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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Earth Day everyone; we need to take care of our planet so our children's children have something to give their children. I wasn't a Girl Scout, and find jelly beans way too sweet; maybe if they were made of chocolate . . . It was nice being able to get up and not tippy toe around the house to wake our guests. I could get up, shuffle into the kitchen, start the coffee maker, open and shut cupboards and drawers, etc. We love our friends dearly, but do love our privacy as well. @Rowsbywishing you a very Happy Birthday; love the cake! @smitty34877oh my gosh on the oxygen; hopefully the company shows up quickly for you! @RMLincolnglad you were able to attend your cousin's funeral and enjoy a visit with your grands. @Lady Hudsonwell done - I've got to get into that mode as well. In the past I've also found that a low carb diet is one that really works for me. @JazzyV Bon Voyage!! I just heard on the radio that the great Australian entertainer "Dame Edna" (Barry Humphries) has passed away. Gosh, I loved him and his "Hello possums!". A loss to the entertainment world, but at 89, he deserved a rest. Not a lot going on right now, laundry to do, some vacuuming and dusting and that's about all I've got on my agenda for the day. Oh, and watching the snow melt off the lawns again. LOL Although I'm not a huge fan of ravioli, I think the menu suggestion sounds good - I'd likely sub in plain spaghetti instead. Looking at the fridge, we've got leftovers to eat from these past few days, so we'll be enjoying them at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  2. Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in. Our friends left right after lunch, although it took them nearly an hour to get things out of their room and into the car. I can sympathize with that though, because that's what happens to us when we go to Calgary with all the shopping we do. We took our friends to a couple of thrift stores, the big box store, and the greenhouses, and they were able to buy so many things they just can't get in their small town. We've checked the highway hotlines about a dozen times this morning and it was decided they would be safe to travel if they left after lunch when most of the large trucks would have gone through the areas they will be driving, clearing the road for them. The temperature is warming up which will definitely help clear the snow and melt the ice that could have formed overnight. They were a little upset when a neighbour phoned to tell them they had 2 feet of snow on their driveway. A couple of phone calls later, though, and someone in town with a front end loader said he'd be more than happy to clear it out for them in time for their return home. Strange thing, they no sooner left the driveway when I went to open the cupboard under the sink to get some dishwasher tablets, and the door came off in my hand. One of the hinges broke. I'm glad it didn't happen while our friends were here, as it would have been mighty inconvenient! LOL DH didn't sleep well last night, and he finds our friends quite exhausting, so he's taking a brief nap right now and will get back to fixing the cupboard door later this afternoon. I wanted to say @superoma what a great job you've done today; @JazzyV left the lists in good hands. @bennybear Happy 50th Anniversary to you and your DH; what a wonderful milestone for the two of you. May the love and laughter continue for many years to come! @dobiemomyour sleeping arrangements amaze me; I can't imagine how you can get any rest at all!! @kazu I hope the relationship with Ivan works out; he looks to be a very caring fellow. See everyone tomorrow!
  3. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We didn’t have kindergarten when I started school; it became a thing in our small town about 5 years later. Well, we’re still in this season I’m calling Sprinter, as it should really be Spring because the robins are back, but we’ve had nothing but snow for the past 3 days. Our friends are still with us and we’re keeping them entertained by playing Sequence and tile rummy. And cooking. Normally DH and I eat smaller meals, but our friend has to take meds 4 times a day with food, so I’ve seen more of the kitchen this past week than you could imagine. On Wednesday we were able to drive them to their appointments before the roads got really bad, and yesterday we ventured out to a couple of greenhouses just to get some fresh air. Unfortunately it’s a little too early for the greenhouses to have much stock, but it gave them (and us) an outing. It snowed again overnight, but the temperature is supposed to be rising, so they may be able to go home after lunch today. We’ll see. I haven’t had a lot of time to read the daily the past few days, so want to extend my woo hoo’s for the happy things and cyber hugs for the not so good happenings. If I recall though, @JazzyV is leaving today, so safe travels to her! Time to get breakfast started, so prayers for all today. Stay safe, I’ll hopefully be able to check in later. Oh, I’d like to try todays wine but haven’t won the lottery, so it will remain on the list. And I’m going to try to find a pizza that is gluten/dairy free for our friend in case they can’t leave today because it’s Friday night pizza night at the dining table tonight. And wine. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love garlic, enjoy hanging out (and the smell of laundry fresh off the line), but haven’t had a bicycle in years. It appears we might have escaped the worst of the storm, but we’ve still got snow - on top of rain that froze overnight. Police are already warning people to put their zoomy-zoom thoughts aside because they’ve attended many fender benders over the past few hours. Our friends are so happy they came to the city a day early so they didn’t have to worry about their safety. Medical appointments are the order of the day for them, but not until just after lunch. By that time (hopefully) the city will be out with sand and salt so driving won’t be quite as treacherous. More snow is expected this afternoon, continuing on through tomorrow, so we’ll have to see what happens. Seriously, this as what it was like this week: I like today's menu suggestion, but would likely substitute salmon for the tilapia. Our friends insist on treating us to dinner tonight, so I have no idea what it will be, but I don’t have to prepare it, and I know it will be good. I heard them talking about ordering in, so we’ll enjoy food and good chats at the dining table tonight. And wine. Followed by several rounds of Sequence. The ladies have to come back from our losses to the gentlemen last night. Prayers for everyone in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  5. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy big 150 to Holland America Line! A great milestone to celebrate! Our taxes are done (all but the paying part), I try not to stress too much on any day, and I appreciate the coordination of jugglers. Its cloudy right now and the rain is supposed to begin within the hour, turning to snow later on in the day. Our friends arrived late yesterday afternoon and we’re so glad they decided to come a day early, rather than risk driving in stormy conditions. For a while it looked like we might escape Nature’s wrath, as the forecast showed the system moving south of us, but overnight the winds came up and we’re back in the storm zone again. Happy Birthday @Cruzin Terri’s DH, and to @sailingdutchy’s DW. @marshhawk sending good vibes to you today. @Mr. Boston will think of you and your family today as you travel. Plans for today include taking our friends shopping while they can still navigate safely on the streets, having lunch out and then just enjoying a good visit. I’ve decided tonight will be an easy dinner, as I’m putting a stew together in the crock pot - a gluten free, dairy free meal. We’ll enjoy that with our friends in the dining room tonight. And wine. Likely followed by a game or two of Sequence. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all celebrants. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  6. Just returned from getting our 3rd Covid boosters; I'm sure there won't be any issues, just like the previous 5 jabs. Scrambling around the house a bit, as our guests who were supposed to arrive tomorrow, called to say that because we're supposed to get a storm, they'll be coming in today. They left their house only about 20 minutes ago, so will be here in time for dinner tonight. We'll still have the rotisserie chicken, etc., for dinner, but now I'm figuring out what to make for them tomorrow. I'll come up with something! Stay safe, everyone!
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! In the summer we frequently see bats swooping through our yard at dusk, enjoying their nightly feast. I have lots of things that are only partially completed, but there just never seems to be enough hours in the day. I applaud those who put their bodies through the rigors of a Boston Marathon, but if you ever see me running, try to keep up, because it isn't good. @Mr. Bostonplease accept my sympathies on the loss of your brother; mental illness doesn't just affect the individual, it involves the whole family and is heartbreaking when it ends this way. You and your family will be in my prayers as you go through the coming week. Today will be a busy day getting the house ready, as our elderly (85+) friends are coming from out of town tomorrow for medical appointments. They have a 4 hour drive (they take turns) to get here, so will be tired, but they still want to do some shopping before having dinner. Over the next couple of days we'll take them around to the places they want and need to go, thus relieving them of having to "drive in the city". The only fly in the ointment is that we're expecting bad weather; there's a Colorado Low coming in that over the next couple of days will be dropping up to 7" of heavy, wet snow. I know they're not going to want to go home on Thursday if there's snow, so we'll have them as houseguests a little longer, which is fine, as they're easy to entertain - we'll pull out the Sequence game to help pass the time. I'm just going to say no on today's menu suggestion, as it doesn't appeal to me at all. Pretty sure I'd like the wine, but it's a little pricey. We're going to get our 3rd Covid booster at noon today, so I think while we're out, we'll pick up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store that will be served along with tiny baked potatoes and a salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. @marshhawk unlike the US, many places near the border will in fact accept US dollars, but the exchange rate will be somewhat less than pleasing. I suggest getting some Canadian dollars either from your bank or motor club prior to arriving, or at an ATM when you do arrive in Canada. Enjoy your visit!
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We saw many elephants when we were in Cambodia and Thailand; they are magnificent creatures. I do like mushrooms, and appreciate bean counters, because I hate accounting. I'm pretty sure I'd like the drink of the day because it contains 3 of my favourites: scotch, aperol and grapefruit juice. I'd like to try the wine, but it's a little pricey. We had a lovely evening last night with our new Ukrainian friends; Vlada made a feast for us with 6 different dishes and a beautiful dessert. My concern going there was that she would serve beet borscht (I almost gag thinking about it, even though I grew up with it), but to my surprise, she made a cabbage based borscht. Other dishes included Olivye (potato salad), Vinegret (beet salad which was good because the beets were canned), Shuba (a layered vegetable and fish salad), whipped potatoes, and breaded chicken cutlets. We finished off our meal with a beautiful strawberry shortcake that the little 5 year old proudly told us she had helped to make. Although the husband (Anton) has difficulty with English, the conversation flowed easily throughout the evening. I know we're going to be enjoying much more of this family in the future. @cruising sisterwhat a thoughtful thing for you to do for your friend, and such a nice way to honour your son. @StLouisCruisersHappy #18 to your DGS, Kai! @JazzyVI hope your knee smartens up for you! This afternoon another couple is coming over - we haven't been together in a long time, so we're overdue for a visit. I think I'll make a brownie to go with our coffee so we can just eat, sip and chat the afternoon away. I've had falafel in pita, and while it was okay, I'm too much of a carnivore to really appreciate it, so will take a pass on today's menu suggestion. I've got a couple of chicken breasts thawing that will be pan fried and turned into a large bowl of chicken fried rice that will be served along with steamed vegetables at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. That's it for me for today; I've just put the first batch of buns in the oven. Thanks so much everyone; see you next time!
  11. @StLouisCruisers I just tried something; if you're on a PC, this might work for you. I have 2 windows open on the PE webcam; when one is buffering, the other isn't. Magic! LOL
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