hope that someone can take over for you when you take your vacation. Thank you all for the information you gave me last night. I hope I do you all proud when I finally get on the BHB in Vancouver in May. An old boss would get her mail sent to the office. If it involved bubble wrap she would cut it in pieces and give all of us a piece to pop all the bubbles. It made the day better. We still have a home phone because our county cant find you if you call with an emergency on a cell phone. And it makes it easier for my MIL to find us. And when I am on the work phones, and need to call the boss, it helps me to have the ability to use two phones at once, well actually 3.... @kazuGlad you got some rest!
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