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Everything posted by Redking

  1. How I wish that were the case. Best I don't completely hijack the thread but we did contact the CEO, the NZ government finance and transport ministers (the NZ government are the majority shareholder in Air NZ) stating that refunds should be offered in line with other carriers and so that we can more easily choose to fly on a cheaper flight. Nope! They are a great airline but not that great that they can justify a 205% increase on their usual fare. And breath. Rant over and back to enjoying cruising vicariously 🤣
  2. It will be interesting to see how this plays out once all the Covid credit has washed through the system. Doubt prices will come down, but the restaurants might not be as full once people have to dig into their pockets for 'new' money. We're having the same debacle with Air NZ at the moment. Still have a credit with them for a Covid cancelled flight, but I'm not prepared to over $1000 for a one way to Brisbane. Told our son we'd be better waiting until they come at Xmas and put the money in the pockets of local tour operators. Might report back here for folks planning an NZ cruise. Happy Sailing.
  3. 🤣 I very nearly commented the last time you said that! Mind you there is bit more to us Scots and our cannyness than people understand. I'd argue it's more about wanting quality and value for money than just being stingy. I whole heartedly agree with Iain!
  4. Apologies for not remembering you from the NZ board, must pay more attention to names!
  5. @Scottishcloverlove your thread title. As a Scot living in NZ it really caught my attention and made me laugh. The Baltic was also our first family cruise over ten years ago. We have a photo of our two sons melting in the heat in St Petersburg, even though they lived in Australia! They are now adults so your photos are bringing back wonderful memories. Thank you.
  6. @lexmillerwhat a fabulous cruise. I truly hope NZ sticks to its move away from an elimination policy. It served us well in the early days of the pandemic. I shouldn't speak for all, but many of us in NZ feel that its time to move forwards. I'm not quite sure what the reaction would be if we moved in to another lock down situation 🤔 There's an election next year so that adds another dimension. Looks like your well across the situation but here's a link to the latest info for cruise ship passengers: https://covid19.govt.nz/international-travel/travel-to-new-zealand-by-sea/advice-for-cruise-ship-passengers/ Seems there's a few gaps in there regarding what the cruise lines will require and only they can fill that gap. I think first ships are due in October. Eclipse is scheduled end of October and we sail on her in January. I have everything crossed for you that all will be well. Anyway, hijack of the thread over and back to Jim.
  7. Well this is exciting news to wake up to! I have fingers and toes crossed for you and Iain to have an uneventful and happy cruise. Looking forward to 'sailing' with you.
  8. Nz govt Covid 19 website would be your best source if info. Here's a link they published for cruise ship passengers earlier the week, no doubt subject to change 😊 https://covid19.govt.nz/international-travel/travel-to-new-zealand-by-sea/advice-for-cruise-ship-passengers/
  9. The Gin discussion. That has the potential to really take this thread off topic. Last count (I avoid counting too often, makes my liver quiver) we had 8 different craft gins in our drinks cabinet. I'm sure Celebrity will have none of them so Tanquary and Hendricks it will be 🤣
  10. @DisneyJen enjoying your review before you even board. We're still a wee way off our "recommencement" cruise out of Auckland in January so loving all the live reviews on CC. Enjoy the RS and your celebrations.
  11. What a wonderfull cruise. Would love to do Sydney to Vancouver. We've done Hawaii to Sydney but keen to go the other way. I agree with your thinking. Not good that there is still no certainty. I have 🤞 for you. We're on the Eclipse in January, cruising local for now.
  12. Almost late to the party. Just as well I saw your IG post. Happy cruising and birthday fiesta!
  13. Interesting read as I sit here watching the circle of I'm not a robot whilst trying to complete my NZ travel pass. I'm only going to Brisvegas for 4 days. Could take longer than that to get a pass to come home 🤣
  14. Please no roasting me for this, but potato chips are at the top of my list of requests when cruising in a suite. We got Pringle's last time. I'm sure @groryjmposted photos of crisps paired with his excellent cocktails. They must have them stashed on board somewhere?
  15. @Lunastellaloving your review. Thank you. Over a year until we have the pleasure of the Edge class in New Zealand waters, so living vicariously will keep us going until then. I see you are also a coffee connoisseur. I find it really disappointing that with all their wonderful venues it's so hard to get a decent coffee on Celebrity. A Barista at Al Baccio once told me it's because they cater to the majority and set the grind too course. It was quiet (is that ever a thing at AB) so she changed the grind for me and it was better. Unfortunately not something they can do every time. Guess we'll need to start a coffee revolution and change the taste of the majority🤣 Happy cruising, for next time.
  16. Excellent thank you so much. I found that app yesterday and then forgot I had it as I pondered what to mix with a wonderful brandy and ginger liqueur that we've recently discovered - Domain De Canton. Opted for more brandy and Cointreau. Looking forward to following your cruise. Haven't been back to Europe for ten years, too long!
  17. Great news. Slainte! Quick question. Can you tell me which app you use for your cocktail rceipes? Thank you.
  18. @groryjmYou're back. Whoop, whoop. Such great taste, I've recently discovered the Division Bell and it's now a firm favourite. Wishing you happy and uneventful travels!
  19. That's what we all say🤣 look out it's addictive! Enjoy.
  20. Second that @LincolnLegend Winter's heavy veil is also upon us in the Bay of Plenty, NZ. Our 'restart' cruise isn't until January so a million thanks @GenerationXfor all your efforts in taking us along with you. 🙏
  21. Interesting to hear how busy Sushi on 5 is. We've been late to the party on this venue and loved the fact that it was never busy on our last cruise - Solstice Tahitian Treasures. Maybe it's because there's a lot of OBC going around or maybe live reviewers like @GenerationXare doing too good a job🤔😉 need to keep some things secret 🤫🤭
  22. Update for anyone planning a trip to our beautiful shores: https://covid19.govt.nz/news-and-data/latest-news/pre-departure-tests-removed-from-june-20/
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