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Everything posted by 1of4

  1. Thanks for the name. She lives close to the waterfront so I’ll give her the name. She said it was only 4 degrees today.
  2. I would be interested in the name of the restaurant you dined at in Halifax. DD may be close by. She moves to Charlottetown this weekend for 2 months so I will tell her to pack some woolies.
  3. I currently go to physiotherapy weekly for vestibular therapy so it will be worked into my current appointments. Because of balance issues, many traditional exercises are out for me (wobble board for example).
  4. NO SURGERY!!! I’m so relieved! The doctor said that since I walked on it for nearly 2 weeks (I had a cane/stick) I can now get rid of the crutches and it will probably speed up the healing of a notoriously slow fracture to heal. No more sleeping in the air boot either. 😊 I go back in 3 weeks for another X-ray and consultation. I will be contacted about getting a home ultrasound machine that will enhance bone regeneration. I searched for photos last night on the web. None were the Jade but it reaffirmed my memory that the railings end before the last step when going down. The stairs I fell down were from the upper Sun Deck to the lower Sun Deck and they were covered in an astroturf-like carpeting that was saturated from rain. Thank goodness I only missed the bottom step. So good news all around. I will email Scenic this afternoon on what happened and measures they can consider to improve the steps to hopefully help avoid future incidents.
  5. Yes. You are welcome to use the lounge and the public bathrooms. You can eat in the lounge too. We were asked to be out of our cabins no later than 8:30. That said, when we returned from breakfast about 7:45 our room was being turned over. I wasn’t too happy as I had electronics charging and our luggage was still in the room. The day before, with no notice, our toothbrushes had been removed from the glass we had them in inside a cabinet in the bathroom. That was more than 24 hours before departure. I understand the pressure to turnover the cabin but don’t touch my toothbrush!
  6. Yes it is my left ankle! Right now I’m not allowed to put any weight on it which was real fun when I went for my 3D head MRI Sunday. But tomorrow morning is coming quickly and I will have my answer. My travel agent found the correct email to inform Scenic. They don’t want me to phone and prefer an email. Her opinion was if they aren’t informed then they can’t fix it. Thank you. I now have the correct email to use for Scenic. I’ll write it after I get back from the fracture clinic tomorrow. That way it will have (hopefully) more information.
  7. Unfortunately, the survey is/was time sensitive so I didn’t know I had 4 fractures when I filled it out. As for the wheelchair, my husband didn’t recall the exact reply when he asked if I could use the wheelchair onboard but the answer wasn’t an outright no, but it wasn’t an outright yes either. He returned to the cabin without the chair saying something like he didn’t think the captain would allow it. thanks for reading. I hope to do another next year. I find out if I will need surgery tomorrow morning 😬
  8. Scenic has a single cabin on most of their boats. They also have no single supplement on some voyages.
  9. Honestly, I find hiking poles more stress on my shoulders and back because they are taller than my cane. I can’t walk outside my house without using a cane because of balance issues. So I have been told collapsible canes are not for me as I do put weight on it, not just casually place it down while walking. That said, canes need to be fit to you for proper posture. Too tall and they become a walking stick; too short and you walk slumped over. I just worried about your question “are they strong enough to support me”. Think what you will do if one breaks and if that would ruin your vacation. My occupational therapist said no to collapsible for me.
  10. Typically river cruises do not offer laundry, or laundry packages. You can pay per item, and pay for pressing. Scenic offers 1 kg of free laundry per cabin per voyage. The Royal Suites get unlimited laundry.
  11. I saw it mentioned on our evening news from Toronto. DH and I both had the same reaction: why?! 😂
  12. I think you left Amsterdam the same day we did on the Scenic Jade. We are looking at a sailing from Amsterdam to Basel in 2025 or 2026 if I get bad news about my ankle. We were told that water isn’t an issue on this route onboard the Jade but it sounds like it could be. Were you told anything onboard about water levels?
  13. I was wondering if I should say anything. Not to complain, but to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I know if a crew member was stationed at the bottom of the first set of stairs down from the Sun Deck (see arrows) after the safety drill, my fall would not have happened. The astroturf carpeting was saturated with water and was very slippery. The railing ends before the last stair. As soon as I let go of the railing both feet (in running shoes/trainers) slipped off the stair, missing the last/first stair and I landed with both my left hand and left foot curled under my body. I was told by someone on the crew, after asking me if they could touch my ankle, that nothing was broken. My husband asked the program director if I could use the onboard wheelchair and he came back and essentially said the answer was no. Neither of us can remember exactly what was said but it wasn’t a no but I was never offered the use of the wheelchair. We received a call into our cabin stating the captain wanted to know if he had to make arrangements to delay departure so I could get medical attention. But I was already told nothing was broken. My personality is not to make a fuss so I said no. What would have worked better is if someone, probably the program director, had of presented me with options for places to go, who would go and with me and could translate either that day or the next. I am not sure who to contact at Scenic to discuss this as I am NOT wanting compensation as it was an accident. But I think there is a solution to ensure it doesn’t happen to someone else.
  14. Update: 4 fractures. 2 in my fingers of my left hand and two in the bones of my left foo. I find out Tuesday if the one in my left ankle will require surgery. It’s a 50-50 chance right now. The head MRI tomorrow morning in Toronto just got a lot more complicated!
  15. Good idea! It’s never been questioned before but we were sitting in bulkhead seats and DH had the window. I should have hidden it under the blanket! I just figured the strap attached to my wrist would mean it wasn’t a danger…wrong apparently 🤷🏻‍♀️
  16. I was going to buy 2 folding canes for our recent overseas trip. DD put her foot down and said absolutely not as they just aren’t reliable. I tried to protest as flight attendants take them away and they cause issues in security too. Glad DH listed to her as I would have been up the proverbial creek with 4 fractures and no cane! And yes, Air Canada took it away, but only for landing back in YYZ.
  17. Well…here’s my update. I couldn’t take the pain anymore so went to our local hospital this morning. Turns out I have 3 fractures; 2 in my left foot and 1 in my left hand in my small finger. I find out next week if I will need surgery for my foot. Until then I need to stay off it. It will make getting my dye-transfer head MRI on Sunday very interesting. My only disappointment is that I was told nothing was broken and they asked me if I needed to have it looked at as the captain wanted to know if he had to change the departure schedule. My personality is to not cause any fuss. So I walked on it for a week. I wasn’t even offered the use of a wheelchair while onboard. In future, I would like to see someone tell the injured person what their options are instead of just saying nothing is broken but do you want to hold up the boat?
  18. I know I’m not up to date on this board but you changed hotels!
  19. It is interesting, the canapés were the only food that wasn’t vetted. I think that all suites, including our junior suite, get them automatically. The last day of canapé delivery we received a frantic call to our cabin for me not to eat them 😂. One look had already told me that. I was made a special dessert every night, made special soups and had changed ingredients. But these changes were never a lesser choice. I was given hot chocolate without whipped cream (or Bailey’s) and Dutch pea soup without cream, for two examples. Here are DH and I before our anniversary dinner in Portobello's and with chef Lora and chef Lynn.
  20. Well that’s a wrap. Even though I fell the second day, I was able to stay onboard and DH went on all planned excursions. It didn’t ruin the vacation; it certainly changed it though. No fault of Scenic except I would recommend that they remove the astroturf on the stairs leading to the sun deck as it is extremely slippery when wet. There were 98 passengers onboard. The passenger breakdown was mostly Canadian and American but also included some Australians, English, Scottish, some from Malta. We were on the Scenic Jade. We stayed on the Sapphire Deck in a Junior Suite #201. I prefer the Sapphire Deck as it is one flight of steps up to the lounge or one flight down to the dining room. We booked the junior balcony suite a year in advance because it was 250 sq feet and there are no Deluxe Balcony suites on the Jade. Even though I asked Scenic directly if there was a bathtub in the bathroom and was told no after being on hold for over 5 minutes, there was a bathtub in the bathroom so a very small shower. This was a massive disappointment as the extra square footage was mostly taken up by that massive tub and there was little extra space in the cabin outside the bathroom. The toilet was squeezed between the tub and the shower wall…and I do mean squeezed; it was uncomfortable to use, especially after my accident. The shower was a square that didn’t allow me to bend over. There was an abundance of cabinets in the bathroom and a long counter with 1 sink. The hand soap and lotion were mounted on the wall too high so I could not see the pumps when standing so had to bend over. Finally, there were no hand towels, or what DH and I think of a hand towel, or a place to put one that is being used. The 2 towel racks were over the end of the bathtub. There was a large bath towel and a towel I would think was for my hair on each rack and 2 facecloths on the counter. We enjoyed both the location of the cabin and the cabin itself. We will sail again on Scenic but will not book the Junior Suite again unless there is absolutely no tub. We used the daily pressing that came with the cabin category and DH enjoyed the daily canapés (I don’t eat cream and most days they contained cream or raw fish which I don’t eat either but that is just preference). Because this was a special guest chef cruise, the onboard activities centred on the two chefs and food: oyster tasting, cooking with cheese, stroopwafel demonstration, cooking with chocolate , question and answer session. But it also had a tulip lecture and a general presentation on Scenic. Would we do a special voyage again - yes. Is it imperative-no. The planning has begun.
  21. Bon voyage Jacqui and Debbie. Enjoy yourselves but watch those stairs…speaking from all-to-recent experience 😝 our flight from AMS was delayed 2.5 hours due to a catering strike in YYZ. It didn’t make the food any better!
  22. I have hinted at the all you can drink alcohol, coffee (including specialty coffees) mock-tails, etc. since I hurt my foot I wasn’t able to get better pictures but these will give you an idea. The lounge has a very expensive coffee/hot chocolate machine making excellent drinks at a push of a button. It also has a tea making station with an instant hot tap and many selections of both tea bags and loose tea. The bar includes Remy-Martin, high end Scotch selection, champagne, etc. The dining room has a wine wall.
  23. Thank you for following along and participating. I’m glad that, not only could I enjoy a second river boat vacation, that I could share the experience!
  24. Arrived home Wednesday night after a 2.5 hour flight delay. Now real life begins! But before that emerges from the darkness as it is only 3:45 in the morning, I thought I would include the Scenic Enrich program. I couldn’t go, even if I hadn’t hurt my feet as it was an exclusive viewing of Dutch Masters projected on every surface of the old Gas Works building in Amsterdam. My vestibular issues would have had me on the floor…again!
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