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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Very early for me(see my post from last night, it explains all) but not the fact that I drank too much coffee last night and got to sleep at 2. Up at 6? arg. Well it is still dark, temp is 34, have not gone out yet to see if Bubbles survived the night. I checked before I went to bed, he was all wrapped up in the second blanket. We need to get out of here by 7:15, still not sure if there is a rush hour into town. Have no idea what happens in Atlanta anymore. Have a great day, I am sure that there is a nap in my future.
  2. @Cruzin TerriWelcome home! There is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed. Poor Bubbles, something over the last week has been attacking him. He is very wounded but shy of me, of course he is a stray cat, that only shows up when the crunchies make noise, but I put a little baby blanket on him, and he stayed like that for an hour, then climbed on top of it, and then I put another bigger blanket on him and I will check on him before I go to bed. He has an infection, and he looks like he is in agony. He smells badly too, so I put some Vicks vap o rub out on the wall (he is sleeping next to the house on the raised flower bed) and a vicks lavender closer to him. If its another cat they will go towards the vap o rub, my cats love that smell. If it's something bigger, then we have problems, and I may leave the light on in the laundry room, so that whatever it is thinks there's a person around. Even Fawn who sleeps on the enclosed porch is now sleeping in a cat tent so that nothing can see her. I did see a dead young coyote two clocks from our house on the main drag. DH's working eye has not been working well recently. He keeps rubbing it, the lower lid is drooping, and it is running. He says everything is rather fuzzy. I called our eye doc (she has retired, but Emory has a slew of them) but to get him into his usual office would take until March. That will not work, so tomorrow at 7 am we head on down to Emory midtown, to a new doc. I am hoping that they let me in when they examine him. (maybe this was a good week for his car to break down) Otherwise, when asked how he is doing, he will tell them all about his other problems, but not the eye. And then he walks out telling me that they don't do anything to help him. ARghhhh! I am his advocate, and don't like sitting in a car when he cant answer a question honestly. DH did sign us up for the latest Covid vaccine, moot point with the latest version, and I get a flu shot at the same time. I warned my boss. And my new job starts training tomorrow- at least at California time, so that the morning situation wont affect it.
  3. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! It's a nippy 43 degrees, and since we didn't do any shopping yesterday, that is on the agenda today. Along with a small greek pizza and salad. DH and I are both working the late shift, so soup for dinner. I wanted to make ribs in the crock pot, but DH says eating ribs and being on the phone, just wasn't feasible. I love the quote, and what an unfortunate way for the author to pass away. But he is right. Balloon ascension day. What goes up, must come down. Yesterday on a whim, I checked to make sure that our Air Alaska Flight had not changed again, and yes it had. To a later time (the last flight out of Atlanta) and I called (our new phone would not call Air Alaska) and said at the rate they kept changing the flight, we needed to change it to a morning flight to guarantee that we actually made it into Vancouver on the last flight out of Seattle. Now, we will get into Vancouver in the afternoon, not midnight. That's a plus, but now I know to check every month with this company. Same seats, same plane, same perks, and because they keep changing it, no charges. I hope you all have a marvelous day, and that we hear some good news about Kathi and Jacqui today.
  4. I meant to come back earlier, but I ended up having to change our flight again with Air Alaska, as they moved us to an even later flight-second time since we booked the flight. We started leaving at 4:30., then 5:30, then 6:55. Now it's at 10 am and if they move me to noon, I hope that I would still be able to fly from Vancouver from Seattle before the last flight leaves for the night. Then there was an on line sale at Macy's, figured I needed real shirts, not T shirts, get a little bit more upscale So I bought 4 turtlenecks, it's going to be in May and not that warm, and then I watched a movie. And then some of the Dakar race. I did get in a walk in the park today. Cloudy, cool and totally enjoyable. I cant believe that Jacqui was in so much pain, that must be awful. I hope you are all doing well, taking care of yourselves, newest news on Covid, is that the new patch is highly contagious. Wear your masks! Hugs, and now off to bed!
  5. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I have never been a fan of Bubble Baths. Why would you fill a tub, sit in it and let the water get cold, and sit in dirty water. Then you have to add more hot water, but when you turn it on, its not hot, so you empty part of it out, and then sit there freezing until it fills back with the hot water. It always sounds nice, but it's too much work. I have to admit that I am a male watcher, but only if they deserve being watched. Most of the time, I'm watching to make sure there is a witness to "hey you all, watch this". Argyle is a Pirate's favorite sock. Todays goals are to walk in the woods, go to the stores (Krogers and Farmers market) and take down the Christmas decorations. That's what I have to do, what I want to do, is sleep. DH is making omelets this morning. I am sleeping later and later each day, not sure what's up with that, but I could go to bed earlier. I wanted to last night, but one of the PBS stations was showing a short concert by The Milk Carton Kids, and I really enjoy their guitar playing.
  6. Jacqui, I miss your daily smile and humor. I'm sorry you are so far from home when this latest disaster happened. I hope you can get that sepsis taken care of and that arm taken care of. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. @Sharon in AZ That pizza looks really good. I know I had dinner two hours ago, but that Pizza looks really good....pizza...........
  8. @Seasick Sailor and @summer slope I love rough seas, so that's not a problem, but why was the trip scary? We are doing Vancouver to Kodiak in May, was it rough? cold? lots of listing? Let me know please.
  9. If you have assigned dining, I would suggest that you go to the MDR for dinner your first night, and meet your table mates. If you have the anytime dining, no big deal. That's just a suggestion. Enjoy your cruise.
  10. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! We had a pride of wild lions sleeping on the bed last night. The usual Tazi, but then elderly Irving showed up, and then Furnando showed up. Lots of growling on Tazi's part but they all settled down, and my head is killing me this morning, as I couldn't move at all last night. @dfishThose meals look very tasty. I love cranberries. I also love the quote today. I thought of the Stones when Old Rock was mentioned. @StLouisCruisers congratulations to you DGD on her engagement. Thank you all for the information about my up coming cruise ship. Too bad there is no deli, but heck, I dont need the bread anyway. I am going to try and do this 20 days away from home with a carryon. Lots of mixing and matching, I wont be glamorous, but it's Alaska, on a ship with lots of adventures. Does anyone really care if I wear the same things more than once?
  11. Crew News informs me its a Signature class, but I love Ruebens, what can you tell me?
  12. @Sharon in AZWe will be on the Nieuw Amsterdam. I didn't book this our BFF did, and I guess he figures it will be a surprise, even though I paid for the shore excursions, and will have to pay for the hotels, and extra perks. If any one can tell me anything about the ship and what I can look forward to for 14 days in alaska (cruising Kodiak, Anchorage, Valdez, Skagway(been there) Ketchickan(been there) Sitka and Prince Rubert. But I want to hear about the ship. What class is this? I was told it would not be worth it to get CO on this type of ship. We have a cabin for 3 with french door windows, that look at a life boat. This is what I usually book when on Carnival Legend. BFF was thinking this was something that we would like.
  13. @dfish, I know you say out patient, but wont you need some one to help you out for a few days post surgery? Is there a family member who can stay with you? Gosh. But I guess you knew that you need to treat this ASAP, so I am glad that a good Doc is yours now.
  14. I have been reading some of Kazu's review. To try and find out when and how she hurt herself, something about her arm, but cant seem to find any info. But so far I keep reading about how important CO is . Which we have discussed with our person who is taking us, and have opted out of for the Nieuw Amsterdam. We have excursions for every port except one, (which has no excursions). So tell me why I want assigned dining vs anytime dining. or dine at my time, or what ever they want to call it. Our last cruise was on Carnival, and we had anytime dining, where the service was so awful, we switched to assigned and loved it! I think our friend thinks early is too early, and we would miss dinner a lot, and late, well, late is too late for me. Since he is handling all of this, when is early dining, and when is late dining. And if you have anytime dining, do you just show up? Call to make reservations? Not sure, sounds like we will be eating on the Lido alot.
  15. Ah heck, lets just finish posting the babies, my last one is Bobagingee. He showed up in the yard after DH had had his fall, and was still rather fuzzy on what was going on around him. I asked if we could keep Bob, an d DH said , if he wants to be here, we can, must you must name him Bob. I patted my lap and said "here Bob" and he came and curled up in my lap. I brought him in, and he has been with us since that was 2016.
  16. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! To make up for a missed Monday, our boss is having us work this morning to early afternoon. Which means the dog needs to be walked before I start work, which means lunch has to be made before I start work, and I need to make breakfast, as I am beginning to sleep later and later due to having to work later and later..... So another introduction to the fur babies, I have no idea why these two are fuzzy in the pictures, because they move the least. The gray square face is Neko, we found her in a box marked Free Kat 17 years ago. She is the office manager, as she has not left my work area since I started working from home, she often climbs up on the computer while I am in the midst of talking with patrons, and if I leave my work area she will start going around the house screaming at me to get back to work.. Reminds me of my old boss. The tan monster is Irving. He is also 17 years old. Neither of them are in good health, both of them are needy as all get out, and as I write, Irving just climbed in my lap to suck warmth from me.
  17. In reality @Quartzsite Cruiser, all of my cats are "its." Prerequisite to moving in. Feral Fawn is fixed, but while she looks lovingly at the door, came in once, and ran off as fast as she could. Tonight Bobagingee has been flirting with her through the porch door. She pays him no mind. Tazi is sleeping in our bedroom, she sneaks down when she thinks Furnando (an absolute terror) is asleep somewhere.
  18. Tazi is a girl. She is in love with the DH, sleeps behind his head on the sofa, and pushes me away from him when we are in bed sleeping. However, if he falls asleep first, she demands that I pet her. I wake up with her every morning pinning me to the bed. She hates Furnando and keeps clear of the others. She is THE cat.
  19. Happy Thursday Morning Dailyites! Im going ot start with one of the fur babies- Today let me introduce Tazi., or the Tasmanian Devil. The painting behind her is of Christmas Cove Maine. One that I did years ago after visiting my mothers cousins who had a house there. I haven't seen the painting in years, I bet it's behind that desk. Will check later. (I am not the best house keeper) Irving cat has been very needy recently and is currently sitting on my lap. This makes it hard to type. I am a bird feeder with more than 8 feeders in the yard. I love to see the Cardinals, wood peckers, titmouse, and chickadees. We get bluebirds in on the last week of December every year, but they are shy feeders, and don't stay long. I was watching Jaime's one pan wonders on Britbox and saw how to incorporate butternut squash into my diet more, so we are having shrimp curry tonight but instead of rice, we will have it with butternut squash. DH and I both have late shifts tonight, so I will cook while I work, which should make for an interesting work and dinner time.
  20. “I am I and my circumstance; and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.” The title of this article is a nod to the famous quote by the Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega y Gasset. In short, he thought that the union of “I” and the circumstance was indissoluble; it was impossible to understand one without the other. Thus, the product of our decisions is conditioned by who we are at our core, but also by the particularities of time and place. For this reason, when the philosopher said, “I am myself and my circumstance; if I do not save it, I do not save myself ” he referred to the strength of that union between who we are and what surrounds us. We are influenced by our own surroundings, in which we find limitations and freedoms and in which we are allowed to decide between different options for moving forward. Circum-stance: ‘what’s around’ Just the word circumstance reflects the broader context in which we exist: the family, society, culture, a certain body with its physical and psychological characteristics, personality and character, etc. Our sense of “I” helps us make sense of how we fit into all this.
  21. I don't know what the quote means, I will have to ponder all day, unless someone knows and can explain it to me. It's a no on the turkey balls, sorry, I will have shrimp curry this week. @grapau27Thank you for the food porn! DH had fish and chips on New Years for "dunch". It did not look as good as yours, but he liked his chips. Well I need to get ready to start my day. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  22. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Flood watch, and flood warnings. 2-4 inches, since it started yesterday, I bet we did get closer to 4. The computer says it's cloudy , and 61. Yesterday before we left for the doctors it said sleet expected. ?? Maybe their spell check didnt like the word hail? This morning is a grocery store run, put a check into the bank account, and lunch. Not in that order. DH's campaign for telemarketing ended last Friday. He starts a new sales campaign for the same theatre today. My boss has figured out that with the leads we have been getting, and that I am not the best at telemarketing, he has given me virgin calls. Bless him. They release people who have gone to one film or performer with the HSO to the calls and I call them. Lots of blocked calls, lots of wrong numbers, lots of NO! and lots of no answer. Keeps me busy for hours. And I don't have the stress of asking for money, but as he says, it must be done! So all those no answers go to the rest of the crew, and I'm basically doing account updates. Cant wait til the sales job opens up. That's supposed to start mid January. Then back to 8 hour days, to pay off the rest of the transatlantic cruise, and the hotels, and excursions. Yeah! Introducing the fur babies, besides Fawn This is Furnando I'll just do one a day, that way I wont bore you.
  23. I made it to my CT scan, the scanner said they were doing the mid section and lower pelvic area for the tumor. I said what about the chest, the doc said he wanted a scan of the chest, as that was not on the paper work she received, she called the doc, and yes, the chest part was supposed to be on there. Then they asked the question regarding shellfish. I eat shrimp, crab, clams, mussels, lobster, and the only time I had any reaction to shellfish was one ( just one) weird scallop. My throat swelled up and I couldn't breath. We kept Benadryl in the house in those days, I took one, and felt much better. I never had a scan with contrast, so my contrast included Benadryl, Pepcid, and something else, with application of each into the IV my hair stood on end, I'm sure. But to tell you the truth , it was nice just to lay on my back and not cough. Not one cough. Once done, she verified, that she saw the tumor on the gland, but my kidneys looked good. She didn't say anything about the lungs. And she said that I may get a call back in a few days from the doctor. I am scheduled to see him in a month, I told her that and she said I would probably get a call sooner. Hmmm?
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