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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @rafinmd No, the Pride Transatlantic was added on after I booked the Pride-Greece cruise. Chuck asked when does the ship come back to the states, he has always wanted to do a transatlantic cruise, and it was the cruise after Greece, so I tagged it on. Carnival, no longer (we were told) has the book a cruise while you are on a cruise. It was explained that it was far too easy to do it on line, because you can choose the cruise, the cabin, etc. and as they did explain that they may take money for the cruise, but couldnt actually book anything after that. There were so many cuts on this cruise, that if I didn't like being on the water so much, I doubt if I would go on another Carnival cruise, if they were not already booked. I paid off the Greece trip today, and will pay off the rest of the transatlantic over the next 3 months with money from the part time job. I did hear on this last cruise that Carnival is going to come up with another level of membership between Platinum and Diamond to cut down on the amount of Platinum cruisers with benefits. But that was not from a Carnival employee, just another loyal patron. Another reason to start cruising with HAL, and I cant wait to try it out in May!
  2. When I see the name Jim Cantore I always laugh. For two reasons. When we got off our first Maine Windjammer Cruise, which really does disconnect you from the 21st century, we walked into our inn, and there was a girl at the front desk with her back turned away from the front door ,watching the TV. OMG! A giant hurricane in the gulf, huge, it was called Katrina. The girl sighed and turned back to us, and said, "Isn't Jim Cantore the cutest thing?" And two, when Jim started on the Weather Channel, every woman within four months of starting there, got pregnant. It was odd to say the least. And then I read that Jim and his wife got a divorce. She still ran the channel, and he was still the big star. Although he isn't that tall at all. However you know it's going to be bad, when Jim shows up.
  3. Thanks for the information about the time change. We will leave on Rome time, with a stop in Spain, two stops on Portuguese islands and then Grand Turk, the end up in Tampa. 15 days. Plenty of time to readjust to new time zones. @dfishI hope that you get the house that you want! My fingers are crossed for you. I read once that buying a house was the third most stressful thing that you can do in your life, and after I bought this one, I totally agree. So prayers are being sent your way too.
  4. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! So much weather news on the TV this morning, I wanted to sleep later, but have you ever noticed that the older you get, the more it hurts to lie in bed? I need an automatic flipper to turn me constantly so that I dont hurt when i wake up. My morning highlight is that the coffee i am drinking is coffee from the Dominican Republic that we picked up while we were there. Albert Einstein said that if we tried to remember everything, we wouldn't leave space in our brains to learn more. Some things are not worth remembering, so we can look them up. Because I change campaigns every few months, sometimes weeks, I learn all I can, keep all the paperwork close to me when calling, and when the campaign ends, I collect all the material for it, and dump it in a box. And forget it! Otherwise I will confuse one company with another. I might end up selling Christmas concerts for a theatre group. @kazuIt's great to hear from you today, and what a productive day you had yesterday! I am glad that you are safe and sound. @grapau27Thank you for bringing Father David to us every Sunday. He does give my heart and soul good. If you talk to him this week, tell him I hope his nose is not giving him too much pain. I have a question for all who have done transatlantic cruising. I did it as a child, but don't remember. When you start a cruise you are on ship time, which is usually the time in the port that you are leaving from. But if you keep on that time, then when you get back to the states, then you are eating dinner six hours later? In other words, do the ships change the time daily as you head west? Chuck and I would love to know the answer on this.
  5. Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites! We noticed on Britbox that season 7 of Shetland started, so we stayed up to midnight again!!! and I overslept this morning. Yes it is darker later in the morning, and yes, I was pinned down by two cats. Irving insists on lying on me all night, and because he is old, he is not retracting his claws that well, so if I move at all, I get scratched. Well, I wont be making breakfast this morning so glad I got mini bagels with cream cheese. Yesterday I worked Asheville, this morning I'm back in Louisville, with the afternoon in Asheville. I just saw the path of Ian, my lovely island vacation spot of Sanibel is right in it's path. Right now, I desperately need more coffee. Glad to read that @kazu is doing well so far today, @Cruzin TerriI like the new flooring. @grapau27 Thank you for the Italian food porn last night. I actually noticed yesterday that fall has arrived, as the only hardwood in the back yard has lost all it's leaves.
  6. You all know that I love to send you at night angel memes, but the truth is with the storms that are coming to a lot of you, I thought of this, as all of you are excellent survivors after life's tragedies.
  7. My first husbands parents were both deaf. Before I met them I learned sign language. I didn't learn signs so much as the alphabet. So when we talked we spelled out everything to each other. I wasn't as astute as the older sisters in law, as there was a big age difference between the three sons. And they had years of practice, the middle son was married to a sign interpreter. But momma Virginia told me that I was the easiest to understand, as I spelled correctly, added animation, and didn't use "signs". Turns out that "signs" are different in different parts of the country, she was from Colorado, and my father in law was from North Carolina. They argued about signs all the time, it was rather funny. I was trying to teach Chuck how to make the letters for that stupid YMCA song while we were on the cruise, You just dont exert as much energy I said.
  8. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! I'm home! Had a great cruise, even though it was "not as advertised". This was the longest cruise we have taken so far, and I still wanted to stay on board for another 10 days. So I am looking forward to the 14 and 25 day upcoming cruises. I have for years done the anytime dining, but after this cruise never will again! At least on Carnival, so I have a question, on HAL do you have to use your phone to do anytime dining? Is every event posted on your phone? Do they still have a printed daily event schedule? When I vacation, I want to be as far from a phone as I can. Poor Chuck, he never could put his phone in the safe and walk away. After waiting more than an hour for two meals under anytime dining, we asked the Guest Services if it was possible to change to assigned time dining, which they did, found us seats at a table for 10, and one couple never showed up for any of the meals. Maybe they never made it to the ship? So we met some great people and enjoyed their company making dinner a bit more fun. Our goal in each port was to find good coffee. Amber Cove won with Domican Republic coffee (Cafe Dominicano), second place goes to Key west, with Cuban Coffee marketed as "do stupid things faster" third was Grand Cayman at the Waffle Monkey, fourth was Grand Turk- at the Starbucks , and we never got a chance to grab some coffee in Cozumel our shore excursion was fun, but we had very little time on the island, and no chance to shop. We were the last ones back to the ship, no pier runners! But we didn't make dinner that night either. The cats were very glad to have us home, we got pizza after leaving the suitcases off, so that's all there is to eat in the house. Loads of laundry to do, and I do have to get Chuck up to get to his doctors appointment today. It's good to be home, I missed all of you!
  9. i meant to ask, is Brest where my favorite pastry comes from- Paris Brest?
  10. I was working at a garden center on 9/11. My neighbor called and said a plane had hit the towers, I told my boss, he turned on the computer, he saw the news, he left and never came back to work. Ever. I kept the store open that day, had the classical music on, brought out as many bright flowers to the ourside tables, and people came in, and wandered the green house, and cried. Some sat on the floor, and looked at the gift items. That night we had a scientist come in and give a talk about micro organisms that live in pond water. Only 3 people showed up. At 9, I closed the store. Chuck and I went and had dinner. My boss called me the next day, he had lost so many friends and co workers that day, he made me boss, and went back to his old job. He said I could close up the shop, but I said no, it seems to bring peace to people to get here. I never saw the news, I never have seen the films. I just kept the store open, for people to come in, and step away for a few minutes to take a break from what was going on. In other words, I worked. May we never forget, but may we always forgive. Well we are all packed, I need to toast a mini bagel, finish another cup of coffee, and then we are gone. Hugs to you all!
  11. To all who are traveling / cruising this week, Bon Voyage. Take lots of pictures, have lots of fun, stay safe, mask up and have a grand time!
  12. Good Saturday Morning! I have a hundred places to go, but to be honest it's too early for me to be awake, and I wont drive when I am this tired. So guess I will get those particular chores done on the way to dinner. I was curious about the Moon Festival and this is what I found out. The Moon Festival is rooted in many different myths. Legend traces the story to a hero named Hou Yi, who lived during a time when there were 10 suns in the sky. This caused people to die, so Hou Yi shot down nine of the suns and was given an elixir by the Queen of Heaven to make him immortal. But Hou Yi didn't drink the elixir because he wanted to remain with his wife, Chang'e (pronounced Chung-err). So, he told her to watch over the potion. One day a student of Hou Yi tried to steal the elixir from her, and Chang'e drank it to foil his plans. Afterward, she flew to the moon, and people have prayed to her for fortune ever since. She's presented with a variety of food offerings during the Moon Fest, and festival-goers swear that they can spot Chang'e dancing on the moon during the festival.
  13. Chuck and I thank you all for all the kind wishes on our anniversary and our bon voyage adventure. While I am looking forward to trying a cruise again, I will miss you all for two weeks! OMG! How will I survive? I am packed, got my new purse stuffed with paperwork and passports, got all the clothes in the suitcase, the shoe bag has to be packed next, and then tomorrow pack up my meds, and I'm ready to go. But I am still working tomorrow. Sleep well Angels, and Thanks.
  14. Happy Friday Morning! I cant believe we leave in two days, and that we cruise in 3. When DH wakes up I will start breakfast, get out the suitcases and start packing. I showed Chuck what I would be wearing for several of the fancy dinner nights, and he decided to take one button down shirt to spruce up his cruise wardrobe. Years ago he would try to match my outfits with his bowties, now, not interested, wants to go more casual. I love Teddy Bear Day! When my father had his heart attack, and was alone a lot, I gave him a teddy bear. He had it when he died. I kept his teddy bear, which he named Stupid Bear, and Stupid Bear has gone on all my travels. He has gained a few friends along the way, (Build a Bear) and on this trip, since we cant take all of his friends, he has asked for the bed while we are gone, and he will stay home with the cats. We are taking the gnomes instead. We have had so many hours working that neither of us got each other a card for our anniversary, and I am working late tonight so we will have dinner out tomorrow after my shift. I am not sure whether i am addicted to work or just love the extra money. I now have the ability to choose my hours, and I was going to take Thursdays off and attend art classes at the senior center, but I noticed that the art classes are not happening, so I will have to readjust that thinking. The only thing that is constant, is change. OK, I saw the meal, and I will pass. I know sardines are very good for you, but they taste, um . fishy. I have always been weird. When the world went to go go boots, I started wearing cowboy boots. When the world wore mini skirts, I went to maxi skirts... and I just don't get Sudoku, DH loves it, plays it on his phone, and if the ships offer the daily game, he picks one up in the mornings, and works on it, while I doze, and doodle in my art book.
  15. Good Thursday Morning! Yesterday was a small fiasco, getting pulled immediately from one campaign into training, and then when they told me to start calling, well, they loaded the leads wrong into the computer and I sat and stared at a blank screen for an hour. At least I got off work 15 minutes early. Up early today to take DH to his pain doctor. Trying to utilize any free hours getting ready for the cruise. So figured I would get up early. Even the cats aren't up. The quote is so true, I love date nut bread. Not sure how to celebrate ampersands and I know I will read something today, like the sales pitch. Have a great day!
  16. @grapau27Thank you for the food porn! I'm debating about making breakfast, or stopping at chick fil A on the way to the pharmacy.
  17. Good Wednesday Morning! It's cloudy and 69 degrees in Stone Mountain GA. I was actually up early enough to catch real news. I had no idea about Providence's amount of rain. I have been job napped once again. And I will be working for my very first boss that I worked with when I started with this company and that was back in 2016. With all the campaigns and people working all over the country, our "direct" boss is the person who hired us. He has risen above manager into some high position within the company, but he still has to run a campaign. It's a small group, just two of us who will be working Asheville Symphony. I was stolen from my Louisville campaign, and will keep my California campaign as back up for those extra hours that I need. I think my training is sometime this week, and then I'm on my cruise, and come back to work the day after I get back. I did ask if I could work all 3 campaigns , but the max is two, and my brain really wouldn't be able to hold all that sales information. Todays adventure is to go pick up the meds that we will need for the cruise, work two shifts, STILL walk the dog, and get the suitcases out and start packing. DH is procrastinating about picking up another pair of light weight shoes, and knowing him, he will be out shopping the day before we leave. I love salami, I love the quote, I respect my mail person, and I never really liked beer, (but I drank it anyway back in the day). I was up at Road Atlanta Race Track years ago with my ex husband, and one of his work buddies with his wife, and son, Corrie. Corrie wanted to get autographs from all the drivers, (he was 7) so I took him into the paddock area after the races, and he asked all the drivers for their autographs. This worked well until we got to Paul Newman. "I dont give autographs kid" he said to Corrie. Corrie said to him " I got (some woman drivers) autograph, and she drove better than you did." Again Mr. Newman said, " I dont do autographs, get yourself a beer out of the cooler". Corrie said, "gesh, Mr. I'm only 7, I dont drink beer...do you have root beer?" I think of that moment every time I have a root beer. Corrie of course is all grown up, and I doubt if he remembers that day. I saw his father often at the symphony when I ushered, he had a new wife, so did not talk much about the past.
  18. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Another hot and humid day in Stone Mountain. I'm confused, am I supposed to Procrastinate Fighting, or fight my procrastination? I love to read, or I should say I used to, I have not been very diligent about reading these days, but I have set aside two Randy Wayne White books to read during the cruise. My friend Margot sent me a very short note regarding their Alaskan cruise . Five out of 10 in their group have all tested positive for Covid since they got home. Wear your mask when you are inside the ship, she tells me.....Duh. I have been procrastinating doing a lot of things, I want a mask with some bling for evening wear on the ship, gotta go buy one, I need to call the vets and make sure they will see our furbabies in the event of an emergency while we are gone. Oh, and the neighbor (mom of dog) has not found anyone to help her with her dog, and wont I please keep helping her. (could she remember to pay me?) I told her I would work this week, but when I get back I wont. I know I sound like a mean person not wanting to help a neighbor out, but she could work from home. She just hates being home. It takes time away from my job, which does pay, and pays better, and it keeps me from stressing out when I have things to do, like doctors appointments, and Chuck's appointments, and having to be somewhere at a certain time. Every day of the week. For more than a year. It's not my dog!
  19. @Cruzin Terri My thoughts are with you. Yes, be grateful it's clean water! Our house was built in the 60's. They used terra cotta plumbing from the house to the street. The day before my first colonoscopy, right before I was to take those "pills", I heard a crack. Sounded weird, checked out side, nothing fallen from the pines. Flushed the toilet,, and all of a sudden, the shower in the back bathroom started filling with brown yucky water. As did the tub in the front bathroom. as did the toilets. I called DH at work, he said, call a plumber....10K dollars later, the entire front yard had been dug up, all the terra cotta plumbing changed out, turns out that one of the pines had a root that grew around the terra cotta, and crushed it. I spent a lot of money that wiped out a good savings source, the plumbing service had financing, and never offered it to me. When DH asked where all my money went, I said it went down with sh.. in the front yard. There is an upside to everything though, since the yard was dug up, I planted seeds and had jalapeno and green peppers grow there for two years. 🤗
  20. Happy Labor Day Monday Dailyites! I love todays quote. Remarkable doesn't have to be huge, but if you can make a grumpy or sad person smile or laugh, that's a tiny miracle. I'll start with that. So many of you make me laugh, and on some days that is a miracle. Be proud of small miracles that you do! I will never solve any world problems. I have great ideas on how to, but not the voice. Ever notice the squeaky wheel gets the grease? I squeak to my friends, and my DH. It is a tiny squeak in the universe of noise. I will be working today, it is amazing how few people didn't realize it was a holiday, and said , no, call me on Monday. So why not. I was just going to sit and watch TV on this rainy day, I can sit and get paid instead. Counting down my days until the cruise, will get out a suitcase today and start throwing in shoes. @rafinmd it's a 10 day cruise. Yup. On a Fantasy class ship. In a porthole cabin. And I see that the rain will still be going on when we drive to Mobile. I hope we don't have hurricanes for 10 days. Penny called yesterday, Jesse is home. He is currently in denial about his condition, and she found him outside, having a smoke. She broke down and started crying, and needed to talk to someone. So she called me. Being a smoker, I explained about habit and addiction, and you have to break one before you break the other, and on top of that he needs to want to quit. I understand Jesse. I sympathize for her, and I was probably not the best person to call. But I also believe, life is short, just be honest. I hope you all have a fantastic day! edited- I love cheese pizza in NJ and NY, sorry, the rest of the US, just cant get it right. Love the cheese fats dripping down my chin.
  21. @ger_77 Chuck and I have been looking at the googly news, I am so glad that you posted that you are safe, the doors are locked, and the cars are locked. PHew, and take care. the flooding in Georgia is not near @StLouisCruisers or me, so far. it has been raining most of the early evening, and i guess we are expecting more. i love the sound of the rain.
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