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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. Wouldn't you know, I missed it - I had to go and make out buns into the pans. Now they'll rise 1 hour, so hopefully I won't miss the Volendam!
  2. I have a feeling someone was just trying to see if anyone was listening.
  3. @Sharon in AZ will definitely watch for you - what colour are you wearing? I'll try to get a screenshot for you.
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I appreciate my husband every day, and he knows it. Our taxes were done and filed last month, but we don't have to make payment until the end of this month. I'm keeping my money in the bank, rather than giving it to the gov't early. Any day around here can be national laundry day. LOL Although it's still below freezing, we've got bright sunshine and clear skies again this morning. It might get up to +13C (55F), which will be nice and will definitely help melt the glaciers that cover the back yard. This morning we're off to buy a gift for our Ukrainian friend's little girl, then pick up a bottle of wine. When we get home, I'll make a batch of buns to take with us when we go to their apartment for dinner this evening. I'm so glad the antibiotics have kicked the strep to the curb for me - I hate feeling unwell! Wishing @Sharon in AZ, @TiogaCruiser, @AV8rix and @Dismomx5 a Bon Voyage today! I'll be watching sail-away, hoping they'll zoom in on one or all of you! Today's port of the day is Venice - such a beautiful place; we were there in 2016, but stayed at the lovely Al Vivit Hotel in Mestre. We enjoyed staying there because it got us out of the hustle and bustle of the main city, and it was less expensive, too. The 20 minute train ride was an easy way to get to the main station where we could venture off in all directions. Great memories of that trip, as we left in thick fog, not being able to see anything. On our first trip from there 10 years earlier (we flew in the day of the cruise, can you believe it???), we left in bright sunshine and experienced the music of "A Time To Say Goodbye" with Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman playing on the speakers. I like today's menu suggestion, and might make it when our elderly friends come to stay for a few days next week for medical appointments. He's now on a gluten free, dairy free diet, so I'm struggling trying to figure out what to cook - the salmon packs sound like a great idea. I was even thinking of make our own tacos, using corn tortillas and getting some dairy free cheese for his tacos. For today, we'll be having a traditional Ukrainian dinner with our new friends at their table. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. I guess if you've got the money and the family is good with it, then great. I don't, and would also miss the family, especially the little grandsons growing, so would take a pass. I'd rather book a number of different cruises and have some variety of cabins, itineraries, staffs, etc .
  6. Great news that @TiogaCruiser is in Ft Meyers, and that @Dismomx5 is in FLL. What a relief that they're at their destinations for tonight; hopefully they'll be able to rest easy tonight and awake energized, ready to board tomorrow. I do hope they'll let us know where they'll be so we can see them on the webcam at sail-away!
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We don't speak about she-who-shall-remain-unnamed without usually adding in a bad word that would end up having to make a contribution to the swear jar. We both tend to laugh every day, most times it's unintentional; I'll try to think of something to make DH laugh today. We love looking up at our sky because most of the time it's a clear, brilliant blue, except when there's a celestial event happening, then it's usually cloudy. Go figure. I like today's quote. @cruising sisterI can't begin to imagine how you feel, but please know I reach out to you in prayer for comfort. @marshhawk you have the patience of a saint! I'd last about 30 minutes in your job. NOTE: I just heard from @Sharon in AZ who has landed in Miami. She's had great service from the HAL reps and was met at the luggage carousel by the driver who took her luggage straight into his car. She's now on her way to the hotel for some much needed sleep. We had a busy day yesterday, but didn't accomplish everything we wanted. The deck still hasn't been touched, but I did get a week's worth of laundry done and put away all in one day, so that was newsworthy! LOL While we were our getting groceries I had a message from our young Ukrainian couple who have invited us over for a traditional Ukrainian meal on Saturday. We are pleased to have been invited, and do look forward to getting together to see how they've progressed while we were away. Friends are coming over for coffee this afternoon, so I think I'll put a brownie in the oven to have something to serve. We haven't seen this couple for almost a month, so there will be lots of catching up to do. I'm sure the visit will go late, so because it's Friday and nobody wants to cook, we'll check the online sites to see what kind of pizza everyone wants. It's looking like it'll be friendship and pizza around the dinner table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them, and cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. @Vict0riann did you speak with anyone about the lengthy turn-around time for your laundry? It usually comes back by the following evening; 3 or 4 days is excessive.
  9. I'm with you on that. I've become the queen of succulents, because as I put it, they thrive on neglect.
  10. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Although I have a habit of killing them, I do appreciate plants. I either over water or under water; they don't like either. I love seeing the colourful additions to our yard every year with flowering annuals bought from local nurseries. We didn't have a bookmobile in our town, just the library. I haven't had peach cobbler in ages, perhaps it's time to make one. Well we're home, and missing our littles already. It was tough saying goodbye to them yesterday morning. First we got the little one off to his daycare with hugs & smooches, then walked our now 8 year old to school where we got many hugs before he ran off to join his friends. Tears? Oh, you bet! As someone who has suffered all my life from separation anxiety, farewells are really difficult. I haven't had time to read the past few days of the FR & D, so will have to spend some time today seeing what I've missed. It was a busy time in Calgary enjoying the family, playing Lego and cars and dinosaurs. LOL What wasn't fun was that I ended up having to go to a walk-in clinic because I came down with strep throat. DS and DDIL had it the week before we came, and wouldn't you know, I ended up having it as well. That pretty much knocked the stuffing out of me, as my throat felt as if there were razor blades in it. Thankfully the medication started working fairly quickly, but I still have sore glands on both sides of my throat. This, too, shall pass. Today is a busy day for us; DH wants to get a haircut, I've got laundry to do, we have to get groceries, and we want to start working on getting our deck back in order so we can enjoy evening dinner out there. While we were away there were many mild days so all the snow has melted off the roof and the glaciers are receding from both the front and back yards. We were in Monaco when we sailed on the lovely Prinsendam in 2004. We took a tour that included walking through lovely gardens, passing by the church where Princess Grace was married, and ended at the Grand Casino. We brought a change of clothes in our carry bags (at that time there was a dress code in order to be allowed admittance), changed in the back seat of the bus, and went in. It was grand, indeed. What I recall most, was the ladies washrooms. I wish I'd taken pictures, but didn't bring my camera with me. When you entered the stall and closed the door, a mechanical arm came out, spraying the seat with a disinfectant. On the other side, an arm came out, having picked up a paper towel from the stack, and wiped it dry. Decadence!! BTW, we didn't break the bank. I'm concerned about those flying to FLL, after seeing reports of all the flooding. That's scary, but I'm glad people are adding time to their schedules to accommodate the issue. A couple of times we've flown into Miami and taken a transfer service over to FLL; I don't know if that's an option for @Sharon in AZ or @TiogaCruiser. Wishing you both the best of luck; I hope you'll keep us posted of your progress. I'm not sure I'd appreciate today's menu suggestion, as it sounds rather plain. Maybe the flavour comes from the peppers? I'm going to be making something simple like breaded chicken breasts, baked baby potatoes and asparagus that we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who have needs, especially for the victims of the senseless shootings. Cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  11. @marshhawk DH has suffered from leg cramps, but since he started drinking Gatorade daily has only had the occasional one. Your electrolytes are out of balance, and bringing them back where they should will likely mean you have way less cramps. You can get electrolyte powder to mix with water if you don’t want the added sugar, and there’s always sugar free Gatorade as well.
  12. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and a blessed Ramadan to all my friends of different faiths. I missed out being here yesterday, but we had a busy day. One of the things we did was made a big box store run; DH needed a new pair of Serengeti sunglasses which were on sale, so we renewed our membership and came out with a cart full of other things as well. We had both grandsons in the car with us, and unless you have a 3 year old with you, you forget how exciting it is to see a police car, and a garbage truck, and a moving van, and . . . What a joy it is being with them again! I know I missed some events yesterday, so will take the time now to with @StLouisCruisersand her twin a belated Happy Birthday, and @erewhona belated Happy Anniversary! I know I’ve missed someone, but will look back for it. Today we share our 46th anniversary with @luvteaching and her DH. May we both have many more years of love and laughter! Happy Birthday to @luvteaching as well today, a double celebration for you! I like todays menu suggestion, but we’ll be having both a small roast beef and baked ham along with garlic mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli, and a quinoa salad at the family table tonight. And wine. Prayers to all who are in need, hearty cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  13. Good afternoon, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I love popcorn, but like it plain with butter. I’m a purist. Beavers are cute, but can be very destructive. While I prefer wine at home, I do drink beer while on holidays, just to keep up the tradition! I missed yesterday because of our travels. We arrived safely at our family’s home close to the dinner hour. They had just placed an order for our favourite curries: mango chicken, butter chicken, and shrimp curry. It was accompanied by lots of fresh naan bread and coconut rice. It was delicious! We all had a sleep in this morning, and just got back from having delicious Japanese soufflé pancakes. Not quite as good as the ones we’ve had in Japan, but a reasonable substitute. Now it’s rest and relax for a bit (@as much as you can with a 3 year old in the house), then it will be time to prep dinner. Tonight we’ll have panko crusted salmon, Parmesan baked potatoes and Caesar salad. And wine. And a ton of grandchild hugs. Wishing everyone a blessed Good Friday and Passover. @marshhawkthinking of you with good wishes for todays test. Prayers for all who are in need, cheers for all the celebrations. Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂 Gerry
  14. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! While I've had deep dish pizza, I prefer a thin crust instead. Usually on the last night of a cruise, we head into the casino with our $20 and go for broke. We won't be seeing dandelions any time soon, as there is still 3 feet of snow on the lawns. The sun is shining brightly and the sky is clear, but don't let it fool you; right now we're sitting at -31C with the wind chill. It's like the never ending winter. Sigh. @NextOnewishing you a Happy Birthday with many returns of the day! @tupper10sending good vibes for a successful surgery. @marshhawkthinking of you today as you have your PET scan. Well yesterday was a busy day and today will be as well. When I had breakfast with my retired colleagues, a couple of them said to be sure to stop by their vehicles before leaving so they could put something in my car to take to the young Ukrainian family. My goodness, 7 boxes and 2 overflowing laundry baskets later, I had trouble seeing out my back window, so off I went to deliver these gifts from the heart from some very caring friends. The young woman was astonished that complete strangers would be so generous. I told her it was simply what we do for people in need. Today is getting the house ready for our departure to Calgary, heading to Walmart to pick up food so Sochi doesn't starve before we return, and of course, baking my famous "Grandma's cookies" (our little secret, right?) to bring along. Then it's packing some clothes, doing up the laundry and heading for bed. I like today's menu selection, as we had several bahn mi's when we were in Vietnam, but they always had meat, not tofu. Because we're leaving tomorrow morning, I'm not going to do any serious cooking; I'm pretty sure we'll be having toasted bacon and tomato sandwiches and vegetable soup at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  15. That's it for me, I won't be around to watch over the weekend as we'll be enjoying Easter with the grandsons. Stay safe till next time!
  16. I know it's a charter, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of people on deck for sail-away!
  17. Wow, sounds like an old fashioned school bell, not a cow bell!
  18. Like the messy painters club, I'm a member of the runny yolk club. DH only likes them scrambled, not looking like an egg - apparently it goes back to his biology days. I'll never forget the look on his face when we were in Japan and he had ordered a hamburger. He bit into it, not knowing there was a fried egg in it (soft yolk, of course), and it splurted out. I thought he was going to lose it right there. LOL
  19. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! There aren't any newspeople I'd like to hug, but there's one I'd love to have over for dinner; I think she would be such an interesting guest and conversations would be stimulating. I tend to walk around things except when I'm in a hurry, often resulting in bruised shins. You'll see the results in the summer when I'm wearing capri pants. School librarians are often overlooked, but play such a valuable role in a student's life. An interesting quote, a drink I'll pass on (dislike bourbon), and I think I'm going to have to switch to drinking white wine, as the reds are almost always outside my budget. Thank goodness I have my Cardboardeaux! Another busy day today - I've got breakfast with my retired colleagues this morning, then off with DH to do some grocery shopping. When I get home, I'll start putting stuff together for us to take to Calgary on Thursday. I've got a couple of big blue IKEA bags full of things I've picked up since we were there last - books, games, clothes, etc., and of course, sweet treats as well, especially for Easter. I know our son has continued the family tradition of an Easter egg hunt around the house, so I'll have a few things to contribute to it as well. @smitty34877that's great news about DH's cardio appointment; hopefully the good news continues. @marshhawksending positive vibes to you for your PET scan. @StLouisCruiserscongratulations to Ren; good for him! I like today's menu suggestion, but know DH would pass on it because he doesn't care for eggs. He'll eat them scrambled or in an omelet, but don't even think of serving a poached or runny egg to him. LOL I know we have some leftover stew in the freezer that is going to be served tonight along with a salad and some fresh crusty buns at the kitchen table. And wine. Prayers for all with needs, especially the people of Ukraine and all who have been in the path of the devastating storms. Cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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