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cruising sister

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Everything posted by cruising sister

  1. My Wal-mart pharmacy has been very strict about being 30 days between Medicare Covid test pick up. I plan on going tomorrow and again next month before they stop in April. So if you picked some up today you still have time for more next month. Remember it is 8 tests per month for each Medicare recipient.
  2. New cast on and boy is it different. My fingers are totally free and thumb to first knuckle. This guy knew what he was doing. It is tighter but he said the other was to loose and I agree. I felt like I could have wiggled out of it in a few days as the swelling improves. I am not saying I am happy to have it but it is better.
  3. It was Alexandria Egypt on the Brilliance of the Seas . Lots of explanations and rumors floating around. We all got our money back even though more than halfway through the cruise. I know the shore excursions were very expensive and we booked through the ship due to the distance to see the pyramids and the guarantee to get back to ship. Unfortunately we never end docked.
  4. I have to agree with the scent being a problem. I bring a small bottle of dish soap and bring my own small shampoo if cruise over 7 days. As stated earlier I can’t open their metal cans so reusable cup works best for me.
  5. Good morning, Thanks to all that contribute to the Daily, I know it is a lot of work and appreciated by all. I love the quote and the random act of kindness and caregiver day. I am with @dfishmy garbage will wait another week. Not worth the risk of falling again. @aliaschiefi would not worry about expiration dates. Check with the manufacturer most have been given extended dates. Once the ice melts I will be heading to the pharmacy myself for another set of 8. I used some after my cruise before my surgery to make sure I was not going into surgery sick with something more than a mild runny nose. Fingers crossed roads are clear and the new cast this afternoon will be ok. It could be a long weekend if not.
  6. I hate the two tops in the MDR as they are so close together. Hubby had cancer so I asked to be farther away. Still didn’t work so we OVC for dinner, MDR for breakfast and lunch as they could accommodate our request. One word of caution is that food was not that great but we managed to find something to eat.
  7. I have been getting 8 free Covid tests from my pharmacy for several months. You just need to show your red white and blue card Medicare card at any pharmacy. They put it in as a prescription. You can do it once a month. This may stop soon as they are redoing the guidelines. I will pick up some more before it stops so I have plenty for my next few cruises.
  8. I hate the cans of water I can’t open them myself, they are sharp and don’t reseal. I bring my own refillable bottle and yes I fill it using a clean cup at the ice water machine.
  9. Snowing here too covering a layer of ice. No trash cans out for me. I have put a gauze pad over incision and I limiting the use of my arm until cast changed out. Thanks for suggestions.
  10. Good morning, I just returned from getting my cast. Unfortunately the tech ended the cast on my incision from taking the tendon in my forearm. I did not notice until in the car. Every time I move my arm it rubs it. I have left a message to get it redone. It won’t be today as we are covered in a layer of ice and don’t feel like tempting fate. I probably fit the grumpy definition now. The first time I visited Barcelona was in the winter. I turned a corner and there were a dozen or so shivering naked bodies laying on the ground with red paint on their bodies. They were protesting animal cruelty. People walked by without a care. I can just imagine the outcry we would experience if that happed here. My cutting the cord story involves my son on the way to his wedding. I told him today would be a painful day. He asked why and I told him when you cut the cord after 35 years it really hurts. He laughed and hugged me. He is a true momma’s boy.
  11. Good afternoon, Kansas City is crazy with the Chiefs parade. I am content watching it on TV. Yesterday was not as bad as I thought it would be being my first Valentines Day alone. Friends picked me up for lunch (my first outing since surgery). Unfortunately, he brought one of those tall pick up trucks with no runningboards. I had to be boosted up by my behind to be able to get into the seat. Laughs all around for everyone. Oh my gosh @luvteachinghow traumatic that had to of been to witness. The bad part of all the confidentiality is that those who witnessed traumatic events like that don’t often get closure. Back in the old days they would’ve informed you on his status. I believe we need confidentiality but I wish there was a way that you could know what happened. I get my new cast tomorrow. I had tried to talk her into a brace only prior to surgery, but she said no. I told her I would try the cast but if I hated it, I wanted the brace. I know other surgeons brace only afterwards. I live alone, and she thinks I would not be good. She said she has worse outcomes with medical professionals not behaving after surgery. I will try to be good because I have a trip planned for first of May. My sweet niece went home Monday. The backstory on her is that she has a seizure disorder secondary to multiple brain surgeries. She went into status epilepticus and I took 3 days to stop the seizures. Her doctor put her on reduced work with FMLA paperwork. Unfortunately, her last place of employment didn’t understand the rules. At one point they all sat around in a circle and told her how her reduced work schedule negatively affected them. I told her that was not legal to do and start documenting everything. She filed an EEOC complaint and a lawyer in Denver took her on her case. She obviously left that employer and is trying to find new employment. She is a sweetheart, but people really don’t understand the effects of epilepsy and how it can take a while to come back from what she went through seizing for three days. She has made it to the final round a handful of interviews and is getting a little depressed. I’d like to put her on the prayer list. prayers and well wishes to all that need it.
  12. Good morning and Happy Valentine’s Day to all, Lots of health issues going on and prayers and well wishes to those in need. Since I am one handed I will be brief. I am amazed at how much Jacqui can do with one hand. So I have hope. Friends are picking me up for lunch so I will be out and about a bit today. The shower and hair fixing was my workout today. Take care all, Lorraine
  13. Good afternoon, It is a lazy day for me today. My niece goes home today and I must do for myself. It will be ok as the pain turned around yesterday. My grandkids came yesterday to watch the game (Go Chiefs!). Their mother must have lectured them on the way over a little too much. They both were initially afraid to come near me. By the end of the game and with the fireworks going off all around they were better. I always wondered why my dad never changed his name. I asked my grandmother why she named him that and she said he was named after an uncle. So there was at least two men named Harry Head. Prayers and good wishes to all.
  14. Good afternoon, I will keep this short as it has been a rough day. Block has definitely wore off. Bon voyage to all and prayers for those on care list. Lorraine
  15. Good morning all, It was rough night last night. Felt like fireworks going off in my hand. I did break down and take some of the pain medicine and it’s much better. I don’t know why we’re so stubborn and resistant to taking medicine but as we get older, we do get more worried. I will keep this short, but I want to wish well to all those who are suffering and I hope everyone has a wonderful vacation who are off sailing the seas.
  16. Good afternoon, I am back from my surgery. Left arm is numb which is a weird feeling. Anesthesiologist advised taking the 12 hour morphine at bedtime. He said it will hurt when it wakes up. Surgeon said lots of arthritis so it should feel better once healed. My angel of a niece is taking good care of me. Prayers to all on and if the list. Happy sailings to the lucky ones leaving on their next cruise.
  17. When I sailed the Haven was full and only about 50% outside the Haven. I agree outside would be a madhouse if full. We only left for our specialty dining.
  18. I found the butler in the Haven much more responsive. It was almost comical how many treats she brought us. When I was on the Infinity our butler told us to go to the retreat lounge for our afternoon snack. Granted Infinity will not compare to Beyond so you would need hear from someone who has experienced it.
  19. I sailed the Joy in the Haven last November. The pool does have a retractable cover but is was closed for our cruise. There is a Haven sun deck that can get crowded. I liked the Haven restaurant and it had both indoor and outdoor seating. I had no problem with fixed menu as it was all, tasty. The Retreat restaurant on Celebrity have many things I did not like so the rotating was not a decision maker for me. You can always leave the Haven to enjoy the rest of the ship. I find the specialty dining no different than the other cruise lines. I would cruise the Haven on the Joy again with no hesitation.
  20. I just picked up my post op meds. I am getting a little concerned as she prescribed morphine and oxycodone. I need to discuss with her before surgery about what kind of pain I will be experiencing. I am glad my niece will be staying with me for a few days.
  21. I see it on the Hal invoice under special services.
  22. You really did a number on your ribs! Fortunately they will heal but it will take time. The small pleural effusion should resolve on its own too. I am glad you will see your doctor. I as a physician am a little disappointed they did not contact you sooner. Be careful with the luggage. When I broke my ribs I was taking my husband for one of his many treatments and he could not lift and I am sure I prolonged my recovery getting luggage in and out of the car.
  23. The 2 vaccines are the prevnar 13 or maybe now the 19 that just came out and the 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine which is the original one we all got. So many people got the 23 valent vaccine at 65 before they recommended the other one too. Yes,you only get the 23 valent vaccine once. Many people do not know about the newer recommendations for the additional vaccine.
  24. Good morning all, I woke up to an alert on my phone saying possible Covid 19 exposure. Through my blurry eyes I didn’t see much more and it disappeared. I am sure it was the cruise or the plane. I wore my mask in the airport and on the plane and did not attend any shows on the ship. My fingers are double crossed.. I have no symptoms and a negative test this morning. The rest of the family is healthy. Surgery is tomorrow morning. I feel lucky with only some aches and pains from my fall. I have had broken ribs in the past and it does take time to heal and not much they can do. I remember my husband had to hold my head so I could lay down on the bed due to the pain. @Seasick Sailorit is frustrating when you don’t hear back in a timely fashion. If you can sign on and see the report just skip the mumbo jumbo and read the impression. That should be clear enough to know if a break or not. Roy it sounds like you are making strides. There will be good days followed by not so good days. Pneumonia is such a risk for us senior citizens. Hopefully everyone is up to date on their pneumonia vaccines. There is actually 2 to get now. Prayers to all on the care list and for the earthquake victims. Lorraine
  25. There seems to be a few of us on the Grand Australian cruise next year. I am both excited and afraid at the same time. It will help that some nice people from this group will be with me too.
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