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Everything posted by bluemarble

  1. Congratulations, @sfred for surpassing the milestone of 500 posts on this thread. Time for another honor roll listing all those who have contributed 50 or more posts to this amazing thread. Contributor Posts bluemarble 1076 sfred 501 Host Hattie 344 exlondoner 297 Colin_Cameron 275 carlmm 264 Solent Richard 219 Palmeat 175 Essiesmom 106 Lanky Lad 103 sogne 98 Ray66 87 ExArkie 60 North West Newbie 58 Yaldi 53
  2. Congratulations, @Colin_Cameron for figuring out one of the few clues in that image. One other potentially useful clue in the distant skyline could be the tall thin pencil-shaped building seen just to the right of the Mammoet Schiedam. That might be De Zalmhaven. @sfred, that image is indeed the view from the Port of Rotterdam's Vlaardingen webcam which is located in the vicinity of the Grand Café Nautique. The perspective on the image I captured is slightly different than the usual full view from that webcam because there was a camera operator zooming and panning to follow the ship. I figured the position of the sun might cause some confusion. That webcam capture is showing QV's departure from Rotterdam yesterday morning (August 30). None of the itineraries I saw (including Cunard's) indicated QV was planning to do an overnight in Rotterdam although one online itinerary did have her listed for a 23:59 departure on August 29. The Port of Rotterdam had her listed for a departure at 06:00 yesterday and that is the approximate time she departed Rotterdam. The time of that webcam capture at Vlaardigen was approximately 07:30.
  3. Oh, I just found the FAQ that talks about Nordlys and Riviera and excludes Smokehouse and Aztec. Sorry that I feel I should be vague about where to find these details for yourself. The first FAQ quoted above is from the answer to the question "What are the alternative dining venues on board?" Another FAQ for the question "What restaurants are on each ship?" states the following about alternative dining on QM2. "Alternative Dining (cover charge applies) Steakhouse at the Verandah - Deck 8 King's Court Alternative Dining (Nordlys (Norway only), Riviera (Med only), La Piazza, Bamboo, Coriander) - Deck 7" So, as often happens, we have two sections of the same FAQ providing different answers.
  4. It's on a FAQ intended for travel agents. Although it is accessible to the general public (that's me), I hesitate to post a link to it for that reason. But I will quote the portion relevant to this discussion. "Part of the Kings Court restaurant will transform at night to offer: o Aztec (Mexican) o Coriander (Indian Bistro) o Bamboo (Pan Asian) o La Piazza (Italian) o Smokehouse (American)" The same FAQ goes on to list the planned alternative dining venues for Queen Anne, so I'd like to think it's reasonably up-to-date.
  5. The five standard themes in the Kings Court Alternative Dining venue used to be Coriander (Indian), Bamboo (Pan Asian), La Piazza (Italian), Smokehouse (American) and Aztec (Mexican). Recently I saw the themes for Kings Court Alternative Dining listed in a Cunard FAQ as "Nordlys (Norway only), Riviera (Mediterranean only), La Piazza, Bamboo, Coriander." The Nordlys theme was introduced recently on a QV Norway cruise (although it sounded like that was in the Verandah). I haven't heard if the Riviera theme has been introduced on Mediterranean cruises. Now I can't find that FAQ talking about the Nordlys and Riviera themes anymore. The FAQ I think I was looking at is back to listing the five standard themes from the past, including Smokehouse and Aztec. I don't know if that's an indication Smokehouse and Aztec are coming back or if that's just old information that has resurfaced.
  6. I'll bring that last image of mine forward to this page for convenience. Agreed there isn't a lot work with there. As we've done in the past, I'll let this stew until tomorrow before posting an additional hint. I'll post a follow-up if needed tomorrow about 2:00pm my Central US time, 8:00pm UK time, 6:00am Australian Eastern time. It's hard to find a time that works for everyone but that might be about right to give everyone a shot at it.
  7. Now that we've started a new page on this thread and are a couple pages on since I last posted our seen and unseen Cunard ports lists, I'll post the latest lists here. There are still plenty of opportunities to post photos you may have of any of the Cunard ports we haven't seen yet. We also welcome photos to identify which might provide different perspectives on ports we have already seen. Where in the World 2022-08-30.txt Cunard ports not seen yet 2022-08-30.txt
  8. Who about this one? It's a webcam capture of a port we've already seen but I thought this might be an interesting challenge for the 4000th post on this thread.
  9. QV is in Rotterdam today. Here is a capture from the "Rotterdam: Erasmusbrug - Cruise Terminal Rotterdam - KPN Ventures" webcam hosted by Windy.com at "webcams.windy.com/webcams/public/embed/player/1335524205/day". I am posting this image with the kind permission of Windy.com.
  10. That pie chart about the British Empire was my suggestion when @sfred was looking for ideas on how to analyze the data for the ports we've seen on this thread. This is how I worded that suggestion. The inclusion of the word "former" would probably be appropriate since that was indeed the gist of my suggestion.
  11. Here's a webcam capture showing QM2's arrival at New York this morning. This is another view showing QM2 making the turn to back into the berth at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal. This time it's about an hour before sunrise. The Statue of Liberty adds an extra touch to the scene. This is a capture from the "New York City Harbor, Waterfront Museum, Brooklyn NY USA" stream on StreamTime Live's YouTube channel.
  12. That's excellent, @sogne. Your photo of Meuse River at Cuxhaven on June 23 sure looks like it's showing the same green ship QM2 is passing as seen below the "Elbferry" placard on my webcam capture. Couldn't get much better confirmation than that.
  13. Well done. That webcam image at Cuxhaven could be following the 08:00 departure from Hamburg on June 15 after a scheduled overnight there. Or it could be following that 02:00 departure from Hamburg on June 23 which was a delayed departure caused by container ship traffic in the Elbe. Unfortunately the date stamp on my image (indicating when I actually got around to saving it after I pasted it into my photo editor) says June 30 so that's inconclusive. If the image was from the 08:00 departure on June 15, that means it's showing an approximate time of 12:00 (noon) at Cuxhaven. If the image was from the 02:00 departure on June 23, that means it's showing an approximate time of 06:00 at Cuxhaven. Sunrise on June 23 was 04:54, so that means the image would be about an hour after sunrise if it were from June 23. My sense is that the lighting is coming directly from the east (the right) and there are some lengthy shadows which appear to be consistent with it being about an hour after sunrise rather than noon. Therefore I think that image is most likely from June 23. But I acknowledge June 15 is also a possibility.
  14. I like your thinking there. QM2 did have a later than usual departure (about 10:00 PM) on August 19 because of the Blue Port Hamburg festival. That still meant she passed Cuxhaven during the night though (around 2:00 AM) on August 20.
  15. That's correct, @sfred. That image is from the Schiffsansagedienst-Cuxhaven webcam found at "www.schiffsansagedienst-cuxhaven.de/webcam/index.php". Looks like they've changed the wording on that placard slightly. Here is the unedited webcam image showing the placard reading "Elbferry". Now here is the first webcam image from Cuxhaven I posted on this thread back in September 2020 captured from a different webcam in a slightly different position. Back then I asked what date that webcam image had been captured. We figured it was after a refit because QM2 was passing Cuxhaven in the morning sun after departing Hamburg. If you look closely at QM2's profile, it's from after her 2016 remastering. The date of that image was June 18, 2016. Now I'll pose a similar question about the latest Cuxhaven webcam image I posted above. That image was captured since the resumption of service last year. What date was that latest Cuxhaven webcam image captured?
  16. How about this one? Once gain it's a webcam view of a location we've seen before. I've edited out the wording on the white placard which would have given it away otherwise.
  17. QV is in Oslo today. Here is a view from the Port of Oslo's Kavringen webcam found at "www.oslohavn.no/no/meny/webkamera/". I think this is the only call to Oslo by a Cunard ship on the currently announced schedules through early 2024.
  18. For now, I'm recording it in our "seen" ports list as Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen to match how I've recorded the other ports in Spitsbergen (such as Magdalenefjorden).
  19. That was my thought too. All I can think of is those in inside cabins might prefer to be moved to designated balcony isolation cabins.
  20. Very good. All I had been able to come up with so far was to rule out Seabourn Legend. There's an itinerary placing her in San Francisco on June 10, 1997 after the completion of an Alaskan cruise. It would have been difficult for Legend to have made it to Monaco by June 28. There are ship spotter photos placing Pride and Spirit both in Kiel, Germany in May and August of 1997 respectively, so those ships were both still in the running.
  21. This might not represent an expansion of the isolation space so much as a decision by Cunard to now start reserving their usual range of cabins for isolation space on your voyage. It was my understanding from some previous posts here that Cunard had been allocating the area on deck 5 between the A and B lifts on QM2 as isolation space on earlier voyages. That would include many of the mid-forward BV staterooms on deck 5. If your BV cabin was forward of the B lifts that would fit.
  22. I see what you mean. There's one source identifying the ice sheet descending to the sea from Kronebreen as "Infantfonna". This source seems to indicate "Infantfonna" is the narrow strip of the ice sheet where the Kronebreen and Kongsvegen meet: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Front-of-Kronebreen-Infantfonna-and-Kongsvegen-Locations-of-cameras-R-right-Lleft_fig1_50829244 Either way, it's all very interesting. I never imagined how far that photo would take us into the details of glacier identification. I was originally puzzled when I found different similar photos identifying the scene as either Kronebreen or Kongsvegen. Now I think we know the rest of the story. Now back to trying to figure out exactly which ship is in your first photo as well as trying to get any sort of lead on identifying the ship in your second photo!
  23. This time you just beat me @D&N! The names of the glaciers I've come up with are the Kronebreen and Kongsvegen glaciers. Kronebreen is the glacier emerging between the mountains just right of center while Kongsvegen is the glacier emerging from the far right. The two glaciers merge as they reach the Kongsfjorden in the foreground.
  24. Despite the Cunard press release stating "The vaccination policy for Cunard guests remains the same", it does appear there is a loosening of the vaccination policy for children 12 through 17 years of age. The Cunard vaccination policy used to state "all guests aged 12 years and over will need to be fully vaccinated in order to travel with us." The notification @Host Hattie posted states "Guests 17 years of age and under are not required to be vaccinated."
  25. Very interesting! Here is what I think this photo is showing. The location is Cannes, France. The ship on the left is P&O Arcadia (in an earlier livery) The ship on the right is (was) Ocean Village (2003-2010) The connection between the two ships is that Ocean Village was previously P&O Arcadia before she was sold to Ocean Village and replaced by the current P&O Arcadia. This photo is showing two generations of P&O Arcadia. The connection to Cunard is that the build of the current P&O Arcadia had been allocated to Cunard and was originally going to be Queen Victoria before she was reallocated to P&O as Arcadia instead.
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