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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. I love San Diego! Sorry to hear about your tooth, and the problems it's giving you. Since your dentist and endodontist were unable to help, the oral surgeon will be your go-to-guy. I have gone through so much dental work..bone implants, dental implants, etc I know the anxiety you are going through...and the pain. I hope this gets resolved quickly for you.🤞
  2. Pretty, but not welcomed by me! At least you will have a White Christmas!🎄 Stay warm, Greg! Safe travels, Mark. What Interstate do you take to Florida?
  3. Thank you, Dani. ❤️ Jim and I will be heading to Florida a week from today..weather should be much better for us when we begin our travels. I hope you're not feeling too sick with your Covid.
  4. Zoey is precious! Glad you got home safely and back to your Lizzy. It sure sounds like you are loved and missed!
  5. Same here...but, we sure are Blessed with the grandchildren we do have😉 Your grandson looks so proud, Dani. He sure is a cutie! +1
  6. Deb, I have so many boxes of pictures. We all have such good intentions of placing them in albums! Glad to hear your granddaughters are on the road to recovery. Our grandson just went back to school this week after being absent for all of last week. Your Christmas Eve dinner looks scrumptious!
  7. Yes, the stress of Christmas travel plans...like there's not enough stress during the Christmas holidays. I sure hope your CA grandson recovers quickly and that your son and DIL don't also come down with the Flu. Hoping Ricky's paw is okay
  8. Hey .nothing wrong with peanut butter cookies! Oatmeal with raisins are pretty good too!!!😁
  9. When our first grandchild was born, I took so many pictures that I filled 4 baby albums. 2nd grandchild arrived, filled 2 baby albums. As more grandchildren arrived, I continued taking pictures, of course, but only filled one album for each child, but have so many pictures that I never found the time to put in the albums for them. I keep thinking it will get done and present them to the kids, but so far, it hasn't happened. They all love looking at their baby albums.
  10. I've gotten another email asking for more info for my travel insurance claim and spent the day gathering what I hope is the end of their requests. Since we'll be heading to Florida after Christmas, tonight I made sure that I made copies of the travel insurance policies for our upcoming cruises to take with us when we leave; hoping to never have to make any claims again!!!🤞
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