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Mr. Boston

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Everything posted by Mr. Boston

  1. Good morning everyone. I won’t be racing my mouse today, too much else to do. Today we fondly remember our pets who have crossed rainbow bridge. Perfect day to celebrate red wine. Nice quote today. I’ll wait for the recipe before deciding on the meal but the drink sounds tasty, apple cider is right around the corner. Haven’t been to today’s port; I’m sure it’s lovely. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  2. I just heard a ship’s horn from the direction of the cruise port, would that be you? If so, bon voyage!
  3. Hello everyone, happy hump day. The first iconic restaurant that comes to my mind is Big Boy, Elias Brothers from where I grew up. We hope to visit Pompeii next October on our retirement cruise, its’ always fascinated me. When I took my music appreciation class in college the professor told us that it’s important to listen to music outside our comfort zone, can’t say that I follow that advice as much as I should though. The meal suggestion sounds delicious as does the drink. I have not been to today’s port and look forward to the photos. Prayers for all on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  4. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. I watched the honeybees in our yellow flowers all yesterday afternoon, fascinating and busy little creatures. I love listening to the radio but I don’t love mosquitoes. The only thing I’ll be aware of is to drain all standing water. On the fence with today’s meal suggestion but the drink sounds tasty. I’ve been to today’s port once a few years ago I believe we went on a food tasting tour. Prayers for all on our prayer list. Happy ___________ to all of you celebrating 🥳.
  5. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. Love potatoes in any form, especially chips! I enjoy watching the jets from our roof deck as they take off and land at Logan. So much so that I have an app that tells all of the details about each one. Hats off to humanitarian day! I like the meal and drink suggestions. I can attest to today’s quote as my family all live in Michigan; distance really does make the heart grow fonder! I haven’t been to today’s port yet. Prayers for everyone on our list today. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events! Happy Friday.
  6. Good evening everyone. Thanks for the daily report, lists and recipes. I think that I would be a bad poet. Love serendipity day and helium as it inflates birthday balloons 🎈. What a great quote, I may need to print that out. The meal and drink sound very nice but hubby is taking me out for my birthday dinner so I’ll have to pass. Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events! 🥂
  7. I’m glad that we had such nice weather for you yesterday and again today! Sure beats the awful heat wave of last weekend. Looks like you’ll have a very nice sail away. Happy anniversary and Bon Voyage 🛳
  8. Good morning everyone, happy Saturday. I haven’t been on the Daily much lately as I’ve gotten so busy at work that I haven’t had any spare time. I’ve always admired lefties as I couldn’t use my left hand to do much! I always think of Jan from the Brady Bunch when the subject of middle children comes up. A garage sale would be fun today. The meal suggestion sounds very tasty. I haven’t been to today’s port but I hope to someday. Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list. I hope @kazucan find the help that she needs for Shadow. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!🎉
  9. Good morning everyone. I like the selection of days, esp. friendship day. What’s with all of these scorching days here this summer? We got to join @kazu in the refrigerator of the month club, the last one lasted all of six years! 😡. Interesting quote. I like the sound of today’s meal suggestion. Haven’t been to today’s port yet, I look forward to seeing the photos. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events.
  10. Bon voyage Jim & Iian! We tried our best to leave the Summit in good shape for you when we sailed her to Bermuda last month. I hope the captain will do the Statue of Liberty sail by for your enjoyment today. It’s going to be another hot one!
  11. Good afternoon everyone. Hot, humid, and gray here today. Cheers to beers, underwear, and oysters which I love! I like the quote, quite true. I’d try the meal suggestion but not sure if I’d love it. I think I’ll pass on the drink. I haven’t been to that part of France yet and I’m sure that it’s lovely. Prayers for all on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events! Have a nice weekend!
  12. Good morning and thanks for the daily report. Interesting collection of days today, I’m pretty sure that I won’t be walking on stilts. I like the quote, seems to be saying just do it. I’ll pass on conchas a meal but I would try one as an accompaniment. Haven’t been to today’s port and doubt that I’ll get there anytime soon. Prayers for all on our prayer list today. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events 🍻
  13. Good morning all. Another hot one here today. Hats off to cowboys and vanilla ice cream. Drowning prevention is so important, thankfully my university in Michigan required all of it’s students to pass a swim test before you could graduate. They felt that living no more than 80 miles from one of the Great Lakes no graduate should die from drowning. Love the quote and such good advice. I’ll pass on the meal suggestion but the drink sounds refreshing. I can’t wait to see photos from another port that I haven’t been to. Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating a happy event. Safe traveling!
  14. Good afternoon everyone. Another scorcher here in Boston. Lying in a hammock is certainly a good way to celebrate Summer Leisure Day. Spoonerisms are often quite funny; didn’t realize they had a day. The meal suggestion sounds quite tasty as does the drink. I have not been to today’s port, another bucket list destination. Prayers for all on our list today. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events! Please do keep hydrated.
  15. Good morning everyone. Thank-you for the daily report. I think I’ll be me today. I won’t be celebrating junk food day as I celebrated hot dog and ice cream soda days yesterday. Hooray for dogs who make our lives happier. I’ll pass on the meal suggestion and today’s drink. I haven’t been to today’s port I’ll bet there are some nice photos. Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!
  16. Good morning everyone. Thanks for today’s daily report. It’s going to be another hot one here today, perfect for hot dogs and an ice cream soda. Hats off to lollipops, although I can’t remember the last time that I had one. I really like the quote, I’ve been reading a lot lately and it’s so true. I made the pork recipe the last time the meal suggestion came up and it was very good. Not sure about the drink, maybe. I haven’t been to today’s port and look forward to seeing the photos. Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!
  17. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. New friends are always welcome. I’m glad raspberry cake has a day. I used to play words with friends but my friend always beat me so I lost interest, we’re on to Wordle now. I like today’s quote very much. The Thai noodle soup and the drink sound delicious. I haven’t been to today’s port but I hear that it’s lovely. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today.
  18. Good afternoon everyone. Thanks for the daily report, lists & recipes. I’ll pass on the first two days as I don’t have kids and hate sour candy. I will celebrate World Listening Day as I feel like I should be a better listener. I totally agree with today’s quote. I love guacamole but wouldn’t make a meal of it. The sangria sound very nice. I haven’t been to Kodiak and look forward to the photos. Prayers for all on our prayer list. Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today!
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