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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. I'm so sorry, Marietta. It's so hard. My sister-in-law was a young widow also. We were in our late 30's when Bob passed, My nephews were 13 and 15. My SIL did a great job raising the two boys, as I know your daughter is also with her son and daughter. God Bless.πŸ™
  2. That was quite a bit if walking yesterday, JC! Enjoy Nice today!
  3. A couple I know had lost a daughter who had been murdered by the daughter's boyfriend. A woman who had been the babysitter for this couple's daughter years earlier, was in the audience at a show starring the Medium as the guest speaker, when the Medium addressed the babysitter in the audience and began talking about the murder. After the show, the Medium asked if he could meet the Couple who had lost their daughter, and wound up traveling to Brooklyn to meet the couple.
  4. @taznremmy Welcome home, Pat! Good to hear from you. Bummer about your cold. There seems to be a lot of that going on around here where I live. I hope you feel better quicily!
  5. I now want Maria off!!! I sure hope either Charlie or Kenzie wind up the winner next week. Overconfidence is right!!😁 I never once thought that I would like to be on Survivor, but I've always thought that either one of my twin daughters (or both) would do well on that show. You are too funny, Karen!!
  6. I definitely want to try Hooked! Thank you.😊
  7. It sure was!!! Will it be played, or won't it???πŸ€” So glad it went the way it did! 😁😁😁 Schooner and I were quite happy with the outcome. Sue, I think it was the 5th idol to go home in the pocket of a loser....
  8. We couldn't get on our Dani thread. It would come up as "error". Several of us went onto the Friends of Bella thread all saying the same thing. I got off CC for an hour or two, and by then it was back. 🀨
  9. @dani negreanu I sure hope you feel better, Dani. How awesome that your DS1 accompanied you to help fulfill your Mom's wish, and he was able to see your childhood home.
  10. @SteelCityCruiser10 I am so sorry to hear that Oliver, your "Goodest and Handsomest Boy" has passed away last night. I know he will be sorely missed. He certainly was a Regal, as well as a handsome boy.πŸ’”
  11. Thanks Mike! I appreciate your getting back to me so quickly.πŸ˜‰
  12. Does the Wonder of the Seas have a Solarium Restaurant where you can make dinner reservations?
  13. Thank goodness that whatever was going on with our thread a few hours ago seems to have been resolved. 😁
  14. @jmh2006 So sorry to hear about Dave's kidney stone. Thank goodness it happened when it did (unfortunate that it was on your Birthday, Jen🎈) and that it happened well before your cruise and trip to Italy next week!! I hope Dave is feeling much better today. Love to you both!❀️
  15. Great news, Marian! I'm so glad all went so well, and you can start PT soon and get back on with your life!!
  16. Thank you, Bob! That is exactly it. It did say Riley One Point Five on it. It also had a silver medallion(?) on it that said England. It was a real beauty in excellent shape. I loved the yellow color! I do believe there had been a car show in the neighborhood this past weekend.
  17. After seeing the cute cars in Japan @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen posted, it reminded me of an adorable Yellow car I saw in the parking lot when I got out of Church this past weekend. I had never heard of this car before, nor had Jim. I do wish I had taken a picture of it. It was a 1959 Riley made, I believe, in England. Can you help me out on this, Graham @grapau27, or Sue @sgmn?? I'd also ask our other friend Graham, (Schooner), but he's no longer on here with us.πŸ˜”
  18. @FromSea2ShiningSea The fields of tulips and flowers are gorgeous, Helen! Thank you for sharing such beauty!🌺
  19. @helen haywood I hope all went well today, Marian.🌹
  20. @jmh2006 I hope you are having a great Birthday, Jennifer!!!🎈🎈🎈 Happy Birthday to you!!!!🎈🎈🎈
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