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Everything posted by Arzeena

  1. @George C You have been on a music cruise so you would know....What is 7th Heaven band? We are on a cruise that has a music group on it and these guys are the band. It is not a charter cruise but the music people have a group of 400. I hope we can listen to a song or two being played somewhere.
  2. I agree with it being a sellers market northeast. Our NJ home did not have time to be listed. While moving and doing repairs the buyer came in with his realtor and made an offer.
  3. Thanks! What lovely pictures of the family! I think I remember you having the "secret" cabin! (deck7)😉 I am also looking a the Wonder sailing around the same time....running numbers😁 I hope you are on Bella 2 so I can meet you and this lovely family personally.
  4. I can relate to that.... coming back and getting the car snowed out! we used to leave a shovel in the car when we left for our January cruises out of NY/NJ
  5. We have always had something included in our past sailings. However, in the past before AI (I think) we have also sailed without anything included. What I do not remember is without any bev pkg (alcoholic or zero), do the cappucinos and lattes carry a charge at Al Bacio?
  6. Me too. And I can totally understand those who are not happy with what they get. It is fine. But please do us a service and cancel as fast as you can, so that Celebrity rushes to fill ships and drops prices. Thank you!
  7. MisterMet and the Mrs, Thanks for a wonderfully refreshing and terrific review and pictures. It was great to read such a positive review especially when everyone else is complaining about cookies and cutbacks! 🤣 I am really looking forward to our cruise on the Equinox in October. Thank you!
  8. Avoid booking Freedom of the Seas for following weeks: Week 1: March 04 – March 08, 2024 Week 2: March 11 – March 15, 2024 College Party Spring Break cruises.
  9. I can only speak of our experience on the Wonder this month. Had UDP. Playmakers budget in that was $20 per person per day. We did not go over the $20. We went there for lunch/snacks on different days. There was a lot of food (at least for us) between my $20 and hubby's $20 at the same time.
  10. I have a reservation/royal website question for those who know...... Why is my reservation saying "You are linked to YourDH"? I have not linked any reservation to My Dh. We are both passengers on this reservation. Happening only on this one reservation.
  11. I like your complaint far better than the person who is complaining and started a thread about Celebrity ship not having whole tomatoes!🙄😁 And I will echo others in asking why not Bella 2? Just curious.
  12. I could not see your signature but I checked via your posts. We are booked on the Adventure Jan 5.
  13. @SilkySal I haven't seen you two and Kay in a while. Hope we get to meet soon on another cruise.
  14. Oh boy! then we would be reading of riots at the port trying to separate a woman from her hair iron!😁
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