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Happiest when cruising

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Everything posted by Happiest when cruising

  1. So yummy. Sadly, not all ships offer that now. We’re going on the Crown, so I’ll just have to make do with the stuff they have in the buffet, or purchase a few cups at the IC.
  2. I find it interesting that they think both people would want a coffee card. My spouse doesn’t do alcohol or tea/coffee. My dream would be one half mini bar…filled with pop and water…and one coffee card for me.
  3. The flip was great…and thanks for the information about who has to purchase it. I guess people would really be up in arms if they let only one person purchase it.
  4. Does it say somewhere if both people in the cabin need to purchase the package? My spouse doesn’t use internet or drink alcohol. So…if it could be purchased for just one person, that would be a decent price, instead of both of us needing to purchase it at booking time.
  5. We’ve been lucky enough to have Kristoff on prior cruises and we think he’s fantastic! Do you know who will be on for the April 14th cruise?
  6. Yes, it is true. Of flying into the US from Canada, you need to be vaccinated.
  7. You are right…good heads up for the OP. Maybe they already thought to change the return flight, too. I wonder where they were flying from .
  8. Us, too. We did it once and I enjoyed the mudslides and the occasional fancy drink…but I sure didn’t need it.
  9. Now I feel ripped off, as I’m doing two of those at nowhere near those prices. Who gets that kind of discount, or are those casino offers?
  10. They thing about having to ask is, if it’s your first or second cruise, you wouldn’t know what’s missing, so how would you know what to ask for?
  11. That sounds like just about any city. 70K plus tips that might not be accounted for is certainly a decent income.
  12. I sure wouldn’t let my kids have two of those in a week, never mind a day. It is bad enough those soft drinks and mocktails are endless…so much sugar and empty calories.
  13. Thanks so much for the explanation. I think we’ll find something else to do when we visit in April. I’m just not sure what. Maybe bike rentals…I’ll wait to hear how the rest of your day went, first. lol I haven’t ridden a bike since I was a kid and I’m scared of riding on roads.
  14. Can someone explain Hilo Hattie’s to me? I looked online and it just looks like it sells their own clothing line and a few other non essential items. It doesn’t look like a Walmart or Costco.
  15. It’s currently at 35% for my upcoming cruise. I guess I see it differently, if a basic restaurant hamburger is 20.00 and I have to add 35%, that makes it 27.00. I’m not ordering a hamburger- it’s too expensive for my taste. I’ll wait until I get back to Canada. So, that’s all I mean. It doesn’t really help me to do it in USD. I try to just do the exchange before we leave and forget about it…but my mind automatically still tells me when something is too expensive, or I can pay less at home. I’m sure people that come from the US do the same, as in deduct 35% from that same hamburger…it makes it more tasty at 13.00. My travel budget is in CAD, so I have to keep things in check,
  16. You are right, it isn’t relevant to you. I still recalculate everything into my cost. I’m just saying, that’s about 20 cups of coffee or pop every day, just to break even for me. I think I’ll pass.
  17. Ooops.. 47+16= 63, not 53 Now…add on the exchange to CAD for me and it really becomes ridiculous. Just that non alcohol package becomes about 950.00 per person for 15 days. That’s a lot of coffee and sugary drinks.
  18. They are charging about 700 CAD for that hotel for the night we need it. I’ll just pass on that…
  19. Something for everyone, that’s for sure,. I still like to be closer to the window seats…but not in those squished together- tables for two. For now, I still want space around us. The angle on this isn’t great, I took it from table height on my side. He had to squeeze in between the tables to sit down… this was at the disembarkation breakfast..and yes, I see he has a hat on.
  20. The first night can be a bit of mess and a wait, even with a reservation. It is a chance to find a decent table and politely ask for that same table for each night, if it matters to you. We were sat in what the servers called, the dance floor..but we did not love it. I also didn’t care for the shiny translucent dividers they used there, they distorted everything. It was also the centre of the room, and you could barely see the ocean. Next time, I’ll push for a better table, although our service was pretty good.
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