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Everything posted by bluemarble

  1. Now that we are four pages on since the last time I posted our ports lists, here are the latest versions. We have now seen 597 Cunard ports/cruise-by locations but there are still plenty of opportunities to add more. We also welcome photos showing different views of ports we've already seen. Where in the World 2022-10-31.txt Cunard ports not seen yet 2022-10-31.txt
  2. Yes indeed. Of the North Sea Ferries (DFDS) operating from IJmuiden, it looks like King Seaways is the best match for the one shown in that last image.
  3. Here's one more in my series of webcam images for the previous location that hasn't been identified yet. Not sure how much this will help beyond what the other two images have shown, but let's give it a go.
  4. Thank you for that. It appears the issue with the Day Calendar titles being off by a day may be confined to the US version of My Cunard then. The five people I've noticed who have commented about that particular bug are located in New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, New Jersey and Iowa. Both of the voyages we have booked (one later this year on QM2 and one in 2024 on QA) show that bug within the Day Calendar in our US version of My Cunard. Just to document the issue further, here is what our Day Calendar looks like for Nov 26, 2022 in our US version of My Cunard. We will be in Bridgetown, Barbados that day and the calendar shows we have a Cunard excursion booked for Barbados that day. But the calendar would also have us believe we will be in Castries, St Lucia that day which is actually where we will be one day later on Nov 27, 2022.
  5. Here's the additional webcam view I promised of the same location as the image posted above. No pressure @Host Hattie, but you might have an advantage figuring out this one.
  6. QV is at Cherbourg today. Here is a view of QV captured from the Cherbourg-Octeville / Le Port webcam found on the Viewsurf website at "www.viewsurf.com/univers/ville/vue/13216-france-basse-normandie-cherbourg-octeville-le-port". I am posting this courtesy of L'Equipe Viewsurf.
  7. I think I've lost the plot here. I'm afraid the schedule does not make much sense to me. @ClefsDor, here is what I have as the dress code/theme schedule for your cruise. Please correct me if I have this wrong. 07 Nov Fremantle Smart Attire 08 Nov At Sea Smart Attire 09 Nov At Sea Smart Attire 10 Nov At Sea Smart Attire 11 Nov Adelaide Smart Attire 12 Nov At Sea Gala Evening (Roaring Twenties) 13 Nov Melbourne Smart Attire 14 Nov At Sea Smart Attire 15 Nov Sydney The one scheduled gala evening is on the sea day between Adelaide and Melbourne. There is ample opportunity for Cunard to have scheduled another gala evening between Fremantle and Adelaide but they have apparently chosen not done so. There doesn't appear to be an issue with having to schedule two gala evenings on consecutive nights to fit the port schedule. Or have they moved the gala evening to one of the earlier nights between Fremantle and Adelaide?
  8. Here's one of my webcam captures offering a different view of a location we've already seen. If there's not quite enough to go on in this image, I have another one that's more recognizable I can post tomorrow.
  9. Here's a glimpse of QV departing Santander today. This is a webcam capture from the Puerto de Santander website found at "puertosantander.es". Santander is a rare call for Cunard ships. As far as I know, today was the first time any of the current Cunard fleet has called there.
  10. Thanks for that. Could you let me know which three dates are scheduled as gala nights and what the themes will be (if any) on those nights? I'll be glad to start a 2023 dress code and theme schedule for QE with this information as the starting point.
  11. There is an ongoing problem with the My Cunard calendar. The titles indicating where you are going to be each day in the "Day" calendar section are listed one day earlier than they should be. For example, I bet you are seeing your "Day" calendar says you will be in Stavanger on November 10th when you are actually going to be in Alesund on November 10th and Stavanger on November 11th. It probably also lists November 12th in your "Day" calendar as your "Disembarkation day" when you will of course be disembarking one day later on November 13th. Hopefully you are seeing what you have booked for each day on the correct dates. That is, presumably your excursion for Stavanger is listed correctly for November 11th even though the title for that day incorrectly states "Sea day" rather than "Stavanger". I concur that's just weird and bugs such as this don't show Cunard in a particularly good light. As long as what you have booked is showing up on the dates you are expecting them to appear (ignoring where the titles for each day in the "Day" calendar incorrectly claim you are going to be on those dates) you should be fine.
  12. That's correct. The photo is from our Viking Orion Mexican Riviera cruise last December. I suppose that other ship's current itineraries offered a pretty good clue if the photo's other features didn't on their own. Well done.
  13. Here's another view of a port we've already seen. This is one of my photos that I hope is a challenge without being totally inscrutable. That's not the ship we were sailing on at the time by the way.
  14. @TheOldBear, I trust you've made it on board and have enjoyed/will be enjoying your first evening dinner and perhaps the welcome aboard show. All the best for a great voyage and looking forward to your reports. I'm wondering why you are still at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal past 9:00pm New York time (over four hours late and counting)? Are you waiting for late arriving passengers? Edit to add: Wouldn't you know, right after posting this, QM2 radioed to New York vessel traffic saying they are preparing to get underway.
  15. I better jump on this one because we know how good @sfred is at identifying lighthouses! 😉 Since we've started counting other stretches of water as cruise-by calls we would certainly be remiss in omitting this one since it's one of the most famous in the world. We've seen ports on either side but haven't counted this "strait" itself. I think we are seeing the Strait of Gibraltar, Spain. I'm counting this as Spain since we are looking at the Spanish coast in this view. My research tells me the lighthouse is the Punta de Tarifa Lighthouse. The lighthouse's location is also variously named Punta Marroquí and Isla de Las Palomas.
  16. I'm only seeing two smaller segments for your 25-night cruise Q231C. Q231B: Fremantle-Sydney, 8 nights, 1 gala evening Q232: Sydney-Fremantle, 17 nights, 3 gala evenings I would suggest Q231C as a whole might be considered short changed having only four gala evenings over 25 nights. Based on the average number of gala evenings over QE's entire schedule, a 25-night cruise ought to have at least five gala evenings. The 21-night cruise Q235A, Melbourne-Melbourne has six gala evenings scheduled. Some of that may have to do with Q235A being over Christmas and New Year though.
  17. Sorry, no, I don't have any information yet about QE's 2023 dress code schedule. I am dependent on those actually booked on cruises telling me what they are seeing for the schedules in their daily calendars for their bookings within My Cunard. So far I haven't heard any news about QE's 2023 dress code schedules being posted within My Cunard yet. If anyone is seeing those schedules please let me know.
  18. The last few posts on this thread are discussing the annual Major League Baseball championship in North America called the "World Series" where this year the Houston Astros of the American League will be taking on the Philadelphia Phillies of the National League in a best 4 games out of 7 series. Games 1 and 2 will be played in Houston on Friday and Saturday (Oct 28-29). The series shifts to Philadelphia for games 3, 4 and game 5 if necessary on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (Oct 31-Nov 2). If games 6 and 7 are necessary, the series will move back to Houston for the final games on the following Friday and Saturday (Nov 4-5).
  19. I'm was planning on only adding Firth of Lorn, Scotland to our seen ports list. I figure both photos are showing different views of that firth. That does have me considering retroactively adding another "firth" photo to our seen ports list. I'm thinking in particular about @exlondoner's photo showing Cunard's Queen Elizabeth and HMS Queen Elizabeth in Moray Firth. At the time we counted that as being the port of Invergordon. But since that photo is actually showing us Moray Firth, I'm inclined to also add Moray Firth, Scotland as another cruise-by firth to our list of seen ports.
  20. Your cruise (Q231B: Nov 7-15, Fremantle to Sydney) is an anomaly regarding the number of gala evenings. As you know, there is only one gala evening scheduled for the evening of Nov 12. Cunard do state "At least twice on each seven-night voyage we’ll host a Gala Evening..." so I too would have expected two gala evenings on your 8-night cruise. I have no explanation other than Cunard have dropped the "ball" (literally) on this one. They have stretched the concept quite a bit on other voyages (such as a 28-night Caribbean cruise with only four gala evenings earlier this year). However, this is the only case I'm aware of where a Cunard cruise of seven or more nights has only had one gala evening scheduled. There are no other instances like that on the remainder of QE's 2022 schedule for Australia/New Zealand.
  21. I'm figuring your "short QM cruise in December from Southampton" is the 5-night Dutch Christmas Markets cruise departing December 10th. That cruise is indeed sold out. There are two ways to find that cruise on the Cunard website. Either add the "Sold out voyages" filter to the search results (as @Host Hattie has suggested) or use the "Search by cruise number" feature to search for your cruise number "M239". Here is a link to get you straight to that cruise on the Cunard UK website. https://www.cunard.com/en-gb/find-a-cruise/M239/M239
  22. Further to @exlondoner's reply, here are the full details I'm finding listed online. Sailings of 6-9 days: Suites $200 USD per person Balcony $150 USD per person Inside & Outside $100 USD per person Sailings of 10 + days: Suites $400 USD per person Balcony $300 USD per person Inside & Outside $200 USD per person For Voyages of 25+ nights: The on board booking benefit is 3% discount (as opposed to OBC).
  23. I'm going to go with Firth of Lorn/Lorne as the stretch of water to the south of Lismore Lighthouse that @sogne is looking for. That would have been a cruise-by location for several Cunard ships doing their "Isle of Mull Scenic Cruising" itineraries.
  24. That's correct. Here's the original unedited photo from December 2008.
  25. Here's a new version of my latest photo with the first two words revealed on the sign. That should help eliminate a good potion of the world although it does still leave quite a bit of the world as possibilities. One additional hint is this photo is over 10 years old. The sign has apparently been redesigned in recent years with a different logo.
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