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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. I sincerely hope the old saying Things Can Only Get Better will prove true Best wishes to your husband, and I hope you are continuing to improve too
  2. He’s not a very obliging chap at all, so they say Shame isn’t it, when obviously talented people can’t be bothered to be nice people?
  3. S. Your log, or extracts from it, should go to senior planners at P&O. So many, often small, suggestions, often easily implementable! which would make a big difference. What’s the management consultant phrase about improving one thing 100% - v - improving a hundred things 1%? Have a good day. Hope the throat improves
  4. Morning Graham and kalos It’s really chucking it down here - the roads are running like rivers. I took the dog out first (health warning; there are times when dogs and flats don’t work - this is one!), got back & dropped her home and went straight out again to the market. So, two missions accomplished with only one (thorough) soaking. Treated myself to a lovely looking Belgian bun with flaked almond topping to enjoy with my coffee. It seemed only right to buy something from the poor soggy stall holders Mr Eddie is doing a stint at the museum this morning. I have no plans. I have been looking at a Caribbean cruise in 2026, with a local flight. We said we wouldn’t fly again but …. so nice to be able to get away from January weather. Enjoy your day, whatever you are doing. Stay dry and take care if you’re driving
  5. Does P&O no longer offer the separate vegetarian menu? Seems like that kept everyone happy? Thanks again Selbourne. How’s the throat?
  6. It’s drizzly here, after a promising start. A man is here doing something to the water softener, and that’s as exciting as things get today 🙂 Brian’s day sounds good. Hope the little one enjoys herself
  7. Graham doesn’t like to advertise that he’s away from home, so I couldn’t mention his name whilst we were on Iona They had a leisurely drive home, so I had to wait till they were back and couldn’t even say the name in my *Epilogue* posts 🙂
  8. It’s worth Googling your cabin number. There are a lot of pics & YouTubes around
  9. If you still have your bad throat when you reach somewhere with a pharmacy, see if you can get some soluble paracetamol (or aspirin, at a pinch, as long as you have no reason to avoid it) Take the recommended two tabs, 4 times a day, maximum, but don’t just glug it down. Gargle, as much as you can gargle (chose a piece of music and gargle it?!), every drop of the solution. It will do the normal general painkilling but there will be a local reaction in your throat, to take the sharp edge off the pain Or go to the medical centre! Smooth seas, sunshine & hopefully no more health lectures
  10. It was a nice surprise! I vaguely wondered if you were aboard, as people had noted you weren’t posting breakfast by the sea pics. It was obviously meant to be, because we didn’t spend a lot of our time in the public areas of the ship Love to Pauline It’s a dull but dry day here so far. We have the same forecast for heavy rain as the rest of the country, but fortunately the heaviest is due overnight.
  11. Thank you Avril. What a sweet thing to write a post specifically to say thanks ❤️ You're welcome.
  12. Look after yourself Michelle. I hope you can have a peaceful, worry-free, weekend
  13. Early Bon Voyage to anyone setting sail this weekend It’s a very mild and sunny morning here, which kinda makes up for the washout yesterday Hoping Michelle gets good news today
  14. Best wishes for your Mum, Michelle Get fully well very soon Snow Hill. I used to grow purple beans when I had my allotment. Apparently if any green veg also comes in red/purple then it’s better for you wrt anti-oxidants & free radicals and the like. 😳 Whatever - they taste good and they cook to a beautiful bright green. P&O chefs would love them! Happy Valentines Day all It’s wet enough to dampen any ardour here ☔️
  15. Selbourne, you can tell by the misty-eyed recollections from anything up to 20 years ago that you and Lady S have memories to last you for ever. The green beans and the early rough seas will fade from your minds but you’ll always remember the feeling that you needed to stand sideways and breathe in to help the ship squeeze through that tight space! I hope you both enjoy your supper (menu looks ok to me) and that your throat is improving
  16. Woo Hoo Michelle 🎉 Isn’t that fabulous news? So pleased for you all
  17. I think we saw crocodiles lurking under built edges of the canal, at the edges of the locks Lots of egrets too - in the open, not lurking under canal edges One fascinating thing we saw was a long banner with Happy 40th Birthday Chris. This was 2011, our second only cruise. I guess that was one of the very first *internet arranged* events - some well connected person way back then had somehow made internet contact with someone in Panama and sorted it all out. What a thrill for Chris, and what a way to spend your 40th birthday!
  18. I think it’s done at the online check-in stage They took £1 from us, and refunded it in the onboard statement/bill
  19. I think the latest, or one of the latest, version/s of Covid gives gastric symptoms? Can be tested for in a stool sample using a regular LFT I’ll never understand some people’s reluctance to carry out basic hygiene measures 🤷‍♂️
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