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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. I feel fine! My arm is a little sore, but it didn't prevent me from sleeping last night, and I'm a side sleeper. I actually had a lot of energy this morning; I thought I was finally going to finish our travel insurance papers and get them sent out....almost there!...but then I started vacuuming and did some laundry, and then....papers will have to wait. I sure ran out of steam🤷‍♀️
  2. @firefly333I wish you the best of luck with your Mom. It's a shame she can't stay longer. Is she able to walk around on her own? Is there anyone who can stay with her when you go on your cruise?🤔
  3. Yup...same here. On another note, I just booked Nachi-Cocom for Jim, myself, and our friends Carol and Andy😊 Andrew, this is so very true!❤️
  4. No, never been there. The Swiss Chalet was one of our places, but the Hofbrau was my main hangout. The Red Lantern, only once or twice. The Beachcomber in Annadale, an occasional bar on Forest Avenue (most especially on St. Patrick's Day) Jim always marched down both Forest Avenue as well as 5th Avenue with FDNY...ah, the good old days.😊 Now our good old days are in Naples and on cruises😉
  5. That certainly took a lot of courage and love on your little granddaughter's part. This was a big step on your daughter and grandchildren's part. I wish them happiness, Marietta. I wish you all so much happiness.💕
  6. Sorry to hear that Donna is not feeling well. Hopefully Chris will stay well, Donna feels better, and that you, Eric, and Donna's Mom will get to celebrate the happy couple with a Celebratory Dinner. Well, it sounds like Eric must've been quite the regular at Smokey Joe's😉 The Hofbrau on Staten Island was one of my "hang outs", which was a big meeting place for Wagner College students..good times!😊
  7. Thank you, Deb! Glad to hear that Andy's wrist if fully healed. About this cold.....dang, it's so cold, and not ready for this! It's supposed to be dang cold like this for the next 10 days here..
  8. Thank you, MJ! It's heartwarming to hear about Charlie and his many accomplishments! I do appreciate hearing how well he is doing. Thank you for sharing!
  9. Thank you all for your caring and good wishes for Ryan. I'm so lucky to be a part of this wonderful family! Love you guys ❤️
  10. Yes, you certainly did...and I thank you for your encouraging words, OB!! We're just so happy that that day arrived which has given him his freedom back. Amazing!
  11. I love this! Jade is so beautiful, but doesn't seem too thrilled by Survivor. We missed the first 12 minutes since we'd just gotten home from Ava's All Star Field Hockey game, so we did miss the Survivor Challenge tonight. Did I mention how cold it was at the game?
  12. Great to hear your little grandson was discharged and is his normal happy lively little self. Best news, Sue!! How is your other little guy feeling?
  13. I wish Andy well! It's a bummer to have either bad knees or a bad hip, but to have both!!😢 I sure hope the anit-inflammatory meds work to give him the relief he needs. Poor Andy! How's his wrist and hand doing? It seems that they're all onboard for your get-together. Hopefully, you and Linda will both feel up for it and not feel fatigued. Here's to a good time!!!
  14. Ryan has been doing so well since he got his pump. It's like he's a different kid since getting it...big smile on his face...he's begun eating with us again, since he doesn't have to first figure out what he's going to be eating, figure out the math between the carbs and insulin, and not having to get his shot 15 minutes before he eats each meal. Of course, he still has to do the carb and insulin stuff, but it's a whole new world...in the best way!! Thank you so much for asking!🌹 BTW...how has Eric been doing with his back? New memories made with old friends. Priceless! Whoot whoot!
  15. @Sunshine3601 and @brillohead Several years ago, our daughter saw brother and sister, Bonnie and Clyde, needed a home after their elderly owner passed away. We were in Florida, and our daughter kept seeing on FB that they needed a home. She took them both home to join her fur baby Scoutie, who was getting on in age. She was told the dogs were elderly, although their ages were not known. She gave them a loving home. Clyde was diabetic, and needed extra care. I don't know how she did it, she had to give Clyde injections every day. Clyde lived for quite a few years before his body gave out. Our daughter and grandsons lost Scoutie last year...he was at least 15 years old, and they lost Bonnie while we were on our cruise last month.
  16. Bobbie sounds like quite a character!! Too funny with his tantrums! I would never think that kitties could have tantrums!😊
  17. @firefly333Glad to hear that your Mom is feeling better. How horrible that you got so sick on your cruise from your food. That's so scary!
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