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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @JazzyV I loved your pictures, and your picture. It was @ger_77whos adopted daughter was bringing them food. My cats dont bring me anything but furballs.
  2. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Yesterday while sitting on the work bench, I managed while trying to pet two cats at once, to pinch a nerve in my neck, and spent most of the night moaning in pain. What a wimp. I remembered when I got up that there was an old tube of Icy Hot (Performance) and rubbed some on my neck-it hurts all the way up into my jaw. We had salmon with a horseradish maple rub last night, which was great , along with spinach, and green beans, but the green beans, while fresh, tasted odd to me, really odd, and then I started getting pains in my sides. Apparently it only bothered me, because DH cleaned up the kitchen and made chocolate chip cookies. I had to eat several with milk, and then I really did hurt all over. So I wish I could get comfortable and sleep all day, but that is not in the plans. DH always waits until the last minute to get his meds, and now we have to drive up to the docs to pick up his heart meds. He does this because they give him free samples, and he doesn't have to pay for anything. I know his appointment is coming up, and I think the doctor is about to take him off the meds. But that's in several weeks. He really isnt taking well to having days without work. And I really need to make a sale in my "small" campaign, or my lay off is eminent. I do well selling symphony, just not theatre. @dfishAll of those recipes look great! And @ottahand7thanks for the heads up on tomato sauce. I will stock up on our next shopping day. (the prices are already going up, but better to be prepared). @kazuI really don't have words to say about your time with Little Shadow. It's heart breaking for you I know. You did all the right things, and my heart does out to you. We will celebrate Black Cat Day with Tazi. She's not totally black, but you cant see the white spots until she rolls over. My thanks to all of you today, the lists, recipes pictures, and posts. You all keep me strong!
  3. @richwmnI thought that you posted Roller Coaster Day twice to remind us that lives have ups and downs, and ups and downs...
  4. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! DH had a very long visit with his new PA yesterday. He has to schedule his next appointment in 4 months, but their computer was down at Emory. He also got a call from his boss, his campaign has ended, He will get a new one after Labor Day, and then we take vacation. I did tell DH that he could ask his boss from the last campaign if he had something he could do for two weeks, other than that, he can take some time off and enjoy it. I will do a review upon my return. Our time in Grand Cayman is very short, once we looked at the time, we might just get on the bus, and then back to the ship. The meal looks great, I could eat that for breakfast. I love the quote, one of my favorites. My computer gives me the weather-it currently says rain to stop. Since the sky is blue, I guess I'm getting old weather, or someone else's weather. Because our news man is saying that it will be sunny today and rain the rest of the week. @Quartzsite CruiserThank you for posting the pictures this morning. They are beautiful. @ottahand7 Ouch! I hope you are both OK. This sound terribly painful. @dfishI have always loved the idea of you and your sister getting a place together, I think you said you were doing that so you could minimize the household costs and maximize your traveling-but I forgot to ask, how close will your new home be to an airport to get to those cruise ships? @Crazy For CatsRaven is a beautiful young lady puppy. @rafinmdRoy, please take me off the rotation list for my last fall, it's been long enough, I'm healed, and now it's beginning to sound like a prediction....
  5. Actually we decided to head to the Botanical Gardens. We will be tourists on bus. It's one way to see the island, and will give me an excuse to come back one day to go to Seven Mile Beach. 🤗
  6. @StLouisCruisersSadie, so cute, and they call it puppy love...... @Cruzin TerriMy cruise stops at Grand Cayman on 9/19 8-3:30. If you are not vaccinated, you don't get to get off the ship. I wonder if that will change, or if it will be easier to get a tender. Same with Grand Turk (9/16) no vaccine, no get off the ship. I am double vaxed and double boostered. And I am still very anxious about getting on this 10 Journeys cruise. In truth while chatty, by nature I dont search other folks out, I like quiet. Hate loud music on the lido deck, hang upstairs and smoke and drink coffee, and if i feel like getting wet, I hang with the kids at the back with the sprinklers and water slides. I emailed your bus address and info to myself, and will sit down and read it after work tonight. Chuck was with the PA for more than an hour, then to blood tests. I took him for ice cream afterwards. I wasn't looking at prices, just wants. I got two scoops of coffee lovers in a waffle cup. and he got two scoops of some chocolate over load in a waffle cup, with tip, 25.00. The was at stone cold creamery, and I will not be eating there anytime soon. DH keeps wanting ice cream, and I was hoping this would break the desire. I threw mine out before the cup was empty, he suffered through his, until it was soup, and then "after 3 more bites, wait maybe 4" he threw out the chocolate soup.
  7. @Cruzin TerriThanks. The problem is I don't know where I want to go. We have been before, we wandered the town, visited the museum, took the submarine to see the corals, and snorkeled off the coast. DH and I just don't really have any plans for our upcoming trip. We might just get off and get our passport stamped, if that service is still available, but other than that? There are not even any just beach excursions, and I have no urge to kiss a sting ray. We just wanted to ride around on the cheap. I keep reading everyone's stories of people here just getting on a bus, and seeing the sights and was hoping to do that. All the ship excursions are all about stingrays, and turtles.
  8. Happy Monday Morning Dailyites! Today DH is meeting with a PA (doc on vacation) for his new primary physician. Today is supposed to be hot, so I do hope the medical offices let me in when I take DH to the appointment. He probably will also be looking for a new turn light to replace the one I destroyed yesterday by hitting the garbage can on Penny's street. I slept late this morning, and need to get organized to get to work. And I woke up to find that Furnando who is turning into a bed snuggler, barfed on the bed. Arghh! Bobagingee was sick yesterday, and hid in the back room. I did go back to stay with him for a bit, when a spider crawled out from under the pillows. Eek! @dfishthe meals look delicious, thank you for finding them. @aliaschiefI am so glad that you are having a great cruise, and I loved all your pictures of Scotland. @smitty34877I am glad that you got the extra care giver in to help with Tana. You all needed to get some extra rest. @ger_77I hope you are feeling better today. @ottahand7Your table setting always looks so inviting...and that fish looks great! @cat shepardI love the picture. I have no idea where Timor is. I have a Grand Cayman question, I know most of you cruise to more exotic places, but has anyone just gotten on the bus, and ridden around Grand Cayman? And another question from the BFF -regarding Anchorage- (he called last night) when you dock at Anchorage, what is near the dock to check out. We are taking a morning excursion, and have several hours after we get back before we need to board and he wants to do as much as he can while there.
  9. @CrabbyPattiSo sorry to hear about your fall. Thanks heavens the dog was there to make sure you were OK. @SusieKIslandGirlI love what you posted about being in line. I am going to copy that, send it to a few of my friends, and put it on my wall at work. I have found that when the little things can be the big things, we learn to appreciate them more. A sunrise is a big thing, as can a butterfly on the lantana. DH and I headed over to Penny's to use the pool. Her son and his wife were there, so since they live on a steep hill and the sons car was in the front of the yard, I was trying to figure out the space between their neighbors and the drive way, and hit (I never saw it officer) the neighbors trash can. It went flying, and was full of clam shells. DH went and picked them all up and put them back in the trash can. When we got back to the car after our time at the pool, DH noticed that I had totally tore up the turn signal light on the passenger side, glass was jammed into the side of the jeep. Oh my. (his car) DH got in the pool but no more than waist deep, the temperature of the water kept dropping. It was 78 when he went in, 76 when I went in, and when I got brave and went back in, it was 74. I was not trying to actually go in more than waist deep, but slipped on the edge and ended up with a very short and fast swim. DH said it was nice just to get out and sit outside without mosquitos. Be safe out there, and watch for flying clam shells!
  10. @ger_77 I couldn't decide one to send , so I am sending both. Get plenty of sleep!
  11. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! I am financially aware that I am one of those Americans that live pay check to pay check, (so I went back to work to get another pay check.) I did play wiffle ball, but never took it seriously, and I believe that we should appreciate the Navajo Code Talkers everyday for the work that they did during WWII. @grapau27Thank you so much for Father David this morning. I need that type of fire. And I never knew the history of matches. So thank you! So far today looks like a quiet day, no plans for me, I might go out and hack down some shrubbery that is currently eating my Adirondack chairs that are in the corner of the driveway. DH has been watching a Netflix show called Alone. Where you go out into the wilderness, along with the bears, and try to live alone. Building your own shelter, catching and eating your own food. The one who stays the longest wins money. They are in the wilderness on a lake in BC, and it is fall, with winter coming in. When you are ready to call it quits, you call on a special phone, and they come get you. Most folks so far have left because they have realized that family and health is more important than money. I think everyone on the Daily already know that. Breakfast today is some fresh mango and a granola muffin. No cooking this morning for me! Yeah! Today I am going to be praying for the renewal to sanity to humans. The news of the world needs a good reboot.
  12. When I have felt that life is way too hard sometimes, I remember this I hope it helps any one who needs it today. If I put God in charge, I know there is a reason why I am going through whatever to learn something about myself.
  13. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Two weeks ago I got switched from selling for one of my campaigns to fundraising. I do believe that fundraising takes a skill that I just do not have. I was just about to throw in the towel, felt like I was wasting the company's money. I talked to one of my bosses (who co shares this particular campaign) and told her my idea....she said, not yet. Don't quit yet. And yesterday about 20 minutes into my pathetic attempt at fundraising, my screen asked me if I belonged in another campaign. I said sure, not knowing when I said yes to the computer, I was back in sales again. When I worked a job that I was not happy in, when I was younger, I stuck to it, for as long as I could. I only left one job because I hated the job. Life is short, with this job, I have found if I'm not happy to just speak up, and i am usually placed somewhere else within two days. In the last year I have worked with 9 different campaigns, and I know that in September I will be rotated into another one. My plans for today, work both jobs, then go to Krogers, then dinner, then to the Farmers Market. We have not been for several weeks, and I am hoping that the prices for meats and veggies are less at the farmers market than a box grocery store. Fear- it is good to be afraid of some things, it keeps us away from dangerous situations if we know what the outcome may be. Fear is a motivator, it gets you up off the sofa. It makes you do what you need to do. @cat shepardI love your meme today. I read a comment from Erma Bombeck years ago that said, don't ever worry about not having your friends over if the house is messy. They came to see you, not the house, and if the house bothers them, then they aren't your friends. I finally figured out how all these stray cats find me-
  14. @XBGuy Hi. You said to correct you if anything was wrong, so here goes-your quote Thank you for being and isle of hope for me, I do believe you meant to say " an isle of hope ", not and isle. @SusieKIslandGirl Fizzies on the tongue, yes to that, the first pop rocks I think were based on fizzies trial on tongue. @ger_77So sorry to read about your DH with Covid. I hope that you stay healthy and he hides in front of a book for 5 days. @Cruzin TerriI do not think that Covid is a rite of passage. People are getting it, because they are with people who have it, don't know they have, or don't care to check if they have it. And they go out and give to every one around them. And speaking of that, I just got an email from Carnival, that I dont have to test before my 10 cruise. I do have to bring proof of vaccine. Masks are my friends.
  15. I have a ton of vinyl. Being the pack rat I am, and having worked at KMAC radio station, and being a music junky, I have my albums from my youth, and some from my parents collection. Unfortunately over the years, Irving cat has felt that album covers make good scratching posts. Arghh! I loved Kool Aid as a kid, and then came that sad part of history with Jim Jones knocking off his "cult" family and I havent had Kool Aid since. Does any one remember Fizzies? They looked like alka seltzer tablets but turned your glass of water into orange, strawberry, root beer sodas?
  16. Happy Friday Dailyites! Yesterday afternoon all the TV channels were warning about severe thunderstorms for the evening hours. There were none. This morning the weatherman said there would be rain later today. Nothing this morning. It's raining. Today is once again bill paying day. It's the day that I have to grow up and say good bye to money. I used to pay my bills when they came in, but after my dad died, I got all wonky with the bills, and that's been twenty years....I really need to get my brain back! I go out and watch for meteors every night, when it's not cloudy. It's going to be cloudy tonight, it has been cloudy every night for the last three weeks. Actually the best and biggest meteor I saw was in a blinding rainstorm in Tucker GA. It streaked across the high way and crashed ahead of us. big bright and very green! @mamaofami I am so sorry that you are going through a day of remembrances and sorrow. Mr. Bubbles cat has realized apparently that since the porch door is open, and there are soft chairs on the porch that he can sleep there and no one will yell at him for being there. I put the food our for Fawn this morning, and was quite surprised when I turned around and found Mr. Bubbles sitting behind me. Maybe instead of meteors, we are actually seeing this-
  17. It's currently between shifts. the potato salad is done, and it is the best tater salad i have ever made. hunger is the best seasoning. we had breakfast and a biscotti today, but that's been it. tad on the peckish side right now. DH is done with work for the day, so he needs the computer-he had a great sale!! hugs....
  18. Good Thursday Afternoon Dailyites! Ok, I misunderstood. I thought you meant jokes that the presidents have made. HAHAHAHAHAHA sorry. @smitty34877please share with Tana- and you....get that night aide in. You haven't been well, and you don't need a rebound either. Done nagging. Last night at work I kept on drinking coffee, sleep was not in my hopes for last night,... I tried the meditation, DH rubbed my back, and he quickly fell asleep, and I was up all night coughing. So, no coffee after 6. He said the only problem with my coughing was that Furnando who had curled up next to him, left. His cat, Tazi, however stayed with me all night. Making it impossible to roll over, or stretch out. I'm loving the pictures today, as always. Cant wait to share something with you all but I've not been to any (except one) port that has been mentioned. And of course I am still waiting to get a new camera. DH ordered one for me for my birthday (april) but he ordered it two weeks ago, and it is on back order. I really wanted it before our cruise in 34 days.... Well off to attempt to work 6 hours. I've got the ribs in the crock pot, the potatoes are boiled and chilling, at break time I'll chop up the veggies for the potato salad, and I'm done for the day. Sorry I am late, but DH and I got up early (not sure up means me, I was awake still) and we went to a meeting and had breakfast out. I should sleep well tonight, but if i'm still coughing, it may be on the couch.
  19. Thanks @StLouisCruisers. For some reason I thought that it really wasn't a port, but more like touring around Glacier Bay. Which I will be doing for the second time next May! Cant wait!
  20. I would love to eat oysters wrapped in bacon. I'd eat a dog biscuit if it was wrapped in bacon...oh wait, I have eaten a dog biscuit...It wasnt bad. On a dare mind you, not because i was overly hungry. Oysters and bacon just sound right together. Thank you all for the pictures today! I have loved all of them. My favorite one was by @JazzyV-the tree. Oh to be young again and climb a tree. I probably could climb, it's the down part I fear. @RedneckBobWhat an experience with the lightening! Please make sure your smoke detectors have batteries. My friend's brother came back from Vietnam with a thing about squirrels and he poured gas on one in her outside utility room and cooked it-now RedneckBob, this is not a cooking show, dont get excited, but even though he put the fire out, a small spark got into the old attic wood, and slowly burned for two days until the house went up in flames! So check everything! OK, another dumb question.... @AV8rix what is ISP? in place of Skagway?
  21. Just a note about our day, the humidity is 91 %, no rain. I have to put on snorkel gear just to walk the neighbors dog.
  22. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I love todays quote. I also loving reading Russian authors. But I do have to admit that I too have had a hard time sitting and reading these days. I slept late this morning, and when I looked outside, Mr. Bubbles brother? son of bubbles? was in the car port waiting for breakfast. Neither Fawn nor Mr. Bubbles were very happy. Lots of howling. I put food down, and will let them figure it out. Nothing on the agenda but work today. I was going to make ribs in the crock pot, but they are still frozen solid, will wait until tomorrow. We are getting to be like the tropics in Atlanta, every afternoon at 5:30 we are getting very heavy thunder storms. Additional rattling and rumbling last night at midnight, with a nice heavy rain. The weatherman is saying that we will have near perfect low humidity days on Saturday and Sunday. I did see @grapau27 that you are in for the high heat again this week, so take care. Hugs to all! I tired to find a picture of a lion in a box, apparently while tigers, leopards, and puma will play in the box, the lion prefers this-
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