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Everything posted by ger_77

  1. None that we could hear. Wouldn't it be a blast being in one of those little sailboats, being towed by the mama boat?
  2. I wish we'd known, one of us could have made a screen capture for you.
  3. I read on FB last night that a couple was stuck in Toronto with the snowstorm, trying to get to the Eurodam for today's sailing. I wonder if they made it?
  4. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I wasn't sure about the Holy Experiment Day until I saw an explanation - it sounds like a good thing to try. While I don't know any GI's, if there are any here among our Daily family, please know I'm sending cyber hugs to you today. I enjoy listening to marching bands; to me they are a wonderful way to start a parade. We had a beautiful sunny day yesterday - as we went outside, I said to DH: "It's so nice going out and not having the air hurt your face." Right now we're at -19C, but it should warm up to about -7C, so it will be nice with bright sunshine. I know Sochi will enjoy sleeping in the sun; I sometimes think it would be nice to join her on the carpet . . . @marshhawkI'm glad you were spared the wrath of the storm and stayed safe. We were watching the news on an American channel that showed some buildings losing their roofs, trees falling, etc. Very scary! @summer slopesending gentle, healing hugs for your dear kitty. We've been to San Juan several times - thanks @StLouisCruisersfor the photos; I love sailing in and seeing the fort, etc. The last time we were there I made an interesting discovery (shopping, of course) - many people coming off the cruise ships head straight to Walgreens because it's basically at the end of the pier. Well, if you walk another block down the street, there's a CVS store with the same things, but at lower prices. We compared many things and were surprised at the difference. Not a lot happening here today, so I'll be able to continue working on my blankets. The group is calling for the first batch to be in by March 30th, so I'll keep the needles clicking along until then. There are a bunch of leftovers in the fridge, so instead of having today's menu suggestion, we're going to be having a smorgasbord of items that will help make room for new leftovers. It'll be a fridge surprise at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, especially those who have dealt with storms. Extra prayers for the people of Bakhmut. We'll cheer on everyone with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  5. Place noodles in a large bowl and pour boiling water over to cover. Let noodles soak until tender but not mushy, 10–15 minutes; drain. Rinse under cold water; snip into 2" lengths with kitchen shears and return to bowl. Step 2 Meanwhile, soak arame in ½ cup cold water in a small bowl until softened, 8–10 minutes. Drain; set aside. Step 3 Whisk vinegar, soy sauce, mirin, lemon juice, chile, and oil in a large bowl. Transfer ⅓ cup lemon-chile shoyu to bowl with noodles and toss to coat. Add pear, sweet onion, yellowtail, mint, chives, reserved arame, and 2 tsp. sesame seeds to remaining shoyu in large bowl and gently toss; season with salt. These are the instructions for the first recipe from the Bon Apetit site.
  6. Sorry, @POA1, you just get to choose from hamburgers, hot dogs, or veggie burgers. No Dutch food.
  7. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! A huge shout out to all caregivers; it isn't an easy task, but one that many of us take on at some point. I do want all my Daily friends to be happy; I love the sentiment. If pets had thumbs, I'm sure Sochi would be opening the cupboards and getting her own food. A quiet morning out there this morning, with a nice mild temperature of only -9C. We seem to be going through a warming spell which will last for a few days before we are plunged into the ugly cold again. Thankfully we don't have any storms on the horizon like our friends in Ontario and Quebec will be facing soon. I think today will be a good day to get out and chop some more ice that has formed along the edge of the driveway. @luvteachingyou must be so happy that your DH will be coming home today! @summer slopesending good vibes for your precious kitty, and you, too! I'm looking forward to seeing the recipes for today's menu suggestion, as it sounds like something we'd really enjoy. However, it's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us and will enjoy pizza at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  8. I can't imagine there was a dry eye in the house.
  9. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We have lots of old stuff in our house, but have gotten rid of some of it this past year. Like many of you, I'm sure our kids aren't going to appreciate all of our old stuff when we're gone, so we might as well dispose of it now and save them the hassle. It's interesting that it's World Book Day, but only recognized in the UK and Ireland. LOL Our sweet Sochi is a rescue who has been part of our family for the past 10 years. @smitty34877sending good vibes and prayers that your DH's coronary issues can be easily dealt with. @kazuI'm sorry to hear your elbow is giving you grief; maybe you're overdoing it? Like you ever would do that! LOL @StLouisCruiserswill definitely keep your DB in my prayers. Not a lot happening here today, except setting up the old computer, attaching it to the internet and letting my friend come in and poke around to find our old emails. He isn't available until after 5 today, so that will give me a chance to start working on a new blanket during the day. I managed to get the afghan unraveled yesterday but it took nearly 3 hours to do; well worth it, though, as you should see all the yarn I now have to work with! I don't care for whisky, so will take a pass on the drink of the day, but I'm sure I'd enjoy the wine. As far as the menu suggestion, I think some ground beef would be added if I made any of the recipes. LOL For us, I'm going to brown up some mild Italian sausage, add it to some tomato sauce and will make a casserole of baked spaghetti that we'll enjoy with a tossed salad at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, especially those involved in the disasters around the world. Extra prayers for the family of the HAL staff who perished in Curacao. Cheers for everyone with celebrations happening today. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  10. Oh my gosh, how awful for all concerned. My prayers go out to the crew member's family and friends.
  11. Graphic tees and shorts are fine for daytime around the ship. Enjoy your HAL experience!
  12. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm grateful to the pigs who contribute to our daily meals, I admire those in the Peace Corps, and love peanut butter as long as it isn't in cookies. I particularly like peanut butter spread on a banana or an apple for breakfast. Happy Birthday @aliaschief, wishing you many healthy returns of the day! @superomaHappy 53rd anniversary to you and your DH; let the love and laughter continue! @cl8ssy ch8ssiswelcome to the Daily! @lazey1I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell; hopefully you'll be on the road to good health soon. @smitty34877sending good vibes for your DH's medical issues. Well yesterday DH went to the denturist, dropped off his partial plate and we spent the morning sleuthing around for more afghans for me to dismantle. The best buy of the day was a pink/grey/white/black afghan that looks like it was made for a queen size bed and it cost me $2.49 CAD ($1.83 USD). I'm sure I'll be able to make at least 5 or 6 little blankets out of it for the kiddles going into foster care. Early in the afternoon he returned to find both front teeth firmly affixed to the plate and there was no charge. The fellow said I did a pretty good job of gluing the other tooth on, as he had a heck of a time removing it. LOL Let's see how long they last this time! Today DH has coffee with the guys in his band, and I'm going to make an appointment for a gel nail fill - yesterday I snapped one off when trying to open a large Rubbermaid container out on the deck. I'd like to try the drink of the day; it sounds like it would be a good dessert drink on a BHB. Since we had pork twice this week already, I'll be tucking the recipes away, and DH has requested that we have something we haven't had in ages, so we'll be having salmon sandwiches with tomato soup at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for all who are in need, particularly those dealing with disasters, man made and natural. Hearty cheers to everyone with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  13. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! I'm not very artistic (read: at all), so will leave the floral designing to others, and we frequently have chili - there's usually a few containers in the freezer just in case. I prefer sleeping in private, although I did sleep behind a display counter on an airport floor once during a long layover. It's a clear, crisp day out there this morning as we look at a -23C temp. with a breeze, bringing the wind chill to -32C. Come on, Spring!! I'm getting DH up in a short while so he can shower and dress - he has to return to the denturist this morning, as the other front tooth came off his partial plate while we were having lunch yesterday. The one I super glued the day before we left for our cruise in January is still holding; go figure! He couldn't find it in his lunch, so again, it appears he must have swallowed it. LOL A repeat offender. Thank you to my Daily friends for suggesting ideas on how to fix my email issues, particularly @TiogaCruiser, I really appreciate your efforts. I had a trusted friend enter my computer remotely and he dug around for a while, looking at all the settings, etc. He determined that our emails are likely still on our old computer, so that's going to mean I have to set up the old one, have him come in again, and then transfer them onto the new one. I was just too frustrated last night to do that, so will be looking at setting it up later in the week. Thank you again for your assistance, friends. A warm welcome to @Safety Squirrel, @cruising Katie, and @Petunia1950; so glad you can join us - we're a pretty good group of people here who are more than willing to help or offer a shoulder to lean on. We hope to see more of you in the coming days. I'd love to try the wine, but it's out of my budget range, so will have to just imagine how nice it is. Neither of us is a huge fan of ravioli, so will pass on the menu suggestion - there is still a lot of the pork roast I made yesterday, so we'll be having hot pork sandwiches with coleslaw at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers for all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
  14. A late afternoon check-in. @cruising Katiehow heartbreaking for you to have to say goodbye to Jerry. I know you did the right thing for him, as you wouldn't want to have him suffer any longer. It's SO hard saying goodbye to our furbabies. @HAL Sailer and @dfishstay safe during the storm! @kazuYou're right, the office was no help at all. The only thing they did was assign my account a pin # which was useless when I tried calling the "tech support" or as I call it the "useless call to someone in another country". The guy needed to talk to DH as his name was primary on the account, asking him for passwords, etc. Like he knows any of them . . . . . Another exercise in futility, this one lasting more than an hour. @TiogaCruiseryes it is Outlook. I'm not super tech savvy, so have no idea what a PST file is. I know that psssspssssttt calls the cat. LOL I hope everyone has a good night; it's time for wine.
  15. Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! There are some days it wouldn't surprise me to see a polar bear walking down the street. Thankfully they don't live this far south, but you never know! We love retro music, cars, etc. What should have been a no brainer yesterday morning turned into a 45 minute exercise in futility. I used the chat function on our internet/email provider's site to find out how to see all the emails in my inbox, not just a few recent ones. Before we switched computers, we could see everything from the time the earth cooled, but now we get maybe a dozen and that's all. Anyway, after giving this chat person all the information on our account about DH and myself, including shoe size (sarcasm), I wasn't allowed to pass the security section because I couldn't give them a) when we first activated our account, or b) the date of the last installation of equipment in our house. Now I have to go to their office across the city to speak to a person who - I hope - will get me through this mess. Seriously, it shouldn't have to be that hard! I'd like to try today's drink, it sounds yummy. While I won't be making today's menu suggestion, I do like the recipes, so will tuck them away; I'll be putting a pork roast in the oven with a package of onion soup mix over it. It's looking like we'll have roast pork, mashed potatoes, gravy, and parmesan asparagus at the kitchen table tonight. And wine. Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in disaster zones. Cheers for all with celebrations. Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️ Gerry
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