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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I do like the quote. When you walk in someone else's shoes, you do understand how they got to where they are. Apparently there were computer problems that IT is working on, so I will be missing some hours from work this morning. How nice. ?? My boss for that campaign said I could make up the time after my other shift on Saturday. I need to go to the bank this morning, and DH needs to pick up a part on the air compressor that he broke while trying to get air in a tire, that had several nails in it. @kazuI like your baby sitting gig. Those are two cuties. I have to laugh about not letting dogs on the sofa. At book club yesterday our friend doesn't really pay that much attention to her furniture and her cats. Everything is covered with fur, and we have all learned that when we have the book club at her house, not to wear dark clothing. Cats will go where ever they want to be, and apparently they love the sun room. I cover all my furniture with something, and take off the covers right before people show up. There was a cleaning service truck parked in front of her house yesterday, and when we walked in, there was a rumba? vacuum cleaner running through the dining room. I said, I didnt know that they knew how to drive. I hope all of our Texan friends are safe. I do see that the "storm" is headed east, so be safe everyone over the next few days! Have a great day!
  2. Ancestry sent me an update today. I am officially 51% Scandanavian! Guess I will take my stuffed gnome with me when I travel!
  3. @richwmn Thanks, I should never leave the computer without proofing.
  4. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! For all of our Western, Texan and southern friends, stay safe with all your rain. I sent an email out to the book club members yesterday, just to verify that it was today, and I have not heard back from anyone. I hope I don't show up with a huge bowl of salad at an empty house. I have not been to the port, but will be there next October on my Transatlantic trip back home. I loved your recipes this morning @dfish. I know that DH and I can make this. Of course that's when we get over the sticker shock of grocery shopping.
  5. Just got back from the grocery store run. There was a man going up the aisles while we were going down the aisles, and i noticed on the bottom of the cart there was a small animal carrier. At one point i stopped him and asked what was in the animal carrier. He said he works for animal rescue and someone had called about a guinea pig in one of the county parks. He drove up and got two of them. Who would leave guinea pigs out in a park during the worst rains that we have had all summer? And just as he said that the skies opened up again, and the rain just poured! It stopped on the way home, behind us the sky cleared, a rainbow appeared up the street, and then the rain came pouring down again. Now I hear thunder in the distance. I finished the book, then tomorrow get up, fix breakfast, fix the salad for book club and walk the darn dog, and then rush downtown to the book club, then rush back home, and go to work. Two more weeks of dog walking, and then I'm done, Get at least some of my life back. Yippee. my dearest @ger_77 I hope you didn't' think I was making light of you losing your friend. I did not mean to, but in hind sight, I may have sounded trite. I am very sorry that you lost your friend, and I wish you and your DH nothing but happy and joyful memories of her. @Cruzin Terriour weather prediction for tonight sounds a bit like your day. by the way i would leave the house if a tree fell on it. We are surrounded by tall pines, and when we get high winds I often sleep on the sofa in the den, not in the bedroom near the tall and very close to house pines.
  6. @ger_77I am so sorry to read about the passing of your friend. You asked why the good people always seem to pass way too early. I was told that God doesn't want the mean people, and that Satan isn't done with them yet. Thank heavens that we are giving the opportunity to change. @StLouisCruisersThanks for the tip on the headphones. I will admit that since we wear head phones at our job for 6 hours a day, I 'm not sure that either of us would wear them. I just need to get a nice comfy chair for the library and park myself there. But I do like the idea. Then we would always be yelling at each other. LOL Mentally I too think i'm in my 40's, I get great ideas, and then realize what the body can and cannot do. I need to challenge my self more.
  7. @grapau27 Graham thank you so much for posting Father David, and the heads up that he will not be with us the next two weekends. I am supposed to be starting a new campaign after Labor Day, but have not heard from my new manager yet. So not sure when my last days will be with the bosses I have now. Life is weird. No wonder my tummy has gone wonky, stress....
  8. Happy Sunday Dailyites! It's cloudy, dark and we are supposed to get rain for the whole week. I still have to finish the book club book, make two necklaces, do grocery shopping and feed DH and me today before we go shopping tonight. He has a meeting with a friend at 1:30 today, so the house will be quiet. DH doesn't make a lot of noise, but always has the TV on. And since I have the attention span of a squirrel in the traffic, it's best for me to read without noise or distraction. I have no pictures of Boston. I spent a week there every summer of my childhood as Nana and Pa lived in Cambridge. I also remember living with my grandparents for a couple of months, but have no idea why. And I went to college outside Boston, spending Sunday afternoons at Revere Beach or the Commons. I would have my notebook with me, writing poetry on the train, on the beach, in the park, at the bus station, at the airport. Living there or being there was so natural I took no pictures, it was just part of me. Cant wait to see pictures. I don't own this shirt with this phrase, but I feel it. "It's strange being the same age as old people."
  9. Thunderstorm just came up in a flash, and now it's pouring more rain. There is a Space Station sighting tomorrow morning, and I'm thinking it might be a bit cloudy, and will sleep right through it. @HAL SailerPrayers are being sent your way. My mom died from melanoma, she gave up the fight, well she didnt want to fight at all. She didn't want chemo or radiation. Its a hard disease to fight, but your DSIL can fight. I am so glad that her son is doing better and can be there for her. Hugs and prayers.
  10. part two...the flamingos. The original owner of the zoo fed them twice a day, he had quite a few to feed, and instead of leaving them behind in some type of cage, he fed them twice a day in front of a crowd. The flamingoes are held back stage like great actors, and stroll out right on time for the audience. The audience sits in four bleachers, the flamingos circle the "stage" and then split up into 4 groups, one group in front of each bleacher. And then someone from each section is invited to come down and be a flamingo. There were only the 4 of us in the bleacher, and none of them wanted to do it, so I did. I did not make a good flamingo, and I hope that none of them took it personally. After failing Flamingo 101, we were off to see the lorees. I am probably spelling them incorrectly. You enter an enclosed cage. And once the group is in, and no other creature is in, they open the other side of the cage, and you are with the birds. DH had a bird in one hand, and he took the pictures with the other. They gave you apples to feed them (I dont think that apples are native to the Bahamas) But they really loved them, eating the sweet part, not eating the skin. You left the cage the same way you came in. NO taking a bird home with you! Actually I think I would have taken this one-
  11. 2nd attempt at posting the pictures my DH graciously downloaded for me. I will do it in 2 posts, and not one. The Nassau or Bahamian Zoo was probably a treasure to the country 30 years ago, but it isn't flashy, it isn't fast, and it's never really advertised as an excursion. It is however a precious spot that I hope will be there forever. I chose it because our friends are not beach people. We thought it would be a nice lazy kind of day, without all the rushing around, and we were right. So here goes the second attempt. Starting with a parrot, and two of the many peacocks who roam the grounds.
  12. @CrabbyPattiI dont think that's terrible at all. I think it is creative way looking for humor in sad times. I'm just sad i didn't' think of it. I was taking meditation and mindfulness classes on zoom.🤗
  13. Nassau has the best pier to watch pier runners. In all the times we have been, we have seen at least 4 people get left behind. They either cant tell time, or got confused on what ship they came from. Cozumel runs a close second on pier runners. It's either rum or tequila that are somehow involved.
  14. Happy Saturday Dailyites! I do understand the quote. If you are in a relationship that makes you unhappy, you are unhappy every day. If you are unhappy alone, at least you have the hope of change. I however believe that we can change our attitude. I think she was always searching for someone to make her happy, as opposed to liking herself enough to be happy with herself. HAL does not go to Nassau often, but Carnival does, and I've been many times. We went to Blue Lagoon on a day when the temperatures dropped from the 80's down to the mid 60's, and it was NOT a beach day. We went to Melia several times for a day at the hotel with beach pass, we've wandered around town to the Pirate Museum, a visit to the church across the street from the museum, and walked through the town in a torrential downpour in search of the Starbucks. Our first time in Nassau was in 2008 when we did an excursion and snorkeled. The last time we were there was December 2019 (our last cruise before Covid)and we went to the zoo. Of all the things we have done there, the zoo wins hands down. When I started reading today's daily I could say it was cloudy, but as @StLouisCruisers said, it got foggy! Moisture to feed the clouds so we get more rain today. Actually I looked at NOAA last night. and our forecast is rain every day until at least next Friday. Off to make breakfast and get to work, and then finish reading the book for book club for Monday! North of Havana by Randy Wayne White. I will ask DH if he can find some of the pictures from Nassau and the zoo. He also has to work today, so it may take a while.
  15. On the way to the eye doc, we stopped at Walgreens and got some Tums. I have been burping every time I take one, but the stomach is hurting less. The good news is that I am not as near sighted as I used to be, the bad news is that I am more farsighted than I used to be, so new glasses for me. Other than a floater (who knew you get them as you get old) I'm fine. I did ask her if a floater wasn't a small flying object from another world. I had just watched Men in Black last week. She said no it was from getting old. DH really needed an appointment and when I verified mine last week, and tried to get his changed to something sooner than after our cruise they said they had nothing. I had him ask this morning when we were there, and they rescheduled him for next Wednesday. @1ANGELCAT I'm very happy to read that Fluff is doing well. I had to explain to DH what a onesie was. @kazuI was so glad to know that Little Shadow had been found. Your friend Liz is one of those angels without wings. True Grace. Hugs to you all.
  16. Happy Friday Morning Dailyites! I'm up early as I have an eye appointment this morning. Pretty sure that they will change the prescription this year. I love potatoes. While being diabetic and not supposed to eat them, my dietician said they have less carbs when they are in potato salad, something about the cooking, and chilling. So I do enjoy potato salad. With white potatoes or sweet potatoes. Aviation Day in wonderful. I love going to the local airport and checking out the small planes. I haven t done that since covid started, as the airport got very busy and they have changed the landing route to going over our house. DH was Air Force, from a family of Air Force. He loves to fly...me , enh, not so much. I just love planes. I hope you all have a wonderful fabulous day!
  17. @kazuYou are always in my prayers and thoughts. I hope today resolves with some peace. DH strongly suggested that since we cant open the desk drawers any more that we (me) clean them out. Years of birthday, Christmas, Easter cards were tossed. Games were put in the den, Travel memorabilia was bagged up, no more pamphlets floating around in the desk. And all my annual H& R Block envelopes are now all together. I found letters from my fathers friends after he passed, I saved, I found a letter from DH on why he was breaking up with me (didn't work) from 2000. I tossed that one, didn't want him to read and rethink the last 22 years. Valentines from my grandparents from 1965. And I found a letter from the American Poetry Press that wanted to use one of my poems in an audio recording. I read the poem. It was pretty darn good. There were hundreds of song lyrics and poems in that desk. There may be still a web site that gives you a type of poem to write every day, and submit. I did that the first two years at my old job, when calls were not coming in. DH says I should publish, alas, I really want to write poetry that will offend those from my past, so I quit writing. Maybe I need an alias...like Annie Marshhawk! By the way, the three ginger cats, and the two grays were highly offended that they did not get their own day yesterday. I wonder if there is a Ginger Cat day? My neck does feel better today, problem is the pain is coming from my left side, up into the neck, not the other way round. Guess I really do need to see a doc. No appetite, and eating makes it hurt worse anyway. I already have had my appendix out, so not sure what is going on.
  18. Happy Thursday Dailyites! I have a tale to tell about Serendipity. To me it has always meant an odd coincidence with fantastic results. A bit of a long tale, if not interested, just skep to the cat image. When I was young we would spend a week on on Cape Cod and always get together with a family that were friends of my parents. The women had met in college, and the men had met in another college. My parents set them up on a blind date, and they fell in love. They got married, and they had 4 sons. They were attendants in my parents wedding, and my parents were attendants at their wedding. So during summer vacation, we would spend time with them. While our parents always dreamed of their younger son and I falling in love, and keeping the families together, it was the son who was my brothers age that I had a crush on. His name was Andy, and he and i would swim, build sandcastles together, just hang out together, It was cute they said, Raggedy Ann and Andy. People grow up, we change, and after the younger brother died, Andy came down to NJ to see me. It was more than 7 years from last seeing each other, and we no longer had any attraction to each other. I was stupid teenager, and he was in his early 20's. Years go by. My second husband was head mechanic at a ritzy golf course in Atlanta. My parents are living in Florida, and their best friends were in Florida, and my dad was in the hospital, and not doing well. Mom wasn't driving anymore, and basically emotionally she really needed to talk with someone. But couldn't find anyone's phone number. (they had just moved again) I always said hello to the hubby's boss, but he was a rather strange man, but i was the driver, so I would see him twice a day. Ok. Now when all this stuff was going on with my dad, I told my hubby about my last golf experience. Miniature golf on the Cape, where my parents friends son told me that if i hit a hole in one on the last hole, I would win a free game. So I hit the ball as hard as I could and.... and hubby says to me "the ball hit the man in the sales booth and knocked him out". How did you know that ?? He said because my boss told me that story yesterday about some kid he knew that they spend their summers with on cape cod. . But your boss is named Steve, oh, turns out his name is Andrew Stephen, but he changed his name to Steve after college. The next day when I left the hubby off at work, I walked into his bosses office and told him who I was. He had no idea. Well I didn't know it was him either. I asked him if he would ask his mom to call my mom, that my dad wasn't doing well, and she needed a friend. He called his mom, and his parents went over to get my mom, and they took her over to the hospital so she could be with my father. I went down to Florida the next week. She asked me how I worked that miracle and I just said Serendipity. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
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