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Everything posted by Luckynana

  1. Last night, our granddaughter Meghan and her team became the CCC North Champs in Girls Field Hockey. Meghan is also a Captain on her team. Luckily for us, we're able to watch our grandchildren on YouTube for most of their games. On Thursday evening, we were watching Meghan's game. They were ahead 1 to nothing for most of the game, and just toward the end of the game, the other team scored, tying up the game. They were going into overtime, and whichever team scored first, they would win the game. The clock was set for 10 minutes, and both teams went onto the field. I looked down at my phone, and Meghan's team scored, winning the game! So exciting for the girls...I can't believe I missed the shot...they couldn't have been on the field for an entire minute when I looked away.
  2. Bonnie, I understand your anxiety about the surgery. I felt the same way. Can your dr prescribe something for the day of surgery? I have anxieties at times, and the dr gave me something to take. I've had both eyes done...truly, it's a piece of cake! (not really cake, but you'll be amazed at how painless it is) The biggest bonus is...wait for it....no more eyeglasses!!!! It's a win-win! You'll do great! Great news about your ankle!!!! LOL--Jim uses the word knucklehead!! It's so crazy that cats go into small objects; I saw where a cat actually climbed into an empty fish bowl and fit! (or was it here on our thread, that I saw it??🤷‍♀️)
  3. I had a weird experience right after I posted a couple of hours ago. As I went to "like" someone's post, CC just totally stopped working for me! I could no longer get on, so I knew it was time for me to go outside and begin the outside work that was waiting for me. After coming back in, I was hoping the wonkiness was over, and happily, here I am again!😁 I still can't log in to my phone, though..🤷‍♀️
  4. Happiness is having a working dryer!! I'm glad it was fixed and tubing and vent cleaned out. Great news! I worked in 2 Broadway right after Graduation, back in 1966. I worked for Moore-McCormack Lines (the Lobby had one of our cruise ships in a case there...the ships were the Argentina and the Brazil, if I remember right). I may have mentioned at another time, that my Dad had helped to build 2 Broadway. I then moved to Ft. Lauderdale with 2 of my girlfriends, and from there I traveled to Monterey, California and stayed with family friends, until I could meet up with my brother in San Diego, where he was stationed with the Navy. All leave got canceled, so I came back to NY, where I began working on Park Avenue, as an Executive Secretary. As I mentioned yesterday, after my boss passed away, I began working downtown again, for White and Case, which if I remember right, was on Maiden Lane.
  5. I loved typing and using shorthand! One of my jobs in NYC was as an Executive Secretary in midtown. My boss was a VP and passed away. After his passing, I took a job at White & Case (Mayor Giuliani was a Lawyer there) as a Legal Secretary before leaving to marry Jim and begin raising our family. I'm so sorry to hear of the troubles in your Country, Dani. 😢 It is good to have you back. You were truly missed. (I still can't log in on my phone, even after mema and Graham advised me...darned thing just won't cooperate) Jim and I will both sit in aisle seats across from each other on long flights...
  6. The pizza, sandwiches, grilled veggies, cookies and some pastries are all at no charge...
  7. @reallyitsmemaAaarggghhhh! Still won't work! Luckily I'm not a hair puller, or I would've been pulling it out in frustration! JK!😁 At this point, I'm just glad that I can get on and respond on my chrome book. Thank you for all of your help.🌺
  8. Hmmm. I will have to try that. I had turned off my phone last night, hoping that would've helped me out. I will turn my phone off and see what happens. Thank you!
  9. Jim was able to begin collecting his Pension right after retiring, since he had already put in 30 years in the New York Fire Dept. I was unable to begin collecting until I turned 55.
  10. Thank you for going to all of trouble for me, Mema! I followed all of the above, and it still just gives me the same notice. This is so frustrating! Hopefully one day soon, it will just correct itself, like Debbie's work computer did for her. Grrrr!! Thank you again.🥰
  11. +1 @Sea Dog I just realized that Jim and I both retired 23 years ago!! I don't know where the time has gone, although I can look at our grandchildren and see where it has gone!💕
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