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Anita Latte

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Posts posted by Anita Latte

  1. Sally...very sorry to hear that you have to live with a condition but glad that it can be managed and that it won't be too much of a hinderance...that you can still enjoy life. It's a good reminder to make the most of everyday...to not procrastinate...to not be ruled by fear or anxiety but to have an understanding that things can change drastically overnight.


    I know 2020 has been a rough year for many...for those people that have had an active life...2020 may have been severely restricting. Certainly family get togethers, especially for those of us that don't live near family, were non-existent. And so many other changes to things that we expected to do and places we expected to go...but putting all that aside...2020 was a banner year for me.


    It began on the best note possible with my parents and son home. Both were with us for an extended visit...DS for about 4 weeks...my parents for something like 6? A lady's trip in January that included my mom meant that my parents extended their visit with us...and the lady's trip was amazing...so much fun and one of those events that has sustained me in the months that followed. I've become so much closer to these ladies...we have talked WAY more over the past year than we have in so many years prior because of the current situation. I've had fun daily conversation in a way that I haven't had in YEARS...but this year, because everyone else's life was reduced so much, my life was filled up more. And we started having weekly Zoom calls which usually is a highlight of my week and a way that I mark time...and I've become so much closer to these ladies...I feel so blessed to have these friendships.


    DH and I got that last cruise in in February...


    DS came home before my birthday in March and stayed with us for 5 months. At the same time, DH's work enabled him to work from home...so we were able to have a very close and wonderful time together as a family that we didn't get during DS's final semester in high school when DH was traveling to FL from NC every week. 


    DH got a promotion at work...


    We bought a house for the first time in 10 years...and it is a very satisfying place with enough projects which is something that I really enjoy. And I'm so glad that DS was here to have some memories in our new home so that it won't be a strange place when he is able to return.


    He found a wonderful flat in London with a great young man whose family lives in London...who have "adopted" him in some ways...helping us tremendously in so many ways...and honestly, making life easier for us (if stressful) because we had no way of doing anything except what we did...which is nothing much to contribute to the whole flat hunting and securing. And even though DS couldn't be home...this was bound to happen eventually...and when it did he had a family to celebrate with. He successfully finished his first college year and his school has been dealing well with the pandemic issues and his forward progress, while not a varied as it could be...not as enriched with all the guest instructors and performances and talks IRL...has continued without losing it's basic quality.


    I'm grateful that overall, our health has been okay. It recent months...and even yesterday...my knee injury has made itself known...affecting my abilities to do what I want. This isn't unexpected after what could be 3 years of significantly reduced activity...and 9 months of SIGNIFICANTLY reduced activity.


    I had imagined that the enforced inactivity would result in a focus on personal health this year...and that didn't happen. I had also hoped that I would have made inroads into figuring out what I want to be when I grow up...and that hasn't happened either. 2020 has been low for me in the personal growth department...and I'm disappointed in myself for that...but I have finally figured out some things regarding less important but still impactful things...like my taste in decorating and what things about my dwelling ultimately support me pursuing my best self. And feeling free to focus in some self improvement because there really isn't much else to do yet.


    And I'm grateful for that as well. I also don't subscribe much to new year resolutions...coming to the same conclusion that it's best to just get started on changes you want...but with the spirit of the new year...that kind of invigorated attitude that can help motivate in the absence of other catalysts...I am hoping that this time next year I'll be expressing my gratitude for my improved physical conditioning...and maybe have sorted a bit more toward something more constructive to do with my time that satisfies that whole idea of what I want to be when I grow up.

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  2. Sally!!! So glad you posted. Margaret picked the best word...disturbing...just with life being what it is right now...there’s greater concern when you don’t hear from someone. I know people come and go but right now...it’s just wonderful to hear from you. 


    I’m very sorry to hear about medical issues. I hope you are on the road to recovery...glad to hear you have good support.


    What a wonderful gift to see your daughter. DS got to be with his flatmate’s family for the holiday. They went to stay with them for several nights...not exactly sure when they’ll go back to their flat. They had a wonderful sounding feast and he even got presents...sounded like he was having a good time. On the “rest” between the “linner” meal and dessert he called. We talked for several hours. I’m so grateful for internet calling!


    Here’s a funny...he was happy to spend time away from the nightingales. Apparently north London is filled with nightingales...and they make quite a racket every night. South London has parakeets...not nightingales. 😂 

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  3. Your chairs look wonderful Laurie! Nice nailhead trim! And the tufted backs. They look great. I think chairs with a more upright supportive sit are more comfortable long term. The color looks good too. I don't know about the pillows being overstuffed? But they do look a little large overall. I think those chairs would look really nice with a more lumbar style pillow...more of a rectangle than a square. I might keep those pillows as they are and maybe have a basket or something for them? Those are the type of pillows that I put on my lap to support a book or my iPad... They are handy.

  4. So I realized that yesterday I went to what could be called a "super spreader" event LOL.


    If you aren't aware of the Jupiter and Saturn Convergence...it was last night. It's when the two planets' viewing line from Earth makes them appear as one star because they are so close together. It only happens every however many years...and I think I read something about how Earth's current "close" position in relation to the Jupiter and Saturn hasn't happened since 1226? Don't quote me on that though...I'm relying on memory here.


    Anyway...here's my story...and if you aren't interested...don't read LOL.


    So Saturday...I didn't get my second latte in. We were busy and it just didn't happen. We've been trying to cut down on our eating out spending...things like the Starbucks drive thru...it starts to feel bad when you are in a huge drive thru line waiting a fair amount of time for the privilege of spending way too much for what is admittedly a tasty drink...but still. Well it was late...almost sunset...I was feeling a bit bummed about the news out of the UK that will impact DS's Christmas plans...DH was like, let's go get lattes and sit somewhere and look at the water.


    Being able to just go and look at the water whenever the mood strikes was a motivation for us to move closer to the coast and away from Orlando...so off we went.


    It was almost sunset and I wanted to be looking westward and so we headed out to the St Johns river area to admire the sunset. One other vehicle was there and they left soon after...but then these two older than us adults show up. It was very odd. Here we are with our vehicle literally pointing directly at the sunset and there's plenty of space for these guys to get a good view and they stand RIGHT in front of our truck and I'm like...What the?!?


    So he walks around to DH's driving side and almost apologetically starts to ask us about whether or not we were there to look at Jupiter and Saturn? Say what?


    So we learn about the convergence...again...a good friend had told me about it but I hadn't been thinking about it Saturday. So we could see the planets that night! And we realize that this little spot is a great viewing spot. The river valley is HUGE and there aren't many lights nearby...so we made a plan to go back there Monday night...


    And so did a LOT of other people LOL.


    We showed up shortly after sunset...the little lot is pretty packed and cars are starting to park all along the highway. It's a bit like a rocket launch in the way that the crowd is parking wherever there is room. We were fortunate with our 4Runner to be able to access a spot right at the opening of the parking area. As we were walking to the end...to the water overlook...we realize that there are so many people around...and a lot of them are wearing masks...DH headed back to get our masks for us.


    And then we went straight to the end where there was plenty of room.


    I'll say this right now...there were obvious "pods" of people where households or close family or friends had arrived together and were maintaining distance between their GROUP and other GROUPS. The crowd looked worse that it actually was. I've been closer to people in the grocery store...for instance. Many people were sitting in the bed of their trucks...things like that.


    Here's the sunset...






    There was a man there with an absolutely INSANE telescope. There is something to be said for living on the Space Coast when it comes to astrological events.




    The owners were nice enough...they let those of us nearby take a look with the caveat that you couldn't touch it and you couldn't get your eye too close. He had it pointing at the moon first. Just amazing...


    After it was darker...he pointed it towards the convergence. Only those that were in the immediate area were alerted to the generosity of this couple. Both DH and I got to look at both the moon and the convergence. We could see 4 of Jupiters moon...Jupiter's clouds...the rings of Saturn. Such a wonderful experience...


    After checking out the planets through the telescope...we headed back home. We were getting attacked by the mosquitoes LOL.


    There's nothing like a great cosmic event to put into perspective how small you are...


    IDK if this is going to translate with all the compressions that may happen to the file...but zooming in on this photo...you can see the "Christmas Star" which is the convergence. It's the white dot to the right of center in the pic...above the main grouping of pink clouds...just below a dark cloud. If you see the white dot to the upper left...that's an airplane.




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  5. Yes! We needed to get out of the house for a bit on Saturday I think? Anyway, we hit the Starbucks drive thru and I wanted to watch the sunset. We headed westward to a good location and were sitting in the car watching. Another car showed up and the man asked if we were there to see Jupiter and Saturn. We talked to him a bit about it and were able to see how close they were on Saturday but today is the big day right? I’m thrilled that we’ve figured out a really good viewing location away from the city lights...well head out there again tonight. Does make me wish I had a telescope. The man and his friend had a big ole telescope they set up on a stand. In other circumstances I would be forward enough to ask for a look and the man was so nice, he would likely have offered...but not these days.

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  6. I have had so much fun looking at Millie Bobby Brown pics! OMG. I pay attention to such things and so I had no idea who she was or how she dressed "IRL" LOL or anything. She dresses FUN! Of course, she's young but I must say that I really enjoyed looking at all her pictures.


    I can totally see how you see Natalie Portman, Margaret...I agree. Especially when her hair is lighter. I don't think she's either FIRE or AIR. She doesn't look horrible in black but she doesn't look all that great in white, so that's confusing on the ICE possibility. I feel like she looks better in richer colors...with more color. Whenever she wears the paler colors...I think she looks more washed out. You know how I'm a Soft Autumn? What are the different ways of ICE? Winter? I'm curious... She's definitely not a Soft Autumn...with her creamy skin and dark eyes...and I have no idea what her real hair color is...but she's definitely a more high contrast person than a "soft" person.


    I love those pants too M but definitely have too much butt/thigh to wear them...I think Mom could wear them...she looks great in the skinny pants...so I think she could get away with the fuller ruffles. That whole outfit is fun...but I couldn't wear those ruffles near the neck either...


    I could see you in the coat. Totally. Not me though. Too much contrast. Too geometric for me.


    You're making me want to look at fashion mags. I think I did get an Instyle at some point since March. 


    Laurie...I'm very familiar with the whole pod idea even though it isn't talked about much here in the states. That concept has been talked about a lot in UK. I think it's too bad that it wasn't talked about here...but I know of at least one other family that has the same thing going on with the grands.


    Your Beermas sounds so very fun. A really great idea. I'm going to keep that in mind for DH. Definitely expensive though for sure. We love craft brew also and if you're fortunate enough to have a place that will sell singles...what a fun thing to do!


    This home is the first real open concept home I've lived in. I've had homes where the kitchen is somewhat open to an informal dining and family room area...but not like this. The full vision of what could be will be realized when we take down that wall to the half wall. Then the kitchen will truly be open. 


    We've only had a gas fireplace in one house...gas starters yes, full fireplace? Just one. I didn't like it personally but I wonder if it was installed properly. The glass would fog up on that fireplace or something like that...and you couldn't see the fire well through the glass. I really missed the crackle of the fire also. I understand the appeal if you live in an area that is subject to no burn days though. I really love a fire...we've often used the fireplace and the kitchen to heat heat up where we "live" in our homes...and leave the heat off or down very low to be able to sleep in cool bedrooms.

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  7. Very festive Melody! I've been slowing decorating here and there as I get the house sorted. Finally cleared off the buffet/sideboard and the little bar top. Outside Walmart they had the most wonderful looking poinsettias! And only $4.97! I couldn't resist. 










    I haven't been back to Lowe's for a few days...much earlier they had the most beautiful Cyclamen plants. A Christmas tree farm we used to go to in TX had the most gorgeous cyclamen but they were always so expensive...I never got one. They can grow outdoors here! They are like cheap landscaping plants! LOL. With the house finally getting sorted...and the horizontal surfaces being cleared of all the cases of the dropsies...I'm totally get one...and an orchid too I think. 


    Laurie...I figured you never had laundry backlog. I'm steadily making my way through. I got all the spare sheets and other linens (tablecloth) that we use for beach and camping done yesterday. I still have to figure out how to wash DH's kilt. It's a cargo kilt and not wool. Stuff like that...I just set it aside and do my Scarlett impression...thinking about TOMORROW. Or the next day. Or the day after that...or heck...2 years later...LOL. Not really...only 1.


    I'm not joking btw.


    We went to the Renaissance Festival over around Tampa last February...Sigh.


    I would think of your Christmas dinner as Tapas or small plates! Sounds very fun...especially with more than two people! Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Years have usually involved a spiral ham and a whole salmon in some combination. I like doing the big roasts like turkey and ham...I like having the food for days after. And I love the bean soup that I make with the ham bone and what is left clinging to it.


    So...if you look again at the pictures I posted...the wall with the mountain scene artwork leaning against it is the wall that I have been talking about making into a pony or half wall. You can see the front entry door in the background (my magnet hooks are on it with a couple face masks hanging from them LOL). What you can't see is that the wall is a freestanding wall...here...




    I can finally take this shot because my house is somewhat clean! LOL. So there's our little bar top on the right and behind the buffet is the wall that I want to take down to just above the electrical outlets on the other side. It'll completely open up the kitchen.


    With the proximity of the front door though...just to the left of this photo...it doesn't really make sense to make a whole big bar top across the whole kitchen...what I need is to maintain that wall space so that buffet continues to have a place to live! 


    On the right in this photo...you can see our pantry work in progress. DH got the thin set off the section where the old tile floor was still in the old pantry. The pneumatic hammer was PERFECT for that job. And you can see how I'm talking about needing to do the back wall (the cathedral ceiling wall) before we frame the pantry so that the scaffolding will still get in there close to the wall. And THAT freestanding wall...on the other side of that wall is what is planned as a dining room (because there's a chandelier)...the room that we think of as a flex room...that we call the yoga room because that's our plan for that room. 


    You can also see that dining set I bought on Craigslist kind of floating in the room. 


    That thing that kind of looks like a big flat florescent light is a sky light. There are three in the whole space...that skylight is one reason why we're not going to put a "roof" or ceiling on the pantry...just leave it open above. We saw some great closet lighting in Ikea last weekend...and I realized later that it would be perfect for the pantry...so we'll use that for when we need artificial light in the pantry.


    All the freestanding walls...this is why I think the bullnose corner bead will be so much more attractive that the squared off corner bead. Because the current wood top is not going to be replaced. The wood cap and the trim still on the one wall is what was on the other wall and I don't think it is in keeping with the whole vibe that we're creating. It's such a traditional design element...and we don't have a traditional home. I think squared off naked dry wall would look unfinished but I think the rounded dry wall will look more purposefully unadorned. 


    My latest wanderings on the world wide waste of time let me find a waterproof wall treatment called tadeladt. I think it is getting to be somewhat popular and making the rounds on some social media...from what I was reading in some blogs. Anyway, this is a comparative wall treatment to the Mormorino Venetian Plaster that I had found before that I decided to do for a backsplash alternative. Well...turns out that tadeladt is a traditional MOROCCAN wall treatment! LOL...cracks me up! I just really love that Moroccan influence...even if I don't know that what I like has Moroccan influence.

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  8. I love Carmel-by-the-Sea!!! That area of the world is one of my faves...or at least it used to be...I haven't been there in ages. I think the last time I was there was the big Y2K New Years trip we took to SF with Mom and Dad. We spent time in SF and then down the coast to Monterey Bay and Carmel. I have fond memories of that area of the world.


    Dad wrote the computer system software for the Monterey Bay aquarium when it first opened. How crazy does THAT sound? A very gifted software analyst my Dad... We loved that area of coastline forever but there are fun family stories related to the aquarium and it being built and stuff and such.


    DH went to a conference there once. I can't recall why I couldn't go? But I didn't but he brought me home a sweet print with two sea otters. It is just perfect because so many of the aquarium stories include the sea otters. Fun to have things that bring up memories.


    Talking about travel is fun. The Norway cruise is one we want to do as well. I have debated whether I would really want to do a cruise cruise or figure out a longer stay in Norway that includes cruising in the fjords but not by big cruise ship. I recall talking to my Brit lady friends in GA about Norway and one thing I remember vividly was the talk about how expensive it was. IDK if that was in general or because of exchange rates.


    I am not in the market for any clothing. AT ALL. I can't say that I have a full wardrobe. I think I have enough options that fit me that I could put together at least one outfit that would be suitable for most any occasion...otherwise I have a bunch of super stretch clothing that still fits. LOL. I'm waiting again for my body to recover...


    Meanwhile...we're at a good point with house projects but find ourselves increasingly frustrated by the state of the garage and the lack of unpacking and organizing there. This week has been dedicated to getting the house cleaned up and organized more. What goes where is really taking shape around here and things are finding homes. Getting Christmas out caused quite the mess and so there's some recovery going on there. My order for dry wall tools should be here by the end of the week and so while waiting for that I'm hoping to get things set up to move forward more efficiently with the projects.


    Does anyone else get the laundry backlog? It's like there are things that need to be washed but they are oddball things and so they get put aside until such a time as they may make a fuller load? I'm getting all caught up on stuff like that too.


    We're going camping on Jan 1 and 2. New Year's Day is DH's bday. I'm hoping that the weather is decent. We have cold weather kayaking pants...they are neoprene capris. We have a kayak hack planned involving stadium seats and our budget friendly kayaks. We'll see how that goes. The plan is to do some kayaking and be somewhere else for a couple nights. 

  9. Laurie that curtain fabric is GORGEOUS. Those daylight photo close ups with some backlighting really capture the beauty of the fabric. It's linen look background with an embroidery look pattern. I love it. 


    That pillow is TOTALLY off and I totally get it. First of all...any time there is an even number grouping...the grouping looks weird. Odd numbers make better groups. 3 or 5 is much better than 4. So 4 ornaments on the pillow is off. THEN they put the biggest heaviest ornament higher than two other ornaments...that is just WRONG. Based on what I thought appealing when I did graphics design...I would have put that big ornament off center to the RIGHT and lower. Still keeping 4 (not my fave), I would have put the green oblong one kinda close to the big one, but in the upper right of the big one. Then I would have put the red one in the lower left (but slightly higher than the horizontal plane of the lowermost tip of the big one) and then the smallest white one between the red one and the big one...so hard to put into words! Anyway...I totally get it...that pillow would make me nuts as well.


    Santa's Sleigh is my fave of those pillows.


    We went to Ikea yesterday and got a whole bunch of candles. I find it hard to find unscented candles and that's what I needed. I decorated my fireplace area. Our fireplace box isn't a true box...the sides are only rated for one of those Duraflame logs or similar. I wanted to make one of those candle ambiance fires.




    So there's 5 tapers on the right...another taper on the left...two squatty candles in the holders in front of the mirrors. And then several candles in the fireplace. It totally worked for the ambiance I was hoping to get.


    My painted papers are hanging to the right of the mirrors. You can see the blue painters tape at the top. What you can't see well is the color, but that is the color that we have picked out for the main color in the big gathering space. 


    The mirrors were in my Grandmother's home. She had a GINORMOUS powder room. Multiple ladies could have taken a trip to the powder room. There were two sinks in there and those mirrors hung above the two sinks. I've been looking for homes for my wall art and pieces and I think I like these mirrors above the fireplace. They are just leaning there right now. They are really ornate and fancier than the very rustic fireplace but I think it works with the overall look we are going for. I would dare to say that the mirrors could feel a bit Moroccan-like LOL. They work well with the poofs IMO.


    At first I was thinking that we should wait to get all the walls refinished before putting things on the walls...but I got to thinking that it would be better to find homes for things and know where things would go before redoing the walls. I usually seem to need to put a couple holes in the wall to get something exactly where I want it! So better to do that before all the wall work. It's a slow process. We're still settling in.


    I found two really decent bookcases on Craigslist last week. Not too tall (66') not too wide (24'). They work well in DS'/guest room. DS wants a library. I used to want a library before we moved so much... Anyway, he has a very wide selection of books and such...scores, biographies, a LOT of philosophy, some fiction...all sorts of books. Anyway all the books and such have been difficult to put away because we don't have book shelves!! LOL. The shelves are basically full...there's room for a little bit of growth...but not much. They fit well in the room.

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  10. If DS is in UK he can get the jab, as they call it there. A part of the Visa process was to pay a health care premium or fee or whatever you want to call it that makes him a part of the whole NHS over there. You don't have a choice...you have to pay it. It was fine with us really because our insurance wouldn't be valid over there as is and I'm not even sure that we could make it work over there anyway. Officially, he lives over there so it all makes sense.


    I haven't looked into the details regarding the whole plan of distribution...when last I was reading I thought I read that the current order of vaccines was enough to inoculate 0.5% of the UK population?, he's a robust almost 20-year old with no known morbidity factors other than the one we all face, so I'm willing to bet that he will be far far down the list...but I haven't verified that. 


    So please forgive me if I get a preachy with what I am about to write...It's all well intentioned.


    Sometime within the past week I hit the holiday blues in an awful awful way. We had splurged on a new tree and while it was beautiful, there were things about it that I didn't love, but was willing to overlook. Until we found the stupid cut wire that really only affected one silly bulb, but still. The wire was right at eye level, and even though we could have taped the stupid thing...I got really irritated because I paid a lot of money for this brand new tree. The wires were an odd gray green color in keeping with the blue spruce nature of the tree and we couldn't find any electrical tape that would match well...so I decided that this was all very stupid and I deserved a better tree for my money. I called up Home Depot to see what could be done.


    The tree, of course, was manufactured in China but even the representative was in China...this created all sorts of problems for getting extra parts etc and really the only option was to return the tree and order another one...which was still in stock but couldn't be delivered until Dec 15. And I'm thinking to myself...seriously? All this money and effort to enjoy a tree for a few lousy weeks?


    I was fed up and decided to just return the tree. I really just wanted life to fast forward and bypass the whole holiday season because it just didn't feel like Christmas at all. DH and are having our first ever Christmas alone and I was not expecting this to happen really in my lifetime...Christmas alone. For real.


    I had been trying to get in a Christmas spirit. As an only child...I can relate to DS's position and I didn't want him thinking that his dad and I were miserable at the holidays just because he couldn't be home. Especially knowing and hoping that he would be having a wonderful new experience of Christmas with his flat mate's family and not be alone at all. But my enthusiasm was founded in reasons that couldn't hold up when I got frustrated and angry and sad and upset and couldn't see another way to pick myself up.


    I went to a very bad emotional place. I mean the world was ending really. At least it might as well have been for as enthusiastic as I was about it all. 


    Anyway...I literally googled It doesn't feel like Christmas... And it was kind of amazing to see how many different times over the years that people wrote stories about how it doesn't feel like Christmas. Everyone has holiday traditions, whether it's about decorating a tree or the house, or going to the Nutcracker or other holiday related performance, the family watching holiday movies...the office parties, the chorus and band concerts...seeing the lights come on and just whatever anyone's THING is that is the signal that the holiday season is upon us.


    I really starting meditating on the idea of Christmas. Our family doesn't really do gifts. If we want something, we pretty much go get it if we can. We've taken DS more times than not out on Black Friday or thereabouts to pick out a guitar or an amp or another guitar...or whatever. Usually we figure out a more simple gift so that there is something to unwrap and of course, the stockings...which are more fun IMO...but like many, it's the being together that makes the holiday.


    And here's the preachy part... None of that has anything to do with Christmas.


    I don't know where your faith is but I'm a believer...a la Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... And when it comes down to it...Christmas is just a date on a calendar. Evidence suggests that we don't have the right date even and that it was selected to counter pagan tradition around the same time of year. So the date itself isn't really all that powerful.


    It's the message of Christmas that makes Christmas. And just like love isn't a feeling...nor really an emotion...though most get emotional about it...love is a powerful commandment and at times it is a difficult thing to continue to do with certain people in certain circumstance no matter the relationship. IMO Christmas should be the same way...and even though I have always enjoyed all the trappings of Christmas...a part of me has always sought to be sure to have a recognition for WHY all the trappings exist in the first place.


    And when I came to think on that more...I will tell you that I started to feel a bit more Christmas-y. I felt released from expectations about what Christmas SHOULD be.


    And even just today I came to a realization that anticipation is part of the feeling of Christmas. There are usually so many goings on and things to look forward to. And right now it is very hard for many of us to feel anticipation for anything. That is something that we each have to sort on our own. But I've come to a place where I can contemplate a new idea...have a fresh take on Christmas if you will. A fresh appreciation for what it IS and not what it ISN'T.


    I will probably be sad again...but being sad is usually a part of Christmas at some point. There's always something that isn't what it used to be...or something you wish could be different...but I do feel much better that I did.


    I hope my little story here is more encouraging than the times when people give out some sort of canned advise. I really hope you can find some joy. I hope everyone can. 

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  11. You mentioned being hungry so I did a quick search and found this article talking about two different local to you area food banks. There are links at the end of the article for donations.




    The article is old but I can't imagine that the situation has improved for these local organizations much.


    I'd like to also post a shout out to whoever posted earlier about making dressing/stuffing muffins. I'd never heard of that idea before. I made them today with left over dressing that I made just a few days ago for one of my ongoing Thanksgiving meals with new sides for DH and I. Such a great idea...with some green beans on the side, it was a perfect lunch.

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  12. Maybe if you put the crisp ironed curtain picture next to the one you took then we could see a difference but I think it looks great and can't see what you see IRL in the photo. The green sofa is a great addition! Great color to add into your space. Did I mention? I used to have dining room chairs that are really similar to that color? I think my chairs were a shade lighter and maybe a little more "spring green" with a touch more yellow but still, what I discovered about that color is that it fades into a nice neutral...similar to tan or khaki. I think nature trains our eye to see green like that...considering that it is the backdrop for all the other colors.


    I'm happy to hear you say you can see my shade fabric and the tiles in the same house. Both are what you could label "Moroccan-inspired" IMO. That is a common thread coming to life. I had been looking at tile for the kitchen floor for a LONG time...like since we put in an offer on the house...May. And I just couldn't find a look that I would want to live with. I totally understand what you mean when you say you can like something, but wouldn't want it in your own home. So just recently I was able to label a look that I am repeatedly attracted to and it started because of how I want to create a courtyard in the front of the house. That's how I wove my way around to Moroccan inspiration.


    Even that dining room set that I just bought off Craigslist has touches that can be associated with Moroccan design...the steel legs of the table and chairs...and the steel backs of the chairs. It's all reminiscent of the metal work you see in Moroccan design.


    The big thing you see all over, inside and out, is patterned tile. I thought the idea was crazy at first but I went with it and searched for "patterned tile" and then suddenly, there were so many tiles that were appealing to me. I don't want a busy floor...even though I want a pattern...and many patterns are SO busy. Also...I didn't want a high contrast pattern...and it's just a bonus that this tile reminds me of outside areas for whatever reason. I love it when the inside has touches of the outside. 


    Something I ordered a while back...we needed to replace our big circle ottoman. It's too tall for a foot rest...and I love my foot rests...so I picked out a couple Moroccan poofs...actually from a Moroccan vender on Etsy. I searched around for one that the reviews weren't too "goat" smelling:




    This is the lighter colored one. We also got a deeper brown color. I ordered them flat and then you stuff them with whatever you choose. I chose moving blankets! LOL. It was so fortuitous...we had purchased some bean bag like filler from JoAnn and I was getting set up to stuff them when I had to move the chair with all the moving blankets on it...which I still hadn't figured out where to store...and then it hit me that I could "store" the moving blankets in the poofs. And there you go.


    I understand your evolving thoughts on Harmony. It's actually the perfect word for describing a coordinated effort that doesn't conflict and isn't identical. I like harmony in that I like things to be coordinated but I like contrast. I feel like your choices are more analogous whereas mine would be more complementary. Everyone remember their art class? Analogous colors are next to each other on the color wheel while complementary colors are across from each other. You've got the orange, yellow, green thing happening in your space...especially if you put a lot of the wood tones into that orange category...and you're popping it with that deep oiled bronze color. It's really pretty Laurie!


    By comparison...you can see in the poof photo...my rug has blue and orange tones...those are complementary colors. My tones are more earthy...not Denver Broncos! LOL...but still...


    All this understanding helps so much for searching and communicating. I feel more productive when shopping LOL...and less frustrated because I can more easily find things that I like. I'm so fortunate that DH and I are attracted to the same things and feel comfortable in the same environments. 


    Other books that have helped me find words are Designology and Home Body. I got Designology off Hoopla...another app similar in function to Overdrive that you can access if your library subscribes to it. That book was find in digital form. The Home Body book though...you really need that one IRL...you need to see the page layouts...I got that one from my library.


    I can't believe how close to Christmas we are!!

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  13. Laurie...your curtains look wonderful! Great job. The length is just right...skimming just above the floor. I love the reflection of the tree in the window too! Super exciting to get the new couch!!


    i'm sorry to hear about your daughter...I remember all the excitement about the wedding. She does seem to be very happy in the photo though...and even though it may be a rough patch to walk through...on the other side, hopefully, she will be in a better position. I guess I'm having a hard time because I know my SIL's divorce was the best thing for her and her kids...so I know that it can not necessarily be a sad thing to have happen...but it isn't a happy time. I hope that everything can be sorted without ugliness. I hope she continues to be strong and I know that having her family around for support is the best thing.


    Melody...it's nice that you could have a family get together. I admit that the photos are odd to see...so much talk about how people aren't traveling and getting together this year. It's nice that you are all geographically close and so you can form a social bubble. I know others that have that...I don't, which is a bummer.


    This will be the first Christmas that DH and I will celebrate just the two of us.


    Our tile came in!! I love it. I'm so excited for it. It will be quite a while before we can lay it down. There's quite a bit of work to do before the new floor goes down. Right now, my enthusiasm is being fueled by a sense that I have finally figured out my own mind, I guess...I have a vision and I have a vocabulary that is helping me search to source things that are supporting my vision.


    I found the tile at Overstock and at Build.com. Overstock was almost 50% MORE than Build.com. I ordered from Build.com. It arrived on a palette with the tile cartons are saran wrapped tightly...just as I expected it to be. We inspected each and every tile and everything is good. There is one tile with a manufacturer defect where there is a surface chip in the corner...it'll definitely be cut off...or could be rather if we set that tile aside for one of those pieces so we aren't bothering with any claim.


    FYI...it shipped freight. The freight carrier then transferred it to another business unit because it was a residential delivery. Smaller box trucks. They said it would be delivered curbside...we have a LONG driveway...and so I was THRILLED when the delivery driver used his palette moving hand truck thing to wheel that palette to right in front of the garage. WHEW!!


    We laid out the tiles as a sort of preview...here it is:




    The dishwasher still has the blue protective film on it...I guess I'm waiting for after the floor goes down... The countertop between the fridge and the stove is more true to life than the countertop by the sink where the very yellow xenon lights are shining down on it. The tile is 18' and there are 7 tiles in the photo. We will be laying it down on the diagonal. Something about my phone makes a blue cast to the tile...so if you see blue gray...then that's the fault of my phone. It is much more neutral gray and it isn't quite as contrasting as the photo might suggest...but you can definitely see the pattern easily.


    We're only doing the kitchen in this tile. Eventually we'll replace that small white tile you can see in the distance...that's the laundry room. That's the same tile that was still in the old pantry that we took out. I have several ideas floating around as to what to do about the floors in the house...but one step at a time.

  14. WOW Laurie...that's crazy on the meteor!


    Nice work on the tile. My Grandpa was a wood worker. He was an artist with wood as well as just being an all around amazing carpenter. He put wood flooring in all his homes...as I write this, I'm trying to remember if the last home he did before he passed had wood in the kitchen...but I don't think it did? Maybe it did though...it's been a long time since I've been there. It's just that I am aware of all the damage that liquids in general can do to wood. I had wood in a kitchen in KS and it was okay...it's nice how the floor is one continuous floor...and the wood floor was a bit nicer if you did drop something, having a bit more give to it than tile...but I prefer tile in a wet area.


    I know our home would have a better flow if the kitchen were to be the same floor as the rest. Right now, except for the laundry room (small walk through from the garage), the small area in front of our room's shower with the toilet (the sinks are on the other side of a pocket door), and the secondary bathroom floor (all these are different tiles), the entire house is laminate floor. The ENTIRE house. My last home in Cypress was similar, tile in all the wet areas, engineered hardwood on the main floor and stair risers, laminate in the bedrooms...with the except of the powder room which had engineered hardwood. That was NOT good. Also, having the engineered hardwood at the entry wasn't awesome...I'm not sure how I'm going to reconcile that in this home...


    We didn't get the tile today. On my last update, I actually went direct to the freight carrier to see what the deal was and it turns out that residential deliveries require an appointment, which makes sense to me actually...so I'm not too upset about it. I'll call tomorrow and hopefully set it up for Friday. 


    Laurie...your bathroom looks really nice. IDK that I like having all my stuff on display everywhere...for me it's a matter of functionality. It's a mixed bag for me I guess...I don't have an aversion to open/closed nor a preference. For instance, if the closet doors are open...it makes me nuts. I want them closed. But I just use the pantry so often...the door is open anyway...and I don't mind seeing that particular stuff, especially if it's purposeful...so I'm okay with it.


    We will be installing the tile ourselves. 18" on the diagonal. LOL. We purchased a sweet tile saw at Harbor Freight on a great deal...and I like to think that we are patient enough that we can do this well. We've laid tile before...countertops and backsplashes, but this will be our first floor.


    I'm made a diagram of the kitchen on vellum paper...and made a "tile floor" paper...I can move the tile floor around to figure out the best installation. We only have the potential to have two very complicated cuts...but if I can lay the floor properly, I can reduce the worst cuts to an L-shaped cut and not a U-shaped cut...but that is something that I still have to sort.


    Today I've been studying the installation of rounded corner bead. My home doesn't really have hallways? The only outside corners in my home are in this gathering room space. And with the wall that is only 8' tall separating the kitchen from the yoga room...there used to be wood trim on top of that wall but I don't want to replace that...with the wall being only drywall all around, I've decided that rounded corners will be very attractive...and it will help with some issues in the house where the corners have gotten banged up over the years. I can install the rounded corner bead directly over the old square corner bead. I've been mapping out what all I need to do that.


    YouTube has been my friend today. I found some helpful videos. It took a while...lots of lame videos out there...


    I'd love to see snow!!

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  15. Happy belated anniversary Melody! Wonderful to see the big anniversary years! 


    My inlaws are celebrating their 50th next year. They have reserved a place in Orlando already. DH has 3 sisters...everyone has kids. The hope is that everyone can get together for at least one day all together. Even DS is trying to come back for it. It's planned for June and he'll still be the middle of his last term but classes will be over and if he can get one meeting scheduled in an earliest available time then he should be good to finish that term virtually. We'll see. Not sure what the state of the world will be then but everyone's hopeful.


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  16. Laurie...I could totally relate to your thoughts about painting your bathroom. You want it DONE but aren't necessarily too jazzed to actually DO it. Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. Your decorations look wonderful...I agree with Sharon...such a wonderful view from your living room! Is that the window that you are making the new curtains for? LOVE your Father Christmas.


    We purchased a new tree...don't know if I mentioned it. A blue spruce style tree..9' tall!! The common rooms in our house...the only living area, the kitchen and the flex room off to the side that will be the yoga room...are all mostly open concept under a cathedral ceiling that is 14' tall at the peak...and because of the way the rooms are with the roof line...the shortest ceiling in the living area portion are still 10' tall. The tree fits perfectly!!


    I don't have nearly enough ornaments for that tree though. I still have the majority of my ornaments...I did thin them out to keep my faves with the last big downsizing move from GA to NC...but still...I've never had such a tall tree. It may be pretty sparse this year...I have to let that be and just think about if I want a "theme" for the new tree...the blue spruce coloring isn't typical but it looks wonderful with our interior colors and more importantly, DH and I love it.


    Our Thanksgiving was pretty chill. DS called us and we were on the phone with him for almost 4 hours. We use the What's App to have the phone calls. I think he had headphones on but he was on speaker here and we literally were just acting like we were all in the room together hanging out. Talking about everything and nothing...even looking up stuff like the world's most violent sports game...which is some sport out of Italy that is a bit like soccer and boxing/street fighter...seriously...it's like some modern version of a group gladiator arena...and watching YouTube videos together...just a casual hang out session. It was ALMOST as good as when he would emerge from his computer room and hang out with us for a while and then bow out again to go see which of his friends were online. Really special.


    That's one thing he has been doing with his friends for YEARS...he uses this application called Steam and he plays games with his friends through Steam while being connected on another program called Discord. They all talk through Discord while playing a game together. So I was thinking, why couldn't we do that? We picked a game and then I think it was Friday that we got all sorted on Discord so we could all talk that way while getting the computer towers set up (they hadn't been started in the new house yet) and updating and downloading the games and getting started there. So that's a plan we have for while he is on break...we can get together and play a game and talk while playing. 


    His term finished the Friday after Thanksgiving but he has a couple assignments due later because of push backs from COVID. Nothing big though and so he gets a nice break now until the new year.


    We finally hit a cool front down here...I'm wearing long sleeves and long pants for the first time this year... Craziness. Not a bad day for the hard labor we'll be doing today...


    With the kitchen pantry remodel project...we had to remove the tile from the old reach in pantry. About 10 sq ft so not too big a deal...but then we had to cut into the laminate to make the floor available for securing the new framing to the concrete slab. So there's a big bare spot in the kitchen floor...and I've been searching for a new floor. I'm pretty sure we want a bamboo product for the family floor...and I'm just not a fan of wood flooring in the kitchen...so I've been looking at tile. Three samples later...we sorted which tile we wanted and ordered it. So...693 pounds of tile is being delivered today. Freight shipping and they say it will be delivered curbside. It's only 12 cartons...each with 7 tiles...so I'm imaging that the cartons are on a palette and that palette is all saran wrapped like you see in the big home improvement stores. We'll be lugging the load carton by carton into the house...and then we have 2 business days to inspect the shipment for hidden damage. Exciting stuff... 

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  17. I’ve been doing what I call the Alton Brown method for years now. The turkey always comes out great. I’m talking about the one where you blast the turkey at 500 degrees for an hour? 30 minutes? I have to look it up. Then you turn it down to 350? for the rest of the cook. Usually cooks the turkey in 2.5 hours.


    One year, I cooked 5 turkeys! Not all at once, just over the course of time. The last one was a $5 turkey I picked up on manager’s special at Target.


    This year, I’m cooking 2. Just for DH and I. The fresh turkeys were really small...and I want more buy I usually don’t cook a frozen turkey. But the frozen were only 49 cents a pound...such inexpensive meat all cooked at once! Can’t resist. So I’m beginning Thanksgiving week this weekend. Going to cook that turkey to use in meals like a grilled chicken replacement and use the carcass to make broth etc. I’ll start with some of the salad sides DH loves...4xbean salad, etc and pie. I’ll cook the second Turkey on Thanksgiving Day for a full feast that will finally be all assembled after cooking bits and pieces throughout the week.


    And not to sound lofty or on a high horse...but I think I need to practice some gratitude this week. I finally did my grocery shopping today and got triggered in the store and very upset about DS not coming home. I’m not feeling so grateful and so...i actually think a week of really focusing on things to be grateful for will help me this holiday season. I don’t post too much on this thread...but I do enjoy participating in the conversation, even if I just lurk a lot. 😂 


    Im grateful for this online community. 

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  18. Kat...glad to read your eye is getting better. Such a frustration that you have weird lingering issues to deal with and eye sight would be a HUGE annoyance.


    I wanted to share one more turkey recipe if you do need something to do with leftover turkey:




    I happen to have the Cooking Light issue that this recipe appears in. I've been making it since 2006 when it came out. It's THAT good. Every year I think why is it so good? It's not that hard or special...but it is good comfort food. I do tend to add more tomatoes than the recipe calls for. I used canned tomatoes once and it wasn't nearly as good...it's the fresh hit in all the cooked chili that makes the tomato a good add. I've made the chili and NOT added the tomatoes and freezed it...adding the tomatoes when actually eating it. It freezes really well. I've made as is and also done some things to spice it up when I know only my family will be eating it...

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  19. Great clogs! I used to have a pair of clogs...but I didn't wear them as much as I thought I might because they were brown, which sounds odd...and you would think that I could wear them with so many more things because they were "neutral" but being the brown that they were, somehow they didn't go very well with so many things. They were "fun" and were a patchwork style so they were more interesting than boring, but something about the brown...


    Now back in the day, I had a pair of red Dansko shoes. Not clogs and not the typical style...they were lace up oxfords...really chunky...




    And I wore these OUT. The red went with EVERYTHING. It worked much better as a "neutral" for me than the brown did. 


    I remember now...I had to get rid of the clogs because they made my foot go into charlie horse mode...the heel was at just the wrong angle.


    Anyway...I also bought a pair of "sensible" brown Josef Sibel shoes at the same time as the red Danskos...because I figured that the red ones might have issues with "going" with my clothes and the brown would go better...but the fact is that I finally gave away those JS shoes because I never wore them. I always wore the red ones...and it could be the fact that if I like something a lot...I tend to think that it "goes" even when others may not think so.


    So ME...if you want a fun shoe...based on what I know of your wardrobe...I would suggest the blue or the camel. The blue because you love blue... The camel because it is a complementary color for blue and would ultimately "go" better than the dark brown. 


    I wish the red ones were a bit deeper in color. They seem a bit bright...

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  20. I'm glad you got your surgery in Melody. I think that's definitely a hot button for me...the whole putting on hold of so many other medical needs. I understand about truly elective surgeries...but there are non-life threatening but life elongating medical needs that feel like they are being neglected. It's all very complicated and sad...


    DH is nearing the end of his first term. It ends next week. Then he has until January 4 before classes begin again. He's been going hard all term so I know he'll be ready for the break...and likely he is looking forward to having all that free time...I just wish a visit home was on the calendar. Oh well.


    We're moving forward with house projects. This is the current state of the pantry now:




    Most of the demo is done. It might be more accurate to call it de-construction because we salvaged what we could of the previous framing and even some larger chunks of dry wall which we will use to patch that exposed strip on the back wall. 


    This photo really highlights the cathedral ceiling and one of the skylights. I have 3 skylights...and this one is one reason why I'm not going to bother with ceiling over the pantry. Going to make it freestanding walls like the one you see on the right. Maybe you can see the electrical outlet that is already in the pantry? We plan to move the one on the right wall that is pretty much where we want the new pantry wall to be. We plan to shorten the electrical line to make a mirror image electrical outlet inside the pantry on the right side and then add an outlet to the wall centered in the space between the new pantry wall and the edge of the dividing wall...in line with the light switches.


    That new corner is where we plan to put the coffee station. I'm thinking furniture not cabinets. Think about those cabinets of old with the exposed shelves above and the counter top area and the drawers or doors below? Something like that... It could be a table and then wall shelves... But that's the idea.


    The last of the demo is to scrape out the tiles that were in the pantry...and then cut into the laminate floor to be able to put the sill plates for the new walls directly onto the slab. 


    I've been looking at tile. I've ordered three samples but I basically know the one I want. If it lives up to the photos, I'll be ordering it. All my research into style and interior decorating and design has really been helping me lately. After previously staring at seemingly endless pages of tile and finding nothing that I really liked...I did a quick search with key words and then bam, hit it right off the bat. And suddenly I had three tiles that I liked...one that I really LOVE...again, if it can deliver in person.


    The backsplash area looks awful. The paint that is there is actually the same color as the wall...it's just the under cabinet lighting that makes it look so yellow in the photo. The exposed white is where the old short backsplash on the old laminate countertop used to be. The sellers refaced the cabinets with the current white shaker style...and picked the countertop, which I really like a lot. They picked the hardware too but I got to pick the placement. 


    The current thought on the backsplash is to do a waterproof venetian plaster manufactured in Italy. The product itself is basically waterproof but there is an additional waterproofing coat that you can put on top of the plaster to really seal it in if it will be subject to real water...like in a SHOWER. I'm seriously thinking about using the plaster in the shower areas when we redo them. I don't feel the need to do the extra coat for the kitchen...that backsplash won't ever be subject to direct water spray.


    Laurie...what carpet did you pick out? 

  21. Laurie...I had to leave my Christmas lights behind in GA. I had an oversized tub...one of those huge ones with a hinged lid that are impossible to carry without two people...full of strands of lights and icicle lights, lit garland, and other outdoor light things. The move from GA was something of a mess and I ended up leaving many things behind, including that tub. I was able to keep all my tree ornaments and a few other indoor things. But the big tree and the lights are no longer mine.


    I think it's kind of wonderful that you've had a tree for 31 years! People say things aren't made like they used to be...but I think it's absolutely true. Some things have improved in their design and may be functionally better than before but at the same time, it feels like the parts and the manufacture isn't as sturdy. I suppose that's how things have to be in a culture that wants to buy cheap because the tendency is to replace often with the latest and greatest. It makes me sad. I get that there needs to be a steady stream of innovation in order for companies to continue to operate at a profit but it just feeds a culture that I find to be wasteful and creating a lot of landfill fodder.


    I don't know if I have a bias against any pattern...except something that is too uniform...I like a bit of balanced asymmetry...a mix of sizes...and bit of random on the repeat. For instance, I like my Mexican blankets which are stripes...but stripes of differing widths and overlapping...and overall it's a pattern but it isn't evenly spaced stripes all the same width in the same order, which I have never liked.


    I used to enjoy browsing Pier 1 Christmas. They usually had fun Christmas decorations...some of my favorite decorations are from Pier 1. But I usually wouldn't buy anything until it was on sale.


    The idea that we can make exactly what we are looking for is one that I have a love/hate relationship with. LOL. It creates a backlog of projects in my life because I generally fall back into the idea that I should just make what I want...for too many things probably. 


    It feels like Christmas is coming earlier this year. I think it's a statement on 2020. I wonder if people just aren't feeling very thankful this year. And it can be hard to look forward to a day that is traditionally about family gatherings and feasting when you can't gather and feasting seems ridiculous without that gathering. It feels like people just want to forget Thanksgiving this year and look toward Christmas which has a lot more associations that can be enjoyed. I haven't necessarily starting watching Christmas shows but Netflix has some shows that are set in the holiday season but not necessarily focusing on Christmas itself...just a story set in that time. I've been watching those...

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