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Everything posted by Arzeena

  1. Ok, so forgive me, but I really do not understand this post. Are you tracking who brought stuff and how much was invested for a visitation with her? I just don't get it. Love you and respect you Dani, so don't take this in the wrong way but I really don't get this "investment" part and keeping a track of stuff presented. Anyway, let it go, for your own peace.
  2. I have probably been to the "umimpressed room" then. I was upset that the Qeen would want to wear the dull ones. πŸ˜‰ You are still here on CC and not in the Tower, so you followed your better judgement of not running away with them. Proud of you Mimi😁
  3. Graham and Pauline, Your lunch is always so good looking! The pictures make me SO hungry. We are reading about the political situation.
  4. Thank you Jim. We learn a lot of things from you. Hope you and Ian are planning another cruise soon so we can follow your adventures. We are going on the Eq and are looking forward to it.
  5. πŸ‘Yes, that is my go to place and the baristas are a delight and always ask me to take a seat and send the waiter with my cappucino, water, etc. so I am not doing a balancing act with glasses and breakfast plates.☺️
  6. Yes, I did too. Intriguing and magical. But the Crown jewels, I was expecting more opulance and wow. This was years ago so I am not sure what it is now.
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