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Everything posted by lincslady

  1. I wonder if Fred is hoping to pick up the people who are disappointed with the new regimes on P and O and other lines of going much more casual.
  2. Sorry for my ignorance, but that does not look like a bacon roll, Graham - can you enlighten me? My breakfasts are always chez moi unless I am staying away.
  3. One might argue that they should be large enough in the first place, assuming they are a main course.
  4. Thanks, kalos. Awake at 4.15 but I had had 6 hours, so no complaints. I think many of us are awake very early most nights, but don't want to bore the rest of you too much with our tales! In my case, waking early obviously means tired and sleepy by 9 p.m., a vicious circle.
  5. Just for once I am pleased to be reading about your adventures, Fletcher, rather than being on the ship with you. I think that is mainly due to old age and lack of get up and go, but hope it will prove to be not just interesting but also really enjoyable. It is many years since I was in West Africa, but it can be a challenge, certainly. Though mitigated a lot by returning to a cool ship and some civilised eating, drinking and socialising after a day ashore. Bon voyage, and looking forward to further instalments.
  6. I was talking about flying before noon! Disembarking; last time I was on board they hoped you would be off certainly before 10. Anyone flying home from Athens before noon does need to be off the ship pretty early (yes, probably with your luggage having been kept) and with one of the recommended taxi firms.
  7. So good to hear from you. A shame about your hotel restaurant - but no doubt you will feel that is of little importance compared with what you have been going through. There is no doubt illness or disability concentrate the mind wonderfully in what really matters, and make you appreciate the good simple things in life, like a good family and friends, spring blossom, etc. etc. and fret less about unimportant stuff (Though we all do sometimes of course). Here's hoping it was a worthwhile visit.
  8. Is that so that she can do the cooking?
  9. Quite a lot of people love to have several courses, but find two appetizers is plenty for them. Me included, nowadays. Of course it should be 'allowed', and hopefully will be soon when the staff have settled down and are less afraid of doing the wrong thing. 'The customer is always right' does actually apply in this sort of case.
  10. It sounds a bit like when TK started -staff, some of them new and young, being 'trained' to serve in a certain way and not being confident enough to deal with passengers in a relaxed manner , therefore coming over as stiff and bossy. It should settle down, though of course in the meantime passengers are not getting a good experience .It also applied to some of the putting together of dishes in TK; I had an appalling caesar salad made at the table by a poor girl who had obviously never made one before.
  11. He is a brave soul, Mysty. You will get the benefit of the photos and description when he returns (if he doesn't need to sleep straight away). Lola
  12. And it does feel like we are all being rained on at present, both literally and metaphorically. (Though not the King's fault).
  13. Yes, but not as much as McVitie's dark choc. digestives. It was heartening to read the latest theory from the scientists - though no doubt it will change next week - is that dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and little sugar is good for you. Those in your photo do look good and nicely gooey. Lola
  14. I tried Oreos once, and couldn't understand why anyone likes them. I obviously have unusual tastebuds. But I do like dark (must be dark) chocolate digestives. I have not even heard of Tim Tams - enlighten me. Just love your Penguin story, Davey - they were absolute favourites of everyone when I was a schoolgirl in ancient times. Lola
  15. Thanks, kalos - I can remember being useful in supermarkets reaching up for things for little old ladies, and thinking that it is unfair to have stuff up so high small people have to wait for someone tall to come along. I realised that when the last few bottles of special offer were right at the back of a high shelf in Sainsbury's, and I had to get a very tall young assistant to get them for me. I hope everyone who has medical stuff to deal with today gets seen promptly and helped by the consultation or procedure. It will be a good day on here when no one has medical problems to deal with - it could happen, hopefully!
  16. Starting to feel like a giant at 5' 7". Used to be an inch and a half taller from the age of 12 until fairly recently. One advantage of being small is that you are shorter than all the boys! They do tend to prefer girls who don't tower over them. (Apart from Bernie Ecclestone and Rod Stewart of course). Jane, lots of luck with the new diagnosis. It can probably just sit there for years without causing trouble - I have had one in the brain for 30 years which apparently has not grown; just made me completely deaf in that ear, which is how it got diagnosed.
  17. I have found recent forecasting pretty accurate - it is the weather that can't make its mind up nowadays. Graham, I think you have hit the sweet spot with your cruising. Reading the comparisons with Fred, you get the best of both worlds for less cost. A comparatively less expensive overall cruise, but with excellent dinners each night.
  18. That is a shame. I hope the dinner at the Pearl Tower is great - I am not sure I could cope with moving round the scenery at that height! But the views will be fantastic.
  19. I was going to ask if you had seen a Chinese acrobatic show, Mysty, but no doubt as you have been there before you will have done so already. I found them almost unbelievable. My favourite ship, Seabourn Sojourn, is with you in Shanghai, I see. I imagine the weather is getting a bit more amenable now?
  20. I agree about the possible percentage of smokers onboard. I suspect this has been one of Fred's main attractions recently, a deliberate decision by their management.
  21. Thanks, we understand now. Your first report sounded as if there were more than two casualties, perhaps from an accident on board. I hope you were able to reassure the ship's Doctor; it must be hard to make the right decision in this situation.
  22. I was up (well, awake) very early, Davey, then had a mug of tea with shot of whisky in and went back to sleep. Just woken again. I do hope nothing too disastrous aboard the Muse, no doubt we will find out soon.
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